YE/D04 - Transporter Rooms
== Catch-Up Post #2 ==

One of the things Ktan appreciated about working night shift was the relative lack of random encounters while walking the corridors. With most of the crew asleep, he could get from one place to another with relative ease. Social interactions were always where you expected them to be: at your stations or in the mess hall.

Being awake during the day, however, led to repeated "how have you been's" and "haven't seen you in awhile's" waiting around every corner. And so it was that Ktan found himself the last person to arrive in the transporter room for the away mission, rather than the first.

Commander Jenson was already speaking.

"I intend to search this ship from bow to stern for anything that would classify as contraband," he said, already midstream on his mission briefing. Ktan simply hung in the back of the room and tried to look inconspicuous, which is difficult for a seven foot tall Kzinti.

Jenson ran through a round of introductions, which included security and medical officers, alongside an engineer. Ktan would be heading up the science portion of the contraband sweep, looking for suspicious energy signals, radiation, and other hard-to-find tells that something illegal may be happening on the freighter.

"We're going to inspect that ship from bow to stern for contraband," Jenson continued. "You may not like it, but our job here is not to aid the Talarian resistance, but to keep them from giving the Cardassians a legitimate reason from implicating the Federation, and risk starting another war. And by the time we're done with our search, I don't want a single solitary vole's nest left undiscovered. Am I clear?"

Several of the young officers gave assertive nods.

"We're going to go over there hoping that we'll not have to use these", he tapped the sidearm on his hip. "But these people are desperate, and understandably so. If there's something here they don't want us to find, we might not get a very warm welcome, and they might decide to make an issue of it. For that reason, we will not be splitting up. We will stay together, within each other's sight. This will complicate and prolong the search process, but it will also ensure our safety as much as possible. Any questions?"

If any of the junior officers had any, they didn't get the chance to ask it, as word quickly came in that the were cleared to leave.

As Ktan stepped towards the transporter pads, the security chief addressed them.

"Stay behind us. Don’t speak unless directly spoken to, and even then, minimal answers only. We’re not here to give away the Starfleet Handbook."

Ktan stifled a smirk at the thought of "staying behind" the security chief, whom he dwarfed by a good foot and a half. But seeing as the lieutenant was half-Klingon, he had no doubts about her prowess in combat.

With that, the group all settled into their places and awaited transport. As Ktan had said before leaving his quarters, it was time to go to work.

>> The Disreputable Damsel >>

Messages In This Thread
YE/D04 - Transporter Rooms - by Jennifer Braggins - 06-19-2024, 06:28 PM
RE: YE/D04 - Transporter Rooms - by Peter Jensen - 06-19-2024, 06:38 PM
RE: YE/D04 - Transporter Rooms - by Sara Kiernan - 06-24-2024, 08:43 PM
RE: YE/D04 - Transporter Rooms - by Sara Kiernan - 06-27-2024, 04:37 AM
RE: YE/D04 - Transporter Rooms - by Peter Jensen - 06-29-2024, 05:43 PM
RE: YE/D04 - Transporter Rooms - by Sara Kiernan - 07-05-2024, 07:52 PM
RE: YE/D04 - Transporter Rooms - by Ktan Shadowhunt - 07-24-2024, 07:12 PM
RE: YE/D04 - Transporter Rooms - by Sara Kiernan - 08-12-2024, 07:06 AM
RE: YE/D04 - Transporter Rooms - by Arwen Qi - 08-12-2024, 06:58 PM

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