YE/L01 - Captain's Logs
Captain's Log, Stardate 22405.22:

The Yeager has been assigned to re-chart the systems that make up the border between the Federation and the Talarian Republic, a mission that should take us around three months including travel time. Following completion of the mission we are to report to Starbase 214 for further instructions. I am confident the crew will perform these duties to the best of their abilities, and the extended travel time will give us ample opportunity to shake down the systems of this newest version of the Yeager.

End Log.

Supplemental, Personal:

We've once again been shuffled off to the ass-end of nowhere, and yet I sense a greater purpose behind this than just getting us out of the way. 214 is the major hub for Talarian refugees travelling into Federation space, and where alleged clandestine support efforts are being organised.

Could it be we have been sent out to assist?

End Log.

Messages In This Thread
YE/L01 - Captain's Logs - by Paul - 04-24-2024, 12:54 AM
RE: YE/L02 - Crew Logs - by Jennifer Braggins - 07-31-2024, 03:53 PM
RE: YE/L02 - Crew Logs - by Jennifer Braggins - 07-31-2024, 04:05 PM
RE: YE/L02 - Crew Logs - by Jennifer Braggins - 07-31-2024, 04:10 PM

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