DS9/D0 - Docking Ring
>> Earth >>

To say that Tyra was fed up, would have been the understatement of the decade and as her boot hit the deck plating of DS9, she had this incredible urge to just scream, at no one in particular.

She didn't know what game Bill was playing but she was getting pretty damn tired of it. She'd been playing ship hopper for over a week since leaving Earth on the Fairview. The Fairview had taken her to Outpost 31, where she'd board the Havoc. The Havoc had been a short trip, where she was handed off to the Minor. The Minor had shuttled her to Starbase 621, where the Icarus had collected her. And Icarus had handed her off to the Al-Batani. And that was nearly where everything went off the rails, despite Anderson giving her a strict deadline for reaching DS9 for the final leg of her journey to wherever the Hell it was he was sending her.

When the Al-Batani had encountered significant mechanical issues, they'd been six hours ahead of schedule and very likely to still arrive on time but then, the time had continued to tick past without any resolution. Finally, she'd appealed to Captain Hitro, a command classmate of hers, for some assistance in trying to keep her travel plans intact. The Cairo, acting on patrol, had passed close enough that they'd managed to use a shuttle to pass her along for a ride back to DS9, arriving only ten hours late. She could only hope this delay wouldn't have her stuck on DS9 for longer than necessary; she wasn't certain she could stomach lurking in Artemis' shadow or seeing her former crew quite yet.

Now with her feet safely on a base again, her large duffel bag on her back like a backpack and her smaller one doing slung over her shoulder, she didn't quite know what to do with herself. Per Anderson's assistant, her last ride might still be there when she arrived, the Sally Ride, and her blue eyes started to shift about the docking ring to see if she could recognize the ship among the residents. She swallowed and purposefully avoided looking at Artemis as she scanned.

"Captain Crawford?"

She spun, the large bag on her back almost tipping her over with its momentum. She found herself face to face with a tall Vulcan male in command crimson and one pip.

"I'm Ensign Vunor. I have been assigned to escort you to your objective. The Sally Ride departed prior to your arrival but we have located a suitable replacement with a similar flight pattern," the ensign explained as he began walking further down the docking ring.

Tyra tried not to remember that this was the same path Thomas and her had traveled when she'd disembarked from Artemis what felt like a lifetime before. She followed the Vulcan, having to take two steps for each of his one, as the ships dwindled down until there were only six ahead of them. Two civilian vessels, the Triumph, the Providence, the Rakantha and the Mighty A herself.

All things considered, the Triumph seemed the most likely destination and yet, they bypassed it until they stood at the shared loading area of the Rakantha and the Artemis. Her general irritation had gathered into a knot in her throat that seemed to make swallowing difficult.

"I don't understand, En--"

"I can take it from here, Ensign," a very familiar voice called out from the top of the loading ramp. Her former quartermaster was leaning over the top rail, a PADD dangling in her hand over the edge. "You're late for a meeting with the Captain, Captain, so pick your jaw up and come along..."

Tyra's mouth opened and closed multiple times as Cera flitted away from the edge and out of view, leaving her little choice but to follow. This felt like a cruel twist, even by the Admiral's standard, and yet, rather on par with her life as it stood.

Her boots felt heavy as she finally got them moving, trudging up the ramp until she was close enough for Cera to order her larger duffel handed off to a support member. And then, the tiny little spitfire of a quartermaster grabbed her wrist in a grip that was impossibly strong before beginning to pull Tyra along as if she was a lost child. And maybe, that wasn't entirely inaccurate.

>> Artemis - Briefing Room >>

Messages In This Thread
DS9/D0 - Docking Ring - by Jennifer Braggins - 08-07-2023, 12:14 AM
RE: DS9/D0 - Docking Ring - by Theresa Black - 04-09-2024, 06:30 PM
RE: DS9/D0 - Docking Ring - by Ktan Shadowhunt - 04-11-2024, 09:03 PM
RE: DS9/D0 - Docking Ring - by Amelina Whittaker - 06-13-2024, 12:06 PM
RE: DS9/D0 - Docking Ring - by Miles Grant - 06-20-2024, 07:42 PM
RE: DS9/D0 - Docking Ring - by Amelina Whittaker - 06-20-2024, 08:17 PM
RE: DS9/D0 - Docking Ring - by Cassandra Givens - 06-25-2024, 07:24 PM
RE: DS9/D0 - Docking Ring - by Miles Grant - 06-28-2024, 07:45 PM
RE: DS9/D0 - Docking Ring - by Amelina Whittaker - 06-29-2024, 10:02 AM
RE: DS9/D0 - Docking Ring - by Miles Grant - 07-04-2024, 02:48 AM
RE: DS9/D0 - Docking Ring - by Amelina Whittaker - 07-04-2024, 07:13 AM
RE: DS9/D0 - Docking Ring - by Miles Grant - 07-09-2024, 02:12 PM
RE: DS9/D0 - Docking Ring - by Tyra Crawford - 08-11-2024, 12:31 AM

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