YE/D04 - Security Complex
==Transporter Room==

Beaming back from the Damsel, Art now felt Some Kind of Way about it all. She hadn’t been sure why Braggins had ordered them over there for inspection, and she supposed it wasn’t exactly her place to ask (though she knew Peter would be asking), and now that they had inspected, she wished they hadn’t gone over at all. As Art stepped down from the transporter platform, she took a deep breath, to contain what may have looked like a sigh to anyone carefully watching her.

The scientist and the engineer left first, and with a quick look exchanged between Art and Peter, the rest of them departed as well. Art returned to Security, to make sure her team was still in shape, and to check to see how long the Away Team had actually been off-ship.


Upon her return to camp, she was shell-shocked to learn that, yet again, Braggins had been hiding information from her. A Cardassian ship had apparently been following the Yeager, shadowing along just out of reach, and now there was a distress call from an ancient Earth ship? However long Art had been gone, it had been too long, and she was now kicking herself for not ordering another subordinate to go in the place of the one that had had to go to Sickbay. At least her own department kept her up to speed.

“They’re preparing to slipstream jump,” an officer informed her. Art cast a side-glance to him, glaring not at him, but at the news itself. The slipstream drive was not a thing that Art trusted, and until they landed safely on the other side, she would be holding her breath. “Get me things on screen, please.” She ordered, her tone testy. She was sick and tired of not being in-the-know, and now it seemed she was being forced to engage surveillance on the whole ship in order to find out anything.

The ancient Earth ship was a DY-150, a sleep-transport ship that had been designed at the time for travel over long distances while its crew was in stasis. In a decaying orbit, the craft was in quick danger of destruction, and had it not been sending out a distress signal, Art would have written it off. She anticipated the Yeager towing it out using a tractor beam, but hadn’t anticipated the intercepted message her team saw: Braggins wanted to beam across to check it out.

Of course she does. Art thought with disdain. She kept the thought to herself, but was sure the emotions showed on her face.

Operating on a five second delay, Security popped up the details the Bridge was getting first: approximately 100 valid lifesigns on the sleeper-ship, all “asleep” for just about one-hundred years. Had she been part Vulcan and not part Klingon, Art would have raised an eyebrow at the curiosity of it all. She had many questions, none of which would be answered since there were no Security personnel on the Bridge.

“You want Closed Captioning, ma’am?”

“Yes, yes,” Art replied, nodding. “Get that up. Thank you.” She now had a computer-generated typed live-feed of conversations happening on the Bridge. She read as Braggins gave Jensen command, and ordered the rest of the Bridge to try and figure out what decades of conspiracy theorists had not: how did the sleeper ship disappear in the first place? Orders came down from the First Officer to clean up and prep Cargo Bay One, and again, had Art been part Vulcan, she would have raised her other eyebrow. They were bringing these people on board?

Closed Captioning: Bridge:
Jensen to Science and Engineering. I need Cargo Bay One cleared and made suitable for the maintenance of a hundred active cryo pods. Feel free to stack if needed, just no playing Jenga if it can be avoided.

“Get a team down there!” Art accidentally shouted immediately. “And yes, before you ask, I want a feed on the cargo bay, too. What the–” She stopped herself before her mouth could express the anger that was bubbling up inside of her. The Security Chief was playing catch-up, and she did not like it.

Messages In This Thread
YE/D04 - Security Complex - by Paul - 04-24-2024, 01:24 AM
RE: YE/D04 - Security Complex - by Jade West - 05-28-2024, 11:12 AM
RE: YE/D04 - Security Complex - by Jade West - 06-02-2024, 01:02 PM
RE: YE/D04 - Security Complex - by Peter Jensen - 06-19-2024, 06:40 PM
RE: YE/D04 - Security Complex - by Artemis d'Tor'an - 08-17-2024, 05:18 PM

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