YE/D99 - Ancillary Locations
Kal-Geal nodded as he heard Sara's description of why she joined Medical,

"Very similar to my philosophy. Weapons are not my strongpoint, though I'm stronger than many Klingons and can easily penetrate their armor with my claws, its not the life I pursue. Saving lives is more rewarding than taking them. Leave taking them for those whos souls can bear the burden without complaint."

Kal-Geal then gave Sara a canine grin with her request for his reference materials, and replied,

"I can teach you what I know. And I was hoping you would ask me that, as I made something for you in that regard."

He brought out a standard Star Fleet medical case, but inside was a hybrid of both primitive and modern technology. A mortar and pestle next to a portable molecular compounder, as well as vials of suspension fluid designed for use with Star Fleet-issue hyposprays.

"You can access Star Fleet's botanical archives for all known flora with medicinal properties, but experience will also tell you what properties plants may have. But to make things short, you can practice here in my part of the garden. I've marked all the medicinal flora with their Federation standard names, and you can use the mortar to grind their leaves or roots up into a powder. Then, place the powder in the compounder, which will filter any impurities, and combine it with a hypo suspension. Then, you can set aside the finished compound for emergency storage. The result will not yield as much potency as the concentrates we get from Star Fleet, but your tricorder will give you an estimate of purity ratios and percentage efficacy. Just make sure you drop by Engineering to get your tricorder modified for said usage, as it does require some modules from a Science tricorder. I still have my medical tricorder from the Klingon Empire, but any engineer worth their weight can make the modifications."

==tag Sara==

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YE/D99 - Ancillary Locations - by Paul - 04-24-2024, 12:54 AM
RE: YE/D99 - Ancillary Locations - by Kal-Geal Beinn - 08-18-2024, 06:26 AM

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