AT/D03 - Strategic Operations Complex
<<Briefing Room<<

Miles sighed heavily as he sat down in one of the empty chairs in the larger conference room, setting the small stack of PADDs that was his final workload prior to launch on the table in front of him. Before he picked up the top of said stack, he rubbed his eyes, going over everything that had just occurred in the Briefing Room. It was well and truly a mess, and the new Command structure was definitely going to take some getting used to.

The thought of the Command structure also hit Miles. With Coleman's arrest, what was the plan going forward for the now-vacant spot? Would they quickly send someone over before launch? Would they have one of the more Senior Department Heads step up in Acting capacity? The most likely candidate for that would have been Elias, but that wasn't an option. Mayfair and Miller had just made Lieutenant Commander, so they were viable options. Then there was the full Commander who was filling the Chief Engineering spot.

Would they thrust another newcomer onto the crew as another Command level position that the crew would need to follow? The headaches and questions would continue to pile on, but Miles had no say in it's resolution. He had made peace with that, and instead turned his focus to what he could control: the pile of PADDs in front of him. Picking up the first one, he got to work.


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RE: AT/D03 - Strategic Operations Complex - by Miles Grant - 08-27-2024, 02:33 AM

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