Almost Heaven, West Virginia.
== Ten days later ==

The small house was much more comfortable now that Robin had ordered some furniture that she liked from the replicator catalog. She'd used a ton or replicator credits, probably half a year's worth, but it didn't matter since she would be away most of the time. She wasn't sure how to decorate it. Plants were right out (unfortunately) since she wouldn't be home to care for them. Her Artemis quarters were full of them. Robin had to admit that she'd grown to have a bit of an obsession with greenery since leaving Iota Tau.

So as evening settled in she had flopped down on the couch wearing only a bathrobe, relaxed after a long and ridiculously hot bath. PADD in hand the Artemis CMO poured over a series of new medical protocols that would need to be implemented. Robin didn't really have mixed feelings about her genetic enhancements aside from feeling they sometimes made her socially isolated. Definitely less so since being assigned to the ship where almost everyone treated her as just another human. The protocols were dry and tedious reading under the best of circumstances, and she was immensely grateful for her augmentations as she flipped from page to page taking only a couple seconds to memorize each. The work of hours, cut to minutes. After that there was some leftover spaghetti in the fridge and a holo-show about the Napoleonic Wars... she still had half a season to go of the overly dramatic (in a fun way) series.

So she was surprised when the door chime sounded.

Aunt Katy? Who else would show up here, especially unannounced.

She opened the door and stood dumbfounded as she stared at the last people in the entire galaxy she had ever expected to see on her front porch.

"Mama? Papa?"

Messages In This Thread
Almost Heaven, West Virginia. - by Tyra Crawford - 06-08-2024, 05:01 PM
Almost Heaven, West Virginia. - by Robin Mayfair - 06-18-2024, 06:40 PM
RE: Almost Heaven, West Virginia. - by Robin Mayfair - 08-29-2024, 11:46 PM

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