AT/D03 - Strategic Operations Complex
==Near launch?==

It had not taken Miles as long as he thought it might to finish up the workload he had left prior to launch. He was able to submit the schedule and send notifications to his Department in a decent time. Schedules had not been affected for the next couple of shifts, so no one would need to adjust immediately, and he had given those who would be affected down the line ample time to adjust as needed.

Once he had finished, he had gone for a late dinner before heading to his quarters to rest and get some sleep before scheduled launch time. He had set his alarm a little early so he could swing by Strat Ops and field any questions or concerns from his Department, and to make any last minute checks, before he headed up to the Bridge for launch.

With his rank and position having been updated in the files, and him now wearing his full pips for this shift, he had received congratulations from the few who had come through and seen him, or who had run into in the interim. He smiled his thanks and set about doing what needed to be done.

Feeling confident that everything was in place, he noted the time. He had some time to head up to the Bridge well before launch, so took his leave from Strat Ops to do so.


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RE: AT/D03 - Strategic Operations Complex - by Miles Grant - 09-02-2024, 03:12 AM

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