The Adventures of Lina and Miles
Nico and Sofia smiled at the introductions and Lina's tidbit regarding their shared love of history and collecting. Nico glanced around, indicating.

"There is certainly no shortage of either of those here, it would seem," he stated. "Lord Harker Valentine was quite the collector himself, so hearing about this auction after his death was quite the surprise to me." He paused momentarily before continuing.

"From what little I knew of the man before his passing, I thoroughly expected his collection to be donated to various museums and art galleries, as he was quite the advocate for both. Or that this place, Valentine Manor itself, would be converted into one." Before he had a chance to speak further, there was an announcement of the arrival of three individuals: Broderick, Nicolette, and Trenton Valentine. Though brief, Miles could see a moment of distaste cross Nico's face before their attention was drawn to where the three had arrived.

Two men and a woman, roughly the same age, ranging in the 40s, descended the far grand staircase. As they made their descent, Sofia spoke in hushed tones.

"The children of Lord Valentine," she stated. "I'm not one for gossip, but they are not exactly private with their squabbling, especially regarding their father's estate since his passing."

"Sofia!" Nico's voice, though whispered, had an edge of warning. The two shared a look before Nico sighed. "Though I would normally say what my sister speaks of as being out of line, she is not incorrect. Their very public..."disputes"...have lent credence to the thought among the collector's community that this auction may go against Lord Valentine's wishes. A few of us have made plans to ensure that Lord Valentine's collections are handled with the proper care they deserve."

==Tags. Smile==

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RE: The Adventures of Lina and Miles - by Miles Grant - 09-04-2024, 03:35 AM

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