The Adventures of Lina and Miles
Miles listened to the conversation at hand, intrigued by the turn of events regarding Lord Valentine's estate, his collection, and the actions of his children. There was definitely something about to happen with all of it, but Miles couldn't even begin to guess what it could be. That was the greatness of this program. It was ever-evolving, and could take any turn at any moment.

Miles did watch as the siblings finished their descent. As he looked at them, he could notice the tenseness between all three, even just being in close proximity to one another. However, one thing to note was that they seemed to be putting on a facade. Smiling and speaking cordially to guests that approached them, as well as each other. The Rossi's noticed this as well, and Miles could almost guarantee that Lina did.

After a few minutes of the Valentine siblings mingling with those who had meandered over to them, another chime sounded, and an announcement was made indicating that the auction was set to begin. Everyone made their way to their assigned seating, and Miles was intrigued and kind of delighted that he and Lina had ended up being seated next to the Rossi siblings. As everyone was settled, an older gentleman made his way to the podium. He opened up what appeared to be a ledger. After opening it, he spoke into the mic.

"Good evening, everyone," he greeted, "and thank you for attending tonight's Auction and Gala Dedicated to Lord Harker Valentine. Thank you to Lord Valentine's children, Broderick, Nicolette, and Trenton Valentine for hosting this event. I have been informed to announce that all proceeds shall be forwarded to the newly created Harker Valentine Foundation, a Foundation dedicated to the arts and history and preservation thereof. If anyone wishes to donate to the Foundation outside of any auctioned items, you are welcomed and encouraged to do so." There was a slight pause as the man nodded to his side, and two staff members brought an item to the display. They uncovered it, revealing a large vase with intricate markings, as the Auctioneer continued.

"This vase is one of twenty created in the late 14th century France," he introduced the piece. "Though the creator is unknown, their work was displayed throughout Europe in the homes of nobility and royalty. Bidding starts at 500 Pounds."

==Tag. Smile==

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RE: The Adventures of Lina and Miles - by Miles Grant - 09-09-2024, 04:08 AM

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