AT/D13 - Security Complex
"Just because they didn't say anything doesn't mean they didn't feel strongly about what happened. The difference is they allowed themselves the time to digest and assess a complicated situation before reacting."

The correction from Tyra was far more tactful than Mara thought she deserved as the Security chief took a sip from her own coffee. The comparison to a tactical simulation was one that she rolled around in her head briefly, before returning her full attention to what the CO was saying.

"Because all you're doing with these meeting stunts is making your fellow officers doubt whether they can trust you to remain calm under pressure. I believe you can but that's a hard sell when I can't even get you through a briefing without a spiral. And Captain Givens isn't wrong; I'm expending most of my capitol on my own survival and likely Coleman's now... I can't save you if you massively **** this up."

Tyra’s grimace didn’t pass unnoticed. It seemed she was having to adjust to her own new reality as well, one with much higher stakes than Mara’s.

"So find a way to make it through a meeting without fighting someone. You've already tried with myself, and now, both Givens and Coleman in the same meeting. I'm a little worried you'll be fighting a flag officer in our next briefing."

The Bandaran nodded. She gave it a moment’s pause to make sure the CO was finished before she spoke up.

“I deserved both barrels. I appreciate not gettin’ ‘em. Thanks for understandin’. And I get it. I’m not exactly screamin’, give me all the responsibility ‘cause I can handle it,” she replied. “Honestly, I didn’t sleep much last night ‘cause I was really thinkin’ if I’m right for a DH job. I’m supposed to be part of the solution, not another problem. But I can’t walk away. You believed in me. Still do. That means I gotta believe as well. I gotta show you, and Givens, and even Coleman when he gets back, why that was. It ain’t been a smooth start, but it’s time for me to stop talkin’ and start deliverin’.”

Wide shoulders rose and fell as Mara drew in a deep breath and let it out. She wasn’t completely oblivious - she had seen some of the same parallels between herself and Tyra that the CO had. That they were both throwbacks in their own way had earned the Security chief some goodwill but as Crawford had just made clear, that was all but exhausted. It was time for Calleja to adapt.

I’ve made bigger jumps than this, and I’ve never been better set up to make a good job of it. I just gotta stop gettin’ in my own way.

“Is there anythin’ you need me to take care of before we launch?” Mara asked. “Aside from the obvious learnin’ to shut the hell up,” she added with a faint self-deprecating smile.

== Back atcha! ==

Messages In This Thread
AT/D13 - Security Complex - by Tyra Crawford - 07-17-2024, 01:30 AM
RE: AT/D13 - Security Complex - by Mara Calleja - 09-03-2024, 11:19 PM
RE: AT/D13 - Security Complex - by Tyra Crawford - 09-05-2024, 07:56 PM
RE: AT/D13 - Security Complex - by Mara Calleja - 09-09-2024, 04:19 PM
RE: AT/D13 - Security Complex - by Tyra Crawford - 09-13-2024, 03:22 PM
RE: AT/D13 - Security Complex - by Mara Calleja - 09-17-2024, 10:59 PM

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