AT/D99 - Other Locations
There was a faint squeak from the chair as Ju dropped into the chair opposite Mara.

“So. When you lured me to the Artemis you didn’t mention asshole secondary Captains, bastard Caitian officers, and a whole lot of drama,” she said to her friend putting a very large bag of gummy bears down on the table. The little colorful bears spreading out slightly in the confines of the bag until they settled. “Are we having adult drinks? Because, I need to dull my senses if you know what I mean.”

There was a moment’s pause and then Mara laughed, the harsh bark an unfamiliar sound to most.

“OK, first off, I ain’t takin’ the blame for lurin’ you anywhere. We both know who did that and it ain’t me. He got charms I don’t,” she replied with a wicked smile. “As for the drama, I thought we had that warnin’ stuck on the dedication plaque. It’s kinda what we do best.”

A feeling made Mara turn her head. A couple of off-duty crewmen were watching her and Ju, and the Security chief’s megawatt stare bored straight through them.

“You got somethin’ you wanna say to me?” she demanded. “‘Cause you know how this goes. You come for her, you come for me. And you ain’t got the stones for that fight.”

“Oh no no no…” One of them started an apology but never got to finish it.

“I didn’t think so. Now fuck off before you put me off my food,” Calleja snapped. When they didn’t move, she doubled down. “I wasn’t kiddin’. Out. You can think about not bein’ the arsehole over replicator rations.”

The two thought about arguing but wisely decided against antagonising the Bandaran any further, and made a sharp exit. As she looked around the room, suddenly everyone was intently staring at their meals or the person opposite them, and absolutely not in any way at all at Mara and Ju. Even after Gangnam Style, the Amazonian officer was still able to intimidate like few others on board Artemis

“OK, I admit. The drama is a bit much sometimes,” the Bandaran admitted as the hubbub of voices started up again. She didn’t know Ju was half-Betazoid but it wouldn’t have changed anything. Barely-suppressed anger was rolling off her in waves as she tried to bottle it up again. “And hey. You wanna drink, you go for it. I don’t touch the stuff. What with my temper, addin’ booze to that mix would be a fuckin’ disaster.”

Mara managed a wry smile.

“Although I gotta say. Even after a few bevvies I wasn’t likely to take up glitter related terrorism. If I go get you some of the good stuff, you gotta promise me I ain’t goin’ home covered in spangles and sparklin’ like a disco ball,” she teased gently.

== A much delayed back atcha! ==

Messages In This Thread
AT/D99 - Other Locations - by Tyra Crawford - 07-17-2024, 01:33 AM
RE: AT/D99 - Other Locations - by Tyra Crawford - 07-19-2024, 09:56 PM
RE: AT/D99 - Other Locations - by Mara Calleja - 09-03-2024, 02:52 PM
RE: AT/D99 - Other Locations - by Eun Ju Han - 09-05-2024, 12:31 AM
RE: AT/D99 - Other Locations - by Mara Calleja - 09-17-2024, 11:37 PM

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