AT/D02 - Bridge
== After the posts in the security office ==

By the time Tyra's boots hit the bridge decking, she was already on her third coffee of the morning and truthfully, she felt that low of a figure was an accomplishment based on what she had already been dealing with through the night and into the morning.

In addition to reviewing stop gap options to fill Coleman's position in the short term and trying to maintain her own sanity, she'd also hunted down Bill, though by the time she'd gotten to him it seemed like Givens had gotten her claws into him first. He'd chosen to play the conciliatory card over deny and evade, though she didn't think he would have chosen that tactic regardless. It usually just made her mad and she doubted he had wanted to have a knock down, drag out fight at 0200.

While she didn't believe Bill had told her everything, he'd, at least, given her two very interesting points to think about. He'd admitted that the plan to get her off of Earth had been in the works for weeks, though it had only begun to include her return to Artemis within the last two weeks when it became very clear to those on high that Coleman was coming precariously close to falling into the fire himself. While he had admitted that with seeming ease, he'd been reluctant to admit why he had been determined to send her elsewhere -- apparently the original plan had been to send her and Logan to the DMZ for a retrieval assignment -- and it was only when she became testy that he had admitted the reason. If she wasn't on Earth, she wouldn't be available to testify at Elias' trial and she wouldn't be able to take a final swing at falling on that sword with the very likely side effect of digging her hole deeper, which she had to admit was very likely. She'd admit now, after some sleep and some time, that her anger at having that choice taken from her shouldn't have been directed at Bill. He was doing what he felt he needed to do to protect her and she couldn't fault him that, not when she had tried to do the same thing for Elias.

His second point had cooled her anger almost immediately, though, as the truth of it had settled into her gut like a stone. If she hadn't returned, the wolves would have been circling Artemis before the handcuffs were even double locked on Coleman. If Bill hadn't placed Givens and assigned their mission, Artemis would have remained docked while the admirals threw their weight around to place their preferred candidate in the captain's chair. And given some of the names Bill had tossed out as the chosen ones of the committee, she couldn't imagine the chair would have been graced by any great leader. No, this way, even if Coleman never returned and Tyra chose not to remain beyond this mission, assuming it was even her choice, there would be more time for a worthy candidate to be chosen, not a political pick or puppet. That was a game she trusted Bill to play, for her sake and the Fleet's.

And her role to play in that game was to keep the circus under control and try to keep the fires to a minimum. She hoped, after her conversation with Mara, she had at least minimized the risks of a total implosion and yet experience told her that the circus -- this particular circus -- always managed to throw punches from the most unexpected places.

As her boots carried her further onto the bridge, her blue eyes swept the bridge quickly. Lieutenant Devereaux was seated at science, which was a rather brave decision on Aeryn's part as the new Chief Science Officer. Then again, she supposed having the poster child for poor decisions within arm's reach of Tyra would likely keep her from making any further poor decisions. Lieutenant Grant was also present and fortunately, Tyra didn't feel he fell into the category of a likely fire starter. He was reliable and dependable, which was what she needed most.

And then, there was Commander Omdor. She hadn't had a chance to speak to the Interim Chief, who she was very much trying not to view as Elias' replacement, but Givens had spoken highly of him, having vetted him personally. Tyra had combed through his file while reviewing Cera's list of possible acting first officers. His record was impressive and she had no doubt that he was a capable engineer, though she wondered if he was capable of filling Elias' shoes. And that was why she hadn't selected him; he had a monumental task in keeping engineering running in the wake of a rather abrupt and traumatic severance of its leadership and he didn't need to add protecting her sanity to his list of duties.

Only two other members of the crew had been seriously considered. She had dismissed Cera almost immediately; not because the woman wasn't capable but because Tyra needed her in her usual capacity, providing intel and information before Tyra even knew she needed it. Mayfair had been her other consideration and while she felt the young nurse likely would have been an excellent choice, she hadn't missed how haggard she had looked at the briefing. Whether a side effect of the last mission, its fall out or something else entirely, Tyra didn't know but she knew it wasn't a good starting point for what she would need out of a right hand for this mission.

So she'd looked externally and she'd selected the candidate, though a tad unorthodox, that she felt was up to the task of helping her reign things in. Or at minimum, not make them worse for her. She'd received confirmation that her request had been approved shortly after leaving security but she had some concerns that the approval might have come too late, despite having given the candidate a heads-up of her intentions. If worst came to worst, she guessed she'd be finding out how capable one of her own senior officers were…

"Gentlemen, how are the launch preparations going?" she asked of Omdor and Grant as she stepped down to the command level with a slight smile.

== Tag! ==

Messages In This Thread
AT/D02 - Bridge - by Tyra Crawford - 07-17-2024, 01:21 AM
RE: AT/D02 - Bridge - by Cassandra Givens - 07-17-2024, 08:40 PM
RE: AT/D02 - Bridge - by Miles Grant - 09-02-2024, 03:19 AM
RE: AT/D02 - Bridge - by Lucy Devereaux - 09-10-2024, 03:45 PM
RE: AT/D02 - Bridge - by Omdor Jaein - 09-11-2024, 10:49 PM
RE: AT/D02 - Bridge - by Miles Grant - 09-14-2024, 12:45 AM
RE: AT/D02 - Bridge - by Tyra Crawford - Yesterday, 12:36 AM
RE: AT/D02 - Bridge - by Omdor Jaein - Yesterday, 10:50 PM

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