AT/D12 - Science Complex
Ju was just glad that she didn’t have to worry about being too early. Honestly, she didn’t think she could stare at the four walls of her Quarters much longer without going insane or listening to bad music while binging on sugar. The Commander picked up a PADD that held the schematics they would be using to upgrade and alter the probes to what they were wanting and needing them to do. Eun Ju found herself ready to work and besides she loved making things different and often times better if she could manage it. A lot of times good design left little room for improvement but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t try. In this case they were changing up the whole purpose of the probe which excited her to her core.

“Fantastic, a big space will be easier,” she stated when the Commander told her she had set aside one of the larger labs for them to work in. That meant they would be able to move better and they wouldn’t have to worry about bumping into each other as they began to disassemble and reassemble the alternative probe pieces.

Ju was ready to get started and it seemed they had everything they needed. Ju had brought her Engineering kit with her, it was still slung over her shoulder and she could replicate anything that she needed. The first part would be disassembly and that would take a little time but after that they could begin retrofitting and refitting things to suit their needs better. Before they could head off though, she could tell that the Commander wanted to say something.

Being half-Betazoid came with perks but it also sucked when you wanted to avoid awkward conversations and situations like this. Ju waited because she could feel it bubbling up inside the Commander and then the words began to come out. Though she was surprised that it wasn’t that it was okay to feel sad or be upset about the situation that shook out with Damian but instead it was just that she was willing to be there for the young Engineer. Saying she was there to listen, to vent, to talk, or even to get drunk.

That last part perked Ju’s ears up.

“I may take you up on that last one Commander. I don’t have a lot of people who can hold their weight against me. I grew up drinking.” She grinned. Ju’s face softened a moment and she looked down at her quickly cooling coffee, I really need a refill… “I appreciate your offer though, Commander. I’ve never been through anything like this and I’m not really sure what to do with myself. I believe in Damian though, so, all I can do is wait and try to trust the system.”

Ju felt dumb. She wasn’t sure why, perhaps because she let a little of herself out to a person she had only met a handful of times. But, honestly, it was all something new and she wasn’t sure how to handle the whole situation. Evetually, she would figure out how to process everything and eventually Damian would be back with answers.

“Okay, lets get started. Will you show me where our lab is Commander? I’m ready to get to work on our project. Honestly, I’m pretty excited about reworking an entire probe,” she had to admit as she waited for the Commander to show her where to go.

==Tag Aeryn==

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AT/D12 - Science Complex - by Tyra Crawford - 08-12-2023, 10:07 PM
RE: AT/D12 - Science Complex - by Carol Harriman - 08-21-2023, 11:40 PM
RE: AT/D12 - Science Complex - by Lucy Devereaux - 08-21-2023, 11:46 PM
RE: AT/D12 - Science Complex - by Lucy Devereaux - 08-21-2023, 11:46 PM
RE: AT/D12 - Science Complex - by Tyra Crawford - 08-25-2023, 03:07 PM
RE: AT/D12 - Science Complex - by Lucy Devereaux - 08-28-2023, 07:52 PM
RE: AT/D12 - Science Complex - by Lucy Devereaux - 09-04-2023, 07:03 PM
RE: AT/D12 - Science Complex - by Judith Tucker - 09-08-2023, 01:26 PM
RE: AT/D12 - Science Complex - by Tyra Crawford - 09-12-2023, 01:37 AM
RE: AT/D12 - Science Complex - by Aeryn Miller - 06-18-2024, 10:03 AM
RE: AT/D12 - Science Complex - by Lucy Devereaux - 06-22-2024, 03:56 PM
RE: AT/D12 - Science Complex - by Aeryn Miller - 06-23-2024, 12:48 PM
RE: AT/D12 - Science Complex - by Lucy Devereaux - 07-09-2024, 01:25 PM
RE: AT/D12 - Science Complex - by Aeryn Miller - 07-09-2024, 02:10 PM
RE: AT/D12 - Science Complex - by Lucy Devereaux - 08-04-2024, 08:30 AM
RE: AT/D12 - Science Complex - by Aeryn Miller - 08-04-2024, 09:54 AM
RE: AT/D12 - Science Complex - by Aeryn Miller - 08-28-2024, 09:55 AM
RE: AT/D12 - Science Complex - by Lucy Devereaux - 08-28-2024, 06:51 PM
RE: AT/D12 - Science Complex - by Aeryn Miller - 08-29-2024, 06:51 AM
RE: AT/D12 - Science Complex - by Lucy Devereaux - 08-30-2024, 01:03 PM
RE: AT/D12 - Science Complex - by Aeryn Miller - 08-30-2024, 03:13 PM
RE: AT/D12 - Science Complex - by Lucy Devereaux - 09-02-2024, 03:55 PM
RE: AT/D12 - Science Complex - by Aeryn Miller - 09-02-2024, 05:01 PM
RE: AT/D12 - Science Complex - by Eun Ju Han - 09-05-2024, 12:56 AM
RE: AT/D12 - Science Complex - by Aeryn Miller - 09-05-2024, 07:22 PM
RE: AT/D12 - Science Complex - by Eun Ju Han - 09-11-2024, 07:50 PM
RE: AT/D12 - Science Complex - by Aeryn Miller - 09-12-2024, 09:50 AM
RE: AT/D12 - Science Complex - by Eun Ju Han - Today, 01:02 AM

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