The Adventures of Lina and Miles
The bidding for the first item started with little pomp, as various people from around the room began to bid on the vase. Miles himself had no interest in the item, and it didn't seem their new acquaintances did either. They did help, however, in identifying various people around the room who were making the bids. For instance, the first person to bid on the vase (and bid after every higher bid than his) was one Comte Claude Laurent, who apparently owned some of the other vases in this collection. It was rumored his family was one of the original owners of said vases until they were thought lost during the French Revolution, and they had been trying to recollect them since.

Others of note were the self-proclaimed Italian Duchess Matilde Conti, whose connection to any Italian royal family was accepted, though not necessarily believed; Ricardo Moreno, a Colombian "businessman of questionable repute"; Xander Macaby, an American CEO of a major tech company; and Kimura Aoi, a Japanese socialite, though her connections and source of wealth were unknown. Once those who had bid had been introduced, the bidding lasted only a little longer, before Laurent managed to outbid Macaby enough to get the American to bow out.

"Next, we have a very rare piece," the auctioneer stated. "A Roman Shield, a parma, believed to be wielded only by the most heroic of Legionnaires. The date of it's creation is also unknown, but it is in mint condition. Bidding shall start at 5,000 pounds."

"100,000 pounds," Nico bellowed across the room, standing from his seat. Miles was astonished at such a quick response, but, from what little he knew of the man they had met, was not overly surprised.

"200,000 pounds," Duchess Conti immediately responded as well, also standing. Nico looked as though he was about to answer back, when Macaby also stood.

"300,000," the American said.

"400,000," came from Moreno.

"500,000," was a response from Laurent.

"600,000," Kimura chimed in.

"750,000," Nico stated, with an almost finality. There was a brief pause, where no one said anything, before another person stood: Broderick Valentine, the eldest of the Valentine children. He looked at Nico with a disdain before smirking.

"1,000,000 pounds," the eldest Valentine said. Nico made to bid again when Sofia grabbed his arm, sadly shaking her head. Nico pursed his lips, but relented, sitting back down. Everyone else also sat back down. There was another pregnant pause before the auctioneer found his voice.

"Er, sold!" As he banged his gavel, Miles could see Broderick looking at Nico and sneering. Nico stood and excused himself. Sofia made to follow, but he merely put a hand up as he left. Sofia turned to Miles and Lina.

"He'll be fine," she said. "That shield means a lot to him. One of the only reasons we attended tonight. He will just cool off and then come back. Everything will be fine." As she finished speaking, the auction had moved on to the next item. As the auctioneer was describing the items, power to the building cut off, and the room went dark. Miles immediately dove into protective mode, trying his best to get his bearings and do a threat assessment. There was little he could do, however, as the sound of panic was only broken by the shattering of glass, which only incited more.

"Everyone calm down!" Miles billowed through the darkness. "We can't see and can easily hurt ourselves or others in this panic!" Though the panic did not cease, it did ease somewhat. It didn't take long, however, before the power returned. Miles did a quick assessment to see Lina was fine, as well as Sofia. Most everyone looked fine overall, save from where some had tripped or fallen in the darkness and had minor injuries. Miles went to render aid when he saw two very noticeable things:

Broderick Valentine was lying in a pool of blood, and the glass that had been shattered was where the shield had been on display...and was now missing.

==Tags. Sorry for the delay. Was working how far I wanted to progress this. Smile==

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RE: The Adventures of Lina and Miles - by Miles Grant - 4 hours ago

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