The Adventures of Lina and Miles
==As a note, the shield in question was the one with the writing that had initially intrigued Miles. Smile==

Miles nodded solemnly at Lina's words. She was right, and nothing else needed to be said about the need to find the man. On one hand, he would now be suspect number one for the assault and possible murder of the eldest Valentine sibling.

On the other hand, he could also be placed a scapegoat for that exact reason...or even a potential second victim over the shield. Miles didn't realize how important the shield he had been drawn to would become so vital to the program. Maybe that was the point, but Miles pushed the thought aside. He needed to treat this as real as possible, and see what he could do to help solve everything.

"We do need to check the Valentine victim, in case he's still alive," Miles said. "At the very least make sure he's properly tended to medically." As he turned towards them, however, he noted an older gentleman move up towards the body, announcing that he was a doctor. Miles tilted his head.

"Okay, then...Look for Nico it is." He thought for a second before motioning for Lina to follow him. They went back over to Sofia.

"Do you know where your brother would have gone to?" He asked. She looked at him suspiciously and went to interject when Miles quickly assuaged her concerns.

"He may be in danger, too," Miles followed up.

==Tags. Smile==

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RE: The Adventures of Lina and Miles - by Miles Grant - 09-25-2024, 03:56 AM

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