AT/D02 - Ready Room
== Elias Timeline ==

When the door chimed, Tyra was watching the docking crews through her ready room's large window, trying to ascertain what her husband would make of this situation. Or more accurately, what he would recommend as a tactician.

She called for the door to open rather absently, not bothering to hide the traces of frustration and exasperation in her expression. The more she thought about what they were being asked to do, the more she felt like it was a rather impossible and unfair tasking. Oh, she enjoyed a challenge but she didn't enjoy a challenge where the deck was stacked against her due to poor decisions of other people.

In fact, this was the same feeling she had had when the damn colonists on Liotu IV had refused to evacuate until it was too late and who had to go hold the line on the advancing Romulans to allow their evacuation? Oh just some young, green security officers, paying the ultimate sacrifice because of the hubris of others. The bitterness she had felt after that bloody endeavor had been a black hole that had lasted for years.

"How can I help, Captain?" Elias asked almost immediately, seeming to sense this wasn't a personal meeting.

"You might want to grab some coffee," she suggested, motioning her own cup at the carafe sitting on the edge of the desk.

"Someone monumentally ****** up and we are somehow suppose to pull a miracle out of our asses and un-**** it up. And if we fail, we're likely the opening volley of the next war," Tyra's tone was hard, tinged with a mix of annoyance and resignation. "No pressure."

"The Callisto has been located in Cardassian hands. We'll have a full brief on how, where and why later but the short of it is that a team from Artemis will be responsible for either bringing it home or destroying it. Preferably the former but I'm not above the latter. Lord knows that ship is as cursed as the Philly, which ironically enough will be assisting."

"Coleman and I have a plan for taking over the Callisto once we get aboard but we need a plan to get aboard. Ideally, I'd like to get a craft into the Shuttlebay so we have a secured area to fall back to if needed but that might be asking a lot."

"Artemis is a little big to be sneaking in so she will be remaining with the assault aspect. Philly will be the team's ride in to the system but there's limits to how close they can get us or what they can do."

She paused to take a drink of her coffee, allowing Elias time to sort the details and wrap his head around the implications.

"I need options and you have consistently proven to be one of my more creative problem solvers. I don't care if it's a way through the Callisto's shields, which might not even be online, or a way to boost the Philly's transporter. Or hell, a way to sneak in under their noses. I'll take freaking space walking in EV suits if that's what it takes to make this work."

"Failure isn't an option. Failure got us into this situation and I'll be damned if we make it worse," she added, her voice resolute and firm.

== Tag! ==

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AT/D02 - Ready Room - by Tyra Crawford - 08-12-2023, 09:59 PM
RE: AT/D02 - Ready Room - by Tyra Crawford - 08-18-2023, 12:10 AM
RE: AT/D02 - Ready Room - by Tyra Crawford - 08-19-2023, 11:55 PM
RE: AT/D02 - Ready Room - by Miles Grant - 08-20-2023, 02:53 AM
RE: AT/D02 - Ready Room - by Damien Coleman - 08-20-2023, 07:03 PM
RE: AT/D02 - Ready Room - by Tyra Crawford - 08-21-2023, 12:26 AM
RE: AT/D02 - Ready Room - by Tyra Crawford - 08-21-2023, 01:59 AM
RE: AT/D02 - Ready Room - by Miles Grant - 08-22-2023, 02:35 AM
RE: AT/D02 - Ready Room - by Tyra Crawford - 09-06-2023, 03:37 PM
RE: AT/D02 - Ready Room - by Tyra Crawford - 09-06-2023, 03:53 PM
RE: AT/D02 - Ready Room - by Benjamin Elias - 09-06-2023, 10:57 PM
RE: AT/D02 - Ready Room - by Tyra Crawford - 09-07-2023, 12:27 AM
RE: AT/D02 - Ready Room - by Benjamin Elias - 09-07-2023, 11:18 PM
RE: AT/D02 - Ready Room - by Tyra Crawford - 09-10-2023, 02:40 AM
RE: AT/D02 - Ready Room - by Benjamin Elias - 09-11-2023, 11:03 PM
RE: AT/D02 - Ready Room - by Tyra Crawford - 09-12-2023, 02:04 AM
RE: AT/D02 - Ready Room - by Tyra Crawford - 09-12-2023, 02:58 AM
RE: AT/D02 - Ready Room - by Benjamin Elias - 09-12-2023, 11:00 PM
RE: AT/D02 - Ready Room - by Tyra Crawford - 05-27-2024, 02:38 PM
RE: AT/D02 - Ready Room - by Eun Ju Han - 05-27-2024, 07:29 PM
RE: AT/D02 - Ready Room - by Tyra Crawford - 05-27-2024, 10:27 PM
RE: AT/D02 - Ready Room - by Eun Ju Han - 05-27-2024, 11:48 PM
RE: AT/D02 - Ready Room - by Tyra Crawford - 05-28-2024, 02:42 AM
RE: AT/D02 - Ready Room - by Eun Ju Han - 05-29-2024, 02:23 AM
RE: AT/D02 - Ready Room - by Tyra Crawford - 05-29-2024, 11:20 PM
RE: AT/D02 - Ready Room - by Eun Ju Han - 05-29-2024, 11:54 PM
RE: AT/D02 - Ready Room - by Tyra Crawford - 06-01-2024, 01:50 AM
RE: AT/D02 - Ready Room - by Eun Ju Han - 06-01-2024, 07:44 PM
RE: AT/D02 - Ready Room - by Tyra Crawford - 06-03-2024, 01:08 AM
RE: AT/D02 - Ready Room - by Damien Coleman - 06-07-2024, 10:24 PM
RE: AT/D02 - Ready Room - by Tyra Crawford - 06-08-2024, 04:11 AM
RE: AT/D02 - Ready Room - by Damien Coleman - 06-12-2024, 03:51 AM
RE: AT/D02 - Ready Room - by Tyra Crawford - 06-12-2024, 05:14 PM
RE: AT/D02 - Ready Room - by Damien Coleman - 06-25-2024, 03:46 AM
RE: AT/D02 - Ready Room - by Tyra Crawford - 07-20-2024, 01:13 AM
RE: AT/D02 - Ready Room - by Tyra Crawford - 09-04-2024, 03:01 PM

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