YE/E02 - SS Lord Franklin
The rapidly-disintegrating remains inside the engineer's pod served to remind Jenny of the comparatively primitive nature of the equipment (and to a lesser extend, people) they were dealing with; the pod must have failed decades ago for decomposition to have been so complete, and Jenny now wondered how many of the other pods were in a similar state. While Lockley composed himself, Jenny silently motioned for Hydish and Kiernan to check the other pods to make sure there were no other surprises.

"We...we should check Doctor Kiernan's pod. He's the one who chartered us. He needs to be consulted in whatever you plan to do.”

Jenny's eyebrow rose as Qi interjected himself with what was, under normal circumstances, a fairly reasonable response. Unfortunately these were not the most reasonable of circumstances; though they had been summoned by an automated distress beacon and thus had initially acted in the best interests of the crew as determined by the situation, the moment any of the crew or passengers had woken up, their desires and rights had to be considered. That meant that under all legal interpretations, Kiernan would need to be awakened and consulted on any course of action; removing any of the crew or passengers against their will was a violation of their rights under the charters of both the United Earth and the United Federation of Planets.

We stick around and get caught by the Cardassians while we argue legality, or we take these people and the Civil Rights lawyers have a field day. I think I know which one I prefer.

"If we had the time, I would agree that Doctor Kiernan needs to be consulted. As it stands, however, the ship is in a rapidly-decaying orbit and there is a ship en-route crewed by people who aren't friendly to people encroaching on their territory. This is your ship and these are your passengers, as Captain it's your duty to keep them safe; we are offering you a chance at safety, but I will not risk my own crew waiting for it to be debated in a committee."

Jenny glanced up and down the rows of cryo-pods, hoping against hope that Lockley made the right choice. If she was going to be grilled by Headquarters, again, she'd rather be grilled for violating the rights of a hundred or so secessionists than for being forced to abandon them to the tender mercies of the Cardassian Union. Though she did not openly rest her hand on the grip of her Phaser, she placed her hands on her hips while she waited, ready to draw if Lockley became difficult and force become required to resolve the situation without further loss.

"We can have you and your people aboard my ship within five minutes, then it's a quick hop across the border back into friendly space. Once we're safe we'll get your people settled somewhere where you'll be left alone, but if we stick around too much longer, we'll all be settling at a labour camp."

Messages In This Thread
YE/E02 - SS Lord Franklin - by GM-01 - 08-13-2024, 02:33 PM
RE: YE/E02 - SS Lord Franklin - by Arwen Qi - 08-20-2024, 11:52 PM
RE: YE/E02 - SS Lord Franklin - by GM-01 - 08-26-2024, 01:50 AM
RE: YE/E02 - SS Lord Franklin - by Arwen Qi - 08-30-2024, 06:15 AM
RE: YE/E02 - SS Lord Franklin - by Altairi Hydish - 09-01-2024, 05:35 PM
RE: YE/E02 - SS Lord Franklin - by GM-01 - 09-04-2024, 12:56 AM
RE: YE/E02 - SS Lord Franklin - by Arwen Qi - 09-09-2024, 06:41 AM
RE: YE/E02 - SS Lord Franklin - by GM-01 - 09-15-2024, 06:20 PM
RE: YE/E02 - SS Lord Franklin - by Arwen Qi - 09-24-2024, 06:18 AM
RE: YE/E02 - SS Lord Franklin - by GM-01 - 09-28-2024, 04:45 PM
RE: YE/E02 - SS Lord Franklin - by Peter Jensen - 09-29-2024, 10:20 AM
RE: YE/E02 - SS Lord Franklin - by Altairi Hydish - 09-30-2024, 01:46 AM
RE: YE/E02 - SS Lord Franklin - by Peter Jensen - 10-09-2024, 05:34 PM
RE: YE/E02 - SS Lord Franklin - by GM-01 - 10-11-2024, 06:44 PM
RE: YE/E02 - SS Lord Franklin - by Arwen Qi - 10-14-2024, 04:51 AM
RE: YE/E02 - SS Lord Franklin - by Jennifer Braggins - 10-17-2024, 07:55 PM
RE: YE/E02 - SS Lord Franklin - by GM-01 - Yesterday, 06:31 PM

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