12-02-2024, 08:22 PM
" I appreciate your honesty, Hallowette, and from what you've said, I do not doubt that you'll fit right in here because even through the hardest of times, I wouldn't want to be anywhere else than Artemis"
Hally nodded respectfully. The CSO's words (as well as Robin's actions) were incredibly gracious, and the Bajoran/Trill hybrid felt their value more deeply than she anticipated. She realized validation had been somewhat in short supply since she arrived, so it was nice to hear those from the senior crew be so welcoming and warm. Hallowette hadn't expected such kindness, but she appreciated it deeply.
“Hi.” followed the gentle thud of a tray of food being laid on the table, and Hally looked up to note yet another attractive, copper haired female wrapped in science blue.
She chuckled despite herself. (While red hair was relatively common among Bajorans, it was more or less rare among the Trill - having grown up on the latter, she had been an anomaly, a curiosity. Seeing so many Humans among the crew with auburn hues in their hair was a nice change.)
Hallowette gave a quick wave and returned the affectation, "Hi!" She checked the situation around the table, noting that Robin was speaking with another newcomer, an Ensign, maybe? She cleared a bit more space, hopping her chair a bit more towards Robin and Aeryn's chairs before addressing the science officer who had just joined them, "Now that looks good! I may have to get a milkshake myself!"
Hally nodded respectfully. The CSO's words (as well as Robin's actions) were incredibly gracious, and the Bajoran/Trill hybrid felt their value more deeply than she anticipated. She realized validation had been somewhat in short supply since she arrived, so it was nice to hear those from the senior crew be so welcoming and warm. Hallowette hadn't expected such kindness, but she appreciated it deeply.
“Hi.” followed the gentle thud of a tray of food being laid on the table, and Hally looked up to note yet another attractive, copper haired female wrapped in science blue.
She chuckled despite herself. (While red hair was relatively common among Bajorans, it was more or less rare among the Trill - having grown up on the latter, she had been an anomaly, a curiosity. Seeing so many Humans among the crew with auburn hues in their hair was a nice change.)
Hallowette gave a quick wave and returned the affectation, "Hi!" She checked the situation around the table, noting that Robin was speaking with another newcomer, an Ensign, maybe? She cleared a bit more space, hopping her chair a bit more towards Robin and Aeryn's chairs before addressing the science officer who had just joined them, "Now that looks good! I may have to get a milkshake myself!"