12-26-2024, 10:41 PM
Kalli only offered, "All evidence I reviewed gave us too little to say much. All efforts to determine the exact nature or purposes were inconclusive. I could speculate all day, but nothing useful I would put in a report. Sorry..."
Then talk shifted to a gave of truth and lies. Kalli said nothing, but secretly didn't like the idea. Those kind of games were often intended to encourage talking about things people were uncomfortable speaking about. It was difficult enough trying to keep such things under wraps, but with empaths and telepathy around there was no way she would risk it.
== NRC Cindy Talion ==
Out of the corner of Kalli's eyebrows, she caught sight of an unlikely figure. Of all the people in Ten forward, some deliberately tried to just blend in. One of the patrons at the bar was doing just that.
Cindy was dressed in purely civilian clothing and had slipped in to do some innocent people watching. With her jeans and plaid flannel shirt, she had gone unnoticed until now. An occasional sip of water allowed her to watch and listen, content to observe and learn more about the crew and current trends in interactions.
Cindy's eyes met Kalli's in the mirror behind the bar and Cindy simply gave a small wink, causing Kalli to grin and look away. Kalli always found it amusing how Cindy could always find a way to make herself seem more human than should be possible. Kalli had never met someone that was such a contradiction.
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Then talk shifted to a gave of truth and lies. Kalli said nothing, but secretly didn't like the idea. Those kind of games were often intended to encourage talking about things people were uncomfortable speaking about. It was difficult enough trying to keep such things under wraps, but with empaths and telepathy around there was no way she would risk it.
== NRC Cindy Talion ==
Out of the corner of Kalli's eyebrows, she caught sight of an unlikely figure. Of all the people in Ten forward, some deliberately tried to just blend in. One of the patrons at the bar was doing just that.
Cindy was dressed in purely civilian clothing and had slipped in to do some innocent people watching. With her jeans and plaid flannel shirt, she had gone unnoticed until now. An occasional sip of water allowed her to watch and listen, content to observe and learn more about the crew and current trends in interactions.
Cindy's eyes met Kalli's in the mirror behind the bar and Cindy simply gave a small wink, causing Kalli to grin and look away. Kalli always found it amusing how Cindy could always find a way to make herself seem more human than should be possible. Kalli had never met someone that was such a contradiction.
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