12-28-2024, 02:21 AM
It took an unsurprising amount of time for the Yellow Alert to turn into Red. Robin had been aboard the Artemis long enough to expect such things.
[Givens to Sickbay. The Captain is requesting a member of the medical staff to report to the transporter room to support a potential boarding action. Thank you.]
The CMO tapped her combadge. "Confirmed, Bridge. They'll be there shortly."
In the stories the young nurse had grown up with it was always the command staff beaming into trouble. She dismissed the idea of going herself. Her staff was green and would need an experienced officer to keep things running during this Red Alert. For more than a few in Sickbay this was their first real one. She briefly considered who to send.
Beka would probably enjoy it, but it's likely Mara is running the Security team, and those two get along like fire and more fire. I could send...
The answer entered Sickbay at a run. Doctor Kent Östberg (a large blond man with a short beard who reminded her of cartoonish depictions of the Norse god Thor) was still adjusting his uniform after likely having been awoken. The medic was second-shift and ordinarily wouldn't have been on duty for hours. "What's going on, Chief?" he asked, his voice lightly accented Norwegian with a touch of California surfer-bro. Robin looked up at him, the Ensign having over a foot of height on her.
"Don't know yet, but apparently we're boarding someone. Are you up for an Away Team?"
There was an eagerness in his eyes that didn't surprise the CMO. Östberg had been busted in rank for striking a fellow officer on a precious posting, and he wanted his Lieutenant's pip back. The man was a bit of an alpha. But Robin knew that he also had extensive combat experience. More than she did, actually. "You know it, Ma'am."
"Good deal. Draw a phaser and grab some combat armor on the way." She looked at him, gemstone eyes meeting his intently. "Follow orders. I don't want to get a report from the Security Chief that you were playing soldier. You're there as a medic."
Östberg met her gaze, but didn't make any remarks. The nurse knew he wanted to prove himself, but he wasn't stupid. If he wanted to earn his rank back he knew the best... only... route was to play ball. "Understood, Ma'am."
Robin smiled. "Good luck. See you when you get back." With that he headed out the door, the entire conversation having taken less than a half-minute.
"All right, people. Stations. Prepare for casualties. Just as you've drilled."
[Givens to Sickbay. The Captain is requesting a member of the medical staff to report to the transporter room to support a potential boarding action. Thank you.]
The CMO tapped her combadge. "Confirmed, Bridge. They'll be there shortly."
In the stories the young nurse had grown up with it was always the command staff beaming into trouble. She dismissed the idea of going herself. Her staff was green and would need an experienced officer to keep things running during this Red Alert. For more than a few in Sickbay this was their first real one. She briefly considered who to send.
Beka would probably enjoy it, but it's likely Mara is running the Security team, and those two get along like fire and more fire. I could send...
The answer entered Sickbay at a run. Doctor Kent Östberg (a large blond man with a short beard who reminded her of cartoonish depictions of the Norse god Thor) was still adjusting his uniform after likely having been awoken. The medic was second-shift and ordinarily wouldn't have been on duty for hours. "What's going on, Chief?" he asked, his voice lightly accented Norwegian with a touch of California surfer-bro. Robin looked up at him, the Ensign having over a foot of height on her.
"Don't know yet, but apparently we're boarding someone. Are you up for an Away Team?"
There was an eagerness in his eyes that didn't surprise the CMO. Östberg had been busted in rank for striking a fellow officer on a precious posting, and he wanted his Lieutenant's pip back. The man was a bit of an alpha. But Robin knew that he also had extensive combat experience. More than she did, actually. "You know it, Ma'am."
"Good deal. Draw a phaser and grab some combat armor on the way." She looked at him, gemstone eyes meeting his intently. "Follow orders. I don't want to get a report from the Security Chief that you were playing soldier. You're there as a medic."
Östberg met her gaze, but didn't make any remarks. The nurse knew he wanted to prove himself, but he wasn't stupid. If he wanted to earn his rank back he knew the best... only... route was to play ball. "Understood, Ma'am."
Robin smiled. "Good luck. See you when you get back." With that he headed out the door, the entire conversation having taken less than a half-minute.
"All right, people. Stations. Prepare for casualties. Just as you've drilled."