HD05 - Medical Cadet Amethyst Bremner
== Great post cadet. You didn’t waste time jumping into action! Let’s continue on to Lesson three: NRCs, character usage, and the Fed Space wiki.

Non-rated characters (NRCs) are characters used by players as well as GMs to help fill crew gaps in ships. Ships would have large crews and since we don’t have enough players to fill all the roles, we use different types of NRC players: Independent and Temporary.

Independent NRCs are like Player Rated Characters (PRC) in that they get played as their own character. NRCs are registered, and you can distinguish them through their character names. You’ll see something along the lines of Ensign Jane Doe {Allen}, with the PRC character’s last name in brackets at the end. NRCs are not like PRCs or second rated characters (SRC). They don’t earn points or medals as you would with your PRC. Also, your PRC must be Lt [JG] or higher and have the approval of your Commanding Officer to create an Independent NRC.

Temporary NRCs on the other hand, can be created by anyone. They are not as developed as Independent NRCs or PRCs and they don’t have bios. They’re usually created for quick tasks and used for times when you need to post with other players on the ship.

To make a Temporary NRC post, all you need to do is place an OOC notation at the top of the post. You may see several variations, but they typically look like:

== Ensign John Doe, Temp Engineering NRC ==

In the case of both types of NRCs, you play the character from the NRCs perspective, almost as if you have a second character.  You can only play an NRC that is one rank higher than your own. This means that if you’re an Ensign, you can have NRCs that are Midshipmen, Ensigns, or Lieutenant Junior Grades.

Navigating the Fed Space Wiki
The Fed Space wiki offers a great resource to help you out with your posts.  Be sure to spend some time checking it out.  The information on the wiki is also ‘Fed Space canon,’ which can sometimes differ from Star Trek canon, so look there first when you’re researching something.  Don’t feel limited to only looking at the wiki pages for your department, because the other departments will have information that can be useful, too.

As previously mentioned, Fed Space canon differs slightly from that of Star Trek, mainly because this game happens 40+ years after the Dominion War. Since the Dominion War, there have been many conflicts and wars. It’s been very rocky, but all the history from the start of Year 1 to the last entry on that page have been written and played out on Fed Space. Make sure you spend some time checking out our site history. 

To help you get used to the organization of our wiki, please answer the following questions in OOC.

1. What is peridaxon?
2. What is an osteogenic stimulator used for?
3. How many classes of probes are there?

After answering the questions, continue with another post. In your next post, please continue to use the formatting taught earlier, ask for GM input, and use a Temporary NRC in your post with one of the characters in the story. I also added a bit more to the story for you as well. Oh yea, one last thing, have fun! ==

== GM Input: Tricorder readings show a low body temperature of 93 degrees, slower than normal breathing rate ==

“Hi there,” the effected ensign slurred out. “What’s… shak…”

His buddy quickly answered Amthyst’s question, “Mark Hawkins, doc.”

He was much too weak to get on the biobed himself and relied on his buddies to help him on the table. As they were helping him up, a nurse swooped in. 

“Nurse Houlihan here to help,” she said in a soft calm manner.

As the nurse helped with getting the ensign comfortable on the biobed, one of the ensigns turned to Amethyst.

“Doc… Fred and I…  We don’t know what happened? We were just…”

He paused a moment and looked at the other officer who helped bring Dean here. 

“We were all in the shuttle bay working… then Mark gets all woozy-like…” 

He looked at Fred standing over Mark and appeared to wink at him, but before anymore could be said, Mark started to shake violently.

== back to you Cadet! Smile ==

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RE: HD05 - Medical Cadet Amethyst Bremner - by Maddie Allen - 12-28-2024, 05:01 PM

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