12-29-2024, 10:19 AM
== Transporter Room 2 ==
== Ensign Ardanna Svenson - Security NRC ==
Ardanna looked up as the door to the transporter room swished open, to reveal someone she had seen only in passing. When he spoke and introduced himself, the hybrid was able to confirm what she knew, and it made sense for medical to join them, especially since they didn't know what to expect if they carried out the boarding action. The alert status had also changed, so either way, if they didn't board the other ship, they might end up being needed elsewhere.
" Considering we don't know what to expect if we go over there, it was a good call from Commander Mayfair," she remarked. " I'm Ensign Svenson, and this is my team". The security officer then indicated to the rest of her six-person team and introduced them to the Doctor.
" This is Pearson, Loren, Garvin, K'Deela, and Mortimer," she said, as each team member acknowledged the new arrival. All of them wore uniforms of a similar rank to Ardanna, as well as there being an equal mix of both sexes being present. Not to mention species, as Pearson and Mortimer were human, K'Deela another hybrid denoted by the Klingon ridges on her forehead. Loren was of Trill descent and, finally, Garvin had similar black-coloured irises to Ardanna, only he was a full Betazoid.
== Tag Ostberg ==
== Ensign Ardanna Svenson - Security NRC ==
Ardanna looked up as the door to the transporter room swished open, to reveal someone she had seen only in passing. When he spoke and introduced himself, the hybrid was able to confirm what she knew, and it made sense for medical to join them, especially since they didn't know what to expect if they carried out the boarding action. The alert status had also changed, so either way, if they didn't board the other ship, they might end up being needed elsewhere.
" Considering we don't know what to expect if we go over there, it was a good call from Commander Mayfair," she remarked. " I'm Ensign Svenson, and this is my team". The security officer then indicated to the rest of her six-person team and introduced them to the Doctor.
" This is Pearson, Loren, Garvin, K'Deela, and Mortimer," she said, as each team member acknowledged the new arrival. All of them wore uniforms of a similar rank to Ardanna, as well as there being an equal mix of both sexes being present. Not to mention species, as Pearson and Mortimer were human, K'Deela another hybrid denoted by the Klingon ridges on her forehead. Loren was of Trill descent and, finally, Garvin had similar black-coloured irises to Ardanna, only he was a full Betazoid.
== Tag Ostberg ==