01-12-2025, 05:54 AM
Arms over her head in a big stretch, Rubicon Doyle casually strolled into the Academy Auditorium. It was a space she’d been in dozens of times before—from her initial admission to Starfleet Academy, to various addresses and keynotes over the years—so it didn’t really set her nerves alight. That wasn’t the case for her fellow cadets; they were sweating. Their stances were tight, eyes darting, even literal sweat on brows. Some were trying hard to maintain decorum; a trained eye could easily see the strain.
But for Rubicon, it was just another day. Sure she had an exam today—The Big One, second only to the infamous Kobayashi Maru—but another day just the same.
As she lowered her arms and cracked her wrists, Rubes reflected on the number of tests she’d taken over the years. Early education tests, her peace officer trials, her degree in forensics, the Academy entrance exam. After a while they just became another thing on the giant to-do list. If she failed this, then she’d either just try again or do something else. Life could be stressful, but exams didn’t really rank up there on the ‘shit-she-should-be-worried-about’ list.
It helped that she had experience on her side. Unlike many of her countreparts who were at least a decade younger than her and didn’t have more concerning experiences under their belt. But even that didn’t phase Rubicon; she didn’t hold it against them… or against herself.
Well Rubes, looks like its your turn. The queue for the desk had moved quickly and Rubicon was only two cadets away. She straightened, tugging on her uniform and pulling her posture into an attention position. Dressed in her security amber orange uniform, wavy brown hair pulled back in a ponytail, Rubicon knew she looked the picture of a Starfleet Cadet.
Her turn came and Rubicon stepped up to the desk, coming to parade rest. Her favourite Academy admin was working, which made her crack out into a broad smile. “Cadet Rubicon Doyle reporting as ordered.”
== I have read and agree to the Cadet Code of Conduct and the FedSpace Constitution. ==
But for Rubicon, it was just another day. Sure she had an exam today—The Big One, second only to the infamous Kobayashi Maru—but another day just the same.
As she lowered her arms and cracked her wrists, Rubes reflected on the number of tests she’d taken over the years. Early education tests, her peace officer trials, her degree in forensics, the Academy entrance exam. After a while they just became another thing on the giant to-do list. If she failed this, then she’d either just try again or do something else. Life could be stressful, but exams didn’t really rank up there on the ‘shit-she-should-be-worried-about’ list.
It helped that she had experience on her side. Unlike many of her countreparts who were at least a decade younger than her and didn’t have more concerning experiences under their belt. But even that didn’t phase Rubicon; she didn’t hold it against them… or against herself.
Well Rubes, looks like its your turn. The queue for the desk had moved quickly and Rubicon was only two cadets away. She straightened, tugging on her uniform and pulling her posture into an attention position. Dressed in her security amber orange uniform, wavy brown hair pulled back in a ponytail, Rubicon knew she looked the picture of a Starfleet Cadet.
Her turn came and Rubicon stepped up to the desk, coming to parade rest. Her favourite Academy admin was working, which made her crack out into a broad smile. “Cadet Rubicon Doyle reporting as ordered.”
== I have read and agree to the Cadet Code of Conduct and the FedSpace Constitution. ==