AQ/D01 - Bridge
The Aquila dropped out of warp near the stricken Cardassian patrol vessel.

"On screen." said Brooks as the ship came up on the viewer it would cause a shudder down anyone, the ship was a mess, a number of hull breaches, the front section practically destroyed along with one of the nacelles half off.

Either there was a very big ship in the area that could do that kind of damage or at least a group of them. Unless something else went wrong.

"Commander Velaul, get your away team selected and get over their. I feel we won't have much time in saving any survivors by the state of that vessel."

Brooks also felt the nerves of if the Cardassians arrive they will automatically think the Aquila did this and it would take a lot of diplomatic talk to get them out of it.

Before Velaul left Brooks said, "Commander Velaul, I believe in being very careful with this. Go over armed and be prepared for anything."

Turning to Commander Talion he said, "Check all scans and records to see if anything could of done anything like that before in any other accounts in the area."

He turned back to the viewscreen, "What ever the hell that was I don't want it happening to us."

==Tag Velaul and Talion==
The damage to the ship was worse than she thought, it was fortunate that anyone survived at all. They might not feel that way at all, but inntime they will. Her thoughts were interrupted  "Commander Velaul, get your away team selected and get over their. I feel we won't have much time in saving any survivors by the state of that vessel."

"Commander Pond." She stopped remembering that its a habit she needed to break. "I mean Kurasa  you are with me." Tapping her combadge. "Commander Velaul Ensign Mala,  Commander Lim, Lieutenant Hoekstra and Cindy report to Transporter room one for Away team briefing. As soon as possible." Her voice had a sense of urgency to it. "Bring transport enhancers and extra medical kits." 

Everyone on the list had a purpose,  and Beno needed all of them. Before Velaul left Brooks said, "Commander Velaul, I believe in being very careful with this. Go over armed and be prepared for anything."

"Naturally Captain." She said with a wink. "Hopefully it is just decorating my hip," She did hate to fire at people but will if need be, if it was a choice between her team and theirs. Beno would send flowers, all while bringing her team back whole.

>>>>Transporter room >>>
As T'Kol was working to send and gain a signal she noticed a message being sent to her from within the ship, within the bridge it would seem as she looked at it source.

She read the information and let out a small and faint. "Interesting". as she took in the information. It would seem the information, information that she may have taken for granted, was about the runabouts. At least part of her plan would not work if it was true.

She held that information as she could hear a faint signal and switched her focus.

"Captain, I am picking up a very faint signal. I am trying to focus on that now. I am not able to quite make it out... yet." She gave. Hating to give half information but she knew the Captain and crew would need whatever information they needed.

== Tag All ==
Talion is intently trying to scan the ship to determine if the extensive damage to the ship shows evidence of it having impacted the asteroid. Beyond that, he is doing his best to locate life signs and tag them as locations to be searched on the ship.

== GM Input for the results of his scans please. ==
Once Cologero brought the ship to a full stop there wasn't much more for him to do, other than making sure nothing hit the ship. The other ship looked like it was hit hard by something. The ship itself had a  unique design that looked good, minus the damage done. 

Just before he brought the ship to a stop, Cologero made sure to point the ship towards home. 8f something were to happen they can just fly away, if the ship was in the wrong position it would risk exposure.

"All stop and holding Captain."  He didn't want anything to happen to the ship, it would also be the consensus of everyone else. The tension of the Senior Officers would suggest something could go wrong, a constant reality they faced every day.
The Commsystem activated, [ Mala to anyone on the Bridge, the phasers are ready. I’ve selected a few Security officers for the Away Team that may be useful in this situation. Per Chief Kurasa’s order. Standing by. ]

<< Security Complex.<<
==GM Brooks - Input for Talion==

Scans would show a big explosion had occurred either in or near the ship that had caused the asteroid to also be blown apart.

The ship itself showed some places where accessible with low amount of life support, these area showed a concentration of five to ten crew members. Scan showed a varying degree of their life signs. There was about three pockets across the ship. The other area where there was life support was the Bridge and in a small section in Engineering. On the Bridge there was four life signs, but one was very weak. The other three showed up as none moving, probably unconscious.

There was also indication that some systems were still powered up, force fields had blocked a number of hull breaches. To the usual scans it would seem these systems were usual and nothing strange. Most of the power had been diverted to life support.

The trajectory of the explosion of the asteroid was travelling away from the front of the vessel and sensors indicated that this wasn't the usual type of explosion had occurred.
Shione picked up on the message from Mala and as they left the bridge she responded. tapping her badge"

"Kurasa to Mala Bring your Security choices with you to Transporter along with phasers for other away team members. Apologies for keeping you waiting."

>> Transporter>>
There was an incoming communication  [Lieutenant Young to bridge it appears like our Cardasian friends flew directly into an asteroid, I am starting an investigation as to why they didn't see it. I would like permission to beam a sample aboard for testing, one the size of a grapefruit would suffice."]
While the channel was still open to the Bridge, Talion replied for all to hear, "Actually, I don't think that the damage is from an impact. My scans indicate that they may have been extremely close, but I'm detecting that there was an explosion that caused damage to both. The damage to the ship is not crushing damage, but was from some sort of detonation. I also have readings on life signs and am forwarding that data to Tactical and it is available for all Operations functions. I've highlighted locations for easy access. I'm still trying to determine what the cause of the detonation might have been."
As the ship came to view on the main screen it was clear why they were not getting any answers back.

There was no need to comment as the ship jumped to action. She viewed the ships damage and heard the Chief Science Officer assessment.

Some thoughts came to her mind. "Captain, May I suggest a security team focus on finding what did cause the explosion sir. If the other Cardassian ships arrive they are likely to be quick to blame us. If we can show them their ships logs it may help to sway them to the truth." She questioned.

She then turned as science was scanning the ship T'Kol though best to keep from having any surprises and did a long range scan. Looking for any other Cardassian ships in the area.

== GM Input: Does T'Kol, readjusting her console to scan for ships particularly Cardassian Ships, find any other ships in the area. Especially any heading this way?==
==GM Brooks: Input for T'Kol==

T'Kol scans showed the nearest Cardassian ship was around five hours away to assist.
Captain Brooks turned in the direction of Commander Talion,

"I'm inclined to go with your assessment Commander as I would think the Cardassians would be able to move around an asteroid."

T'Kol then suggested the security team assess the logs aboard the Cardassian vessel to find out what had gone on because anyone coming might want an explanations. At the moment in the forefront of Daniel's mind was rescuing the crew then looking for the reason why this explosion happened.

Dan opened a link to Velaul, "Captain Brooks to Commander Velaul, get the crew off and then try to work out what has gone on. We will have to make this a quick investigation as I'm sure the Cardassians will have vessels on their way here. Brooks out."

He knew his Chief of Security would already be thinking an investigation will be needed in covering themselves when the Cardassians would turn up, to be fair they would have to take their sick crew over so either way there would have to be dialog between them.

==Tag All==
A reply came from Carley. [Captain I need an answer on that sample, we can determine what happened with some certainly it could also give us an idea about potential dangers out there.] Her voice was calm with a hint of confusion.

[Captain when their friends get here it will behoove us if we have something to tell them about what happened.] 

==Tags and don't forget Commander to double post the answer ==
== Sorry, quite right. I neglected to do that. ==

Talion replied, "Captain, Lieutenant Young has a point. We could launch a probe to retrieve samples of both the asteroid and small debris from the ship, especially some the computer determines were likely nearest the initial blast. We might find out what we're dealing with and if there could still be more of the material on what remains of the ship."

== Tag CO ==
The Chief of Security's voice came over the Main bridge comm.

[ Kurasa to bridge, Away team ready and on transporter pad. At your orders Captain.]
T'Kol let out a little breath she did not realize she was holding, as she looked at her console.

"Captain it would seem we have some time. I have tracked a Cardassian ship at least 5 hours away. I will keep an eye on it. Would you like me to hail the ship once in range?" She asked

She wandered, innerly, how long it would take to get everyone off the ship.IT seemed that the First Officer was thinking along the same line as the Chief Petty Officer.
Brooks turned to Talion and said, "Yes, of course in the matter of any investigation we should try to give the Cardasssians as much information as we can. I think we should cover all bases and not forget to make our work here as deep as we possibly can to get a good picture for them."

Opening the comms he said, "Brooks to Young, yes, we need to check all areas. Go ahead. Brooks out."

The Chief of Security's voice then came over the comm,

[ Kurasa to bridge, Away team ready and on transporter pad. At your orders Captain.]

Brooks tapped his commbadge, "Brooks to away team, beam over when ready and good luck. Brooks out."

He closed the channel as T'Kol then reported in

"Captain it would seem we have some time. I have tracked a Cardassian ship at least 5 hours away. I will keep an eye on it. Would you like me to hail the ship once in range?"

Brooks shook his head, "No, let me know when they are in range. We don't want to make contact without any information at our finger tips as they will think we done this."

==Tag All==
There was a communication that came from the First Officer [Velaul to Aquila we are serching for survivers, and right now there isn't anyone on the Bridge who were capable of answering any hails. With any luck we can locate more survivers, i have hope that there is more out there.]
As the FO called back T'Kol listened with interest.
She kept an eye on the vessel and tried to see if she could figure exactly what kind of ship it was.
[If we can get Tactical to launch a class three probe or two, we can bring back small pieces of the hull and part of the inhabitanted part of the ship.]
Talion spoke up, "Sir, I concur. A standard Class 3 probe has the capacity to gather and even do preliminary analysis and is designed for this range. We wouldn't need to modify anything, it already has stealth capability and if needed, it can assist in analysis of any other ship if they arrive while we're gathering samples."
The Comms opened on the bridge from the FO.

[Velaul to Aquila we are serching for survivers, and right now there isn't anyone on the Bridge who were capable of answering any hails. With any luck we can locate more survivers, i have hope that there is more out there.]

"Aquila to Velaul, judging by the state of the vessel I'm surprised anyone is around at all."

[If we can get Tactical to launch a class three probe or two, we can bring back small pieces of the hull and part of the inhabitanted part of the ship.]

Commander Talion then said, , "Sir, I concur. A standard Class 3 probe has the capacity to gather and even do preliminary analysis and is designed for this range. We wouldn't need to modify anything, it already has stealth capability and if needed, it can assist in analysis of any other ship if they arrive while we're gathering samples."

Daniel turned and said, "Make it so Commander Talion." before going back to Velaul, "We are doing what you suggested is there any way we can assist in getting the survivor's off quicker?"

==Tag Talion and Velaul==
Cdr Talion quickly tapped in the program specifics for the probes and launched two of the Class 3 probes. One was instructed to gather samples of the asteroid, specifically samples that were suspected to show contaminants from the detonation, and at least one control sample to compare with. The other was instructed to do the same with samples of the ship debris.

He then reported, "Probes are away, sir."

== Tag CO ==

== GM Input on the probes? ==
The answercam shortly after. [Captain I would suggest getting these three to urgent care top priority, the man I tagged is the Captain sort of speaking. We can save them but they need to be treated now.] There was a brief delay before going on. [What we need is extend your Sheila's around us to give the structural integrity field less to do, and start a power transfer I don't know how much longer life support has before failing. It will also give me a chance to look over their sensors logs.] 

Connecting Hoekstra to the conversation. [Velaul to Hoekstra and Kurasa I'm arranging a power transfer from the Aquila, to you need time to prepare for receiving the power transfer?] She didn't want to cause more problems then its worth. She also didn't want to cut her out of the conversation. [Commander Kurasa I am sending their Commanding Officer directly to Surgery, I would suggest our CMO be there to do the honors.]
T'Kol listened as the comms came to life with information. Non of it had her place to chime in until she heard the first officers report.

Once the comm was silent T'Kol, with concern, spoke up.

"Captain, if we extend our shields and start an energy transfer that will leave our ship very vulnerable. Perhaps we can sacrafice another probe to create an energy transfer. I understand it would not be quite the same but it should be enough to reignite the ship." She suggested

== Tag Cap and anyone ==
While waiting for the results from the probes, Alex listened to what was going on. Being a former FO, he calmly advised, "Captain, we need to allow the CEO to give his evaluation of the situation first. We also have no information about what caused the detonation. If we feed power into their ruined systems and they aren't able to handle it, we could only increasing the risk for everyone over there. If there is weapons or volitile material involved, we could potentially even be putting our own ship in danger." He paused before continuing, "We need to give our people time to do their jobs. We also knew there would be casualties being beamed over before we sent the CMO to be on site.

What he wasn't saying was that the CMO can't do her job in two places at once. We have an entire staff on a huge ship that practically has it's own hospital. He was seeing confusion in the assignment of people to jobs and it was worrying him. Something he had learned the hard way was that you had to make command decisions and then live with them, right or wrong. You also had to have faith in your people. It was hard, but giving them the chance to do what you asked of them was a necessary part of being a crew and in the field it was part of an effective team.

It was hard for Alex not to say some things, but he also knew he had been out of the field for a few years. He was a CSO, not an FO, but the Captain need a senior officer to at least be there to be a sounding board.
A message from the away team came over the bridge comms and the voice of the Chief Medical officer was heard.

[Cdr Lim to Cdr Velaul, all Away Team members and Captain Brooks, all injured are to be transported to the Aquila, critically injured to Sickbay, all others to Cargo Bay one or two. The 12 cardassian at my location need to be transported to Cargo Bay one. Captain as a courtesy after all the injured are transported, I recommend we transport the dead to the Aquila morgue, because if the ship is destroyed, they will be lost. It may go in our favour with the Cardassians if we can return their dead. I also think that once we have all the injured transported to the Aquila I should return to the ship.]
Hearing everything that was going on Cologero had little to nothing to do, other than going over what manuvers the ship could handle there was nothing. T'Kol seemed like she had some concern about what the First Officer had to say.

"Captain, if we extend our shields and start an energy transfer that will leave our ship very vulnerable. Perhaps we can sacrafice another probe to create an energy transfer. I understand it would not be quite the same but it should be enough to reignite the ship." She suggested

"Captain." Cologero said while turning his chair the most it will go. "In the history of Cardassia they don't fire on their own people, by extending our Sheilds they wouldn't fire on us because it would jeopardize their own ship." No matter what they did there were consequences, figuring out what ones stink less was the trick.

"Captain, we need to allow the CEO to give his evaluation of the situation first. We also have no information about what caused the detonation. If we feed power into their ruined systems and they aren't able to handle it, we could only increasing the risk for everyone over there. If there is weapons or volitile material involved, we could potentially even be putting our own ship in danger." He paused before continuing, "We need to give our people time to do their jobs. We also knew there would be casualties being beamed over before we sent the CMO to be on site.

It started to seem like Talion had no faith in the First Officer, by the sounds of things she already addressed his concerns before he had them. Both the Chief Medical and Engineering Officers were listening. Anymore of this chatter would create more tension.

"Captain requesting permission to report to the Cargo bay, I might not be a Doctor but I can be an asset to triage." The answer could go either way, he was needed in both locations the question was what one was more important. Medical teams were in place to do a job, they just needed an opportunity to do it.

=Tag Captain =
Captain, if we extend our shields and art an energy transfer that will leave our ship very  sacrafice another probe to create an energy transfer. I understand it would not be quite the same but it should be enough to reignite the ship." She suggested
A comm opened to the Bridge from Engineering: [Thorn to Bridge, I'm setting up the sequence for a power transfer. I'll start at the minimal transfer, to be sure it is safe. The initiation of the transfer will be at control from the Bridge, but I'll monitor from Engineering. I should have it set up by the time we're in position.]
Talion reported the probes were away, the Captain looked in his direction, "Well done. Hopefully it will provide some information."

The FO's voice came over the comms, [Captain I would suggest getting these three to urgent care top priority, the man I tagged is the Captain sort of speaking. We can save them but they need to be treated now.] There was a brief delay before going on. [What we need is extend your Sheila's around us to give the structural integrity field less to do, and start a power transfer I don't know how much longer life support has before failing. It will also give me a chance to look over their sensors logs.]

Connecting Hoekstra to the conversation. [Velaul to Hoekstra and Kurasa I'm arranging a power transfer from the Aquila, to you need time to prepare for receiving the power transfer?] [Commander Kurasa I am sending their Commanding Officer directly to Surgery, I would suggest our CMO be there to do the honors.]

Daniel listened to his FO orders as T'Kol then suggested,

"Captain, if we extend our shields and start an energy transfer that will leave our ship very vulnerable. Perhaps we can sacrafice another probe to create an energy transfer. I understand it would not be quite the same but it should be enough to reignite the ship."

"Captain." Cologero said while turning his chair the most it will go. "In the history of Cardassia they don't fire on their own people, by extending our Sheilds they wouldn't fire on us because it would jeopardize their own ship."

Brooks looked a the Midshipman, "I don't think I would want to gamble on that Mr Coppola."

"Captain, we need to allow the CEO to give his evaluation of the situation first. We also have no information about what caused the detonation. If we feed power into their ruined systems and they aren't able to handle it, we could only increasing the risk for everyone over there. If there is weapons or volitile material involved, we could potentially even be putting our own ship in danger." He paused before continuing, "We need to give our people time to do their jobs. We also knew there would be casualties being beamed over before we sent the CMO to be on site."

Brooks nodded and said, "I agree with you Commander Talion I think we need to be on the side of caution."

[Cdr Lim to Cdr Velaul, all Away Team members and Captain Brooks, all injured are to be transported to the Aquila, critically injured to Sickbay, all others to Cargo Bay one or two. The 12 cardassian at my location need to be transported to Cargo Bay one. Captain as a courtesy after all the injured are transported, I recommend we transport the dead to the Aquila morgue, because if the ship is destroyed, they will be lost. It may go in our favour with the Cardassians if we can return their dead. I also think that once we have all the injured transported to the Aquila I should return to the ship.]

"Captain Brooks to Commander Lim, I agree. Beam over as soon as you can. Brooks out."

"Captain requesting permission to report to the Cargo bay, I might not be a Doctor but I can be an asset to triage." asked Coppola.

"Denied Mr Coppola, there is plenty of medical staff aboard, you are needed at the helm just in case." replied the Captain.

[Thorn to Bridge, I'm setting up the sequence for a power transfer. I'll start at the minimal transfer, to be sure it is safe. The initiation of the transfer will be at control from the Bridge, but I'll monitor from Engineering. I should have it set up by the time we're in position.]

"Bridge to Thorn, await for Hoekstra orders. Bridge out."

==GM Brooks Input for Talion==

Probe shows explosion shock wave coming away from the distressed ship, showing impact in the asteroid from the shock wave.==

==Tag all==
Talion continued to stare at the raw feeds of data from the probes as they gathered their samples and sent back readings from the ruins of the ship, the asteroid and the surrounding space filled with an expanding cloud of debris. His eyes widened as he began to see a pattern in the data.

"Captain, I finally have something from the probes. Although they're still only part way into their mission, the sensor data from them seems to indicate that the asteroid did not impact the ship. I have no explanation why the ship was so close to the asteroid, but it appears that in some kind of act of desperation, they fired a torpedo of some kind to keep the asteroid from hitting them head on. The asteroid only shows damage from a shock wave, not a material impact. Perhaps they lost propulsion or had a critical power loss of some kind. I would speculate that point blank damage from a single torpedo detonation would only cause such extensive damage if they had lost their shields, though the asteroid might have caused it to form the doubling effect of a shaped charge."

He then finished his report with, "I'll continue to monitor the data and let you know if anything more conclusive comes in, sir."

== Tag CO ==
T'Kol listened and almost felt, bad for the Captain as the bridge, including her, had flooded him with information or suggestions. However, that was what being Captain was like.

She wandered if she would ever be able to make such decisions. Be able to process so much in such little time.
She had never thought of her self rising up to become Captain, until recently. She was not sure that she ever wanted to be Captain but she was inwardly, beginning to ... feel, the want to become more. More than she had, more than an assistant. More.

But to be more she would also need to lead. Was she ready for that? Right now she needed to focus but there was nothing she could add, nothing she could help with.

She turned, still listening and looking for any other ships. Keeping an eye on the Cardassian ship. She watched to see if it put out any calls.

Talion was watching the probes so she would keep an eye on their surroundings. They could be caught in a compromising position.

== GM INPUT: Does she hear anything else on coms? She also keeps a watch on the ship please let me know if she sees it change course. Does she intercept and signals from the Cardassian ship?==
There was anotherreply shortlyafter. [Commander Talion thank you for pointing out the obvious already established, we will talk about this when I return.] There was a brief silence as she was attempting to gather any other information from the station. It was possible that they were forcing to much power through one way or another. 

[Until then Commander this bridge looks like it was hit by a power overload, if I had to guess they channeled too much raw power throughout their systems causing the overload.] Neither Beno or Velaul had much more than minimal experience in the area. Fortunately she did travel with someone who did know these things.

[Captain we are heading down to Engineering in a second, there isn't much more I can establish from here. Seeing how our Friends here are not fond of Secondary protocols, it's an educated guess that it fried most of their systems outright. Best case scenario they can use this ship for scrap after, for now we will conctrate on the task at hand.]

A reply came to the captain after his communication with Dr Lim.

[Aye Captain, once all casualties and deceased are evacuated to the Aquila, I'll beam over too.]
A request from Dr Lim came into the bridge.

[LCdr Lim to Aquila, 12 injured cardassians at my location to be immediately transported to Cargo Bay 1. Also, three dead Cardassian at our beam-in site to be transported to the Morgue.]
During the time of the communication with the away team there was a comm from Security to the CO

[Lieutenant Commander Senkar to Captain Brooks. In keeping with the requests from the Chief Medical officer and under orders of the Security Chief I have posted security personnel in Sickbay and both cargo bays that will be used for medical triage of the Cardassian wounded. We will oversee the transport to ensure no active weapons will arrive with them and all of our people will use the utmost care to treat the wounded respectfully, Security out.]

==Tag if needed==
Not long after the message from Security the Security Chief's voice came over the bridge comm:

[Kurasa to Away team and the Aquila; the Doctor is preparing to transport the 12 casualties from our room directly to the Aquila and she will be transporting over with them. Ensign Mala suggested placing isolinear tags on the dead so we can recover them by transport after we have dealt with the living; Kurasa out.]

==Tag if appropriate==
The report from the probes where troubling,

"Captain, I finally have something from the probes. Although they're still only part way into their mission, the sensor data from them seems to indicate that the asteroid did not impact the ship. I have no explanation why the ship was so close to the asteroid, but it appears that in some kind of act of desperation, they fired a torpedo of some kind to keep the asteroid from hitting them head on. The asteroid only shows damage from a shock wave, not a material impact. Perhaps they lost propulsion or had a critical power loss of some kind. I would speculate that point blank damage from a single torpedo detonation would only cause such extensive damage if they had lost their shields, though the asteroid might have caused it to form the doubling effect of a shaped charge."

He then finished his report with, "I'll continue to monitor the data and let you know if anything more conclusive comes in, sir."

Brooks turned to the Commander, "I hope some of the crew who are able to talk to us might be able to explain what did occurs. Either way it doesn't sound good."

Velaul commented back via the comms and maybe what they had seen on the Bridge had something to do with the sudden close by explosion.

The Doc then called in, [LCdr Lim to Aquila, 12 injured cardassians at my location to be immediately transported to Cargo Bay 1. Also, three dead Cardassian at our beam-in site to be transported to the Morgue.]

This was quickly followed up by Security
[Lieutenant Commander Senkar to Captain Brooks. In keeping with the requests from the Chief Medical officer and under orders of the Security Chief I have posted security personnel in Sickbay and both cargo bays that will be used for medical triage of the Cardassian wounded. We will oversee the transport to ensure no active weapons will arrive with them and all of our people will use the utmost care to treat the wounded respectfully, Security out.]

It seemed his new Security Chief had made sure his team had everything covered.

The Security Chief then said over the comms [Kurasa to Away team and the Aquila; the Doctor is preparing to transport the 12 casualties from our room directly to the Aquila and she will be transporting over with them. Ensign Mala suggested placing isolinear tags on the dead so we can recover them by transport after we have dealt with the living; Kurasa out.]

Daniel looked towards the view screen he just hoped the Cardassians would be understanding when they got here.

==GM Brooks:

For T'Kol: The ships comms doesn't give anymore information apart from a broken distress call. The other Cardassian ship was still on course to their location.

==For all==

Sensors would indicate that the ship in distress had a power build up inside the front torpedo tube area, it was indicated a little bit further back from the torpedo bay. It seemed somehow to have its own power source. The sudden build up of power would take everyone by surprise as the ship itself was low on power.

==Tag All==
T'Kol watched as the Cardassian ship closed in on the damaged ship. She speculated in her thoughts, how the Cardassian would react once they arrive.

She was most surprised that there was no communication or attempted communication between the ships.

This thought suddenly concerned her a bit as she thought about it. She then tried to pull up any communication signals.

Even though she was not monitoring the signals before the event the ships computer sensor should have logged all signals.

Before she called out to the captain her concerns she thought she should do a little diligent work first.
She changed her console. She arraigned it so she could keep a a quarter of her console keeping an eye on the progression of the incoming Cardassian ship. Another quarter monitoring any incoming signals to the area.
While she used the other half now to research. She searched back to 10 minutes before they first noted the distressed ship and looked for any Cardassian signals other answering the distress call.

== GM Input: Correct me if I am wrong but all local signals would still be recorded by the ships active sensors. Can she (T'Kol) not access those logs and see if there was any answer to the initial distress call? ==
Seeing the power building up on the Cardassian ship was troubling enough, especially where it was inexplicably building. Talion was starting to report, "I'm seeing a..."

Too late. They saw the explosion and then the wreckage shifting.

Another quick reference of the data and he reported, "That latest explosion, from the same area of the ship, has now caused additional damage that appears to have severed the wreckage into at least two pieces. I'm still reading life signs, but I can't tell if any of our crew are injured or not."

A second later, he picked up chatter from Cindy through her internal systems, but routed to the comms of the team. "I've also got confirmation that they're losing atmosphere in Engineering."

== Tag Bridge Crew ==
Soon after the Commander's observation of the explosion on the crippled ship, the strained voice of the 2nd officer came over the Aquila bridge comm.

[Commander Kurasa to the Aquila and Away team. There have been explosions here and I am ordering an emergency transport of All away team members back to the Aquila. Those present in my area are injured, and the ship has been further damaged.

Aquila initiate transport immediately, Kurasa over.]

The voice of a concerned Thorn came over the comm: [Thorn to Bridge, we've lost the connection for an attempt at feeding them power, but it wasn't us that caused whatever happened. I have a Damage Control team standing by. Do you need us to deploy?]

== Tag Bridge Crew ==
Talion sent a message to Cindy from his terminal: [Status report?]

He got a nearly instant reply on his screen: [Valkyrie Actual...we have a situation. The team is divided and drifting apart. CEO viable and moving to best possible area until extraction. Advise if I need to move to assist in any other locations before anything else happens. Casualty status of other team members is unknown. I have life signs, but no details at this range.]

Talion responded: [Proceed and stand by for now.]

Talion's pulse quickened a bit, but he said nothing more to the rest of the crew. It would only serve to add unproductive chatter to an already hectic situation. Cindy was better trained for these situations than he was anyway. He knew to trust in her. He also knew that he needed to trust in the leadership of the team. Kurasa made the sae call he would have. She called for them to be puled out ASAP. Alex worried about any interference with the transporter locks, but barring that, the team should be back on the ship within seconds. He was worried, but not for Cindy. His worry was for all of the rest of the crew who were at risk on what was left of that Cardassian ship. Alex silently hoped that The Fates would spare them all.
The Comm system, activated. [ Mala…. crackle.. crackle…pop… Aquila pop..pop.. crackle please.] The static was heavy .

== Tag Bridge. ==
Lucky enough the Aquila was far enough away and in a slightly different direction to the shock wave of the device that had over charged and exploded again, the shock wave hit the asteroid and more parts broke off.

"Shields." said Brooks as Keval said "Done sir." as the shock wave hit them. It brought the shields down to sixty three percent.

"That latest explosion, from the same area of the ship, has now caused additional damage that appears to have severed the wreckage into at least two pieces. I'm still reading life signs, but I can't tell if any of our crew are injured or not." reported in Talion.

A second later, he picked up chatter from Cindy through her internal systems, but routed to the comms of the team. "I've also got confirmation that they're losing atmosphere in Engineering."

[Commander Kurasa to the Aquila and Away team. There have been explosions here and I am ordering an emergency transport of All away team members back to the Aquila. Those present in my area are injured, and the ship has been further damaged.

Aquila initiate transport immediately, Kurasa over.]

"Bridge to Transporter room, Lock on to all surviving personal on that ship and beam them here. Beam the away team directly to Sickbay."


Mala's comms popped up, [ Mala…. crackle.. crackle…pop… Aquila pop..pop.. crackle please.]

Daniel hoped that none of the team had been injured, it concerned him what made the secondary explosion that finally ripped the ship apart.

[Transporter room to Bridge we have managed to beam everyone over that still had life signs, we have beam all the away team to Sickbay for assessment. Transporter room out]

Captain Brooks breath a little easier at finding this out, it made it a lot better.

"Talion, see if you can analyze the sensors and work out what the hell that was. I also want an assessment made of the area of the ship on what caused that explosion and weather it is safe for a small away team to pop over and take a look."

==Tag Talion and everyone else==


For T'Kol: The only ships who had answered the distress call was the Aquila and the Cardassian Patrol ship heading towards the scene. There was no other vessels closer in range.==
T'Kol perked up and stared at the screen as explosions rocked the ship they were there to assist.

She listened as communications came from Kurasa, then another engineer but it was the securities messege that had T'Kol most... worried.

She instantly tried to cut through the static and respond to the security officer. She boosted the signal and then was about to initiate the response but she heard the Captain quickly transport the crew back to the ship.

She decided to respond just the same.

"Chief T'Kol to Ensign Mala, I trust you and the entire away team made it aboard and in sickbay safely. Can you please report any crew injuries." She gave and waited to hear the response.
Talion had his orders.

"I'm on it, sir."

Now that they had a record of exactly where the energy signature had been detected, he did two things. First, he started the sensors focusing a narrow beam scan on the area of the last buildup. He wanted high resolution data on everything in that section of the ship. This was two detonations they knew of now and there might still be material there or a device that would cause even more damage. He wanted to know what it was. The second thing he did was bring up the recorded data of the latest event to see not only the exact timing and sequence of the buildup and detonation, but the patterns of the energy waves as well. Every form of energy had its own pattern and he wanted to look at the fingerprint of this one.

== GM Input of what Talion finds ==

Input for Talion: Looking at the sensor records, the patterns didn't match anything on file, this was something new. It did show however the trace elements from the earlier damage to the vessel matched this pattern.
After looking at the scan results, Talion reported, "Captain, the energy signature is unlike anything currently on record. I can verify that it appears to be the same thing that caused the initial damage, but I can't say if it is the same device of if there are multiple items in that area of the ship that are unstable. I can only add that if it is a single device that is the cause, then we might have roughly the same amount of time as from the original distress call until this last detonation. That is pure speculation, but it is the best I can offer. As to the structural integrity, I will defer to Engineering on the wisdom of sending anyone into that particular situation."

== Tag CO and Bridge Crew ==
Daniel listened carefully to Commander Talion's assessment.

"Maybe some new weapon they are trying out..." Brooks speculated aloud.

Walking around the Bridge he joined Commander Talion,

"Is the structure still strong enough to let an away team over and take a look. I know it would be risky but we do need to find out what is going on over there. It might give us some leverage when the Cardassian's arrive."

==Tag Talion==
Talion looked back at his screen for a moment and reflectively gave his beard a stroke as he considered before responding without turning back to face the Captain, "Well...I suggest Engineering take their look at the scans first, but if you sent someone over there, they would need to be in EVA suits and prepared for anything. I'm speculating that it may not build up for another detonation too quickly, but since I can't identify that energy signature, it is likely some form of experimental energy source and thus I can't say what impact it might have on any given life form or how to effectively shield against it."

== Tag Brooks ==
Brooks listened and agreed,

"Yes, send engineering all the information so far and we will get Hoekstra to brief us if he thinks it worth going over for a look."

[Velaul to Bridge the away team has sustained a few injuries, but we over all are fine. Dr. Lim took the worst of it, she is going to be down forr a little while.I am waiting to be cleared before resuming regular duties.]

The Captain looked at Talion with a little bit of concern on his face,

"That isn't good." he commented before moving back down to the Command area in front of the center chair.

Daniel paused while he looked at the crippled ship on the main view screen, it seemed to have echoes of the old Cardassians trying to be sneaky and gain an advantage. It wasn't something he was expecting to find in this area of the quadrant, maybe a ship trying out a new weapon in the neutral zone. All seemed a little bit too risky to him.

==Tag all, esp Talion==
Talion sent the information across to Engineering for their review. He added his concerns about the unidentified energy signature.

"All sensor data sent to Engineering, sir. Fortunately, all our people made it back, but not without a scratch. That was a bit close for comfort. Cardassians and Romulans are both known for sometimes crossing the line when it comes to experimenting with less ethical technologies. If we're going to do anything further, we're going to want to do it before that other ship gets here or we risk our people being captured or worse."

== Tag Brooks ==

== Oops! Oh well, rolling with it... ==
There wasn't much for him to do at this time, he couldn't move the ship at this time due to lack of orders. The one thing that he could do was go over the dimensions of the ship, the size of the ship was typical. It was longer than wide or high. With the height being six hundred and sixty three meters, the beam being pretty much four hundred meters and the last dimension was one hundred and fourty seven meters deep. 

In plain English this means it's wider and longer than deep, the question was how much can the ship take? How fast can he drift the ship before it breaks apart? If it was going to turn into a run and gun situation they were going to need manuvers that were new to them.

There is nothing quite like riding the eye of the storm, we just have to hold our hats down tight. There were going to be a few manuvers that Cologero could plan with the trick of not breaking the ship, and hopefully not making people sick either.  It would be the same as being on the rides at a Carnival of some kind, not everyone can stomach them.

An Away that comes back alive is a good result, in time they should all get better. The part he didn't fully understand  was what anyone was doing there, it could be a violation of some treaty. Another thing that came to mind was some people really needed to lighten up, not everything was going to be doom and gloom. "In the case of our Cardasian friends here, I would be worried about Obsidian Order, who are always on the lookout for intelligence." This wasn't him saying to Thorn that this was going on, just a remote possibility.

==Tag - Plus I had to get something out==
Brooks listened to Thorn's report,

"Yes, we would have to do it sooner rather than later, the time window is very small." replied Brooks looking back to the Chief Science Officer before stepping forward to the helm area.

"Mr Coppola, move us out of blast radius of the ship but close enough to beam an away team over and back." he ordered.

Tapping his commbadge he said,

"Sickbay, this is the Bridge, report please?"

Captain Brooks left the channel open.

==Tag all==
A reply from Sickbay came almost immediately

[Second officer to the Captain. I am with Gul Nassett who does not believe that his ship is largely wrecked and feels that we should allow him to go back despite his current medical condition.

Captain can you send the current drone footage of his ship to my Padd so I may show him in real time just how little of his ship remains?

Second Officer over.]

==Tag Brooks==

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