AQ/D12 - Main Sickbay
Listening to the conversation between Kurasa and the Gul, Beno had a partial smile. Velau,l has had a few dealings with them in the past, and all of them were pretty much like this. Cardassiqns always tell the truth, it's just mixed in with a ton of lies. The fun was to pick out what the lies from the truth, the lies have always been entertaining. A couple of the past hosts would describe lies as simply part of their culture, everyone does it with the best ones that go into politics. If they spent time in a mystery novels written by Cardassiqns, they would realize everyone was guilty of something. The fun was figuring out what they were guilty of, it was just their style.

Getting up Beno went to Kurasa. "Commander I would have been shocked if he did believe you, Cardassians get lied to so often they expect it everywhere." If they were to tell him the fable of the boy who cried wolf, they would believe the moral of this tale was never tell the same lie twice. 

"The Legate is going to wonder why one of his ships was in the natural zone, he will believe the truth." With everything that she seen, it was plausible they didn't intend to be there.

==Tag and GM input please ==
The pain continued taunting Jez, she was battling the pain the best she could. She knew that she had to be strong, that she could beat this. She could feel herself falling deeper into her mental stronghold.

~ Oh listen, the cavalry's here to rescue you my dear, But I don’t give up that easily.  Go away, you can not break my walls. I am half Betazoid, half Vulcan. My telepathic abilities are stronger than you. GO AWAY…..!!! Oh foolish Jez, we both have our jobs that we must do. Half Betazoid, Half Vulcan, please I’ve waylaid Klingons, Nausicaans, Romulans, Gorn, and even the Borg. All must bow to Pain. NO, NO, NO, GO AWAY, leave me alone you will not batter down my walls!!!  ~

== NPC- Surgical Tech V’Saral an Aenar Male. ==

V’ Saral kept reassuring Jez that she would be fine.

~ Help is here, just hold on a little longer.

"Ensign I appreciate that you have concerns about your injuries but I can assure you as the most experienced Surgeon aboard; I can not only prevent any complications but you should also expect to be back on active duties after only a few days. Star Fleet's surgical techniques are capable of some amazing feats, and while Surgical Technician V'Saral is an excellent technician, he is not a surgeon." Said Doctor O’Shea.

V’Saral wasn’t sure if Doctor O'Shea was aware of the battle going on in Jez’s paracortex. The pain had been taunting her and enjoying the perverse pleasure of seeing her in agony.

“Excuse me Doctor O’Shea, our young Friend can’t hear you. She is fighting a battle with pain deep inside her paracortex. She is building a mental wall against the pain. It’s a technique common among Betazoids.” 

~ Jez don’t worry help is here you have Doctor O’Shea here, she is the best. She will take very good care of you. All your friends are here Cindy Me, Doctor O’Shea, feel our life energies, feel their healing frequencies. Don’t let the pain win. You are strong ~

“ Doctor O’Shea, I think she is ready now. May I observe? I’m considering taking a few medical classes to be more beneficial to the Medical Staff besides running tests and setting up equipment.” Said V’Saral, his tone curious and hopeful.

== Tag Doctor O'Shea & All. ==
==NPC Raymond Reddington Medic ==

Taking care of Triage was a difficult task at this time so he broken it down into simple categories, priority one through can wait. The next important step was to organize the dead, they could pose a health issue to the living. If there were going to be autopsies done they would have to wait anyway, but it was doubtful any would be done. The Chief Medical Officer being down with a head injury made things a little more difficult, but fortunately Troy was there.

Walking up to Doctor Troy Raymond needed her attention. "Pardon me Doctor Troy." He said and waited for her to answer. "I wouldn't use resources to bring back our Chief Engineer, he is in the can wait group. We have a group of people who can't, I will organize out here and Doctor O'Shea can organize the O.R." He knew it would take a while for her to get on her feet again. He looked at Doctor Lim, and she was displaying symptoms of a bad concussion. His abilities were enough to treat a diverse amount of injuries or stabilize them until they can see a surgeon. Between her and O'Shea they had everything covered, both were talented Doctors.

==Tag Dr. Troy==

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