DS9/A04 - Quark's Bar, Grill, Gaming House and Holosuite Arcade
Lucy was well through the better part of her burger when she remembered that Aeryn had said something about a Command Certification Test ahead.  That was a epic step up. Even getting recommended for something like that was a confirmation that somebody thought you had concrete potential. The test itself always varied. Tailored specifically to the officer taking the test. It wasn’t one of those standard tests.

“Congratulations on the Command Test. Definitely best of luck.”

Not a pleasant shore leave, but it was the right timing for it. It was going to be a packed shore leave for Aeryn. Lucy didn’t feel she was there yet. She was feeling a little more comfortable in herself, but she needed more time before she felt like she could be a Senior Officer. She was looking forward to feeling like a relatively competent Junior Officer. Of course it would take some effort on her part.

== tag ==
Aeryn's attention was momentarily diverted to the arrival of the snacks and drinks that she had ordered, thanking the waiter before noticing that Coleman had since left the bar. Making a mental note to catch up with her friend later, and find out what had gone on from his perspective, the security chief then refocused on those sitting at her table. Being around those from her own crew felt familiar with the redhead and, hopefully, it would continue to be the distraction that she needed, at least for tonight.

When Lucy then decided to touch on the subject of her command test, Aeryn appreciated the science officer's well wishes. Although she had since come to terms with how to deal with the nerves that surrounded the thought of what the outcome might be, and until it happened, she was going to do her best.

" Thanks, I appreciate it" Aeryn replied, hoping that they could now talk about other things rather than have the spotlight remain on her. Helping herself to an onion ring, Aeryn then spoke again.

" So how is everyone liking DS9?".

== Tags all ==
Aeryn definitely did want to dwell on the upcoming test and Lucy couldn’t blame her. She hated exams and practical exams always held a special terror. Aeryn went with enquiring about peoples thoughts on Deep Space Nine. It was hub. A good place to kick off the shoes between missions. Butting heads with the Obsidian Order could get complicated. The fact that they started it might only be a mitigating factor.

“Nice place to visit. Not sure I could hack being in one place for too long. The Promenade and the businesses are cool and all, but I could see myself going in circles after too long. Half wishing I’d bugged out planetside with Calleja. Hiking, mountaineering, or even going on a rock hunt. Been hoping to rebuild my rock collection, within reason. The food and drink definitely hits the spot.”

It was a little odd that Jay hadn’t reached for a fry, but it likely wasn’t something she was familiar with. Lucy didn’t have a clue about Cardassian food. A learning curve that would be interesting to fill in. Getting to know fellow crewmembers is always a great help. A little cohesion is always good for the crew.
Braggins had been interrogated, most of the Philadelphia crew had been reassigned, the ship itself had been recalled for lengthy inspection, and those from her crew that remained were restricted to Deep Space Nine and the planet it stood guard near: Bajor. Known for its scenic landscapes and deep religious beliefs, the one thing the planet definitely did not have was a good Klingon bar. DS9 had a Klingon shop, and it had a bar, and the two of them would have to do to suit Artie’s needs. 

To those who did not know her, it was probably quite a shock to see a thin, Klingon woman in a bright yellow sundress walk into any place of casual establishment. She wasn’t in what one might call a perfect mood, still scowling at only knowing that she was still in Starfleet. She didn’t yet know whether she’d still hold her Chief of Security moniker, whether she’d still be allowed in Security, or whether Command would just bust her down to holodeck maintenance crew. The idea of the latter made her gag.

“Oh, just give me a warnog.” Art said, already exasperated with herself. She glanced around to see if she saw any familiar faces, or any faces that wanted to look familiar. She had to get this pent-up tension out of her system somehow, and conversation was just one of those methods.

==Open taggities!==
Kal-Geal finally got out of his debriefing, which had gone rougher than he liked. In hindsight, it probably wasn't a good idea to ask if anyone else was wearing briefs, but that was the way things went. The Child of San-Tarah had been let out, but told not to go far. They had to contact the Klingons, and would try to get him shipped back to Qo'nos, since embarrassment over the rescue and the recommendation had made them reevaluate the exchange program in all likelihood.

The big white wolf in Klingon armor walked into the bar, probably shocking the observers even further, Deep Space Nine never had a Child of San-Tarah, and at least one Ferengi whimpered for animal control to arrive, before a stern word in Klingon silenced them. As he ordered a warnog as well, he looked around the room, and spied the other Klingon officer of Star Fleet in the room, and went over to the part of the bar she was at.

"I will never want to understand Ferengi. Such fearful little beings, with pointy teeth, and silly desires for strips of coin. Kind of feels like the officer I just finished talking to. So afraid of the Klingon Empire saving their people, that they want to lie and send me home. Anyways, what's got your fur ruffled there Lieutenant d'Tor'an?"
Peter made an exception this time. Normally he would not set foot in Quark's, because...well, it was one of the most potent symbols of the Ferengi culture that he loathed with a passion.
As high as his admiration was for those Ferengi who'd managed to break free from that, as low was his opinion of the culture itself.
Would Ferenginar one day take its place in the Federation Council? He hoped it. He doubted that either he, or his children, or his children's children's children would see that day.

But, then again, he would normally not have relieved his Captain of command, only to go back on that after having been shown the truth. He had just come from the "debriefing", and darn it if he didn't need an actual drink now.
He'd definitely played hardball, invoking his guaranteed right to counsel present during the interrogation, leaving his interrogators scrambling to find a suitable JAG-representative on short notice.
He had told them what they'd asked, and nothing more. When asked about why he hadn't arrested Braggins as ordered, he'd referred them to the orders she'd shown him coming direct from the Federation Council, and that he was acting on the best information he had. And that, given those circumstances, orders coming straight from the top outclassed orders given by a "mere" Captain, in this case Khumalo.

He knew he'd pushed it a bit at adding "mere" to Khumalo's rank, and he'd dialed his acerbic remarks down after that, but the end result was the same, and the gist of it was: I followed orders, just not Captain Khumalo's.
And he also felt pretty good by adding that his actions had helped in saving the lives of a lot of people Starfleet had given up as MIA.

In the end, he walked out a free man, with a slap on the wrist. He'd barely dared to hope for that outcome, but would gladly take it.
And now he definitely needed a drink. A real one.

He headed into the bar, and immediately scowled a bit as he saw the spectacle. Barely clothed Dabo girls, ridiculously overworked and underpaid waiters. It was a slap in the face of the dignity and humanitarianism - regardless of species - that he'd just risked his life, and his career, to defend. But it was outside of Federation jurisdiction, as the "embassy" of the Ferengi Alliance. Grand Nagus Rom wasn't as stupid as his detractors wanted to make him out to be, and he was definitely a family man. Peter didn't even want to think about how obscenely rich Quark had become from that particular decision.

But what it also was, was a popular gathering point of not just the station's residents, but a popular place to have shore leave. And so he was certain he would find some of the Philadelphia's crew out and about. Well, formerly Philadelphia.
It had been a bit of a heartbreak to learn that a fair bit of the crew would be scattered to the winds. But that was a regret to have later. For now, it was time to try to unwind a bit.

Qui bibit, dormit. Qui dormit, non peccat. Qui non peccat, sanctus est he thought with a bit of a chuckle, as he then spotted d'Tor'an and Beinn at the bar.

At least he spotted a couple of friendly faces. He smiled and headed over to d'Tor'an and Beinn.

"I'm pleased to see some hint of civilization in this place" he said with a big smile as he then looked over at the bartender and called for an ice cold Carlsberg, before looking back at them.

"How do you fare? Both of you?", he asked with mild concern in his voice.

== Tag! Big Grin ==
>> Promenade >>

On entering Quark's, the atmosphere physically changed. The air felt warmer. The smell, imperceptibly muskier. And the volume, certainly louder.

The head waiter almost pounced on Black as she entered. “One more shift. Hooman.” he said leering at her.

Black took him by the ear and firmly twisting him said. “No.” Then she looked over to Qi. “Don't ask.”

The indignant Ferengi soon scuttled off quickly when he heard the call of “Darbo!” across the room leaving the three of them to take in the scene further.

Papaver let go of Qi's arm, and said to Black; “I'll go talk to him. Sort things out. I'll catch up.” And she headed off after the Ferengi. Leaving Black and Qi alone.

Black scanned the room, and spotted the Commander sitting at the bar. With him was d'Tor'an, and... Bienn, was it?

Their half-Klingon security chief was easy to identify because of her simple but distinctive off duty style. The large wolf in Klingon armour was somewhat more distinctive, a wolf in heavy Klingon armour, but Black had had very little interaction with him since the end, so was struggling to recall much about him.

Either way, Black knew she hadn't been in the Commander's good books before the mission. And she wasn't too sure how he'd react to her approaching him now afterwards, but she did have someone with her who needed to see him.

He was already in conversation with the other two officers as they made their approach.

“Excuse me, Commander.” She said waiting for a natural break in the conversation. “I have Lieutenant Commander Qi, here. To speak with you.”

She waited for the Commander to respond.

== Tag Everyone ==
==Had coffee when I got home, so I’m still awake at 9:30 to post, finally!==

A compatriot walked into the bar; well, Art had never seen a San-Tarah in person before meeting Kal-Geal, but still, he counted. Recognizing kindred spirits however-many years ago, Klingons “conquered” the Children of the planet San-Tarah, and they became a minor part in Klingon culture. Seeing one was rare for a Klingon; Art suspected that serving with one was even more so.

The furry medic walked into Quark’s Bar in battle armor, for reasons Art couldn’t begin to guess. She gave him an inquiring look, and the facial expression invited him over.

“I will never want to understand Ferengi.” The great white wolf-like officer commented. “Such fearful little beings, with pointy teeth, and silly desires for strips of coin.”

Artie grinned in response, an outward push of air going through her nose just forcefully enough to make a small sound.

“Kind of feels like the officer I just finished talking to.” He continued. “So afraid of the Klingon Empire saving their people, that they want to lie and send me home. Anyways, what's got your fur ruffled there Lieutenant d'Tor'an?”

Art just raised her drink at him, taking a slug that showed the drink was weaker than one she would have rather had. “Oh, just this whole sit-around-and-wait-for-your-fate nonsense.” She told him. “I know I joined Starfleet, and I know I have superiors, but it’s so aggravating feeling like you’re not in charge of your own future.”

Even with her company wearing armor, Art felt comfortable sitting next to Beinn at the bar. She wasn’t one to believe in such things as “auras”, but you couldn’t deny that the man gave off a certain Klingon-esque “vibe.”

“I’m pleased to see some hint of civilization in this place.” The voice of Peter Jensen, their First Officer, came from behind both of them. Art turned to face him, unsure whether or not he was being sarcastic. She decided that since the man was rarely sarcastic, if ever, he was simply expressing his pleasure at seeing the two of them there.

After putting in an order to the bartender, who was still trying to stay away from the Klingon Empire citizens, he turned back to his shipmates. “How do you fare?” The FO asked. “Both of you?” He was concerned, and he let the tone of his voice show it.

“Not drunk yet, but getting there.” Art said, holding up her drink to show him.

==I’ll wait to acknowledge Black until Jensen does. Again, apologies for my tardiness!==
At the far end of the bar, four Starfleet Officers gathered around the archaic but proudly-mounted dartboard enjoying a lively but not overly rambunctious game of darts. On one team, Captain Braggins and her trusty Chief of the Boat (none would be so foolish as to say "sidekick") Jenna Bartlett. On the other team, two of the Runabout pilots assigned to DS9, both of whom Jenny had taught to fly. The two pilots, young hotshots both, were justifiably pleased with themselves as they were currently winning and not by a small margin. Jenny and Bartlett had turned the game into a working exercise, as they discussed personnel issues even while they played, Jenny's dress white tunic and undershirt draped over a nearby barstool as she played in her white pants and a plain white t-shirt.

She'd known whoever was assigned to her "inquiry" would be more than happy to rake her across the coals, so she had turned the tables on them. Arriving in full Dress Uniform, the Medal of Honor ribbon on her chest had required every officer in the room stand at attention when she arrived. Had it been petty? Childish? Petulant? Probably, but it had put the smug asshole Bowan on the back foot immediately, and she had deftly and succinctly answered all of the questions brought before her. Then she presented the orders from Starfleet Intelligence in her defence; it didn't absolve her of all the charges that had been laid against her, but it did mitigate them somewhat, especially given she had been successful.

"You want Kal-Geal as CMO? Are you nuts?"

Jenny smirked at the tone of Bartlett's voice, a smirk that disappeared as the dart left her left hand and buried itself in the largest 1-point section of the board. With a sigh, she shook her head as her opponents chuckled and took their spot ready to throw. Bartlett simply hid her face behind her hands as she looked upon the pile of credit chips with a forlorn expression, their chances of winning slipping away with every lousy throw the young Captain made.

"He's an excellent medic and handy to have in a fight. Plus, with Ragarri being redeployed to study the Kzinti reproductive crisis, I'm going to need a replacement."

"He's not even a Federation Citizen. This is because Captain Colso made a comment about the Philadelphia resembling a cattery, isn't it?"

"First, neither am I. Second, no. Well not entirely. The KDF have rescinded his position because he left the Yeager without orders; General B'Emir hinted that this was going to happen anyway, but I still feel responsible. I can offer him a field commission and if Command don't like it, they can suck it."

Bartlett shook her head slowly with a long, slow, sigh as she reached for her beer glass. It was, sadly, as empty as Jenny's own as their opponents threw their last dart to score their final points and win the game. With a good-natured smile Jenny pushed the credit chips toward the two younger men. A hand stopped hers, and the younger of the two men flashed a winning smile as he placed an empty beer mug on the table. It was a challenge - winner gets the pot and a free round. Jenny shrugged, one beer wasn't worth her time, but she grudgingly relented when the offer of two rounds was made - first one to hit the bullseye, ladies first as per the custom.

Stepping up to the mark, Jenny took a deep breath and readied the dart to throw. Bartlett stood back, arms folded, an amused smirk on her face.

"Are you going to throw lefty all night? You're right handed, you know."

Shrugging, Jenny switched the dart to her right hand, steadied herself, and threw. With a dull thud, the dart embedded itself in the bullseye, triggering the little red lights around the outside of the board. With a grin that wasn't quite smug, but also wasn't far off, Jenny turned to the two duly chastened pilots and passed the empty mugs into their waiting hands while Bartlett scooped the credit chips off the table.

She'd avoided a Court Martial, humbled a bumbling bureaucrat, and hustled two hotshots out of free drinks. It had been a good day.

==Darts, anyone?==
"How do you fare? Both of you?"

“I know I joined Starfleet, and I know I have superiors, but it’s so aggravating feeling like you’re not in charge of your own future.”

Kal-Geal decided to answer both questions with one answer,

"I can....sympathize. I was in a call with my clan back on San-Tarah after the debriefing. It seems the Klingon Empire is removing my people from being able to join their armed forces, until we can modernize ourselves to their satisfaction. Something about culture shock, and integration with Klingon culture. But I suspect it has something to do with the fact that we're stronger than the average Klingon."

Kal-Geal then pushed a glass of Klingon warnog to Jensen and added,

"Drink up Commander. We won our battle today, and to future battles, may we also be victorious."

Given the concept of peace was still new to Kal-Geal, he was still quite alert. But, he allowed himself a moment to relax, because the Federation knew peace, and so would he so long as he stayed with Star Fleet. Being a doctor taught him that concept, but understanding it was an entirely different matter that he didn't know yet.

T'Lari entered Quark's with reluctance that she attempted to hide... badly. The last time she had been in a bar she'd broken the arm of an admiral's son. It had been the start of her career slide and resulted in a series of postings meant to humiliate her and drive her out of the service. And this bar was far louder and more boisterous than the last one.

Still, she needed to talk to Captain Braggins, and this is where the computer had said she was. The half-Vulcan had been released from arrest despite her obvious guilt. It seemed like Starfleet wanted little more than to sweep the whole ugly incident under the rug, and short of putting her in a penal colony there was little more they could do to her.

Quite a few of the Philadelphia crew were already here. She spotted Lieutenant Black and Kal-Geal Beinn, her comrade from the Yeager, and resolved to speak to both of them as soon as she was done talking to the Captain. Who was finishing a round of darts with a couple of officers she didn't know.

T'Lari approached Captain Braggins, wanting to get the matter out of the way and be gone from this place. She took a short breath, let it out, and then jumped straight in. The Tactical officer had a great deal of respect for the strange renegade captain and didn't want to leave matters unfinished between them before she was hustled off to whatever humiliating job Starfleet had in store for her. Weapons officer on a tugboat, perhaps?

"Captain Braggins? I do not wish to disturb you, but I wanted to offer you my apologies for being unwilling to obey your order on the Philadelphia."

== Tag Jenny ==
Peter listened as Beinn recounted how the Klingons were going to keep his people from joining the KDF.
Ostensibly for bureaucratic reasons; according to himself it was for reasons of feeling inferior to the children of San-Tarah - something which Peter doubted very much. If there was one thing Klingongs were not known for doing, it was feeling physically inferior to anyone else, even if it was the case.
He was definitely leaning towards the bureaucracy-reasons himself, as the most likely explanation.

But he wasn't going to point that out to Beinn.  Not now.

"Not drunk yet. But getting there", d'Tor'an responded to his question, and he grinned. He was about to raise his own beer when Beinn beat him to it and shoved a glass of Klingon warnog at him with a fond wish and a prayer. Peter took the glass gravely, raised it.

"Qapla'!", he responded, and downed the drink, definitely feeling....something about it. It was not something he was used to, but...it wasn't all too offensive. He put the glass down, and then heard another voice behind him.


Peter didn't actively resent the woman, but he was definitely wary of her. Things had gotten heated on the bridge. Exceptionally heated. And he had thought he'd seen something in the woman's eyes which he had never seen in the eyes of another Starfleet personnel before, no matter how upset they'd been with him.
It was nothing he could prove, of course, and the situation had been exceptional, so even if he had wanted to make something of that, he couldn't.

But it definitely had changed his opinion on her, which hadn't been all that bad originally.

For now, though, he turned around and looked at her, seeing a fresh face beside her. He immediately gave the man a friendly smile and an outstretched hand.

"Leftenant Commander Qi, I presume?", he asked, then continued introducing himself. "Peter Jensen, First Officer of the Philadelphia. Pleasure to meet you! Allow me to introduce", he took a step to the side, "Leftenant Artemis d'Tor'an, our Chief of Security, and Mr. Kal-Geal Beinn, graciously on loan to our medical staff from the KDF.", he finished the announcements.
The bar was a swirl of activity. As Qi followed Black and Papaver inside, a group of Caitians pushed past. Qi guessed that they were a band. The large one carried a contraption on his back that might have been an instrument. Besides, they had the right attitude.

A waiter approached Black with a proposition that Qi didn’t understand, but it seemed to rattle his new friend. Papaver excused herself, presumably to make sure that Black’s emphatic refusal was understood.

Black led him toward the bar, where Qi recognized Commander Jensen from his research on the Philadelphia’s crew. He appeared to be in good spirits, raising a glass of warnog high in the air.

“Excuse me, Commander.” Black said waiting for a natural break in the conversation. “I have Lieutenant Commander Qi, here. To speak with you.”

Qi might have imagined it, but there seemed to be some tension in her voice. Maybe it was related to whatever had happened on their last mission. Jensen spun around quickly and extended his hand toward Qi. Qi didn’t care for the human custom, but it was widely upheld in Starfleet. He gripped the commander’s hand and shook.

"Lieutenant Commander Qi, I presume?", he asked, then continued introducing himself. "Peter Jensen, First Officer of the Philadelphia. Pleasure to meet you! Allow me to introduce", he took a step to the side, "Lieutenant Artemis d'Tor'an, our Chief of Security, and Mr. Kal-Geal Beinn, graciously on loan to our medical staff from the KDF.", he finished the announcements.

He’s introducing me to the crew. I guess that means I still have a job, Qi thought. He waved at d’Tor’an and Beinn.

“Good to meet you, Commander. I’m looking forward to serving with you.” Qi slid onto a barstool. “I’m a bit out of the loop, but I understand that there may have been some complications with your last mission. My experience in Starfleet has taught me that things rarely go according to plan.”

He self-consciously rubbed below his ribcage, where the symbiont had been implanted. His time in Starfleet had left him with a lot.

“The best that you can hope for is a crew that you trust. I had that aboard the Geronimo. I hope to find that again with Captain Braggins and your crew. But first, I have an obligation to fulfill,” he said, flagging down the bartender. He ordered a round of a rather spicy Caitian liquor, and handed one of the glasses to Theresa. He saved the third glass for Papaver, whenever she returned.

== Tag Jensen/Black/all ==
The Commander turned, and for a fleeting moment his gaze met hers. They had never got on with each other. From the moment she'd set foot on his bridge, she'd sensed his dislike from from the out.
The last mission when sides were taken. She had stood against him was likely the last straw metaphorically. Her own frustrations maybe having jaded her judgement somewhat.

There was no other acknowledgement from him, he'd already turned his attention to the new senior officer. Black took a slow step back to give them space while the two spoke.

In the noise and bustle of the bar, without her charge now, or her wingman, Maz glanced over to d'Tor'an who herself had sided with the Commander. She couldn't read the Klingon woman's expression. But it too could been one of mistrust.

Half a beat later, and she would have turned and left. But a small glass of something appeared in her hand. She sniffed it. It smelled... She didn't know what it smelled of. Spices? Herbs? It had a slight yellowish-green tint to it.

It was then that Papaver reappeared, and seeing that there was an unclaimed glass of the same thing for her, necked the drink in one. Then seeing that Black was still looking at hers said; “Nepata Tea. Think of it as Caitian Kombucha. Drink it quickly so it doesn't touch your tongue.”

Black looked at her briefly, raised the glass to Qi in thanks, and almost, knocked it back as instructed. The taste was not what she had expected. She seemed to loose the feeling in her throat almost instantly. It was a odd sensation.

“Told ya not to let it touch your tongue.” Said Papaver giving her a smile along with a hand on the shoulder. Then to everyone else. “Next rounds on me. Let's get this party started!

This had been a cue to a nearby Ferengi waiter who Papaver had moments before slipped a little latinum to to crank up the music and get the lights down low.

== Tag all ==
Jenny had just finished collecting the darts from the board and putting them back in the holders when she heard footsteps behind her, even over the raucous noise of Quarks. Turning, she noticed T'Lari approaching and looking what looked to be a little nervous, a look she'd not seen on the Vulcan hybrid since they'd met. Jenny offered the young woman a small smile, remembering the times they'd had hunting pirates on the Yeager but also not quite able to forget that the other woman had refused her orders on the Philadelphia.

"Captain Braggins? I do not wish to disturb you, but I wanted to offer you my apologies for being unwilling to obey your order on the Philadelphia."

Not like a Vulcan to apologise, even when they are wrong...

For the briefest moment, Jenny wasn't quite sure how to react. T'Lari had come to her out of a seemingly genuine desire to bury the hatchet, when realistically it was Jenny who should have been apologizing; she'd dragged T'Lari into one of her schemes, and probably finished off her career in the process. With a sigh, Jenny reached for her drink and leaned against the wall.

"Honestly, if you'd agreed, we wouldn't be standing her talking now. My career is going down the toilet as quickly as Starfleet can flush me, it's probably for the best yours doesn't join it."

Draining what was left of her drink, Jenny placed the glass back on the table and shook her head.

"You did the right thing. You're a good officer, your new CO will be lucky to have you, wherever you end up."

As Jenny spoke, Jenny watched as the dejected-looking officer she'd just hustled wandered over with a tray of drinks, placed two beers on the table next to her, then went off in search of Bartlett with her own prize. Reaching for one of the glasses, Jenny shifted against the wall to get more comfortable.

"Have they told you where you're going? Command were pretty pissed but none of us got the boot, or sent to Starbase Eighty, so there's that."
“It seems the Klingon Empire is removing my people from being able to join their armed forces, until we can modernize ourselves to their satisfaction. Something about culture shock, and integration with Klingon culture. But I suspect it has something to do with the fact that we're stronger than the average Klingon.”

As Beinn spoke to Jensen, Art snorted into her beer. She suspected it had more to do with an average Klingon’s uncomfortability battling next to a giant, furry, sentient version of a pet, and not so much who had the largest… teeth.

Jensen took a nice swig of the drink he was proffered, and swung around to greet some more crew who had entered the bar. Art stole a glance over that way, and said a non-verbal hello, but wasn’t exactly moved to move.

“Let’s get this party started!” Someone loud and familiar yelled, and a Ferengi moved -begrudgingly, it seemed- to turn up the music, and turn down the lights. The bass thumped in her chest, and it did make Art smile, so she decided to not be mad about it. The drink, on the other hand, had to change.

“Next step up, please.” She ordered, finishing off her glass.

“Firewire?” asked the bartender, confirming if the officer wanted to stay with more of a smooth versus a carbonated taste.

Art thought for a moment, asking, “Unless you’ve got some good Saurian brandy back there?” She was pleased to see the odd-shaped bottle. When asked how many ‘shots’ she wanted, her response was, “At least a couple.” The Ferengi poured three and a half, and the Klingon seemed satisfied.

She took a sip and turned around to fully face the rest of the bar, scoping out who was there, and who was talking to whom. Black and Papaver seemed to be the ones heading up the good time.
"Honestly, if you'd agreed, we wouldn't be standing her talking now," Braggins said. "My career is going down the toilet as quickly as Starfleet can flush me, it's probably for the best yours doesn't join it."

"Thank you, Captain, but my career was already... in the toilet, as you put it, before I ever agreed to join you." T'Lari was genuinely puzzled by human slang sometimes, but she understood (and agreed with) Braggins' use of the term. "That wasn't why I chose to join you in your theft of the Yeager, though. I did so because it was logical, because Starfleet was utterly wrong in its decisions. If you hadn't done so the Cardassian ship would have escaped along with its hostages."

A Bajoran waitress came over and asked for a drink order. The half-Vulcan considered for a moment. "Green tea, please. Hot. No sugar."

Jenny drained her mug, then reached for another. T'Lari was impressed by the tiny woman's ability to hold her alcohol.

"You did the right thing. You're a good officer, your new CO will be lucky to have you, wherever you end up."

"Thank you, Captain," the Tactical officer replied with a slight nervousness.

"Have they told you where you're going?" Braggins asked. "Command were pretty pissed but none of us got the boot, or sent to Starbase Eighty, so there's that."

"No word yet. Perhaps I'll be returned to the Yeager," she said, a slight trace of bitterness slipping through despite her attempts to mask it.

The music and the loud environment weren't helping her often-precarious self control. As she did so often, T'Lari felt a sense of shame at her inability to control her emotions completely... itself an emotion, compounding her shame. Her grandfather had achieved Kolinahr. Why couldn't she master even the basics? Was it her Romulan blood? Her early upbringing? Likely both.

"Should they assign you to Captain another ship I would be gratified to serve under you," she said. Despite her refusal to follow the order to resist Starfleet Security she still admired Braggins. Likely the odd Captain would be given another assignment. She was too valuable an asset to Starfleet to imprison or assign to permanent desk duty. Whether they wanted to admit it or not, Starfleet needed her.

== Tag Jenny ==
"No word yet. Perhaps I'll be returned to the Yeager."

The bitterness in the young half-Vulcan's voice was faint, but recognisable. Jenny had thoroughly enjoyed her time aboard that ship, getting to do things her own way, but she had known that for many of her crew it was not just a punishment, but an insult. There were ships in the fleet still using twenty or thirty year old technology, but they had been refined designs like the Sovereign, Nova and Defiant classes. The Yeager had never developed being a slapped-together mess of parts that had somehow worked, and had lagged behind in the quality of life upgrades that the line vessels had received - even the Philadelphia, the last Nova-class to be constructed, had received the latest firmware upgrades to bring her older technology in-line with the more modern designs.

Alas, a return to the Yeager was not likely for either of them. As part of the hearing, the ease with which the Yeager had been appropriated had sealed her fate; she was already on her way to a reclamation yard where anything useful would be stripped out, and then she'd return to Qualor II to be left to rot until someone broke her up for scrap and recycling. It was a tragic fate for a ship with such history, but those were the breaks, as the saying went.

"They're scrapping her. Too old, too expensive to upgrade, and too easy to steal. Command says she's a liability to keep in commission."

Which is a joke considering three years ago the near entirity of Starfleet was stolen by their own software...

Jenny's voice had a mournful edge to it; the Yeager hadn't been her first command, nor was it the finest ship she'd ever served on, but it had had character, and she'd learned to love it. Now it was gone, and her new command still lay in a construction slip at the bottom of the priority list. Maybe that was what Starfleet intended; keep her in limbo, force her to resign rather than kicking her out, and use the excuse that they'd had a command waiting for her as their excuse if anyone asked.

"Should they assign you to Captain another ship I would be gratified to serve under you."

Jenny smiled sadly and nodded.

"It'd be great to have you along. Allegedly they have something waiting for me at the Antares Fleet Yards, but she's not finished. I've not been given any details beyond that I'm supposed to fly out there tomorrow to oversee her completion. I imagine when that's done they'll hand her off to someone else. I never saw myself as a Yard Dog, but maybe that'll be a nice change of pace. Yellow not really my colour, though..."
Black wasn't a big drinker. The Caitian concoction tasted vile. But she smiled as best she could, despite the after taste beginning to remind her of the proverbial litter tray.

Papaver had already managed to procure another round of blue coloured drinks that wasn't Romulan Ale, with an effervescent mist pouring off of them.

There were a few more familiar faces that began to appear. Some of the Philadelphia's crew that hadn't been already shipped off in to new assignments or exile. Or both. Just because the one way ticket to Starbase eighty hadn't arrived yet, didn't mean it wouldn't. But now was not the time to think about it.

The beat of the music reverberated as the deep base penetrated everything like polaron burst, and Maz considered booking an appointment tomorrow morning to get her hearing repaired along with a new liver if Papaver kept dolling out drinks.

Stepping around where the Commander and Qi were talking, she moved more toward d'Tor'an if only to say 'hi' out of courtesy, save having to try to shout it across the bar. No sooner had she made it to that side of the group, when a couple of platters of snacks began appearing on the bar.

== Anyone? ==
The news that the Yeager was being scrapped was not surprising to T'Lari. Starfleet was right... it was remarkably easy to steal. Braggins evidently had an attachment to the ship that the Tactical officer didn't share. Of course, her assignment to the ship (and the depot) had been out of petty revenge. She suspected the Captain had viewed their brief assignment on the old ship as an opportunity to be free of many of the rules that she evidently chafed under.

"It'd be great to have you along. Allegedly they have something waiting for me at the Antares Fleet Yards, but she's not finished. I've not been given any details beyond that I'm supposed to fly out there tomorrow to oversee her completion. I imagine when that's done they'll hand her off to someone else. I never saw myself as a Yard Dog, but maybe that'll be a nice change of pace. Yellow not really my colour, though..."

"Thank you, Captain," T'Lari replied. "Your confidence is appreciated. If a posting on your ship is available I would find it agreeable to serve under you again." At the very least such an assignment would prove interesting. Vulcans weren't supposed to feel boredom but T'Lari had fought against it constantly during her time manning the mothballed Yeager. And a new ship? The possibilities were intriguing, even if it turned out to be nothing more than a shakedown cruise. T'Lari allowed herself a bit of emotion... hope.

"I will leave you to your drink, Captain. Thank you for your time."

== Tag ==
As Artie sat and enjoyed her drinks (provided not-so-eagerly by the Ferengi bartender), she easily switched from firewine to Saurian brandy, back to Klingon bloodwine, and as she had told her First Officer, slowly was getting to the frame of mind she was aiming for.

Well. She thought, turning in her chair slowly as to not get dizzy, I’m more than buzzed now. Trying not to move her head too fast, she saw Lieutenant Black inch towards her, and Art hoped the woman didn’t want to talk. It was hard enough to keep herself seated on this chair. Normally, Klingons were known for their strong constitution, but considering Art did have Human DNA in and, and she had been throwing back the drinks pretty quickly…

The smell of food made Art turn around, though the bartender looked even unhappier to see her face, if that was at all possible. “Mini quiches?” She struggled to ask him. He answered her, though she wasn’t paying any attention to what he was saying.

She took one, and turned to Black, proferring the treat. “Mini… quiches?” Asked the drink Klingon.

==Tag to Black!==
d'Tor'an looked up at Black. Her expression ever so slightly glazed. “Mini… quiches?” she said holding up a pastry.

“Yes. I know.” Black responded automatically. No, thank you.” She added just as she noticed a tray of devilled egg vol-au-vents. “But I will have one or two of those.”

The music was a little loud, but she asked, “You alright?” with what she hoped the Klingon would take as a friendly enquiry.

== And, tag back ==
As a Trill Beno had a little more responsibility than others, joined Trill serve as a coach for those who are training to be joined. With Beno now on some down time, she was catching up on some over due paper work while she waited for an appointment. He was on a Transport heading there, and should be there any time. He has no idea what he was getting into, as no one really does before they are joined. For her it was a confusing time considering there were a lot of Hosts that amplified the matter. It was also natural for people to go through a bit of an identity crisis, for a short while they believe they were a previous host. Most of the time it lasts a few seconds, and in rare cases it lasts a few minutes. 

As she waited Beno was thinking of how it went for her, it was extremely confusing considering that she had quite a few. Her body wasn't able to do a few things the previous hosts could do, one of them was a dancer and when Beno attempted to do some of her moves but ended up having a small accident. It hurt a lot, but she was able to heal. It was a little embarrassing and eventually she was able to sort things out, there was an effect on her own personality. The over all effect didn't alter who she was, just gave her a new perspective. 

While she was distracted a tall Trill man approached the table, as another Trill she stood out. Anyone looking at him would be able to tell that he was a little nervous, that too was normal for people in that position.  Beno looked up from her paper work, she had a feeling someone was close. "You must be Toran." Beno stood up to meet the man. "I have been expecting you, please sit make yourself comfortable." Both of them sat down and Beno had a drink brought to the table. 

"You are going to go through a lot right after you are joined, you will forget who you are while believing you are a previous host. It will be a mind twisting experience that you can not fully prepare for, once it is done there is a very short window where it can be undone. After that window closes you are joined until you die, without the symbiont your body will just shut down. The rewards and the downfalls are equal, the one thing I just cant get used too is cold hands. That is my introduction and I have my favorite drink coming for you, it is the best drink I ever had on Earth."

A Ferengi waiter brought the beverage in a frosty glass, and Toran made a face as he was able to smell it. It made Beno smile as she watched him pick it up for a sip, no sooner did it enter his mouth he spit it out making a face that said how disgusting. Beno couldn't help but to laugh harder than she had for a long time, Beno didn't actually like Root beer. "Relax I don't actually like the stuff, I couldn't even get passed the smell." She continued to chuckle a little, but needed to regain composure.

"I like using it as an example because of the experience, it looks alright from a distance but when you get into it the whole thing changes. Just like Root Beer being joined isn't for everyone. If this is not for you the earlier you realize this the better, this also applies for if you get joined. Do you have any questions?" She asked him because there was a lot of information she put out there. 

Toran thought for a second and asked his first question. "You seldom do this with a pledge, is it because you don't like doing this?"

Beno thought of his question, and he was right she didn't do this often. "As an Officer my first priority has always been to my crew, as a Midshipman I always looked out for the lower ranks. As the ranks grew so did the responsibility, being First Officer you can imagine what kind of schedule I have. Its not that I don't like it, I just normally don't have the time." When she was doing this, Beno was fully invested.

"We are not going to really get things started right away here, we both need time to climatize from our journey here. Right now feel free to enjoy the station, there is a lot of work we are going to cover in the morning but not too early I want to sleep in. If you want to join me for a drink, please do I promise no more Root Beer." It was a prank that Beno enjoyed doing to people, she had no idea why people would enjoy the drink it was just strange.

==To be Continued.==
Callan Campbell entered Quarks with a mind to have a couple of drinks, do a little people watching, and retire to his quarters. This was his second night on the station and with no idea how long he was going to be there, he figured he should pace himself. More than on his first night at least.

He’d been a keen and green young Starfleet officer in a busy exciting space station full of alien races far from his home on Earth, and he must have looked like such an easy mark for every player and scam artist on board. A kind word, a complimentary drink or three, and he was talked into trying a game of dabo. It was lucky that he came to his senses before he was taken to the cleaners. He hadn’t known how to play the game, but his dislike for card games led him to walk past the tables of tongo players. He had spied a dom-jot table, something he had at least tried before leaving Starfleet Academy, but before reaching it he’d been waylaid by a voluptuous young lady with a nice smile and an easy line to give the dabo wheel a spin and try his luck.

Keep your wits about you this time Cal, he reminded himself.

Still, he felt the novelty of being here, on the legendary Deep Space Nine, the place that his father had been twenty plus years ago, before he was even born. Now Callan was here following his father’s footsteps and career and it was just the best thing.

He headed over to the bar and ordered himself a Bajoran ale, the local brew was a fair bit less potent than his usual tipple, but tonight he needed something to drink slowly while taking in the ambiance and do a little crowd watching. Glancing around the room he saw a good sprinkling of fellow Starfleet personnel enjoying the facilities too, maybe he should stick to chatting with some of them rather than take a chance on some grifter relieving him of his credits again.

The bartender brought him his pint, and he took a sip as he leaned against the bar and unobtrusively take in the sights.

== Tag anyone ==
There was a part of Beno that just wanted to unwind, it was important to flow off steam before the implosion happens. It also causes a lot of stress and poor judgment, with too much anger issues. She was left alone to prepare n9r training. She also wanted to make sure she could give her best to the crew, just like they give to her. Right now there was a lack of action, and that meant no fun.

She moved from the bar for a drink, something a little on the weak side. There was no one with her, and that was unusual. Normally she would have one other person, but she needed to do something that needed to be one on one. She  was also feeling like having some fun before she had to be serious all the time, and allow the hair to go down.

"I can detect the smell of the San Fran air," Her way of saying hi. "Fresh from the Academy waiting for your first assignment?" Beno had a confident smile before ordering a double of Scotch. She wanted more but it would bee too much. "I am Beno here on down time before the next assignment." She extended her hand for the traditional handshake.

== I forgot to mention that Callan is in uniform. Is Beno in uniform or civvies? ==

The time was passing and the ale was sinking with equal ease, and Callan was enjoying casually observing the comings and goings of the people in and out of the bar. He was watching a mild argument at one of the dabo tables when he heard a voice close by, possibly talking to him, so he looked around.

He saw a dark haired woman, a little shorter than him, who looked human other than two symmetrical sets of delicate brown spotted patterns that ran from her temples down either side of her neck. Callan’s basic exobiology module at the Academy told him that she was likely a Trill. He’d never met a Trill before so this was interesting.

"I can detect the smell of the San Fran air," Her way of saying hi. "Fresh from the Academy waiting for your first assignment?"

She ordered a double scotch as Callan replied to her queries.

“Why yes I am, how could you tell?” he asked in his lilting Scottish accent.

"I am Beno here on down time before the next assignment." She extended her hand for the traditional handshake.

Callan smiled and shook her hand. As he saw her choice in beverage he nodded approvingly, glanced at the chronometer over the bar, and gestured to the bartender that he wanted to be served too.

“I’ll have a Springbank Longrow whiskey if you have it barkeep?” he asked. To his surprise, a minute later a glass of the single malt was set on the bar before him.

Well who’d have known, the best Campbelltown distillery trades out as far as Bajor?

“My name’s Callan and yes, I’m here to join my ship, my first assignment. Your drink order just reminded me to check the time and this is a little tradition of mine. Back home on Earth, my family will just be celebrating Hogmanay, and we start with a wee dram in memory of all those who have passed and are not with us for the New Year. Will you join me in a toast?” he asked the Trill with a smile.

== Tag Beno ==
Beno was always happy to meet new people, more so now than before. He was also new to Star Fleet and just starting his adventure, hopefully on the right footing. He also had a tradition that she has heard of, just not in this lifetime. There was no memories of taking part, just the New Years parties. They both were similar in nature, but there were differences.  
"Believed to to be French in origin, Gala Day as it was said. There are a couple of other Nationalities, but never really certain about it." Beno was sure he didn't want a history lesson. She also enjoyed to remembering people who were no longer with them, they will always be remembered for everything they ever meant to her. "I would love to do a toast with you, I have quite a few people I like to honor." Every single one of them will always be missed, they were part of who she is. There was a little time for them to get one ready, he could go first.

Julia had just walked into Quark's bar to get a drink that she didn't have on the ship yet. When Troy heard about some type of rootbeer from earth she knew that she had to try it. She finally went up to the bar at the far end and ordered herself a rootbeer.

Troy sat there watching people while drinking a rootbeer, and she had seen one person there before her when she walked in. She could tell that they were in a conversation with someone else and didn't want to interrupt them. Julia is glad that she didn't bring both animals with her into the bar and left them in her and Surik's quarters
== Just a short one tonight, obviously. HNY  Cool ==

To Callan’s delight Beno agreed to join his toast. Her mention of other cultures that have similar practices reminded him of something his mother said to him when he was a child.

They were attending a memorial in San Francisco to those lost when the Breen had attacked in the Dominion War. Callan was only six and didn’t really understand why they were there. ‘Did we know these people?’ he asked as both his parents stood at attention. ‘I knew a few, but that’s not the point son' his mother said in a hushed voice, 'One thing that everybody in the galaxy has in common with each other is that they have loved ones, family, friends, and they miss them when they’re gone. That makes us just the same, and we should respect their loss as our loss too. But if we think about those loved ones, then they stay with us in an important way.’ Now he was out here in space surrounded by all these different peoples, it made a lot of sense.

He remembered his mother, his father, and his more recently departed grandfather, and pictured them taking part in this same Hogmanay ritual each year. He thought about his grandmother who was staying with his best friend in Edinburgh, they would be raising this toast in Rosie's pub too.

"I would love to do a toast with you, I have quite a few people I like to honor." Beno said, bringing him back to the present.

“That’s grand.” he grinned and picked up his glass, raised it in the air.

“Well to you and all on your starship, and all the crew on the USS Yeager wherever they may be, to friends and family no longer with us…

A guid New Year tae yin an a’, and lang may ye lum reek.” he said in a louder voice, finishing with the traditional words for a Scottish Hogmanay toast. He then downed the whisky in one and put the empty glass down on the bar counter.

== Tag Beno, and Troy too if you like  Smile =
Amythyst just arrived on the space station, she settled into her temporary quarters as she awaited the arrival of her first starfleet post aboard the Yeager. Her stomach was grumbling and that is how she found herself entering Quarks. There were a lot of people here of all species, so she felt it best to block out her empathic ability.

She ordered food, and an earl grey tea, then found her way to a table in a quietish table. She felt awkward wearing a long flowing dress, like maybe she should have stayed in uniform. Sitting alone at the table, Amethyst looked around the establishment nervously. Thank heavens I made friends with the security instructor at th academy. She taught me great self defense, she reassured herself. 

Calming herself down, she pulled her red hair up into a ponytail on the top of her head. Pulling up her PADD, she started writing messages to her parents and siblings letting them know where she was, and what ship she was assigned. She really hoped the wait wouldn't be too long, as she didn't tolerate not working well. 

Looking around the room again, she saw games in progress, and a line of holosuites. She wondered if she could practice phaser target practice and hand to hand self defense in them.

Eating her meal, she spoke to herself in a whisper, "Please be with me, grandma and grandpa. I am finally doing it." With that she pulled up the Yeager manifest to study the species she would be attending. While reading she twirled her hair, while eating slowly. 

== I’m moving this post on a few days from the New Year’s timeline. Am happy to continue with it as well though if you like Velaul. ==

Callan was laughing as he walked, or rather, staggered, out of the holosuite. He was followed by a tall burly looking Klingon, who was also laughing. Both looked a little dishevelled. Callan was wearing black casual clothing of boots, combat trousers and long sleeve shirt. He’d finally admitted to himself that he really didn’t need to be wearing his starfleet uniform every day, given the number of days he’d been waiting on DS9 by this point. He had no duties, so while waiting for his assigned starship to arrive he should make the most of the downtime and enjoy himself, although from the bleeding gash on his forehead, the way he was cradling his left arm, and the way he was walking, it could be questioned how much fun had been had.

The two walked over to the end of the bar and Callan handed an isolinear chip to a Ferengi employee. “Alright we’re getting there. I’ve still got a few alterations I want made to the holoprogram, which are listed on this. Can you get them done by tomorrow?”

The Ferengi’s expression looked doubtful, but Callan produced a slim slip of gold pressed latinum and placed it on the counter. "For your trouble." The Ferengi’s expression changed and he nodded enthusiastically.

“Good. Then we’ll be back tomorrow to try it out. You will be back tomorrow, right K’rang?” Callan said as he turned to look up at the Klingon’s face.

“Yes I will, I found your holoprogram a good challenge. You say this was from a time in human history, a time of great battles?’ K’rang asked.

Callan nodded. “Aye, and from my family history to be precise. The castle was my ancestors' home, the seat of the clan.’

“There must be some human history that I don’t know about then. All I’ve heard about was quite… fragile, compared to Klingon history that is. And what was that sword you used called again?’

‘A claymore.’

“A good warrior's weapon.” K’rang nodded approvingly. “It has good reach, but the position of the handle of the Bat’leth allows better use of strength. I would like to give a claymore a try though. Tomorrow you wield the Bat’leth and I the Claymore. You will see.” the Klingon stated.

“Sure. I don’t think I’ll be much good with it but I’ll give it a go.” Callan agreed while gently testing the cut on his head with a fingertip. “First I think I need to go to Sickbay.” he added.

The Klingon laughed deeply and slapped Callan on the shoulder, making him wince. “Til tomorrow, and glory to you,  Callan of House Campbell.”

Callan waved a hand as the Klingon departed. He passed another slip of gold pressed latinum to the waiting Ferengi and took his leave as well.

As he passed through the bar he paused as he thought he saw a familiar face.

Sitting at a table, intermittently nibbling at some food at the same time as attending to something on a padd, Callan saw a young woman that he thought he recognised. She was wearing a dress, rather than the Starfleet uniform that Callan thought the face matched in his memory. Given that he’d not exactly been to many places it surely couldn’t be that hard to place her. Was it here on the station? Was it on the shuttle journey out here from Earth? No, surely it was on Earth, maybe at the Academy? He’d forgotten all about his painful cut on his head, and the injury to his shoulder, he had to figure this out.

He knew that it would drive him mad for the rest of the day if he didn’t figure out where he knew her from, so he walked over and stood looking a little awkward beside the table. He cleared his throat politely.

“Excuse me. Sorry to intrude but, have I seen you before somewhere? You were at the Academy, right?”

== Tag Midshipman Bremner ==
Amethyst was deep into studying the biology of The Children of San-Tarah, and nibbling on an onion ring that she did feel the presence of a visitor at her table, nor did she hear the clearing of his throat. However, his question startled her back to the real world.

Looking up she saw a young man that looked about her age, in a black shirt with fresh blood dripping down his forehead. Grabbing an unused napkin, she jumped up and covered the wound, applying pressure to stop the bleeding.

"You do look quite familiar. Yes, I just arrived from the academy, I was a medical Cadet. Now, I am Dr. Amethyst Bremner, new doctor assigned to the USS Yeager." she offered.

Removing the napkin from the wound she saw that it was minor, nothing a dermal regenerator couldn't handle. She looked around for a med kit to fix his cut, but didn't see one readily. "Do you know where sick bay is around here? I could patch you right up."

She felt herself blush, yet kept her composure, waiting for the young man to reply. 

==Tag Callan Campbell==
Callan was quite surprised when the young woman jumped up from her seat and started to dab at his head injury with a napkin, but he didn’t resist.

"You do look quite familiar. Yes, I just arrived from the academy, I was a medical Cadet. Now, I am Dr. Amethyst Bremner, new doctor assigned to the USS Yeager." she offered.

“Oh!” Callan exclaimed. “Thanks, it’s just a wee scratch really, the guy was lucky and I zigged when I should’a zagged, but thanks er, doc. You’re for the Yeager, ye say? That’s braw, I’m heading to the Yeager too! Midshipman Callan Campbell, engineer.” he said, offering his hand to shake, which caused him to wince again.

“Ouch, er, it’s okay I don’t want to put you to any trouble” the Scotsman said, feeling a little embarrassed. “I’m sure Sickbay can’t be far away. Us engineers usually end up in there sooner or later.”

“Anyway, I must recognise you from the Academy then. I didn’t hang out with any of the medical cadets but must have passed you on campus a fair few times.” he continued to blether while she stemmed the bleeding from the wound.

== Tag Amethyst ==
Seeing the surprise on Callan's face, Amethyst figured she overreacted, per usual. As, he spoke she noticed a familiar lilt to his speech. The more he spoke, the more she felt at home.

He went to extend his hand in his introduction and she saw the pain surface in his green eyes, green like he's were. Then, she felt the wave of pain flow towards her. She knew she needed to get him to sick bay to examine him. She wasn't going to have her new captain think she didn't care about her job knowing their new engineer was hurt, and she just dismissed it.

"Well, if you had been to sick bay at the academy, you may have seen me during my rotations. I see your arm is hurt as well. I will have no arguments, neither of us need to give our new captain a reason to think we don't care for our new posts. You being injured and I not tending to a crew mate. Let's go and look for sick bay, so we can both report to the Yeager fully ready and available to work," she half lectured and half suggested.

Throwing her red hair back she gathered it into a work ponytail, and grabbed his good arm. Giving him a caring smile she attempted to guide him out if Quarks, "Shall we?..... For Scotland." She hoped her sense of humor landed with him. She was glad to finally meet a crew mate, she just wished it was under better circumstances. 

Boys and their reckless disregard for their health and safety, she though, maybe I should assign a biobed to him when we get on the Yeager.

==Tag Callen Campbell==
Julia knew that she couldn't stay in her quarters with Surik and both animals very long. Troy enjoys going into Quark's bar to get something to eat and to drink. She goes to the end of the bar that is away from the door of the bar and people watch while eating her food.

Troy watches people come and go and some stay to chat with others. Julia actually enjoys this time off the ship and doesn't want to move from where she is sitting at. She can't help to let a little bit of her shield for the empathetic ability down a little as long as she doesn't start reading others thoughts. So far no one knows or senses that she is a full Betazoid yet and she likes it that way for a little while.
Beno thought of it for a second, and knew some of the people he would be joining. She knew of the Commanding Officer, a women she hadn't really had much time to get to know. The First Officer she had spent a long time around him, he was a good choice for a First Officer. The only way he can be the best, was when she made Captain. thats where she was going to stay. She thought of them as the Toast was going on.

She remained silent and lifted a glass. "Cheers." 

Before anyone else arrived. "You have a solid crew ahead of you, Commander Jensen is a good First Officer." She had a smile as she thought about the good times she had with some people, and how others could lighten up a little.

==To end the timeline -- and Welcome
== New Year timeline ==

...A guid New Year tae yin an a’, and lang may ye lum reek.” Callan said in a louder voice, finishing with the traditional words for a Scottish Hogmanay toast. He then downed the whisky in one and put the empty glass down on the bar counter.

Beside him, Beno remained silent and lifted a glass. "Cheers." she then said, joining the toast.

Callan turned to the bartender and indicated he’d like refills for himself and Beno, "You have a solid crew ahead of you, Commander Jensen is a good First Officer." she said as he handed her the glass of whisky.

“I’m looking forward to meeting him, and the rest of the crew. I’m sure it’ll be an exciting time. I hope you have an equally exciting time ahead on your ship too Beno. Slàinte Mhath.” he replied with another traditional toast and equivalent to saying ‘cheers’.

== Thanks Beno. End timeline ==

== A few days later, finishing up this timeline too ==

Doctor Bremner continued to clean up the wound on Callan’s head after his holosuite battle with the Klingon K’rang…

"Well, if you had been to sick bay at the academy, you may have seen me during my rotations.” she said. “I see your arm is hurt as well. I will have no arguments, neither of us need to give our new captain a reason to think we don't care for our new posts. You being injured and I not tending to a crew mate. Let's go and look for sick bay, so we can both report to the Yeager fully ready and available to work," she half lectured and half suggested.

"Shall we?..... For Scotland."

Callan smiled a little awkwardly as he allowed her to lead him by the wounded arm toward the door.

“Well if I learned anything from my grandma, it’s not to argue with a doctor!” he said with a short laugh and wince as they left the bar and headed to find Sickbay.

== Just a short post tying up the loose end. I guess we should focus on the ship posts now Smile ==

== End timeline ==
>>>> Risa Holo-Party >>>>

Samira walked into the bar, taking in the famous Quark's. Amazing how far it came after all these years. She took a seat at the bar and said, "A big glass of sahlab, if you please. Extra sweet."

She felt that maybe a good taste of home would help curb her current feelings of loneliness. She looked around. Well, she hoped there would be a better chance to meet more people than in the holosuites. Trying to keep down her deep inward thoughts that she was better off not leaving her labs or quarters, with great effort, she shoved them deep in her mind to ignore and enjoyed herself, trying to decide what to do, what she would enjoy besides in the parties in the holosuites...browse the shops for jewelry, give dabo a try...there were a good deal of possibilities...

==Tag to anybody and everybody, please==
Julia had stayed in the corner of the bar when she thought she had seen a few people that she knew from back home heading towards the dabo tables. Troy turned where anyone can see her except from the side instead of the front. She had seen a fellow crew member from a different department on the ship.

Troy hasn't met everyone from the ship yet since she was either in sickbay, counselors office, the holodeck or her quarters that she shared with her Imazadi. Julia still hoping that her parents would show so that she can talk to them, and read from what she wrote about how sorry she had been.
Daniel decided after dealing with piles of PADDs since his arrival at DS9 with the Aquila it was time for a change of scenery and have a drink.

Stepping through the doors the usual bar noise hit his ears, looking around the room he saw one or two faces he knew and had met on other assignments. It seemed that most of the ships had docked at DS9 for shore leave.

Walking over to the bar he ordered a vodka and coke in a tall glass with ice and then looked around for not such a busy spot to sit and have his drink. It wasn't that he didn't want to be sociable, far from it but he wanted to relax a little bit first. Beno had been right in telling him to take a bit of shore leave. Even if he hadn't made it to DS9 as quickly as some of the rest of the crew.

Taking a long sip of his drink, Dan looked around the room doing some people watching.

==Tag Anyone==
Troy had sensed a couple more of the Aquila crew members walked into the bar. Julia looked up and seen one who she hasn't met yet and the other she has met. She noticed that the second one to relax.

Julia had stayed by herself in the corner at the bar and reordered a few more bottles of rootbeer, some chocolate ice cream and a cup to make herself a float. Troy knew that she would be getting some looks for what she is going to do with the items that she ordered. She is going to enjoy it and she has been craving this for quite some time.

==Anyone is welcome to the lonely corner==
Samira looked around and noticed an officer from the Aquila. She had seen her in passing when she emerged from her lab to be at the mess hall. She was informed that it was the ship's counselor, Julia Troy. Seemed like a good time as any to make a new friend, especially given how much she had at the bar. She picked up her sahlab and approached.

"Salaam, Counselor," Samira said. "I'm glad to make your acquaintance. I'm Samira. Lieutenant Samira Khasim." She giggled at realizing she had been talking formally. "Sorry to use rank if we're on leave, I haven't done a lot of socializing in a long time."

She looked around and double-taked in surprise. There was a face at a table that she had been definitely pointed out to. She had only seen Captain Brooks only very rarely, even informed of who he was, but she never got a good look at him before. Her breath was absolutely taken away.

"Counselor, is that...is that the Captain over there?" she asked. "I'm going to meet him; perhaps we can talk together at his table," she added with interest.

Taking her sahlab, she got up and went over to the Captain's table. "Captain Brooks?" she asked. "I'm Lieutenant Samira Khasmin, Science Department, I transferred a while ago from the Starship Yorktown. I never got a chance to give meet you and give my greetings and salaams."

==Tag Captain Brooks and Julia==
Coming back to the Bar this time Beno was dressed more casual, a white blouse and black skirt. She was dressing down a little, as she didn’t want to dress up this time. After getting a drink from the bar, Beno looked around again to see who was there. She noticed Daniel with a couple of lovely ladies, one of them wasn’t known to Beno, eventually she made her way there with her double of bourbon. It wasn’t the stuff normally served to the customers, but served upon request. 

“Daniel” she said while acknowledging him first. “Julia.” She said before turning to the third. “That means you must be Samira, our new Science officer.” She wanted to keep the conversation casual and away from what they did. 

Also looking around she didn’t notice Carley there, it wasn’t usual for them not to he together. However in this case the company she was keeping was better, Beno knew that she had crush on the new Tactical Officer. “This brings me back to the day we first met, unfortunately most at that party have long since parted in one way or another.” For the first time Beno was feeling old. “I wonder where ch’Alev is, we really haven’t had a chance to talk since our reunion. 

It was a rare moment for Alex. He wasn't in uniform, but in what might be considered a business casual sort of mood. No matter how much he was attempting to blend in, his size and how he carried himself made him stand out. The fit of his clothes and his confidence reflected that even in a culture that spoke so much of being a moneyless society, he had come from a life of wealth and status. His trying to downplay it only made him come across as someone trying to hide. He went to the bar and ordered a mix drink and a shot, then paid for it with enough latinum to get a large smile from the barmaid.

Taking his drink and shot, Alex found himself a table along a wall that had less light. Sliding in, he looked more like a brooding drug lord than an elite Federation scientist. Sipping at his drink, he stared at the shot in front of him. The expression on his face was one of focused debate. His hand slowly turned the shot glass round and round, but didn't pick it up. A few times, he lifted his gaze to glance around the bar, but not really seeing the people there. To those who knew him, it was rare to see him by himself. While on the ship, he was ether following up with his people and moving with them from place to place, or someone was following him, ever at his elbow and trying to gain his attention for some matter that required his input or approval. No matter where he was on the ship, it was almost certain that there would be someone else there as well. He was known to sneak away to a holodeck now and then, but it rarely lasted long.

When the barmaid came by to refresh his drink, he noticed it was the same one that had served him initially. His generous tip had worked and he had not needed to wave one down, she had come looking for him. He gave a polite smile and thanked her again, another tip keeping that sparkle in her eye. He then gestured for her to lean closer and instructed her to not accept payment for drinks from any of the crew of the Aquila. Their drinks were to be charged to him, but who was paying for the drinks was not to be disclosed. She quickly verified that he indeed had an account with them and understood the VIP rating it held. For her trouble, she was compensated yet again, enough that she blushed and worried what he might ask of her next. Alex simply grinned and then told her that was all for now.

He had stopped focusing on the shot glass in front of him and instead had leaned back and was lost in other thoughts. This time it was the ring on his finger that he was turning. Like many patrons of the establishment, he was dwelling on memories and thinking about his future while slowly savoring some real alcohol.
Samira glanced up and noticed a Trill woman approaching. Dressed down as she was, Samira felt more dressed down than the woman was, dressed for the beach as she was and wrapped in light robes as she was. She realized who she was, as she was given the crew roster to let her know who she was.

"My deepest Salaams to you as well, Commander Velaul," Samira replied. "Glad to meet you at last! How wonderful, I'm actually meeting both the Captain and the First Officer for the first time, and at a table! I saw you on the crew roster, but I had been so busy getting to know the ship to meet you both, and I beg forgiveness for that," she added humbly. "I mean, it IS a big ship, it's even bigger than the ship of my first posting, the Yorktown..."

She noticed a definite familiar face in the crowd and waved at him. "Commander Talion! Salaam to you!" she called. She wasn't sure if her department head will join them, but at least she acknowledged presence and said hello in passing. She then looked back to both Captain Brooks and Commander Velaul.

==Tag to Captain, Beno, Julia and soft tag to Talion==
As Dan people watched he saw an officer he recognized in passing on the Aquila coming over to him.

Part of Dan's mind thought this was the reason why he stayed on the ship in his quarters, then on the other hand he should be sociable. The officer had a sleek, slender hourglass physical appearance as she headed over towards him, finally when the officer got to the table she said,

"Captain Brooks?" she asked. "I'm Lieutenant Samira Khasmin, Science Department, I transferred a while ago from the Starship Yorktown. I never got a chance to give meet you and give my greetings and salaams."

Captain Brooks eyebrow raised at her questioning who he was but then again he wasn't as famous as some of the other Captains in the Fleet, for instance Captain Braggins he had briefly seen across the crowd earlier.

"Yes, indeed I am." Dan said with a smile before adding, "Welcome to the Aquila, I hope you will settle in well with the crew." before he could say much else his attention was drawn to his FO.

“Daniel” Beno said while acknowledging him first. “Julia.” She said before turning to the third. “That means you must be Samira, our new Science officer.” She wanted to keep the conversation casual and away from what they did.

"My deepest Salaams to you as well, Commander Velaul," Samira replied. "Glad to meet you at last! How wonderful, I'm actually meeting both the Captain and the First Officer for the first time, and at a table! I saw you on the crew roster, but I had been so busy getting to know the ship to meet you both, and I beg forgiveness for that," she added humbly. "I mean, it IS a big ship, it's even bigger than the ship of my first posting, the Yorktown..."

“This brings me back to the day we first met, unfortunately most at that party have long since parted in one way or another.” For the first time Beno was feeling old. “I wonder where ch’Alev is, we really haven’t had a chance to talk since our reunion.

Daniel looked thoughtfully at his glass for a moment, while K'hasim called out for Talion.

Looking back at Beno he said, "I know... this what happens when you become old vets like us, too many years Beno."

Downing his drink he looked for a waiter and beckoned them over.

"I will have another double vodka, on ice and get what ever these three are having to and charge it to Captain Brooks."

The waiter nodded and took all their orders and left,

"Come on then, you all might as well take a seat and join your Captain, that's if you don't mind being in the party mood when your Captains around....." he said looking at Beno, putting a hand on her shoulder briefly.

"They say the hardest job is being the CO but really it is being the FO, you have to balance being one of the crew and also being the one who makes the tough decisions." as the drinks came back to the table he paused.

"The one thing I do know is, I am proud to have everyone of you on board."

Brooks then said, "I raise a toast to The Aquila and may her crew be fantastic."

Dan then gave a look towards Beno before saying,

"ch'Alev passed a message on to me saying he was taking a little private shore leave and will be back before we set sail. Maybe you should touch base with him when he returns."

==Tags, Smaira, Beno and Juila, Talion feel free to join us==
Knowing too well about what he was talking about, there was no decision that Beno took lightly. Every order and consequence of the order were somethings constantly on her mind, she knew there could come a day when the people she loved the most were the same people she would send to their death. All for the greater good, and a sacrifice she would make herself for the same reason. She couldn't help but to be a little disappointed he wasn't going to be there, but understood he just needed some time. 

"My deepest Salaam to you as well, between Alexander Carley and Cindy you will be in good hands." She almost said Ventas name, but stopped before she could. "I came from the Science department as well, if you need to talk about something my door is open to everyone." The waiter came back with another glass for Beno after she finished her first. Julia could feel Beno being a little more comfortable than she had been for a while. 

As Daniel made his toast, there were a lot of people who Beno was grateful for as she remembered them in her mind. Everyone had a special place in her heart, even the ones she didn't have the greatest start with. At present they had the ability to let their hair down, and Beno wanted to stay in the moment as long as possible. This is where the worst consequence that could happen was a bad hangover, or company in the morning she would not remember from the night before. 

"The Klingons have it right, they have for a very long time. Even enemies that attempted to kill each other the night before, would be singing together while drinking blood wine together like the greatest of friends. The moral is leave the battle field out there, and enjoy yourself while you can." There was part of Beno that wanted Carley there with her, but knew there was something she needed to do. This was also a time for Beno to stop and think, when you take the time to stop even for a small amount ot time. It affords you the ability to step back and see the bigger picture, this is where the solutions present themselves.

When he heard his name called out, he realized he wasn't blending in as well as he had thought, but it had never been his strong point. He could sense that the intentions were well meant. He picked up his drinks and walked over.

Looking first to the CO, he gave a nod, "Daniel...". Then, in turn, the FO, "Beno...". Finally, "Samira..."

He set his drinks down and took a seat, "It seems to be quite a busy night here, but then again, this always was the most popular place to get a drink." He paused and glanced around. "This place has lots of memories."

== Tag to all ==
Julia only answered with a nod before walking over to the captain was sitting with Samira. Troy had her unusual drink of a rootbeer float that has chocolate ice cream instead of vanilla ice cream. Once she got to the table she down the large bottle of rootbeer, glass and bucket of ice that has the chocolate ice cream in it.

"Hi Daniel, Velaul. How are you both doing? Would any of you like some of this rootbeer float."

Troy noticed that the CSO came over to the table. Julia kept quiet after asking before Talion came over. She knew that she hasn't interacted with many of the crew outside of sickbay or the counsellors office.

==Tag all==
Doctor Troy approached,

"Hi Daniel, Velaul. How are you both doing? Would any of you like some of this rootbeer float."

Brooks looked up at the Doctor, "Doing alright thanks Julia, please join us."

CSO set his drinks down and took a seat, "It seems to be quite a busy night here, but then again, this always was the most popular place to get a drink." He paused and glanced around. "This place has lots of memories."

Daniel nodded in agreement then said, "Actually it's my first time here so I wouldn't know if this was a busy or quiet night." with a grin

Looking around the group of Aquila crew he said, "What have you all got planned while your here?"

==Tag all==
==I did another Sothrick lol==
There wasn't much that Beno had planned for her time there, just a little rest. She hasn't done a lot of that lately, and the Doctor was getting a little concerned, it wasn't in the danger zone yet but getting closer. "My time here is going to be spent catching up on some rest, I am sure most of the crew is going to do the same.

As Julia approached, there was some kind of smell, she recognized it right away. "I have seen some Earth people drink that stuff, but it isn't for me." She did try it once, and the face she made suggested it was gross. The taste was something it took a while to get out of her mouth, but eventually it was gone.

"Hello Julia I don't think I can join you in enjoying that kind of beverage, but a hot fudge Sunday just crossed my mind." She ordered it and waited for the arrival, it was something she also hasn't had in a while. 

"What is everyone else planning on doing while here?" She wondered while enjoying her Sunday.

Alex smiled and replied, "My daughter wants a complete tour of the entire station. Her hunger for information is insatiable. She wants to know everything. She's already memorized the entire internal layout of the ship and gave me a presentation on how if differs from other similar ship designs." He shook his head slowly, "She never stops surprising me. I can only imagine what she is going to be like when she hits her teens."
As the crew started to tell Brooks what they were going to do the Captain's commbadge chirped into life,

[Aquila to Captain Brooks, your presents is required back here immediately you have a message incoming from star fleet command priority one. Would you like it sent to you where you are Captain?]

"Brooks to Aquila, no, beam me back over and I will take it in my Ready Room and ch'Alev issue a crew recall, give everyone one hour to get back aboard. Brooks out."

Looking at Commander Talion he said, "I suggest you get on with your tour and be quick about it." downing his drink.

"As it is your daughter I will give you a little longer over here Talion but when we start to undock I want you back, as for the rest of you lucky crew members you best get hot footing it back to the ship.

Tapping his commbadge he said, "Aquila from Brooks, one to beam up."

Captain Brooks disappeared in a blue haze.

"Well, Commander, you may have your hot fudge sundae," Samira replied with a grin. "I'll be enjoying my hot vanilla - sahlab." She giggled a little and took in the conversations. "And as to what I might do, Captain...might join my fellow crewmembers for some activities, get to know them more. I've been so busy in the labs, I felt it was time to make new friends."

She looked at Commander Tallion and grinned. "What children don't?" she replied. "Children are often, if not always, curious. I've known people who spent their lives not knowing what was beyond the deserts we wandered."

Just then, a call came in for Captain Brooks and he began making instructions. Samira was snapping to attention, and soon, Brooks was gone. Samira looked to Tallion instantly. "Commander, seeing as there may be an inevitability to get moving, I might need to and report. And since you might be busy with your child, I request permission to man your station on the bridge, fill in for you until you can report in." She asked thus in regards to that she might be the second ranking Science Officer on the Aquila, but it never hurt to ask.

==Tag Beno and Tallion, soft tag to Brooks and Troy==
As soon as the message was heard coming across the Captain's comm badge, Alex reached out and grabbed his shot of tequila and tossed it back with a serious look on his face. He then said in a hushed tone, so as not to interrupt the CO, "Yep, that's how it begins. Most of the memories in this place start just like that. I needed to drink my shot before he gets that message." Then Brooks started the recall and Alex gave a knowing smile, "Saw that one in the tea leaves."

Samira surprised him by wanting to step up as soon as the recall was announced. Alex was impressed with the initiative she was showing and responded, "Well, you and lieutenant Young are my top two people to go to in our department. You're both very capable and you've been getting in some shifts on the Bridge."

He rubbed his chin, making a good appearance that he was thinking on the matter, but in reality he had planned for such an event. Like playing chess, he liked to be prepared several moves in advance. "Very well, put on a fresh uniform and take the Science Station on the Bridge until I either relieve you or someone saying I sent them does. Be sure you touch base with Carley Young so that we have the troops rallied and we're ready for whatever is about to kick off. You'll need to to be sure the current diagnostics have been done on the sensors, but if not, don't initiate anything that won't be complete within the hour. Get a current inventory of our probes and verify available power for all sensor pallets. I don't think they powered down the core, so we should be warm and ready with minimal effort to get out of the barn."

He took another sip of his drink and added, "Don't worry, I won't be too far behind you, but just far enough to let you get your feet wet on prepping the Bridge for departure."

Alex touched his arm and his device there became visible, "Cindy..."

[I heard. Reyna will be ready before you are and all standard protocols are already in motion.]

He smiled, "Thanks Cindy."

== Tag to those left ===
Samira blinked. Of course, she forgot about Lieutenant Young. But she took in the instructions from Commander Tallion. She rank the checklist he gave her. Check on current diagnostics on sensors. Get current inventory of probes, verify power for sensor pallets.

"Got it, Commander. Thank you," Samira said, and so she stood and returned.

Julia heard a message come from the captain's comm badge, and knew that it was serious. Troy needed to finish the rootbeer float, and noticed the look the first officer gave about the float. She listened to the first officer mention a hot fudge sundae which sounds good, unfortunately it will wait till she got back on the ship.

"The hot fudge sundae sounds really good unfortunately I'll get one once we are back on the ship. I was planning on relaxing and walking around while enjoying the food here. Looks like I'll see you all sometime around the ship, and I need to get back to office and grab both animals from my quarters, and get checked out while I'm there."



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