AT/D12 - Science Complex
== The Science Complex occupies a larger area than your average Science Lab. Taking up most of Deck 12. Specialist labs like Stellar Cartography are located on the same deck.

The Primary Science Lab is connected to the Chief Science Officer’s office. The lab contains two large scale replicators for parts, five consoles either side of the room for simulations and other research, two holo-tables, and six worktables with under table storage for science toolkits and other equipment.

Secondary and tertiary labs are smaller and each contain two regular replicators.Plenty of study alcoves are dotted throughout the complex, along with closed office cubes for focused work, and open-concept lounge-style idea exchange areas to facilitate scientific discovery and discussion. ==
<< Crew Quarters <<

== NRC Commander Judith Tucker, Science Officer ==

A slight smile peeked on Judith’s face as she entered one of her favorite places on the Artemis. Ah…home.  She nodded to the few officers who were working, finishing up on updates for the department. Judith was excited to get back to work, to give her something to think about without her son.  As she passed by the office for the department head, she remembered the days of her son playing on the floor while she worked long hours.

Well, I don’t have to worry about entertainment this go around. Tyra should appreciate that… I wonder how she’s handling being away from hers. 

She shook her head to empty the sad thoughts.  She went on to the stellar cartography lab, thinking that maybe they would have some data for where the ship would be headed. She could at least begin learning now.

As she entered the lab, her smile returned. It felt good to be back. She took a deep breath as she looked around to admire the lab. Then she approached the main console, plopping herself down to dive in. She started configuring the lab and then dove into looking for new data that would have been uploaded.  She dove in, losing track of time. It wasn't long before her mind was shocked by a familiar feeling. Judith's eyes narrowed in a slight pang as her son tapped into her thoughts.

~ Mom? Where's the shirt you bought me last week? The red one? ~ 

Knowing they weren't far and she could contact him, she grabbed her PADD and wrote a short and quick message. Just as she clicked send, Joshua responded again.

~ Sorry Mom... I know you're busy.  I'll go loo... (ping) read your email... but you could think to me...I know you don't like it. Miss you. ~ 

Judith smiled to herself as she heard Joshua close.  That boy!  Okay... where was I? 
Lucy liked the Science Complex of the Artemis. All the equipment you could need for almost every discipline of science and the room to work pretty much undisturbed. With the comm badge system it was next to impossible to get lost. Getting to know her fellow officers in the Science Complex wasn’t so easy. Each scientific substrata had its own clique. She’d come across this at the Academy. The bonus of being in the field was that when it mattered, they all came together.

The uniform fit well even if Lucy was ditching the comfort blanket of a larger sized uniform. Her concerns about her appearance causing a distraction were obviously unfounded, of course nobody risked the wrath of Captain Crawford. There was a very special Hell set aside that kind of person and rumor had it that the Captain knew where is was. The standard uniform wasn’t intentionally designed to arouse illicit feelings, as long as the cut was sensible.

It was an issue of form versus function.  Long as she couldn’t rip it by moving in a way that placed undue stress on the fabric, she was safe. She’d worked on making sure she had full range of movement during shoreleave. It had helped pass the time and was rather educational. Lucy knew that certain uniforms throughout the history of Starfleet had caused comment including two worn by her hero Seven of Nine as she integrated into the crew of the Voyager.

The recall hadn’t been a shock. You never really knew when a recall could be issued, shoreleave had been entertaining enough, up to a point. Lucy felt it was best not to speculate on where they were headed next. She was going over a revised version of the new Away Team packing list. It covered the essentials and kept the carry weight manageable. She’d even included a scrunchie. Alice bands were okay, just not her. Keeping that mane of copper under control when needed was an effort, but she’d manage.

Lucy gave the list one last go over before setting aside and waiting to see who turned up or if a general call went out for a meeting. The CSO’s office was unoccupied. Hopefully the Captain could find somebody sensible to fill the role. It certainly wasn’t a given. She hoped she could cope with whoever it was. She wasn’t ready for that kind of responsibility.

I’d like to learn to walk before I have to run.
== duplicate post ==
== Lieutenant Commander Cera Morgan ==

Cera had been part way out of the cargo bay when her PADD had chimed. She'd assumed it was Tyra with additional orders but no, it hadn't been something so reasonable.

She'd read Elias' message twice while in the turbolift before she'd checked the time stamp on it, which illicited an eye roll. The idiot had spent a week and some days ignoring her messages, deciding to party with his friends and now, after the recall, he'd decided it was a good time to resolve things. Clearly, he hadn't read any of the messages she'd sent him, particularly the last one written with the help of red wine after she'd found out he was back and partying with the engineers. If he had, he'd have read her apology for her side of the tango and have likely understood how pissed off she was at his antics, pissed off enough that he probably didn't have enough wine to placate.

Her fingers flew over her PADD as she typed out a quick answer before re-reading it. She didn't delete it ultimately but she didn't send it either. She suspected that he was only trying to fix things now because he could say he'd tried but the new missions prevented it, allowing him to hide further, but the reason aside, he didn't deserve a timely answer. He might not deserve an answer at all considering his message made it sound like they'd had a minor diaagree, not a knock down drag out fight followed by over a week of radio silence on his part.

She shoved the PADD into her pocket a little more aggressively than needed as the turbolift opened on the right deck. She took a deep breath but instead of steeling her spine like some, she slipped that mask of good graces and a sweet smile into place. She would not let an asshole upend her ability to perform her duties exquisitely.

Cera tried to make a point of dropping into each department on occasion; it was the easiest way to keep track of the ship's pulse, which was what she brought to the table for the command team. Yet, science wasn't a regular pit stop all things considered; she found that they were usually engrossed in their work and as a whole, not overly social, which made Intel gathering difficult. Today though, it seemed like a good place to hide for a bit.

The lab looked like it was starting to get busy with scientists focusing on their tasks, whatever that might be. She was looking for Judith, who she'd known since Cera's very early days as a yeoman sitting in senior staff meetings, but instead saw JG Devereaux, who had illicited quite the rumor after getting stunned two missions earlier but Cera had had very little contact with her.

"Hello, JG. How are you doing today?" Cera greeted Devereaux with a warm smile.

"Are we all busy on projects or taking a little break since the taskmaster is absent?" She asked, nodding towards the empty office.

Her dark eyes shifted around the main lab, taking note of who was and wasn't present. "Have you seen Tucker since recall?"

== Tag! ==
Lucy didn’t know where to file Cera Morgan. Definitely personable, but there was something eating at her even behind that smile. Lucy smiled as she enquired about what she was up to. Lucy had been having difficulty finding a research topic. Everybody had their pet projects. Commander Gregg had left a few extremely odd items behind. She’d discovered she wasn’t the first person to think of a packing list for Away Teams

“Revising the packing list for the next time I’m allowed on an Away Team. Commander Gregg left some odd recommendations. There’s a box in stores with a file attached about how to decapitate a corpse when you need to convince a group of civilian scientists that they are in danger, oddly specific. Think I’ll leave the grenades and explosive charges to Security.”

Lucy was sure she’d seen Commander Tucker on her way to the primary labs, but if she wasn’t in the office the next best thing was to ask the Computer.   

“I think I saw her earlier. Can always ask the Computer.”

It was hard to figure whether the Computer was always listening. It was definitely useful to have the Computer listening.

“Computer, please locate Commander Judith Tucker.”

[ Commander Judith Tucker, is located in the Stellar Cartography Lab, Deck 12.]

Or at least her comm badge was in the Stellar Cartography Lab. Protocol was to wear your comm badge on
duty.  Did she really have to be specific with the Computer? It certainly seemed to work.

“There’s your answer, Lieutenant Commander.”

== tag ==
As Lucy waited for Cera’s response she had this sense creeping over her that she should be somewhere. She couldn’t remember if somebody had drawn up the rota for the Bridge rotation. Despite how she’d felt at the end of the last mission a Science presence was still useful on the Bridge. Tactical knew stuff, but Science knew other stuff. She’d certainly found what wasn’t going on and she knew she needed to read up on the gaps in the stuff relating to what the Bridge needed.

“If you’ll excuse me Lieutenant Commander, I think I need to look after the Science Console on the Bridge. Hope you find Commander Tucker.”

Lucy got up from her console in the Primary Labs and nodded to Cera before leaving the Primary Labs and trying to remember where the nearest turbolift was.

>> Bridge>>
Judith was in a happy place, in the stellar cartography lab...or at least as happy as it could be with leaving her son behind. This would be the first time he wouldn't be with her for a mission entirety. She worked to intiate several projects for working, which would keep her busy. She would need that to fill her time. She included her continued work on improving the multitronic probes developed. Probes were necessary to support their learning but to have one that could think was even better. Things could happen and if one could make a few decisions quickly helped their knowledge. 

Coming to a point she could take a break to stretch her legs, grab some coffee, and a bite to eat, she spoke up to a science officer in the lab. 

"Be back in a minute Jill. Need to move around and grab a coffee. Would you like anything?" 

The younger science officer wearing a lieutenant ranking looked up from her console and smiled. "Thanks Judith. I'd love a fresh coffee." 

"You got it," Judith replied, getting up from her console. She gave a quick stretch, reaching to her feet and bouncing a little. As she finished, she turned to leave with a friendly response, "Be back in a moment!"

As Judith walked the science labs, she gave friendly smiles to other officers. She noticed the Commander Morgan, who she saw occassionally in the labs. 

She nodded at the commander as she greeted her. 

"Hi Commander. It's great to see you in the labs. Did you have a relaxing shore leave..."  Judith paused, starting to wonder if this was more of a business call and added more. "...or is this a business? We can chat about shore leave later if it is."
== Lieutenant Cera Morgan, Quartermaster ==

As Devereaux had excused herself for bridge duty, Cera had smiled and nodded her understanding. Her dark eyes had followed the redhead out of the room for a moment before considering the room as a whole. She was just making an educated guess on where the stellar cartography lab was located when the source of her quest appeared out of one of the department's labyrinth of halls.

Judith Tucker nodded at Cera and the blonde couldn't help but smile in greeting. "Hi Commander. It's great to see you in the labs. Did you have a relaxing shore leave..."

It was the pause that made Cera internally panic for a moment. Was it possible that her tumultuous shore leave had already became common knowledge? No, she had been incredibly careful to monitor the usual traffic to ensure that it hadn't become public knowledge; oh yes, there had been some comments about Ben's abrupt departure from DS9 as well as her own limited visibility during shore leave but nothing that she hadn't been able to bury under a couple of carefully curated tid bits of information.

"...or is this a business? We can chat about shore leave later if it is."

If there was one thing about Tucker that Cera had learned over the years , it was that she was very much to be taken at face value. She was honest, sweet and earnest, not at all one to play little games. That gave Cera some peace that she was still in control of the narrative, that everything would become public at her pace, which might be sooner rather than later if Ben continued to take the coward's way out.

"My shore leave didn't go as planned but I made the most of it, all the same. There's nothing a little wine can't fix, after all," she answered with a warm smile. "How was yours? How is your son doing? I'm sure he's gotten so big that I wouldn't even recognize him anymore!"

After they exchanged pleasantries for a few more moments, Cera focused on the reason for her trip, the reason other than her need for an escape that was in no way related to engineering. "I actually was stopping by to make sure that you had all of the supplies needed for your research. I usually get a combined supply request from the CSO but since the office is currently empty, I just wanted to make sure that I had received all of the requests and had fulfilled them adequately."

No sooner than she had let forth her officially reasoning for traveling down to the less traveled area of the ship, for her at least, than her PADD released a loud chime, indicating an urgent request. She smiled apologetically as she dug the PADD from its pocket, her brow furrowing as she read the message with its request to report to the Philadelphia for briefing. Firstly, she had no idea why the briefing was being held on that tiny little ship with its inadequate facilities; were they going to have to share chairs or just sit on each other's lap? Secondly, no doubt Ben would have gotten a similar summons and in such close quarters, there was no way to avoid him. Ironic considering he had been the one avoiding her but she frankly didn't want such a public encounter with him after everything.

And the best part was it was entirely his fault. If he had just answered her messages, any of them, they could have made their peace privately but no, he had partied with his little friends instead of begin even slightly responsible. His terrible timing with his dinner request was just icing on the cake.

For a split second, her frustration was clearly visible on her face before it was carefully hidden once more. She shot Tucker a flawless smile but it didn't quite reach her eyes. "I'm so sorry. The captain needs my attention elsewhere but please, check over everything and let me know personally if there is anything missing," she apologized, even as she stuffed her PADD back in her pocket and begun moving with a purpose out of science.

== Tag! ==

>> Transporter Room >>
== Shoreleave Timeline ==

== Science Subplot - Primary Science Lab ==

With the ship still docked at DS9 and the crew on leave, Aeryn had taken it upon herself to explore the science complex, without worrying about duty or the Artemis heading for its next destination. This allowed the newly promoted CSO to immerse herself fully in her new domain, starting with decorating her new office and personalising it before taking a full tour of the complex. Aeryn had also made a point of introducing herself to her staff, knowing how important it was to make those connections early, especially since it was going to be new territory for her, and to silence any scuttlebutt that might arise given where she had come from.

Some of the things that Aeryn had learned from being head of security, could easily be transferred to her new position, specifically how she liked things to be done, and to ensure that the science department ran efficiently. The redhead also liked to think that she could be approachable, preferring to tackle any issues or problems straight away, rather than let them fester and stagnate, and not be resolved properly.

She also wanted to encourage discussions and debates, while keeping up to date with the latest discoveries and data that was pertinent to their areas of expertise. Although Aeryn understood that this was going to take a natural progression and wasn't going to force anything.

Eager to get started, Aeryn was currently in the Primary Science Lab preparing the items she would need for a project she had in mind and had left an open invitation in the lounge area for anyone who would like to participate. She hoped that it would go down well, considering that she was here to work and no longer wore the uniform that she was once associated with.

== Tag Devereaux and anyone else who would like to join in ==
The Artemis was still in dock at DS9. Lucy didn't know the full aftermath of their ‘mission’ to the Parhelia System. The Captain had authorised a department transfer for Aeryn. It was good news for Lucy with her own track record so far. An experienced officer with an interest in Science and somebody she could learn from.

Lucy had already received Security training from Aeryn, but this was different, in a good way. Another redhead in Science blue. Lucy had got through two missions by not really standing out. It had kept her from being shot or stunned. It was safe, but she didn’t feel productive. Mountaineering on Bajor felt more purposeful than studying rock samples, but things were dodgy for the crew.

It wasn’t hard to notice when Aeryn entered the Primary Labs. Lucy’s excuse was that she was bored and easily distracted. The CSO’s arrival meant she could shove her work to one side and find out if Aeryn needed a had with something more interesting. 

“Hey Lieutenant Commander, got something to stretch the gray matter? Been running simulations on energy emissions from asteroids and how solar radiation alters them.

“Just feel the need for a change of subject. If you’ve got something in mind.”

== tag ==
Aeryn looked up from her preparations when she heard Lucy address her by her new rank, which Aeryn was still getting used to. It was an achievement celebrated along with her switch to a different department, and Aeryn knew it would become second nature to be addressed this way in time. Hearing what Lucy had been working on, Aeryn smiled softly, while finding it equally fascinating. It might seem like tedious work to some, but for the redhead, it was not to be dismissed.

Although she did understand where Lucy was coming from when the other scientist mentioned needing a change of subject, before asking if Aeryn had anything in mind.

" While that is fascinating, I understand why you want a change" she began, acknowledging Lucy's request. " I do have something that might interest you, as I'm hoping it could become a department project, especially in our downtime".

Gesturing for Lucy to come closer, Aeryn then showed her some of the items that she had been putting together. "I want to see if we can cross-pollinate these standard tomatoes with some of the more robust varieties from the Beta quadrant, see if we can increase production and longevity"

It might seem pretty basic, but it was always best to start small, and if they were successful, then the hope was to try other plants. Aeryn knew she could have also started with flowers, but it didn't hurt to try something different.

== Tag Lucy ==
The idea fascinated Lucy. She was initially put off by the idea as a series of Terran horror movies had involved carnivorous tomatoes, but they weren’t likely to run into that problem. Terran agriculture had involved the use of cross-pollination to breed in agreeable traits. Flavor, firmness, and longevity.

“Cross-pollination sounds cool. The trick would be finding complementary attributes. Does many me wonder what varieties the Beta-quadrant have to offer. Something that would go well with a salad or pizza?”

There was also the matter of something that would be nice made into a sauce or juiced in a Bloody Mary, though it wasn’t Lucy’s kind of drink. Did the Beta quadrant have pizza? A cotton swab was the perfect was to apply the pollen. Would it be adding pollen from what passed for a standard tomato plant on Terra or the other way around?

“Might also need to consider bio-filter shielding to avoid mixing pollen samples with the test plants.”

A little practical botany would be fun.

==tag. ==
" Exactly, and you'll be quite surprised how many varieties there are" Aeryn replied, genuinely delighted at hearing Lucy's response to her idea. Okay, some of the varieties might not look like your average Terran tomato, but that's why this was intended to be a fun yet serious project. " I do like your way of thinking, and depending on how the samples turn out, we can taste test them on their own, or try them in some dishes to see how they fare".

She might not be the greatest of cooks, but Aeryn knew how to make a salad and a pizza, even if they cheated a little. Of course, all of this depended on the success of their combined attempts to achieve what Aeryn had initially set out, and with this being an activity for everyone, and not just one person, she was hopeful and excited at the same time.

Lucy made a suggestion that Aeryn agreed with because the last thing they wanted was for any mishaps to occur.

" Yes, I think we should to".

The CSO then shifted her focus to the row of test plants in front of them, along with cotton swabs, the carefully selected pollen, and the rest of the equipment that they would require to get things going.

" These are a mixture of Terran tomato plants, particularly Roma, Heritage, and Green tomatoes, gloves on, and we'll be adding the specific pollen of the beta quadrant equivalent to each one".

Aeryn then popped her gloves on and proceeded to space out the 12 plants, giving them six each to cross-pollinate.

== Tag Lucy ==
Lucy’s knowledge of fruit and vegetables only went as far as what her mom put in their meals or what she’d come across at college and the Academy. She listened and tried to take in what Aeryn was saying. Salad, pizza, and sometimes fried. The results of this experiment would hopefully be palatable. It would be informative to know how those native to the beta quadrant used tomatoes. 

With the plants spaced out appropriately Lucy started working on the bio-filter parameters. One sample of pollen from the Beta quadrant could be added to a tomato plant and after the sample passed into the bio filter no pollen could pass between the rest of the plants. The field would register the sample upon entry.

Lucy put on her own gloves and lifted a few cotton swabs. She proceeded to put one sample of pollen before her allotted half of the plants. She opened the first sample container and used a swab to gently lift some pollen. Botany was a strange field of science or some Lucy thought as she carefully applied the pollen to the stamen of each open flower. Plants could use the wind, animals or insects to propagate.

It was very restful work as Lucy worked through her allotted plants. She had tested the bio-filter and observed the pollen separate from the cotton swab as the swab passed through. It would avoid unintended cross-pollination until the fruit had formed. At least it would not affect watering or light absorption.

“That’s my side pollinated, Lieutenant Commander. The bio-filters seem to be holding up well. They can be lowered once we see fruit forming on the plants.”

Lucy’s mind wandered a little as she looked at the plants. Humans on Earth had altered the evolutionary path of plants bearing edible produce in order to make something hardy and still appetizing, yet there were so many varieties.

“The variety of fruit and vegetables can be a lot to take in. I’d heard that in Peru on Earth they have around two dozen varieties of potato. So much out there among the stars. Some of it not entirely safe for humans to eat. We’re still exploring. There’s times I wonder what I was expecting when I signed up for the Academy.”

== tag ==
Six plants might not seem like a lot, but Aeryn was a great believer in sharing the work. Besides, the CSO had taken into consideration all the potential variables by starting the project with not only an even number of specimens but also a relatively small test group to work with. Depending on the success rate, it would allow the team to increase the number of plants, in the hope of achieving a much larger yield of produce.

So while Lucy got to work on her half, carefully transferring the pollen and ensuring that the biofilter parameters were at the appropriate levels, Aeryn turned her attention to six plants in front of her. This was the kind of work that Aeryn had loved back on the research station, and what she had managed to maintain through keeping various plants following her switch to Security.

That love was still evident even now, as her quarters were filled with various blooms and flora, which never failed to make her happy. She had that feeling right now as she added the pollen to each tomato plant, following the same steps as Lucy, checking the biofilters until she was satisfied that everything was as it should be.

" Exactly they can" Aeryn agreed when Lucy spoke to her. " I'm almost finished with my half also".

Her fellow redhead's next comment gave Aeryn food for thought, so to speak, understanding what she meant, because there was always something to learn and discover, even when you thought it wasn't possible. " I agree it can be, and I'm familiar with the varieties of potatoes in Peru. I also understand when it comes to being out among the stars, and how there's still so much to learn and discover, so it can be a little overwhelming sometimes".

== Tag Lucy ==
== Mission Timeline ==

<< Briefing Room <<

Being a DH wasn't an easy task, and yet Aeryn embraced all aspects of the position that she had been given, regardless of how it affected her personally. If that meant reading her officers the riot act, so to speak, despite the Captain having done the same before Damian's arrest, then that's what she was going to do. Aeryn could have waited, but that might have defeated the purpose of what she wanted to say and make clear, especially with Artemis about to launch.

They had been tasked with an important aspect of ensuring that this mission would be a success and Aeryn wasn't about to have anyone slack or treat it like some afterthought as the CSO entered the complex and made a beeline for her office. Trusting that Lucy had followed her from the briefing room, Aeryn sat down in her chair and took a moment to gather her thoughts.

The redhead then set an alert for the following morning, before looking over the schedule and shift rotations just in case she needed to make any last-minute alterations depending on how this next half an hour went.

== Tag Lucy ==
On the turbolift down to the Science Complex Lucy remembered one more item the crew were meant to process before starting the next mission. The arrest and imprisonment of their Chief Engineer. There had been enough changes that she should really have treated it like a new crew. Stable doors and horses came to mind. She was stressed and wishing she could forgo the unpleasantries.

Better to be thought a fool than open your mouth and dispel all doubt.

Lucy followed Aeryn into the Chief Science Officer’s office. Watching Aeryn sit on her side of the desk told her it was pretty much as expected. She remembered not to sit down. This kind of exchange always began with the recipient of the lecture standing. The one giving the lecture might stand if they felt it was necessary.

“Lieutenant Commander?”

Why didn’t I keep my damn mouth shut?

Lucy had a terrible sense of deja vu. She really wanted this to be the last time she was on the receiving end of one of these. Obviously she still had lessons to learn, again.

== tag. ==
Aeryn gave a sufficient amount of time before she looked up and acknowledged Lucy's presence. It wasn't to say that she didn't know what she was going to say to her proverbial problem child, but rather to let her stew a little bit more. At that instant, the CSO remembered ' hug gate' and the subsequent consequences of her being the one to give Lucy additional weapons training, and here they were again, having to deal with an issue, just because she didn't know what was appropriate or not.

" Give me one good reason why I don't assign you permanently to the delta shift" Aeryn began, maintaining the stern gaze that had appeared as she continued to look at Lucy. " I don't know what possessed you to think it was appropriate to suggest a drinking game in the middle of an already tense briefing, but I will not tolerate that kind of behaviour. I expect better from my officers, especially as said behaviour makes me look like I'm an incompetent DH".

Anger simmered underneath the surface, but unlike Devereaux, Aeryn knew when to keep her emotions in check and what to say when faced with a difficult situation.

" It also tells me that you haven't learned your lesson from your previous mistake, or at least that's what it looks like, and quite frankly, it's not acceptable, especially from someone of your rank".

The way Lucy acted reminded Aeryn of a fresh out of the Academy Midshipman, rather than a Lieutenant. A rank that Aeryn herself had shared with Lucy until recently.

" As far as I'm concerned, this is your final warning. Do you have anything to say for yourself?".

== Tag Lucy ==
Lucy felt hollow. Aeryn was right on a few of her points. Delta shift wasn’t the threat she thought it was. The opportunity to give up of social interactions and effectively disappear from the daily life of the crew felt like a win. Giving up on falling in love again hurt a little, but there were greater costs. While going home would be her failure she wouldn’t be around to upset anyone, including people like Aeryn.

Lucy couldn’t figure if there was something functionally wrong with her.  From Aeryn’s perspective this was the second time the junior officer had done something that a sensible person wouldn’t have. Lucy was capable enough to know that she shouldn't have. The gap between the understanding and the action still needed work.

Off-duty was so very different from on-duty. Things you shouldn’t say in a meeting. It was functionally a new crew and nobody wanted a socially incompetent officer adding to everybody’s upset. Lucy was certainly no diplomat. She had part of an idea as to what a Science Officer was meant to be, but sometimes she couldn’t see the point in being or doing anything. It would have been better if she didn’t act as if she could do anything beneficial for those around her.

“No, Lieutenant Commander. Anything I might say to rationalise my behavior would only come off as an excuse for not meeting Starfleet standards or filtering myself appropriately.

“If I can fix myself, that would be progress. If I fail, hopefully your next junior officer will not be like me.”

Lucy was only a Lieutenant Junior Grade. She couldn’t figure how she’d made it this far and still been so immature. Aeryn was her first Department Head. Lucy had never been an adequate Science Officer. If she had been Zherru would still be alive.

Better to become a ghost. Can’t keep disappointing people.

== tag. ==
If she was being honest, Aeryn wasn't sure how Lucy was going to react to her effectively tearing a strip off of her. Would she be remorseful and apologetic or possibly be in denial about it all? Not that the CSO could speculate, as ultimately it was down to Devereaux as to how she chose to respond. When Lucy did speak, Aeryn didn't know how to feel, perhaps she even expected a little more. That being said, it did appear that Lucy understood the consequences of her actions, thus preventing the junior officer from digging herself deeper into the proverbial hole that she had created.

" Good, because this isn't the time for excuses, not when we're about to face the unknown again, and I need to know that I can trust you".

The analogy that Lucy then used as she continued, spoke more of just her not knowing when and when not to keep her mouth shut, or think properly. This reminded Aeryn to look over Lucy's files again, as the senior officer considered her words, before speaking.

" Whether you succeed or not, is up to you, Lucy, because if you're willing to try, to do better and not be considered a liability, then you'll take this final warning seriously and prove to me, and the Captain, that you can do this job".

That's what it boiled down to, and quite frankly Aeryn didn't want to be, minus a member of the department, not with the task ahead, and yet it was now in Lucy's court, so to speak, whether she would accept the final warning, and show that she was capable of being a functional member of the crew. If not, then, well Aeryn would deal with it accordingly.

== Tag Lucy ==
That makes three of us.

Lucy wanted to prove to herself that she was a competent Science Officer to herself as well as to the senior officers. She had the training to overcome certain aspects of her liability factor. She needed to work on her social filter while on duty. The reactions to her not reading the room properly gave her a means to avoid in the future, but she couldn’t make any more missteps like that again.

It was a little confusing that Aeryn had called her Lucy and not Lieutenant Junior Grade Devereaux. Maybe it was an easier shorthand than going full formal. The crew were an odd blend of ranks and professions. The new project seemed a little ambitious. Nebulae were a cauldron of material. She preferred the phrase stellar nursery. They were a frequent pain in the neck as probes could generally only see so far.

“I’m looking forward to seeing what these fancy new probes can do. Would prefer that we weren’t on the outs with the Cardassians, but that’s the hand we’ve been dealt.”

It did mean she’d be working with Engineering, but these cross-departmental projects were good for getting to know fellow officers. Lucy had a lot of interpersonal work ahead of her and she was starting from pretty much rock bottom. It’d be hard, but it would be worth so much in the long run. 

“I also look forward to proving myself to you, Aeryn. It’ll be good to be doing some actual science work.”

Lucy wanted to develop an actual social circle. It was too easy to be the lone kid that nobody talked to. She drifted into stuff mostly by accident or not perceiving properly. Beneficial accidents like meeting Jaclyn were rare and much rarer than she wanted to admit. Going outside of her comfort zone was what she needed for growth. Being sensible was a good approach also.
A work in progress, preferably with no more missteps.

The Artemis was a great crew. Lucy knew she couldn’t expect things to remain unchanged. Serenity to change the things that she could and accept the things that she couldn’t. She liked the explorational goal of Starfleet, but that meant being ready to be used like a cross between a galactic police force or military.

== tag ==
Aeryn wanted to believe that Lucy would make the right decision regarding her career and that she wouldn't throw it all away, because she couldn't deal with the reality of it all. It was more than doing a job, one that the Lieutenant had the potential to do well in if she was willing to put the hard work in. So, as long as she adhered to the warning that had been given, then perhaps there wouldn't be a repeat of this discussion.

All the CSO could do was monitor the situation, keep a close eye on Lucy's progress, and evaluate her performance during and after the upcoming mission. Lucy then brought up the new probes, particularly how she was looking forward to seeing what they could do, as well as her thoughts about being so close to Cardassian territory.

" Exactly it is, and we do our job to the best of our ability as always, despite who we might be in proximity of. As for the new probes, I feel the same way, and I'm looking forward to seeing what they can do".

Her first mission as CSO would involve something that would make one hell of a difference between success and failure. Failure wasn't an option as Lucy then said something else, something more specific to what had been discussed.

" Good, and will, but, don't expect me to go easy on you either. You'll be under a lot of scrutiny on this mission based on what we've discussed, and I hope you're ready to show us that you can handle what's expected of you".

Aeryn then consulted the PADD that she had left on her desk before Lucy's arrival. " You're scheduled for a bridge shift tomorrow, and I expect you to be there on time, without any delays".

== Tag Lucy ==
To say she had a bad night was an understatement. There had been times in life when Ju had not slept well including the nights before her biological substance donators came to visit, when her brothers moved out to start lives of their own, when her Halmoni died, the night before she entered Academy, and the night of Graduation. Now she could add the night Damian was arrested to her ever growing list of crap sleep. The bed did not look like a bed any longer. Instead, it looked as though some vicious beast had attacked all the covers, pillows, blankets, and sheets which were strewn haphazardly around the room in her efforts to find sleep.

Slamming an angry hand down on the PADD at her nightside table to shut it up. The incessant beeping ended mid beep and Ju rolled off the bed and onto her feet. Rubbing the grit from her eyes as she made her way across her Quarters to the bathroom so she could shower and et ready for shift. Half-way across the small Quarters she tripped over an errant pillow causing her to take three massive steps, bang her head into the bathroom door frame, say some very un-Ju-like verbiage she had likely picked up from Mara, and kick the offending pillow across the room.

Once she had showered, brushed her teeth, and tossed her long dark hair in a pony tail Ju dressed in a uniform and got herself together for shift. The water had helped wake her up and she requested the computer to make her a strong but very sweet coffee. While it brewed and cooled she picked up her Quarters she wouldn’t have to mess with it after shift and sorted everything back out. Shoving her PADD into her pocket she took her to-go cup of coffee with her. The cup was her usual cup. It was black but covered in sticker like designs that were either in Korean or names of popular Kpop bands she liked.

The Commander had told her she didn’t have to be on time to shift but she didn’t think being alone was a great idea right now. She needed to be busy and what better way than to start working on these fancy probes they needed to get ready for the Nebula. Who even is our Captain at this point? Do we have one? Two? Seven? Did Crawford grow two heads? Was Givens secretly her sister or her clone? Who even knew at this point? The most vivid memories she had from yesterday was Mara going off the rails and her boyfriend getting arrested. She also remember sharing her pocket-candy with Jaein.

He seemed like a solid Chief.

Ju hopped on the Turbolift, it was probably good that the coffee had not fully started her brain because it was easier to stay numb when her brain wasn’t firing on all cylinders.

“Science,” she said firmly finally taking a sip of the coffee. The sweet caramel coffee was heavenly and did wonders for her brain. As the Turbolift shot her through the ship towards Science she thought about what the day would hold. She would be working with Science to adjust the probe to the specs they needed it to be so they could work in the Nebula. Ju ignored everyone that got on and off the Lift with her and concentrated on her coffee and retaining her sanity.

Once the doors opened, she stepped out onto the Science Complex. She headed through the Complex for a moment until she found some familiar faces. Why is everyone red-headed on this ship? Is it contagious? Do I turn red after I’ve been here long enough? Looking at the two women, she decided she might as well speak, that way they could get the awkwardness out of the way and just get to work. The Commander hadn’t arrived yet, Ju thought she might be early, but again, staying at home was not good idea.

“Hello Commander, Lieutenant, I’m here to help with the probes,” Ju stated with a kind but slight smile on her face.

==Tag Science Ladies==
Now that Aeryn had laid out the expectations regarding what they had discussed, including where Devereaux needed to be when it came to launch, Aeryn saw no reason to keep the junior Lieutenant any longer. After all they needed to get some sleep, and be ready, and besides there was nothing left to say, that Aeryn already hadn't mentioned.

" Go get some sleep, and I'll check in with you tomorrow".

Once Lucy had been dismissed, all Aeryn had to do was make a note of everything, and ensure that all pre launch checks were carried out ahead of time. This would save precious minutes come the morning, especially since she would be meeting Engineering to make a start on the probes. With everything complete, Aeryn then logged off and made her way out of the Science Complex, very much looking forward to a nightcap and winding down before the real work began.

== ETL with permission from Devereaux ==

== Next Day - Early Morning ==

Following a slightly restless night's sleep and finally being able to process the events from the day before, Aeryn had arrived early at the Science Complex. Tasks that needed her attention were dealt with, aided by a new blend of coffee that the CSO had acquired during shoreleave.

Fuelled by caffeine, Aeryn checked over the schedule, satisfied that all science systems showed in the green, something that she forwarded to the Bridge, before her attention shifted to the arrival of Ju.

" Hello Ensign, and ah yes, I'm looking forward to working with Engineering more closely" Aeryn said warmly, as she got up from her desk .

== Tag Ju ==
==My apologies if I interrupted the timeline, I thought you were already on the next day!==

Ju was just glad to have something she could put her mind to. Being in her Quarters wasn’t going to do her any good, Mara was likely on-shift somewhere, her boss was probably working as well, and Ju hadn’t even though to check in with him. That might be a mistake in hindsight.. she mused to herself as she took another sip of her coffee. Today was probe day. Nothing truly excited Engineers quite the way that redesigning something someone else had already designed but, better. There was something good about it. When you had fixed someone else’s design to do something outside its original scope and it was even better if you made it look effortless.

I doubt anything will be effortless today.

“Good morning, Commander,” Ju said with a soft smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. Normally, Ju was bubbly and full of life but the last twenty four hours had really been yard on the young Ensign who was still figuring out her place in the world. Now her boyfriend was under arrest, she had spent last night eating more sugar than was even remotely healthy, and now she was up bright and early for work. Commander Jaein had told her to take her time coming in, but she had decided not to listen to that. It wasn’t that she didn’t think she could use extra time it was just that being alone meant her brain was thinking and she would rather expend that energy with work.

She knew that schematics had been shown briefly at the meeting the day before but she couldn’t really remember much about them other than having seen them. She also remembered that Omdor may not be here himself but that didn’t mean she couldn’t get to work. Ju would be grateful to have something to do with her hands which didn’t include strangling Caitians.

“Did you have a copy of the schematics and a location you would like me to get started on? I’m a little early for my shift but I would prefer to get started if that’s all right with you, Commander,” Ju said to the Chief with another half hearted smile for a moment waiting to see if she could get started. The Commander seemed nice enough but Ju didn’t have a lot of experience with her, she just knew her from being at the parties that Ju had attended thus far. Still, it was professional time and Ju was ready to get started. Depending on if she was going to be working with Miller or by herself would determine if she would put music in her ears and just concentrate on work or if she would be making casual conversation around her boyfriends recent arrest.

==Tag Aeryn. Sorry for the delay was waiting to see if anyone else was joining I didn’t want to cut anyone off!==
== It's all good :-) ==

Aeryn smiled warmly as Ju responded to her, although she would have been remiss not to notice how the engineer's smile didn't quite reach her eyes. Understandable considering what had happened the previous evening, and how Aeryn herself still hadn't fully come to terms with it. It was one thing to see her friend and mentor marched away under the most awful of circumstances, so she could only begin to imagine how Ju must feel as she knew Damian on a more intimate level.

The CSO did know how valuable it was to find a suitable distraction, something to focus on so you couldn't dwell on events or the repercussions that came with trying not to show your true emotions. So, while they didn't know each other that well, Aeryn was determined to help Ju as much as she could.

When Ju spoke again, her attention shifting to the reason why she was there, Aeryn was able to answer the engineer, as she picked up the PADD containing the probe schematics. " I do, and I've set aside one of our larger labs to make it easier for us to work on the probes. There's nothing wrong with being a little early, as I've always been that way, so yes, we can definitely get started".

Aeryn then paused for a moment, as she considered if she should say something about Damian or not, before settling on what made the most sense, leaving it open for Ju to answer if she wanted to.

" Before we go, I just wanted to let you know that I'm here if you need to vent, talk, or want to get drunk".

The Commander had survived some of the worst times in her life and was still there to show for it, so she wasn't going to sit by and not do anything.

== Tag Ju ==
Ju was just glad that she didn’t have to worry about being too early. Honestly, she didn’t think she could stare at the four walls of her Quarters much longer without going insane or listening to bad music while binging on sugar. The Commander picked up a PADD that held the schematics they would be using to upgrade and alter the probes to what they were wanting and needing them to do. Eun Ju found herself ready to work and besides she loved making things different and often times better if she could manage it. A lot of times good design left little room for improvement but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t try. In this case they were changing up the whole purpose of the probe which excited her to her core.

“Fantastic, a big space will be easier,” she stated when the Commander told her she had set aside one of the larger labs for them to work in. That meant they would be able to move better and they wouldn’t have to worry about bumping into each other as they began to disassemble and reassemble the alternative probe pieces.

Ju was ready to get started and it seemed they had everything they needed. Ju had brought her Engineering kit with her, it was still slung over her shoulder and she could replicate anything that she needed. The first part would be disassembly and that would take a little time but after that they could begin retrofitting and refitting things to suit their needs better. Before they could head off though, she could tell that the Commander wanted to say something.

Being half-Betazoid came with perks but it also sucked when you wanted to avoid awkward conversations and situations like this. Ju waited because she could feel it bubbling up inside the Commander and then the words began to come out. Though she was surprised that it wasn’t that it was okay to feel sad or be upset about the situation that shook out with Damian but instead it was just that she was willing to be there for the young Engineer. Saying she was there to listen, to vent, to talk, or even to get drunk.

That last part perked Ju’s ears up.

“I may take you up on that last one Commander. I don’t have a lot of people who can hold their weight against me. I grew up drinking.” She grinned. Ju’s face softened a moment and she looked down at her quickly cooling coffee, I really need a refill… “I appreciate your offer though, Commander. I’ve never been through anything like this and I’m not really sure what to do with myself. I believe in Damian though, so, all I can do is wait and try to trust the system.”

Ju felt dumb. She wasn’t sure why, perhaps because she let a little of herself out to a person she had only met a handful of times. But, honestly, it was all something new and she wasn’t sure how to handle the whole situation. Evetually, she would figure out how to process everything and eventually Damian would be back with answers.

“Okay, lets get started. Will you show me where our lab is Commander? I’m ready to get to work on our project. Honestly, I’m pretty excited about reworking an entire probe,” she had to admit as she waited for the Commander to show her where to go.

==Tag Aeryn==
" That's what I was thinking too, especially given the nature of what we want to achieve" Aeryn agreed, realising that she and Ju were already on the same wavelength when it came to the task they had been entrusted with. The CSO was also relieved at how the Engineer reacted to her offer, particularly the suggestion of them getting drunk together. The circumstances might differ from what Aeryn had experienced, but it all boiled down to needing an escape.

" I can definitely hold my own when I need to, and that's completely understandable, none of us expect to go through something like that, and that's why I wanted to make that offer. I also believe in Damian. Without him, I wouldn't be where I am now, so those who know and trust him have to stick together".

Aeryn also wanted to try and trust the system, despite her disillusionment due to past events, but despite how she felt personally, she wasn't going to give up on the FO. Until he returned, they still had a mission to complete, and while there were a lot of unknowns, at least she and Ju had something else to focus on.

" Of course, it's right this way and I have to admit that I'm also looking forward to this project, especially since this will be my first mission since switching departments".

Her excitement at such a prospect hadn't been diminished in the slightest, although she tried her best to keep her nerves at bay. With one last final check to ensure she hadn't forgotten anything, Aeryn then led the way out of her office, and through the complex until she reached the large lab set aside for the probes.

" We have everything we need, including fresh coffee".

== Tag Ju ==
It was so nice that others believed in Damian. She knew most of the ship probably did even more so than her because they had known him and worked with him longer than she had. Of course, she had heard rumors of past lovers that Damian had but she didn’t pay much attention to them because it was her that Damian had picked at the moment. She hoped they would be able to stay for the long haul but that would remain to be seen because they were still very new. However, Ju really enjoyed Damian’s company and he seemed to accept her for all the bubbly person that she was going as far to learn Korean for her so that he could utilize words he knew to surprise her.

That kind of thought and planning wasn’t something that just an average guy did when you were dating. It wasn’t as if Damian was her first boyfriend ever, she had dated guys that were of no significance in the Academy and not a single one had bothered to learn Korean or put in much effort. Perhaps it was because he was older than her that he understood the importance of such things.

As they headed towards the lab that the Commander had set aside for them to work in she casually mentioned she was excited about the mission as well. Especially since this was her first mission in a new department. That piqued Ju’s interests. “What department did you come from?” she asked curiously to the woman as they walked the length of the Science deck to their lab.

As they entered the lab everything was set up for them. A large low table which held the probe they would be working on, several replicators including a large one like she used in Engineering which could replicate larger parts. There was fresh coffee in a pot which permeated the air around them reminding Ju just how bad she needed to refresh the sugary mess that was in her Kpop mug. Having hit hard last night with Mara she had a bit of a drinking headache but more than that she had a stress headache.

Once Ju had finished refilling her mug and doctoring it to it’s 51% sugar rating she was able to function in the aspects they would need. Taking a sip of the hot coffee the young Engineer grinned. “You hiring in Science?” she teased, honestly she could probably do either but Engineering had always been her heart. Putting her mug down on a rolling cart close to the large lab table she crossed her arms. “Computer, pull up holographic schematics of current probe.” She called out to the room. In a moment the holographic imagery hovered above the probe showing the full break down of the probe so they wouldn’t have to take apart areas they didn’t need to. “Okay so for starters, we need to disassemble the actual sensor probe and sensor suite because those need to be fine tuned, altered, and fully replaced to our new specifications.” She began pulling the PADD she carried out of her back pocket. The back of it had a few stickers on it, a little cute panda bear, a heart with some Korean font across the center, and another panda who was super cute holding up a little wrench and a had a combadge on his chest.

Ju began to take notes on her PADD so she wouldn’t lose track of herself.

==Tag Aeryn==
" Security, I took over as Acting Chief when Damian was promoted to FO, and that's where I stayed until we got back from the last mission" Aeryn replied, thinking it was only fair to give a bit of background to her response. She also left it open in case Ju had any further questions regarding her change of department. It was something that the redhead was still getting used to herself, especially considering the differences between security and science.

Once inside the lab where the real work would begin, Ju had the right idea by refilling her cute coffee cup, thanks to an idea that Aeryn had brought over from security, knowing how beneficial it could be to have freshly brewed coffee whilst working. Aeryn followed suit, thinking it was just what she needed, as Ju took a sip and asked if she was hiring. The engineer might have been teasing, but Aeryn would welcome her company anytime.

" I don't think the Commander would want to let you go, but if you ever want to help out or visit, then feel free to stop by".

Adding creamer to her cup, Aeryn then turned her attention to the holographic schematics of the probe on the table, listening as Ju explained what needed to be done first before she started taking notes on her decorated padd. " Okay, although I'll admit that I've never been this hands-on with a probe before, so I'll happily follow your lead on this".

Modifying a torpedo was one thing, but a probe felt completely different, at least for the moment.

== Tag Ju ==
So Commander Miller had been Security before she came to Science. It seemed that the Artemis was home to many multi-talented people. Ju hoped to become one herself but first she just wanted to get established. She just wanted to be someone that people could count on when it came to Engineering purposes. Her first step was this mission right here and getting the probe sorted out for the ship. “What made you shift from Security to Science?” she asked hoping the Commander wouldn’t mind her curiosity as they moved through the deck and got their coffee.

The probe itself was ready for work and she was excited to actually get started. To work something like this for her first mission when it came to the Artemis she couldn’t believe her luck. This was better than going on the away team, if there was one, but who would know what would happen when they got to their destination. In Starfleet it was extremely rare that anything actually went according to plan so she wasn’t expecting it to be smooth. She grinned when Miller offered her a position among her own should Science ever become her passion.

“I’ll keep that in mind,” she smiled warmly at the Commander. Miller told her that she could take the lead for the moment because she had never altered a probe before. “Me neither, Commander, we’re just going to wing it, in the Starfleet way.” She winked at the woman feeling better now that she was working and she was able to put her brain power into something else besides Damian. He was still at the back of her mind and she knew during the quiet moments and off duty time she would feel the tide of her sorrow come back for him. Right now, she could just concentrate on her job and that was exactly what she needed in the moment.

“All right, first thing, we have to disassemble the sensor array because that’s the main thing we will be altering and upgrading,” she admitted, laying her PADD to the side of the probe and pulled out her tool kit. Opening it she lay it on the table next to the probe as well and began the disassembly process. Taking off the metallic access panel to expose the wires, circuits, chips, and relays beneath the sensor array and assembly. Her deft fingers unplugged the access panel from the sensor array placing it to the side before she switched the upper holographic schematic, which had been the probe plans, with the schematic for the current probe. She needed that first so she knew what to remove.

With the labeled and floating schematic above her she began to remove the various wires and relays which would need to be switched out. It wasn’t just that though, she was going to need to upgrade the sensor array as well, but if the sensors couldn’t get enough power and if the relays could not take in the information and feed it back to the ship having an upgraded sensor array would do no one any good.

“Remind me again, Commander, what sensor array did they want this upgraded to?” Ju asked as she continued to disassemble the current one.
The question about why she had moved from Security to Science, was one that Aeryn didn't mind answering, as she knew how strange it might seem to someone new, and she also understood natural curiosity. After all, it had been a big step for her personally, and yet there had been no regrets. " It wasn't an easy decision, and I did a lot of soul-searching before realising that I needed a change, and that was going back to my first love, and what brought me to the fleet".

It was as honest as she could be without going into too much detail about the last mission, and how her injury had prompted her to make those realisations. Returning to the task at hand, Aeryn smiled as Ju answered her about the engineer being welcome in Science before Ju also admitted that they were both novices when it came to being hands-on like that.

" Ah yes, I can do winging it the Star Fleet way".

Aeryn wasn't expecting Ju to do all the work, so she listened and watched as the Engineer started the disassembly process, wanting to learn about this physical step-by-step guide so she could be useful. Taking note of the schematics being used, and how delicate it all seemed before Ju asked about the sensor array. Using the information that had been sent to her, Aeryn consulted her padd. " That's a good question. Let me see what I can find from the information provided by Science HQ. With these being prototypes and the Artemis being the first ship to test them out, we have to assemble them and get them up and running. Thankfully, they supplied us with all the probes that we'll need, and ideally, the Captain would like us to link them into the tactical systems, but one step at a time".

So much had happened at the briefing and after, that Aeryn was glad that they had something to focus on, and while it might be a little trial and error, was confident that she and Ju would succeed.

== Tag Ju ==

== GM input, what type of sensor array do the probes need to be upgraded to, and is there anything else we need to know about the schematic and specifications? ==
The probes were being upgraded to a Type XIII sensor package. It wasn't as detailed as the one being removed from the current probes, but was better tuned for the environment inside the nebula and had the added benefit of being smaller than what was being removed.

The extra space was necessary, because in addition to the finer-tuned sensors, the propulsion system was set to be removed in favor of a set of station-keeping thrusters and a communications package, allowing it to stay in contact with neighboring probes. The idea was to create a sensor net throughout the nebula, with each probe communicating with the next in line to detect not only ships within the vicinity, but also if anything went wrong with their neighbors.

Artemis didn't have enough probes for this, but they had enough to get a start and see if the net idea was even viable within the volatile area of the nebula.
Eun Ju was eager to hear the story. As the Commander explained that it wasn’t a hard decision but had required some soul searching and realizing that she needed a change in her life. Ju could not quite understand that, yet, but she knew that she had heard similar stories from older officers who she had come across in the Academy. Some found their passions and they stayed with them for the rest of their careers. However, some of them found new passions as they matured and grew older, she could understand wanting to broaden your own horizons and she figured at some point she would probably want to learn more about Science. It was interesting and she had been torn going down the Science route but there was something about working with her hands and her brain at the same time that settled well with her soul.

“I guess it makes sense. I definitely see myself wanting to learn more about Science as I go. I love Engineering because working with my hands makes me happy. However, I’m one of those people who just.. really likes to learn things so I’ll probably be expanding my knowledge as I get more settled.”

As the Commander looked for the kind of alteration they were doing to the probes, Ju continued to remove the old sensor arrays. She was glad for something to do and for the company of the commander. With the sensor panels removed she stood back and took a long sip of her coffee feeling the sweetness settle over her tongue. Which reminded her that she hadn’t had any of her candy today so she reached into her pocket and pulled out the first one that touched her fingers. A cinnamon disc in it’s dark red wrapping. She pulled the ends letting it twist in the overhead lighting for a moment before she popped it in her mouth and tucked it into her cheek.

“I think we’re going to need more space,” Ju said as she stared at the bit of room she had made so far removing the sensors. So the fun part will be figuring out what to remove while still keeping this working.”

Ju thought about what they wanted it to do while the Commander looked up what kind of sensors specifically they were changing it to. “If we want it to stay in one place we’re going to have to install stationary thrusters. And if you said they want it connected tactically then that means we are likely going to need some sort of communication panel on each and every one of these we can alter so that they can link and share information. Encrypted information because we won’t want it falling into the wrong hands.” Ju was spouting information just because it helped her organize her thoughts when she said things out loud like this. It was nice to have someone else in the room too because it would help her bounce ideas too.

“There’s not a lot of dead space in these, so we are going to have to get creative, Commander,” Ju stated looking at the probe closer.

==GM, what are the parts that Ju can remove while still allowing the sensor to work and make room for the alterations?==
==Tag Aeryn==
" That's how I am as well. I love to learn and, as much as I love security and being hands-on, I get to do that a different way with Science. I'd also be happy to help with that when you're ready".

If there was anything that Aeryn could help Ju with when it came to learning more about Science, then the CSO would be happy to do so, as the engineer continued to remove the existing sensor arrays. A small smile crept onto the redhead's face when Ju took out a piece of candy, before suggesting that they would need more space regarding the probe, and how fun it would be to figure out what needed to be removed while keeping it functional.

" Agreed, it will be considering that we don't have a lot of these, but we have enough to at least make a start and see how viable they'll be in the nebula".

Aeryn then found the information that she was looking for and promptly told Ju. " Ah here we are, these probes have to be upgraded to a Type thirteen sensor package, now it's not as detailed but better tuned to the nebula's environment, with the additional benefit of being smaller".

It also seemed to tally with what Ju said next in terms of keeping the probes in one place and allowing them to communicate with one another, and with the ship as the Captain had asked for. Aeryn liked how Ju thought out loud, and getting creative was something that Aeryn could do.

" Exactly there isn't, and we will, but hopefully enough for us to add the necessary thrusters and communication package".

== Tag Ju ==
==Apologies for the delay. It's been a bit rough in real life the past few days, but I'll try and do better.==

The standard propulsion package can be removed, though this will require Artemis to position the probe manually rather than the standard "shoot it out the torpedo tube" approach. The new station-keeping package would do what it needed to from the point of activation. There are also long-range comm packages that can be removed, since the probe is meant to talk to its compatriots that are relatively close rather than the computers of a ship that could be quite a long way away. However, a slimmer broadcast system would need to be placed as well so that the probe could still "raise the alarm", so to speak.

Those should provide sufficient space, combined with the sensor package change. Any other attempts to free up space would require replacing parts with equivalents that were smaller and less effective, or attempting to strip the casing back until it was practically just tape.
==No worries, thank you for the information!==

Ju paused in her work as she assessed what exactly she was going to do with the probe. It had to function, it had to alter it’s communication arrays, and they would need it to withstand the vacuum of space. Starfleet was not about wasting materials so every space on the probe was taken up by something just as important as what she needed to place in it. She was going to have to change some things out, and she might have to make smaller parts, but she would figure it out. That was part of Engineering and it was also something that she loved to do so she was excited she had been tasked with this.

“All right,” Ju said as she looked back up at the Commander with a plan forming in her mind. “We can remove the propulsion system because we don’t need it to actually position itself we could use a shuttle or the Artemis itself to put it into place. That will give us substantial room to work with. We also can remove the long range communication array because the goal of this sucker is so that it talks to the others. But we need to put in a micro communication unit so that if it needs to hail us for some reason it can, it just won’t do it with a constant feed.”

Ju picked up her decorated PADD again and began to update the blue print with the changes that she was planning on. She planned to remove the propulsion package completely and just insert a small thruster which would keep it in place. She also pulled out the larger communication array and replaced it with a smaller less powerful communication system that would work in the chain they were planning to use it in as well as be able to let out a mayday should one be needed.

With a thrust of her fingers she threw the holographic blueprint to hover above the inert probe which was already partially apart. “Okay, there we go, now we have a plan.”

Ju smiled brightly, this was her bread and butter. Solving problems, figuring out solutions, coming up with a plan, and working with her hands. “First thing we’re going to remove now is the propulsion system, that’s the largest thing to get rid of, and it’ll give us more room for the updated sensor array.”

Ju leaned over the probe and began to get back to work. This was what she lived for and it helped keep her mind off of the situations that had taken over her personal life.

“How long have you served on the Artemis, Commander,” she asked while she worked figuring that they might as well make small talk and get to know the Commander better while they worked. There was no reason to be stuffy and Ju had no doubt she could use more friends around the ship.

==Tag Aeryn==
There was a small pause as Ju began to formulate a plan for modifying the probe. Aeryn listened carefully, seeing the natural progression in her mind. It also made a lot of sense, given what they knew and what was needed. This was much more involved than using a standard probe, but given where they were going and why, the pair needed to get this right. The CSO also figured that deploying the new probes differently would likely be handled by Tactical or, at the very least, she would like to be present when that happened.

" That all makes sense to me, and I agree as we still need to communicate with them".

Aeryn wasn't lying either, as it did make a lot of sense, while still giving them the ability to keep in contact with the probes. Practical too, and with a little hope, Aeryn's confidence grew as Ju switched out the communication system and replaced it with something smaller, before amending the holographic blueprint based on the changes that were being made.

" We do indeed" Aeryn agreed, still taking everything in, as Ju spoke about what they had to do next and got back to work.

" Exactly, and when it's time to install the new sensor array, I'd be happy to assist you, as there's definitely something about getting stuck in. I was the same way when it came to taking weapons apart and putting them back together or modifying torpedos".

Aeryn wasn't one to remain idle for too long, and she had learned so much already just by watching and listening to Ju, it would also in theory speed the process up, and she was at the engineer's disposal. When asked how long she'd been on Artemis, for Aeryn it had felt like she had always been there.

" This will be my fourth mission, and Artemis is only my second assignment. Prior to coming here I was on the Alexandria".

== Tag Ju ==
I hope Damian is okay… that he isn’t suffering too much.

Ju didn’t know much about where they had taken him but she also she tried not to think too much about it. They were still very new to their relationship, which had gotten pretty serious pretty fast, but it was a natural progression for them. Eun Ju knew and had heard the risks of dating the First Officer of a ship even more so the ship that he was the First Officer of her ship. Her brothers had given her earfuls when she had told them she was dating when they finally got the information out of her on who he actually was. They did not support the relationship but they also hadn’t met him yet. She couldn’t mention that he had been arrested because that would have created epic meltdowns and she didn’t have the mental energy to deal with them right now.

This was one of the reasons she was so glad she was working right now. Her thoughts would carry her away. Aeryn was willing to help her on the probe to which Ju gave a nod so she knew Ju had heard her.

Ju herself began to get rid of the propulsion system. The probe was designed to be able to be shot out of a torpedo tube as well as be able to follow a predetermined course. So the systems took up quite a bit of space, which they could now use for the sensor array upgrade. Probes were put together from the inside out for the most part so taking it apart while keeping the shell together was not as easy as it could have been but she didn’t want to take the whole thing apart. There were reasons they used robotics to put these probes together in the first place. The access panel for quick tune ups and the like was where she was mostly working from. Luckily her hands were slender and she was able to work pretty well within the space she was provided after removing the sensors earlier.

Aeryn mentioned that she had done four missions, two with the Artemis and two on another ship before it. “What made you come to the Artemis?” she asked curiously, it was nice to have someone to conversate with especially while she was working. If she had been by herself she would have had music playing or something because it helped her concentrate more. The little tink of screws hitting the inner metal plating could be heard as she made short work of the screws holding in the propulsion system. Pulling her hands out of the guts of the probe she quickly scooped up the screws and tugged on the system.

It budged but didn’t come out the way she expected. “Of course there’s going to be one screw I missed somewhere….”

Ju got down closer on level to the probe and grabbed a pen light out of her pocket to shine into the access panel. Shining around it until she found the offending screw. “There it is..” she grinned and slid her hand back in for the next screw until it too fell out and the propulsion system fell into her hand in two pieces. She pulled them out and put them to the side.

“Okay, next communications array,” she told the Commander. “Do you have the new communications array?” she asked looking up at the woman with a soft smile on her face.

==Tag Aeryn==
This might be her fourth mission since coming to the Artemis, but out of the two ships that Aeryn had served on, she felt more like she belonged there. That wasn't to say that she hadn't enjoyed her time on Alexandria. After all, it was where she had met Merle, but it was also a place where she had suffered immeasurable heartache and more. There was no time to dwell on that though, because she was happy, and that's all she needed.

Ju nodded in response to her offer of help, and Aeryn smiled right back before she was asked what had made her come to Artemis. " I wanted ... no I needed a change after quite a traumatic experience, and this ship was exactly the right remedy for that".

Aeryn didn't mind being honest, and it wouldn't take much for someone to read her service record. However, this way it was more personal, friendly even. That was her in a nutshell, while Ju took care of the now surplus-to-requirements propulsion system, grinning despite herself at how stubborn it was being, almost as if it didn't want to be removed. " That sounds about right if I had a credit for every time I've done something like that".

Sometimes it couldn't be helped regardless of how organised you were, and it showed the human touch too, as Ju found the wayward screw and the propulsion system was put to one side.

" I do indeed" Aeryn replied, moving away for a second as she located the new communication array, and took it back over. This was where she had to be completely focused as she checked the blueprint and placed the array inside the probe.

== Tag Ju ==
==Informational update: We've jumped forward a day now. I'm going to rule that you two have managed to get four built, and another one in the morning before Artemis arrives on site.

Feel free to continue your conversation in the current timeline if you wish, though! Just be aware we may need you for other tasks, as well==
== Thanks GM :-) ==

== Timeskip ==

Aside from taking regular breaks and having a few hours of restful sleep, once Aeryn had called it for the night, four probes had been built since the ship had left DS9 with a fifth probe completed that morning. Quite the achievement and Aeryn surveyed the lab turned probe workshop and their accomplishments like any proud parent would with their child.

The time that she had spent working alongside Ju, had not only been productive but also informative, with the sharing of information, to the point where Aeryn genuinely believed that they had gotten to know one another better than they had previously. Aeryn could also consider Ju a friend now and was glad of the opportunity to form that friendship as well as learn new skills from the engineer.

In the scientist's opinion, they had made a great team, but now wasn't the time to celebrate, at least not until their objective was finished. Which meant informing the bridge about their progress, and doing whatever else was necessary to ensure that they succeeded with the testing of the probes.

Of course, nothing was guaranteed but Aeryn was hopeful as she tapped her comm badge.

" Commander Miller to the Bridge, we have five completed probes ready to be deployed and positioned manually".

== Tags ==
Ju felt that she had definitely earned a friend during the last few days where she and Aeryn were fixing up the probes. Each probe got a little faster than the last once they figured out what they needed to do and sometimes shortcuts came to them which made modifying things that much easier. Ju was glad when they finally secured the last bolt and rivet in the final probe. This one they had been able to modify just this morning and with both of them seasoned at modifying the probe they were able to knock it out much quicker than all the rest.

Ju stood to the side of their lab table where the final probe still lay until it was time to deploy. She was carefully cleaning the last of her personal tools using some cleaning solvent to remove any grime, grease, and gunk which had built up on them over the course of their modifications. The rag in her hand turning from Federation red to a darker dingy gray/black as she worked over her tools little by little. A fresh cup of coffee added steam to the air beside her having only been taken down a sip since she replicated it.

Aeryn had been a very nice and welcome distraction from all the drama with Damian. Ju had been sending him messages and voice mails over PADD for the days he had been gone so far. It wasn’t very important stuff, just generic day to day activities. She hadn’t outlined anything about the mission or what she was doing in it. Merely that she had made a friend with Aeryn as well as was keeping busy. How much she missed him, and the plans she wanted to tackle when he returned. More than ever she wanted to take him home with her to meet her brothers at some point. They still didn’t know anything about him being arrested and that was precisely how she wanted it.

She was fairly certain that even if he got the messages they were gone through by someone where ever he was taken to make sure there wasn’t anything up with it. But, it was just a girlfriend missing her boyfriend. Most of the time, during the day, she was busy enough she didn’t feel the ache as deeply as when she was in her Quarters after shift and forced to spend time alone with her thoughts. She had taken to hitting the gym a lot more in the last few days because when she was worn out and exhausted she passed out in bed after sending her messages to Damian. So far, he had been unable, or not allowed to respond. She wasn’t even sure he was allowed to hear her messages. If nothing else, when everything was over and he was back he would hear all her correspondence at once and realize that she had missed him and thought of him this whole time.

Aeryn was hailing the Bridge, likely to tell them they had finished the probe modifications and as far as Science and Engineering were concerned they were in a good place. Ju wondered if she should go check in with her boss and let him know how things were going but she assumed Aeryn and her boss were likely talking and keeping up with each other over the situation in Science. Finishing with her last tool she placed it in her small kit before closing and locking the case so she could take it with her when she left.

Ju leaned her hip against the center table in the lab picking up the warm cup of coffee and sipping at it while Aeryn finished letting the Bridge know what was going on. This way she could figure out where she was supposed to go next. Surely, they would need her elsewhere.

==Tag Aeryn==
[Acknowledged. Were we provided any guidance on their optimal spacing or suggested distance?]
Aeryn smiled as she noticed Ju reaching for her cup of coffee, reminding the science chief of her warm beverage waiting for her. It would have to stay that way until she heard back from the bridge and, even then, they might be given another task, and quite frankly, it wouldn't be the first time that Aeryn had drunk a lukewarm coffee. The response from the bridge came back quickly, and despite everything that had transpired since the briefing, Aeryn couldn't help but smile briefly upon hearing Captain Crawford's voice.

The information she requested, while not specific to the exact distance, should be sufficient for their needs when deploying the probes. Although if additional data was needed, Aeryn knew that she and Ju should be able to provide that, as Aeryn responded to the Captain.

" Yes, Captain. They need to be positioned relatively close to one another to allow them to keep in contact and communicate with the next in line, to not only detect any ships but also if anything goes wrong with one of the other probes".

Aeryn then paused for a moment, wondering if they could get something more specific for Tactical.

" I'll see if we can find anything more specific regarding a suggested distance and forward the information to Tactical".

== Tag Ju ==

== GM input. Is there any more information we can provide regarding the probes, specifically the suggested distance that needs to be between them? ==
Suggested distance was approximately a quarter of a lightyear between deployment points.
Ju was glad that her work here was done in Science. She had really enjoyed getting to know Aeryn and definitely felt as though she had someone else on her team she could call a friend. The coffee was hot and sweet she had added a touch of caramel this time so she could enjoy something a little different. Her sweet tooth had grown since Damian’s arrest but sometimes it was how she could keep her mind somewhat quiet was concentrating on something else.

The Commander was speaking to the Bridge about the probes and the question was asked how far apart the probes could be and still communicate. Ju picked up her PADD because they had calculated this previously but she wanted to double check her calculations before giving a final estimate. There was nothing perfect in any world and when modifications were made to an existing device it wasn’t always perfection. However, she knew they had done the best they could do and was proud of both herself and the Commander for all the work they had done.

“Commander, the distance is about a quarter of a light year apart and they would still be able to function well.” She reported to her so she could tell the Captain. Ju figured that as soon as they were done here she would need to head to Engineering to see what she needed to do there, but right now she was enjoying a little bit more time with her friend.

When Aeryn finished talking to the Bridge Ju smiled at the red headed woman. “I just wanted to say, Commander, I’ve had a good time modifying these probes and getting to know you. Thank you for being kind and letting me hang out on your deck.”

==Tag Aeryn==
Ju quickly gave Aeryn the information she had offered to get for the Captain, appreciating how thorough they had been with this project. This was just one of the reasons why the Chief enjoyed working with others. Even though they had all the data, it never hurt to double-check, especially given the importance of the modified probes and the mission.

Aeryn offered the Engineer a silent thanks, knowing that the bridge would likely hear the information. However, continuing with the thoroughness, Aeryn also sent it in message form to Tactical, including the helm. Once that was done, the redhead couldn't help but wonder what was next for them and whether it would be prudent for her to go to the Bridge to oversee the deployment and monitoring of the probes alongside Lucy and Tactical.

She surmised that she would decide soon enough depending on whether the Captain needed her elsewhere, but for now, Aeryn focused on Ju as the other woman spoke to her. Her words resonated with the Commander because she felt the same way.

" I have too, and I've also enjoyed getting to know you better, and I'm glad we got to do this. Anytime my door is always open, we'll have to grab a drink later".

It only seemed right for them to do that once the shift was over, and regardless of what happened with the probes, it was also deserved.

== Tag Ju ==
Ju was glad to have spent her days here but it was time to head back to Engineering where she could see if there was anything else she was needed to work on. Her time in Science had been fun but she was pretty sure the Commander could handle it for the time being and could page her back if something went wrong and they had to do some more work together. The Commander said she had enjoyed getting to know Ju and working with her. She also stated that her door was always open if Ju needed to talk, and she likely would. The shift times flew by but the nights were long and lonely thinking and worrying about Damian. She had sent him some correspondence over PADD. Nothing about the mission just general slice of life information and how she missed him but was excited to see him when he came back home. She had not gotten a response out of him yet but she didn't even know if they had allowed him to hear her messages anyway. Only time would tell, he would get them eventually and realize that she had been thinking of him all this time.

"We'll definitely get together and have a drink some time," she said with a soft smile on her face as she topped up her coffee and doctored it one more time before putting the lid back on her cup. "I should head back to Engineering. I need to check in and see if they need any help down there. Thanks for everything Commander, message me when you're free for a drink. I'm always free these days."

Ju gave her a little salute with her coffee mug and headed out of the lab and through the Science area to the main doors and through to the Turbolift. She was going to miss the Commander but she was certain her own Chief would have work for her to do and she didn't want to moonlight in Science when there wasn't a reason for it. With the Turbolift doors closing she took a deep breath.

"Engineering." she stated simply.

It was time for Ju to head back to Engineering and while Aeryn had gotten used to the other woman's company, she understood the need to check in and see what help was required. " You're most welcome, and I will certainly message you when I'm free to arrange that drink".

Aeryn knew that Beka would understand if she spent a little time with Ju outside of duty hours, and the engineer's comment about always being free these days hadn't gone unnoticed. The Commander had promised herself to do what she could to be there for Ju especially since everything was uncertain about what was happening with Damian and when he would return.

Once Ju had departed, Aeryn figured she would remain in the lab for the time being, at least until the probes had been deployed. There was enough to keep her occupied and to ensure every detail was double-checked if necessary. Then, depending on how things went, she also hadn't ruled out a trip to the bridge. After all, she hadn't forgotten what had happened with Lucy, plus she might be of more use there.

The redhead remembered the last time she had been up there, and unlike then, she wouldn't be taking on an Acting FO role. Pushing that thought away, Aeryn returned her attention to the PADD in her hand and awaited further updates.
==Cdr Jolann==

[Bridge to Science,] the surly Denobulan first officer's voice came over the comm. [Prepare the first probe for deployment. Moving into position now.]
The voice that came over the comm, ordering them to prepare the first probe for deployment, was one that Aeryn didn't recognise. Following a quick process of elimination, the COS realised that it could only mean that Damian's replacement had arrived. It was a good thing that the redhead could compartmentalise her feelings on such matters without thinking too much about them, expertly filing them away to deal with later.

" Acknowledged, Bridge, preparing the first probe for deployment".

Professional as ever, and with the ship moving into position, Aeryn didn't waste any time as she set about preparing the first of the five probes. Now, since they weren't doing this by traditional methods, aka firing them out of the torpedo tube, it would involve transporting them manually. To do that, Aeryn would need to tie them into the cargo transporter so she could beam them directly to their appropriate location.

Again, it was all very hands-on and the redhead relished the chance to stay involved, understanding that it was her responsibility to ensure they were all deployed successfully alongside Tactical. This made the redhead smile, if a little anxious to get it right, but she trusted her instincts all the same.

Now it was only a matter of receiving the order to beam it across, and Aeryn stood prepared to do just that.

== GM input. Was Aeryn successful in preparing the first probe for transport? ==
[Deploy as soon as you're able. As soon as we have confirmed successful deployment and operational functionality of the first probe, we'll move into position for the second deployment.]
Captain Crawford spoke to her next, and Aeryn smiled upon hearing the familiar voice, not that she had anything against their new FO. After all, she knew what being new to this crew was like, even if it was a temporary assignment. Remaining as positive as she could muster, and with a job not yet completed, Aeryn responded to the CO.

" Yes, Captain".

While preparing the cargo transporter might have been seen as easy in comparison, this would be the true test of Aeryn's abilities. Aware of the pressure, Aeryn used it as a tool, because while there was a difference, she wouldn't be where she was if she didn't know how to do her job.

" Deploying the first probe, standby for an update" she added, more for herself, but the bridge could also hear as she activated the controls, ignoring the sudden burst of nerves as she awaited the outcome.

== Additional input: if Aeryn successfully tied the probe into the cargo transporter, was she equally successful in deploying it? And is the probe functioning as it should be? Thank you ==
The probe disappeared from the lab in a haze of blue sparkles as the transporter took it. Within thirty seconds, the panel lit up with telemetry from the probe.

The probe was functioning essentially as expected, though the range was about 3% less than anticipated. With the planned overlap putting the probes essentially at the edge of each other's sensor range, the small drop off shouldn't affect the deployment plan much.
Aeryn's face lit up with a brief smile, but a smile nonetheless, as the blue hue of the transporter took hold of the probe, breaking down every single molecule until it disappeared. It was reassuring that she was proficient with the transporter controls before her attention was diverted to the panel when the data returned with the telemetry from the first probe.

The CSO looked over the information, pleased that the probe was functioning as expected. However, the range was roughly three percent less than they had anticipated. Which wasn't ideal but still better than they could have hoped for, considering the limited distance between the probes, and how they would essentially be overlapping one another. So, overall, Aeryn was happy as it shouldn't affect their plan that much.

Now she just had to relay that to the bridge, so they could move on to the next deployment point.

" Miller to Bridge, the first probe is in place and functioning as expected, with a range of 3% less than anticipated. However, that shouldn't affect our plan that much considering how far they'll be spaced apart".

Aeryn then prepared the second probe, so it would be ready to go as soon as the ship arrived at the next point.
[Acknowledged. As soon as we arrive at the next drop point, launch the next buoy as you see fit.]
[Acknowledged. As soon as we arrive at the next drop point, launch the next buoy as you see fit.]

Aeryn quickly acknowledged the response from Captain Crawford before returning her attention to the console in front of her. While everything was prepared ahead of time, the CSO monitored the ship's movements as it headed to the next set of coordinates, using the short distance to ensure that everything was as it should be before initiating the transporter controls to deploy the second probe.

This time she held off reporting to the Bridge until she confirmed its position and functionality, wondering if there would be the same percentage differential that had occurred in the first probe. Of course, that would be speculation until she received the actual data, but Aeryn remained patient as the probe disappeared from the lab.

== GM input. Can you please provide the results for this probe and the three remaining ones? ==
Having moved to the second drop off point, the probe was dropped without any issue, and it began sending back telemetry swiftly.

This included picking up a ship about 3000 km inside the probe's outer range, a ship that shouldn't be there.
Unlike the first probe, the second one deployed without any issues, which was a bonus, and the hope that Aeryn carried regarding the project increased. It wasn't over yet though, as there were still three other probes to deploy, but Aeryn took it as a positive before she began to receive the telemetry from it.

That's not good she thought to herself as she reread the information being sent back and, sure enough, there was a ship out there that shouldn't be in the nebula. Her instincts flared immediately as she reestablished comms to the Bridge, aware that they might have also picked up the same information, but she would be remiss if she didn't report it.

" Miller to Bridge, the second probe was deployed without any issues. However, according to the telemetry that it's sending back, it's picking up a ship about 3000km inside the probe's outer range".

They would no doubt want to know more before proceeding, and Aeryn could only speculate whether it was a friend or a foe.
Minutes passed, or maybe it was only seconds before the science lab became swathed in yellow lighting, confirming that the ship had been put on yellow alert. A wise and sensible precaution considering their most recent discovery, as Aeryn awaited further news and instructions. Only then was there little for the CSO to do, since she didn't know whether they would proceed with deploying the remaining probes or wait until they had investigated the ship lurking in the shadows.

Either way, the probes would be ready to go, as the redhead remained at the console. Sitting there, the redhead considered what she knew already, which wasn't a lot, but considering their mission wasn't only about testing the new sensor buoys, it was possible to speculate that the ship could belong to smugglers.

Of course, her mind also went to the Cardassians, but Aeryn quickly dismissed it, returning her attention to the screen, poised to act when given the say-so or if she was needed elsewhere.
After helping to prepare the probes for deployment, Judith was relieved for a break. She wanted to refuse, but also knew from her experience as a department head, it was difficult to get people to rest as time allowed. It was far better to have rested, alert officers on duty than to have the opposite. She’d seen too often accidents in the labs because passion for research won over common sense for safety.
Do what’s best and show the others rest when you can.
She arrived back to the labs, a steaming chai latte in hand, rested as much as possible from a short sleep reprieve and shower. She also had a brief interference from CJ, her son. She still hadn’t mastered the skill of blocking thoughts, but she really didn’t want too either.  While it caused a bit of headache for her, it was worth hearing from him when he was away. He was her everything, always giving her a smile and improving any sour mood she may be having instantly, including now. She’d been feeling melancholy lately, but hearing from him today lifted her. CJ had been with his father but was glad to hear he was heading back to her parents.
Judith was arriving at the workstation still lifted from CJ’s quick hello. The ship’s lighting began to change to yellow causing Judith to speed up to her station, wondering what was going on.  The new chief for science was there, monitoring her console.  
Has she had a break?
Judith nodded to the chief as she got situated and logged in.  Two faring well… And soon the cause, or presumably the cause of the yellow alert, showed itself.  A ship out here?  Judith began to look for more information, wondering who and what it was. 
“Interesting finding a ship way out here, no?” Judith spoke to the Chief.
In another time and place, having someone approach might have once startled the science chief, but thankfully those days were long behind her. She was no longer the young wannabe scientist who would be so laser-focused, that it was impossible to tear her away from her work unless her Ma physically stood in front of her workstation. Being so focused on work hadn't truly left the redhead, not really, but now she knew when to stop, as well as falling back on the instincts she had honed over the years.

Looking up as Judith aka Commander Tucker got situated at the next console, Aeryn offered her a warm smile, while thinking that she had returned from her break at the right moment. Something that the former DH picked up on immediately when she caught up on what she had missed, along with the reason for the yellow alert.

" Interesting is one word for it. I knew we might encounter ships in the nebula, given the mission brief, but at this moment in time, we don't know who they are, or why they're here, so hopefully it won't interfere with deploying the rest of the probes".

Of course, nothing was guaranteed, and they would have to be extra cautious going forward, but Aeryn was glad of the company until the next phase began or not.

== Tag Judith ==
Deploying the rest of the probes and continuing with their main objective of being in the nebula would have to be put on hold, as the yellow alert changed to red. That could only mean that whoever they had come across had made the wrong decision and had likely failed to respond to the ship's hail. It was only natural for Aeryn to want to know more, but for the time being she had to make do by relying on the console in front of her.

" Looks like we're dealing with a Klingon vessel," Aeryn remarked, as she caught up with the current sensor information. " They probably weren't expecting to be found by a Federation ship, especially one like Artemis".

It wasn't difficult for the former Security Chief to remember what it was like. The last time they had to pursue a ship, only it wasn't a Galor class ship intent on destroying them. Then again, if they were desperate enough to try and outrun Artemis, they had to be hiding something which could be just as dangerous. Whatever the reason, Aeryn was confident that Artemis would deal with it swiftly, and get to the bottom of it without breaking too much of a sweat.

== Tag Judith ==
Judith nodded as Aeryn mentioned not wanting anything to interfere with the rest of their task, deploying the probes. The yellow alert continued, and Judith’s interest was getting to her. They both monitored the situation and the probes when suddenly the lights changed from yellow to the ever-dreadful red. While Judith was used to being in the frying pan, she never got used to the red coating everything and the panic that came with it.  It was this panic that she felt made her able to jump as needed, think fast as to what was needed and how to deliver.

" Looks like we're dealing with a Klingon vessel," Aeryn remarked, as she caught up with the current sensor information. " They probably weren't expecting to be found by a Federation ship, especially one like Artemis".

“Some days just can’t go as planned,” Judith responded with a slight smile. “Have to admit, I’m glad to have Captain Crawford if things aren’t going to work smoothly… I mean, I’m sure Commander Givens could deal with it just fine, but… well… Givens just doesn’t know the crew… I mean, it takes a bit to really get to know how people respond. Not to mention I don’t envy those Klingons. Getting the ire of Tyra won’t do them any favors.”

Judith kept monitoring sensors, actively watching what was happening.

“In situations like this… do you ever miss being on the bridge… in the middle of the excitement?" She asked Aeryn. "Security probably had a bit more excitement to it, no? Though maybe not… I have seen some fantastical research projects though,” she added with a chuckle.

= tag ==
Judith wasn't wrong with her assessment of the current situation, but then again, nothing seemed to go to plan when you served aboard Artemis. There was always something lurking or unexpected, so even a simple mission like the one they'd been given had turned into chasing after a suspect vessel. " Agreed, but then life would be boring otherwise", Aeryn quipped, before her fellow science officer spoke about their Captain and the woman who had originally been sent to replace her.

The CSO couldn't argue that Givens didn't know the crew that well; however, Aeryn wouldn't dismiss her capability either. Regardless of the circumstances, she was still there to assess the crew, and Aeryn remained steadfast with her resolution to not fail Crawford or her department.

" It does, but this will be her chance to see that, and given what happened in the briefing, we need to show her how capable we are. As for the Klingons or whoever is in that vessel, they'll soon regret trying to outrun us".

Speaking of, she should probably check in with Lucy, hoping that the wayward officer was conducting herself properly when Judith brought up Aeryn's previous role. " I don't think the excitement ever leaves you, regardless of where you might be", Aeryn answered truthfully. " I've only been on the bridge a couple of times, and it was an interesting experience, one that I won't forget. Exciting is one word to describe security. I do miss it sometimes, especially the discipline and the focus you need to keep everyone alive, but I realised those are skills that I can adapt to Science".

== Tag Judith ==
Since the Artemis wasn't going anywhere anytime soon, until they had dealt with the mysterious Klingon freighter who had tried to outrun them, and with the ship still on high alert, Aeryn could only speculate about what was happening. Once upon a time, she would likely have joined any away team to investigate. Still, her place was there, ensuring the science department ran smoothly before she received orders to resume their original objective.

It wasn't all bad if she thought about it, as Ensign Pieters entered the lab carrying a freshly brewed pot of coffee, and a couple of padds no doubt containing the latest hourly reports that would require the CSO's attention. " You read my mind, Ensign," Aeryn said warmly once Pieters had replaced the coffee pot, and approached the CSO with the reports.

" I figured you could use a fresh pot, especially with us being on red alert" Pieters replied. " Duty shift won't be changing for some time, and everyone is at their stations running sensors".

" Excellent, not that I expected anything less" Aeryn responded, accepting the padds and placing them in a neat stack on the side of the console. Pieters smiled, before leaving the lab to return to her duty station. Watching the brunette leave, reminded Aeryn about Lucy, but since she hadn't received any orders to replace her on the bridge, she figured that she should be behaving herself and that it remained that way.

Aeryn then turned her attention back to the readouts in front of her, not that she anticipated any further issues with the already deployed probes, but it didn't hurt to check their functionality.

== GM input? Are the existing probes still functioning as they should be? ==
The probes were still functioning as expected, and showed no activity beyond the normal nebula gasses moving around.
== Thanks GM :-) ==

The last thing they needed was for the probes to stop functioning, especially since the second one had alerted them to the freighter hiding in the nebula, so the CSO was happy to see that they were still operating as expected. While it might not be what they had originally set out to do, it allowed them to begin collecting data and testing their capabilities. Therefore, Aeryn was happy with the results so far and felt somewhat relieved that there weren't any more hidden surprises within the nebula.

Since they were only detecting the normal nebula gasses that were moving around, Aeryn made a note of everything they had learned as part of her ongoing report, to go alongside what was being recorded by the ship's systems. If anything, she wanted to be thorough with the department's findings given the importance of the project, and as encouraging as it had been up until now, Aeryn hoped it would continue once the last three probes were deployed.

The three probes in question were still where Aeryn and Ju had assembled them, and thankfully hadn't been affected by the ship being at red alert or the freighter's attempts to slow Artemis down. That was mainly due to forcefields being placed around them to give an extra layer of protection, and they would be removed once they were ready to transport. Satisfied with how everything was proceeding, and unless she received any further alerts regarding the probes, the CSO picked up a PADD from the pile and began going through the reports
After a while, the reports seemed to blur into one another, and that's when Aeryn decided that she needed to take a proper break, even with the ship still on alert. After all, it wouldn't do her any good to not be properly focused should anything change with the probes, or she returned to the duties previously assigned to her. Besides, stretching would help get her joints moving again, so that's what Aeryn did. She got up and walked around, which instantly made her feel better. Then remembering the fresh pot of coffee that Pieters had brought, doubling back to fetch her mug, Aeryn returned to the coffee station and poured herself a cup.

However, before she could take a sip, the CSO instantly knew that something was wrong as the mighty Artemis began to rock, while the Klaxons sang out. Aeryn dreaded thinking about what had happened. Apart from it had to be the Klingon ship. Either that or the probes had somehow missed some other enemy or anomaly to cause things to suddenly go south. All Aeryn could do was to hold on, and ride it out without anything falling on her or the equipment.

== GM input, how does Aeryn and the lab fare with what's going on? ==
The room shook, causing the scientist to stumble. The hot and fresh coffee spilled all across the front of her uniform, and she stumbled into the corner of a console, knocking the breath out of her.

Fortunately she had stumbled backwards, as a large sensor unit which had been perched on one of the workbenches was evidently not as secure as it could have been, and slid off and into the floor, missing her ankle by inches. There were some cries from around the room as other scientists were also hurt to varying degrees, but fortunately no explosions or gas leaks or chemical reactions or any of a number of things that could have happened.
Despite her best efforts, Aeryn wasn't able to hold on as the ship shook, causing the CSO to not only spill her coffee down the front of her uniform but also stumble into the corner of the console, instantly winding in her in the process. Perhaps not her greatest moment, yet this was minor compared to the last mission that she was on. It appeared as though the prophets were looking out for her as if she had been facing the other way when she had stumbled. There was a good chance that she could have suffered a broken ankle as one of the large sensor units crashed into the floor, missing her by inches.

" Remind me to overhaul these units, and make sure they're kept secured properly," she said to no one in particular while trying to get her breath back. Winded, covered in hot dark roast, Aeryn knew she had to get changed, and also sort out the fallen sensor unit. However, until the ship stopped rocking it wasn't going anywhere. Aside from that, the CSO chose to focus on the cries of her people, aware that she had to check them over in terms of injuries, although she was thankful there had been nothing as serious as a gas leak, explosion, or chemical reaction, because if anything like that had happened or some other catastrophe, it could have been a lot worse.

" Orson fetch a medkit, let's see what we're dealing with, as I imagine Sickbay might be a little busy right now," she said to one of her Lieutenant JGs. She had some training, and at least they could scan those injured and make a decision from there if necessary. " Gather everyone affected in a safe place, while I'll quickly change".

It wouldn't do her any good, as she could only speculate on how red her skin might be underneath her uniform, or smell like coffee for the rest of her shift. Leaving the lab briefly, Aeryn returned to her office and began to strip off quickly and gently, glad that she kept a spare uniform and other clothes there. Satisfied that she was okay if still a little out of sorts from her collision with a console. Aeryn changed and then returned to her people.
Orson had done exactly what Aeryn had ordered, and by the time the Chief returned to her people, those injured had been moved to the nearest lounge-style idea exchange areas normally reserved for discussions, not triage. However, needs must considering the circumstances, and at least this way they could be treated without the threat of lab equipment falling on them. Aeryn counted four officers who needed to be looked at, while others had received minor cuts and scrapes. The latter could easily be fixed with a dermal regenerator and, fortunately, Aeryn wasn't the only one with some medical training.

It never hurt to be cross-trained, especially in an emergency, and the CSO remained confident that they could handle things here, without having to transfer people to Sickbay. Of course, if any follow-up was needed, then she would recommend that they get checked out properly, but for now, she, Phillipe, and Patterson could scan and treat accordingly.

Aeryn headed for Ensign Luan, an unjoined Trill biochemist who had a knack for telling wild and wonderful stories to keep her fellow scientists entertained when there was a lull in conversation or during one of their social nights. More medkits had been located, and rightly so, as Aeryn took out a tricorder and began to scan the Ensign.

" A minor contusion to your left temple ensign, and I also detect a couple of cracked ribs," she said softly, before taking out a hypospray filled with the appropriate pain relief. " Let me give you something for the pain, and then we can get you back on your feet".

" Thanks, Chief" came the reply as Aeryn pressed the spray against Luan's neck and released the contents into her bloodstream. Giving a minute or two for it to take effect, Aeryn then took out the osteogenic stimulator and dermal regenerator. With the right tools at hand, Aeryn then began repairing the damage, monitoring each step with the tricorder, glad that she had undergone the necessary training as well as maintaining her qualifications in that area.

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