AQ/D01 - Observation Lounge
<<<Quarks Bar<<<

Daniel beamed into Transporter Room one and jumped into the turbolift, the ride was uneventful but Brooks mind was all of a work on what it could be that was so urgent.

He walked into the Observation Lounge as the terminal was beeping with the message, he hoped it hadn't been too long.

Slipping into the seat he pressed the button to accept it and then said, "Computer, access message Brooks Alpha Seven Two."

As the message opened he half expected an Admiral to be on there but instead it was a message of text telling informing Daniel to take the Aquila to meet Federation Ambassador to a non-federation planet.

Daniel looked perplexed and wondered why the urgency but then more information was bound to come along either with the Ambassador or ahead of him when they had chance to meet.

Tapping his commbadge he said, "Captain to Senior Officers, meet in the Observation Lounge in twenty minutes for a quick briefing."

He closed the channel and pondered for a bit while he awaited the rest of the crew.

==Tag DH's and GM07 if you want to add anything==
>> T'Kols Quarters>>

T'Kol stepped into the Observation lounge pleased that she was once again on of the first to arrive. She looked at the Captain as she stepped into the room.

"Captain is there anything I can help with in preperation?" She asked
== The Captains com-badge broke out with the familiar sound of Matt Phoenix's voice to most likely the surprise of the Captain. == 

[Phoenix, to Captain Brooks, Captain would you like me to come represent Engineering for your meeting, for the time being?] He asked
Back in action starting with the Observation Lounge was still a bit tainted, the past few times she been a part of it was like they didn't care much. If they didn't make it, they wouldn't notice. These were going to be different times, and Beno was looking forward to it. Right now Beno was the second person in the room, and had a bit of a question about seating arrangements, the question she didn't think about till now.

"Captain." She started with a friendly gesture. "I have a quick question about seating, I know how particular you are about these things. Is our Second Officer going to be seated to my right? or your left?" The more logical choice was going to be to his left. Beno did love these mission briefings, they were the calm before the storm.

"What kind of magic carpet ride do you think they are going to send us." The past few missions she had been fortunate. She was a little hurt in the last mission, and that was the worst she had been hurt for a long time. Any time she didn't end up in Sickbay was a good one, after all no one goes there for the food or comfortable beds. Her big hope was it was taking them away from the Cardassian Border. 

LCdr Lois Lim came into the observation lounge looking the worst for wear. She was not well. Shore leave was the problem. She had taken a meal at the Klingon restaurant at Deep Space 9 and by the time she was halfway through her meal she was feeling ill. She made it back to her cabin on the Aquilla and there she stayed for the rest of the shore leave.

At first, she was violently ill, bringing up everything she had eaten. She rested over a period of two days on a rations of only water only. Finally, she made an agonising trip to the DS9 infirmary and received medical attention. The doctors could not fine any reason for her illness. They suggested an alergic reation to the Klingon food. Lois returned to her cabin and there she stayed. Reading a little, sleeping a lot, taking a little food and drinking lots of ater. She lost 8 kilograms during her ordeal. She recovered slowly and was about fifty percent better when the recall came through and the summons to the observation louge.

She was now there on duty if that's what you could call it and Lois was not in a very good mode. Was she ever in a good mode?

Lois took a seat at the opposite end of the table to the others present, not her usualy spot. Dr Lim waited in silence for the meeting to begin and only spoke briefly to any who engaged her in converstion. All she wanted was to go back to bed.
Daniel eyes went up to the Observation Lounge door as he heard it open and in walked T'Kol.

"Captain is there anything I can help with in preperation?" She asked.

Brooks smiled, "Yes there will be but I will await for the others to get here." he replied as his commbadge chirped

[Phoenix, to Captain Brooks, Captain would you like me to come represent Engineering for your meeting, for the time being?] He asked

Tapping his commbadge the Captain said, "Brooks to Phoenix, no I already have engineering represented coming to the meeting, just help prepare engineering for our departure. Brooks out." closing the channel, next into the room was the FO.

"Captain." She started with a friendly gesture. "I have a quick question about seating, I know how particular you are about these things. Is our Second Officer going to be seated to my right? or your left?"

Brooks nodded thoughtfully at the question and said, "I would say the second officer to my left."

"What kind of magic carpet ride do you think they are going to send us."  said Beno,

Daniel smiled, "I don't think it is going to be anything like our last mission." he commented as Doctor Lim entered looking a little bit worst for wear.

Think I will touch base with her after this meeting.

Dan hoped they wouldn't have to wait too much longer for the rest of the senior officers to arrive. He wanted to get the Aquila underway as soon as possible.

==Tag all==

Keval entered to see FO, CMO along with the Captain and T'Kol.

The Andorian slipped in and took a seat opposite the Doctor and noticed her unusual look but thought it best not to say anything.

"Captain, I have just promoted Coppola to the rank of Ensign as per your request. I look forward to seeing how his career progresses." he said.

Looking at Beno he gave a small nod, it been a while since they set eyes on each other.

"I'm guessing we are waiting on Security, Science and Engineering?" he quizzed.

==Tag all==
Alex entered the room and glanced around as he took a seat. He was surprised to see that Thorn had snuck in behind him somehow. Setting his PADD down, he tried to read the room, though he made sure to give a nod to the CO, " look a little more relaxed than the last time we sat down like this."
Given Talion's size, he hid the fact that Thorn was right behind him. She had become know for her ability to slip into and out of places in an almost spooky way. This time she simply managed to appear at the side of the table and took a seat. She was almost completely seated before people knew she was in the room. Her PADD was scrolling information from somewhere, though the display looked a bit chaotic, there was a logic to it, if you knew what you were looking at.

Kalli glanced around and tried to remind herself that she was currently the highest ranking Engineer on the ship right now. She Had been the Chief Engineer on a smaller ship, but this ship was huge. Her teams were almost half of the crew. She was dreading the thought or having to break in a new Department Head, but she was taking things one step at a time. Right now, she had the ship warming up for launch and no idea what else to prepare it for. Part of her brain wanted her to say something, but this time her nerves won out and she just stayed quiet for a change.

== Tag to all ==
Shione had got caught up in passing on the news about her medal to her wife and daughter; who was particularly excited for her 'not furry' Mom.

As much as serving Star Fleet and serving with the amazing officers she had had the pleasure of serving with was important to her; there was nothing that pleased her more than getting a happy hug for her daughter Aashaa, and as such it had been Jelaya who had reminded her of the time and here she was almost late for the Captain's mission briefing.

Crossing the room swiftly she took her place at the Captain's right side and setting her Paad on the table turned with a respectful nod for the CO and FO's benefit, and sat back in her chair recovering her composure; ready for the briefing.

The seating arrangements did make sense, that's how it would be on the Bridge as well. As people started to come in she noticed Kurasa come in, as Second Officer and Security Chief. This was her first meeting like this, and it could lead to a couple innocent mistakes. A mistake that Beno had no choice with her course of actions, have fun with it.

"Commander." She said and came to her right and semi sat on the table.  "I see you have settled well in with your position, you ren the Away team smoothly and shown some real qualities of a First Officer. One Day I am sure that you will make a great one. until that day you are two to the left. As we have just talked about, First Officer to the right, second to the left." It was a easy mistake for anyone to make, she wasn't sure when the briefing was going to begin. 

"Commander ch'Alev its been a long time since we met like this, Ensign Coppola must have been thrilled with his promotion." The Gang was all there, and idle talking would soon come to an end. The adventure they were going to go on was probably going to be a big deal, hopefully ending good as well.

==I have been informed that I misspoke and had Shione sit in an already occupied chair My apologies for the error==
T'Kol Nodded to the Captain and after hearing the First Officers question and claim on seats she waited until the others came in. "Commander?" She addressed the First Officer. "Where would you like me to seat?" She asked plainly
Daniel wasn't paying much attention the the officers gathering and talking to each other, he did hear T'Kol question about where to sit,

"Pick a chair and don't sit on the table." said Brooks and then said,

"Now that we are all here."

He waited a moment for the conversations to go quiet.

"We have an interesting mission, not quite like one I done before as Captain. Starfleet sent the order over we are to proceed to Riani a non-federation planet to meet with Federation Ambassador Jonas Weisbrantz"

Pausing for a moment he said, "Any questions?"

==Tag All==
Alex spoke up in a minor way, stating the obvious, "We have nothing more to go on? Diplomatic missions tend to be quite specific, unless they're highly classified. The less we're told in advance, the more worried I would be."

== Tag all ==
As instructed Beno was no longer sitting on the table and sat in the assigned seat, the meeting started shortly after. There wasn’t much to go on, and it was sighted by Talion. He had a valid concern about going in with limited knowledge, he was right about being worried. 

“Going off what we just heard I would state that we have a Federation Diplomat in a place that isn’t part of the Federation, that tells me that we are going to be part of a diplomatic mission. That would include a security detail, for when the Ambassador arrives. If we don’t already have his destination already he will have it, and will give it to us when he arrives.” Naturally this was all guess work making assignments would be premature. 

“Does that sound about right Captain.” The way how Beno figured it was they were going to pick up the Ambassador to transport him to another location, the trip there could be too dangerous for a smaller vessel. Who knows what can happen between point A and B. All she knew was to be ready for anything. 

== Tag Captain ==
Thorn spoke up, "Well, given the design of this ship, it was specifically intended to be more conducive to diplomatic missions. Should we need to host deliberations or negotiations as a neutral ground, we certainly have the facilities to do so. I can only state that Engineering will be standing by, should the mission require anything of us. Please inform me if our guest will require any unique accommodations. Other than that, the ship appears to be in nominal condition and all indications are that we should be cleared for departure at your earliest convenience."

She indicated a PADD in front of her and added, "You'll have a report available to you before we clear the outer markers and go to warp. That report will list all work done while we were in port and what discrepancies are known, if any."

Without any further word, she leaned back and allowed others to speak, if needed.

== Tag CO and anyone else ==
Daniel knew the small information would make any of the officers a little twitchy and Talion was the first to speak up about it, he wasn't wrong.

Commander Velaul then spoke, Dan nodded,

"That is a possibility Commander Velaul, Commander Kurasa, please make sure you have a security detail if it is needed. T'Kol, please make sure the Ambassador quarters are ready if we need to help take them any where."

You could never tell with these Federation Ambassadors

Thorn then spoke up and Daniel nodded, "Yes, these could all be reasons for us to be called to the Ambassadors aid."

Daniel looked around the table and said, "Maybe we should get some more information on the planet Riani."

Tapping on the terminal in front of him he said, "Computer, what is the political and social background of the planet Riani?"

==Tag all==
==GM Input: can you give us any more information on the planet Riani?==
The computer beeped an acknowledgment to Brooks’s request. A nearby terminal blinked to life, displaying a star map. The Riani home world was located along the edge of Federation space, a journey of about a day from Aquila’s present location.

[The dominant culture of the Riani home world is characterized by consumerism and pursuit of power. The planet is home to more than 100 distinct nations. Tanndi, the most politically dominant of these nations, is home to the Federation’s embassy and its ambassador Jonas Weisbrantz. Tanndi is also the only Riani nation to have achieved warp capability, a technology which they guard closely.

Cybernetic augmentation is a key fixture of Riani culture, and is performed for purposes both functional and aesthetic. A Riani with financial means will typically invest substantial resources into cyberware. The Federation database contains no records of an unmodified adult Riani.

Due to the adversarial nature of Riani’s nations, admittance to the Federation is currently unattainable. Cultural fascination with cybernetics is also considered to be detrimental to relations between the Riani and the Federation.]

Another image flashed onto the monitor, this time displaying a pair of Riani adults. At first glance, the two did not appear to be the same species. Based on these images, it was very difficult to determine the age or gender of either individual.

On the left side stood an individual with stark white skin and a slender build. They had a pair of small sapphire-colored optical implants fixed to either side of their face, just outside their eyes. The individual on the right stood at about half the height and had dark grey skin. There were noticeable seams running along each section of their body, which may have allowed the individual to extend and collapse their limbs at will.

The extensive cybernetic modification of both individuals drew some superficial resemblance to the Borg, but there was a level of artistry that marked this technology as something altogether different.
Being proud that no one really went to the most violent of reasons to go there, it still leaves a few questions about why they were going there. The fact they had an Embassy there gave an indication of political interest on both parts, even if the goal of being part of the Federation is currently unattainable, they could stand to reason that one day it could be. 

There was something familiar about the situation, but Beno couldn't put her finger on it. In the history of Velaul there was no memory of this Civilization, something that felt strange to her. There wasn't even a memory of mention of these people, and that was even more strange. Normally there would have been some kind of knowledge from what Velaul heard, but in this case there was nothing.

Beno was starting to go through some deep thought on the subject, and came up with a few plausible reasons for them being there. The Aquilla was one of the more advanced in the fleet, and it did stand to reason they might want a closer look at the ship. "Computer what was the nature of the assignment of Jonas Weisbrantz? Also what is our trade status with Riani?" With this question she was looking to see what function he was serving. 

"Captain with a civilization like this one I could imagine they are going to want to find ways to expand on their technology, people who depend so heavily on their technology would also want to stay ahead of the curve." It could also go a long way to maintain their dominance on the planet, or it could usher in a new era of peace. That last part would be up to them, and how they implement it.

"Commander Kurasa I am certain you have a good handle on this already, I would just like a status on the security status of ships systems. It stands to reason that there could be attempts to get into our computers for information, either on official and or non official channels." There has always been a balance issue with people in power, and those who want power. "They might have a way to bypass security protocols, one of the more popular ways to to access less guarded systems and moving along from there. I would also like to see if there is any Borg Technology on the planet, it is possible that one way or another the Technology could have found its way there." The Federation has been at war with the Borg for Decades, and there was a lot of technology for people to gain as scrap. There was still no way for her to know what they were going there for yet, but she had a feeling that it will present itself soon.

==Tags - GM input on Trade status, what they are trading to who. Also what our Ambassador was sent there to do.==
Shione sat patiently listening to the information from the Captain, the opinions of the senior officers and then finally the briefing from the computer before speaking up;

"Of course, we will have a detail to greet and remain with the Riani delegates and ensure they feel welcome, but that is not where my concerns lie Captain.
The obvious cultural and experimental similarities of this species to the Borg could indicate a fascination with their methods and goals. The USS Aquila is one of the Federation's most advanced ships and the possibility that any or all of the Tanndi could use their own abilities to directly interface with our systems and technology is and should be a front and center concern."

Shione got up and went to the terminal displaying what the Federation currently knew about them. She paused and turned addressing the room. "The other aspect of this race is that they are at the pinnacle of technology on their own world which is by it's nature highly competitive and likely ruthless when it comes to Tech.

They do not share with the other nations and having likely gotten as far as they can within the scope of the planet's available knowledge they now reach out to us. The Riani are driven to expand their technological advantage and they have peaked, But for such a driven race; I cannot see them ignoring any opportunity to 'borrow' from us, and I believe that they are unlikely to ask."

Shione returned to her seat at the table. "It is my advice that we encrypt and highly control all interface with systems that they are exposed to.
We also need to be protective of our computer systems but not restricted to that. We should lock down any access to Drives and power Systems, weapons, shield technology and particularly systems such as Transwarp, Slipstream, Holography and other forms of cloaking, as well as our knowledge of Temporal mechanics."

She paused and deliberately looked at Lt Thorn and Commander Talion, before addressing the rest of the team. "Alex, Kahli and I have had first hand and direct experience of and with the Borg and while I might be coming across as paranoid:" and she took the time to catch and make eye contact with each officer present before completing her final thought; "I do not want to be careless and risk exposure of that tech to a people who display such a hunger for it.

Do you?"

The final words were said directly to Captain Brooks.

Daniel listened to the FO and his Security Chief assessment of the information.

The mention of the Borg sent shivers down Daniels back as he remembered the injury he suffered by one of them on his last encounter.

Dam Borg

"Do you?" said Commander Kurasa,

Brooks looked at her as if she broken him awake from reliving a nightmare.

"I agree we need to be security conscious, I myself have had dealings with the Borg and just the mention of their name reminds me of the injuries they gave me in the last encounter.... something I do not want to relive."

Placing his hands together in front of him as he turned to Velaul,

"You have a day to make sure any system that could be compromised is protected, I do not think we will need to be worried but lets cover our backside. I don't want the Aquila falling into none Federation hands. Work alongside Kurasa and Thorn on this."

Dan then looked back at the screen and said, "Something about cybernetics makes me feel uneasy."

Looking across the room he said, "Doctor Lim, do you have any thoughts on the situation? I am sure we would have something more once we meet the Ambassador but care to speculate?"

==Tag Doctor Lim, Commander Velaul and Kurasa and anyone else==
At seeing the display and hearing the words of the computer, Lt Thorn's eyes widened a little and she muttered to herself, "Oh boy..."

She fidgeted a little in her seat, but when Kurasa mentioned that her and Talion had encountered the Borg, Kalli gave a single nod of acknowledgement to the Chief of Security. When there was a moment for her to add her input to Kurasa, she said plainly, "All valid points. Our systems should be secure already, but I concur that vigilance is called for. Keep them away from the computer core and try to restrict their access to public areas and we should be fine. Most of our systems run on subspace frequencies with high encryption that is beyond their current technology, but we would be wrong to underestimate them."

She then looked over at Talion and looked like she was about to say something, but then sat back in her chair and kept it to herself.
Alex narrowed his eyes at the images that came up on the display. She was studying it as people spoke. At the mention of the Borg, he ran a finger along the scar at his temple, remembering how he got it by nearly having his head shot off by Borg trying to take over the ship. His mind briefly wandered to thoughts of his wife and the events surrounding her death. When he pulled himself back to the here and now, he put his PADD down on the table and touched a key sequence that took the image on the display and projected it from his PADD as a holographic representation that was about a half meter high. As it rotated, Alex studied it silently. He was still listening to what was being said, but his mind was working as well. Once he was satisfied, he tapped his PADD once more and the image vanished.

His mind was calculating and his expression was perhaps that of a man concentrating on a game of chess. He remained silent as the CO asked the CMO's opinion on the mission. Alex was genuinely interested in the input from the medical point of view. He would reserve his input on this part of the mission until he had heard what the CMO had to say.

== I'll wait to see what else is added, but Talion will have something from his department to add before we end the meeting. ==
The EPS conduit whirred gently as the computer processed Velaul’s request.

[Ambassador Jonas Weisbrantz has been stationed on Riani for 10 years. He is the first and only Federation ambassador to be assigned to the planet since first contact thirteen years ago. At present, he is the only human and the only Federation citizen known to live on the planet.]

The terminal displayed a short summary of the ambassador’s file. The photo depicted a handsome young human in his early twenties with striking red hair. Based on the ambassador’s current age, the photo was likely at least ten years out of date. Prior to his current assignment, Weisbrantz had served in a junior capacity on two other planets during their respective Federation admittance processes. As would be expected, further details of his file were classified.

[No formal trade agreement has been established between the Federation and Riani. Aside from advanced cybernetics, the planet’s most valuable resource is its naturally occurring dilithium. Riani dilithium contains impurities which yield a variety of volatile byproducts during refinement, and as such it is considered undesirable for most applications. The Republic of Tanndi is the only nation with technology capable of safely processing this dilithium.]
== Okay, it's been a week, so I'm just going to post so that we have some progress here... ==

Alex was more serious than normal. His expression was very stoic and he seemed very worried about things, but was obviously selecting his words carefully.

He began, "As most of you know, I have extensive experience with cybernetics that span from minor medical assistance for quality of life improvements, to complete android chassis that can pass for human. My research has mostly focused on how to allow a person to replace a limb or other part of themselves and not only feel as if it were the real organic thing, but that it looks and feels so real that others might never notice the difference. There are a number of psychological benefits from this and there are very few instances these days where modern medical efforts fail and my sort of work is required or beneficial." He pointed to the image of the people in the computer display on the wall, "This is a very different kind of augmentation. I deliberately try to not make the augmentations exceed normal capabilities. I have refused requests to improve and create what some might consider a super soldier type of design option. The psychological problems that come with augmenting a lifeform beyond normal capabilities is something that is almost always a recipe for disaster."

He took a deep breath and continued, "The obvious alterations here are quite the opposite approach. They take pride in being different and to be augmented is a status elevation. This is very dangerous. Notice the ocular implant is designed to see outside of the normal spectrum. What this means for us is that if we use drones or technology of any kind, they are likely going to notice it. We tend to hide things holographically, since we tend to be limited in the use of cloaking technology. I don't want to underestimate their technology, but it is likely that if we employ military grade Electronic Counter Measures or ECM, that we can make their efforts to scan us and our devices see what we want them to see. Fr example, Cindy is designed with a sophisticated tricorder inside her, including a medical scanner in one of her hands. The other hand has a dermal regenerator in it. These are examples of things they may not be able to detect, if we use such things in drones or in devices we're wearing. The trick is that even if they scan for the devices, unless they have our level of military grade scanning capability, their readings will only say what we want them to say. The ECM reads the incoming signal and instantly transmits the appropriate frequencies to display what they expect. In Cindy's case, their scans might show normal internal organs and bodily functions, where in fact there are no organic materials at all."

He sighed and added, "However, they are likely very capable of detecting normal or anticipated reactions when we're talking. Our body temperature, pulse rate, respiration, perspiration are all easily monitored with simple technology. We need to be very careful what we say and do around such people. Although I could repair such augmentations, I have strong feelings against such extreme alterations and for good reasons. I stress that we use extreme caution with these people."

== Tag to all ==
Looking at the information that was presented to her, there was still a lot of missing information. It was all classified information that can be useful. He was in his early thirties by now, and away from home longer than normal. It wasn't quite clear about any progress that he has made, just that there was mandatory reports that needed filed. It was at this time they decided to send in the Aquila, either to pick him up and leave or finalize any details to wrap things up.

"Commander I can safely say that I haven't met anyone who has better credentials in cybernetics than you, after this meeting I would like to have a collaboration on how to enhance our security procedures keeping out any unwanted attention. Also considering that we are dealing with people who are not in the Federation the Prime Directive still stands, so it's best we don't broadcast this information." She took a second to redirect.

"Now let's look at what we can substantiate, we are going there to pick up our diplomat. Computer add ten years to Jonas to estimate what he can look like now." Waiting on the response Beno thought of what the living conditions would be like. There had to be something she was missing, and now she started to feel like there was something familiar about this.
"Computer can we get information on Riani, typ of planet and how close to what natural zone border." Shedding some light on that might help.

==GM input please and tag==
The image of the ambassador shifted in response to Velaul’s request. His cheekbones became more defined, his face losing a bit of youthful roundness. His hair retained its striking red color, though it now turned to silver at the temples. Faint creases had begun to form at the corners of his eyes. Of course, this was only the computer’s best guess at how he would look today.

[Riani is the third planet of the Fendi system in the 5540 Yi Xiu cluster. Climate is slightly cooler than average M-Class planet. One rotation of the planet is completed every 26.4 hours.

The planet is located on the outskirts of the Federation and the Cardassian Union. Formal relations with both neighbors are still nascent. Cardassian leaders have recently begun to signal interest in the planet as the Republic of Tanndi continues to make strides in dilithium refinement, though no trade agreement has been reached and the Cardassian Union does not maintain an embassy on Riani.]
Looking at the new picture of the man, he looked pretty god for being ten years older. Now this did bring up an interesting point, the Cardassians took interest in the planet. The planet wasn't nearly as hot enough for them to be comfortable, there has to be some reason that they want anything to do with this planet or its people. There had to be something that they were looking for there, and in time it would be more apparent.

"It looks like the brumation period is over, they might pop up on our radar flying the political flag so we should be ready for that possibility." There were a lot of reasons for the interest in the planet, getting a foothold in their space or just for trade. She didn't want to add too much speculation. 

"Captain I would suggest we find out some of their customs, and get accustom with them. Many cultures have ways to take offense, sometimes even a hand on a hip can be taken the wrong way." There was a lot of work to be done before they get to the planet, they didn't have much time.  There were meetings that she needed to do, and analysis she just had to wait until the meeting was over.

Thorn had been listening intently and now nodded and said to herself, but loud enough for those close to her to hear, "It's the dilithium. The Cardassians aren't going to care how refined it is, because they can refine it themselves. In fact, they may already be working with the less developed groups, because they are going to be more eager to work with anyone who might help them balance the scales a bit. They probably are doing so quietly, maybe even using the black market to get their foot in the door. Cardassian involvement could certainly complicate things."

Silently, she was trying to think of how they would be covering their tracks. A warp  trail would be too easy to detect, so if they were smart, they would be keeping their warp signatures outside the system. Any impulse trails would want to stick to common routes, so they would blend in. With the Agila coming, they would likely not even have a cloaked ship in orbit. They would be keeping their heads down and waiting for Star Fleet to leave town. She didn't know that for sure, because diplomacy wasn't her thing. She only knew that if they were operating like typical criminals, she knew what they might do to keep from being noticed until they wanted to come out into the light of day.
There was a brief pause as Beno heard about the dilithum, and she was right about that fact. It was also a fact that they were never straightforward with their intent. There was always something hidden about their motives, that has always been a constant.

"Lieutenant you might be very correct about the Dilithum, just keep one thing in mind about Cardassians. They don't even ask you out for a drink without a hidden agenda, there is always something just under the surface. I would feel better if we went over any sensor data we already have from our last encounter, and eliminate the possibility of trilithum. Under the wrong circumstances it could be quite explosive, as you are well aware." As an Engineer she would have more information about it than Beno, there was a lot she did know but this wasn't really one of them. 

Thorn had snapped out of her thinking out loud and was now considering what the FO had just said. The Acting CEO gave a slow and understanding nod that this was indeed something to consider. Her mind briefly wandered to a conversation she had engaged with a professor at the Academy, which discussed the hypothetical material decalithium. Trilithium was able to be used as an explosively unstable substance, but it also inhibited nuclear reactions. Thorn had done her own calculations and knew that although people worried about how destructive it could be in a conventional use, the idea that a large amount of it launched into a star could take out and entire system was a little fact that took her breath away.

It was a little comforting to her that the FO appeared to share her own distrust of Cardassians. Just as a ferengi could almost always be counted on to seek profits, a Cardassian could almost always be counted on to be looking for a way to obtain some sort of perceived power over others. Cardassians were also patient enough to play the "long game" to obtain their goals. Unfortunately, they often cared little about the consequences, as the previous mission had clearly shown. Still, all things considered, Thorn decided that she had already said more than she should. Her diplomatic skills were sometimes lacking and she was working on that.

== Tag to all ==
"Captain I would suggest we find out some of their customs, and get accustom with them. Many cultures have ways to take offense, sometimes even a hand on a hip can be taken the wrong way." said his FO.

Brooks nodded, "Yes, that would be a very good idea."

He knew they would have to keep the locals happy if they were to meet this Federation Ambassador on the planet.

Velaul and Thorn went on to discuss the possibilities of the Cardassians,

"I would say lets await speaking to the Federation Ambassador first before we go on to thinking about any Cardassian threat."

Looking around the room, Captain Brooks said,

"If anyone got any other major questions then maybe we should ready our departments and start heading for our destination?"

==Tag all==
Shione had been busy while the other spoke and had; in her capacity of Second officer detailed certain personnel to initiate some of the security protocols on the ships more sensitive and advanced systems/ She fully intended to meet with Science and Engineering after the meeting finished.

As the discussion of Cardassians was brought up Shione interjected;

"I agree that we need to be watchful and wary of possible Cardassian intervention and snooping; but as I had mentioned previously we also need to be wary of the Tanndi. It is my intention when we break from this meeting to have a discussion with Science, Engineering and our FO to prioritize specifics of what our prep should look like." She paused briefly before finishing her thoughts;

"In my opinion allowing the Tanndi aboard is risky, but with a thorough amount of preparation we should be able to encrypt a majority of sensitive systems and ensure that if they are in fact on a 'hunting expedition" that we will be prepared to gently rebuff those efforts. They certainly are obsessed with integration of tech and I feel we would be remiss if we were not vigilant

As the Security chief I will be with the team that greets our guests along with Lieutenant Mala whom I feel will benefit from the experience; is there anything else Captain?"

== Tags all round==
There were no questions that Beno had at this time, other than when can we get moving? There was a lot of work that had to be done, and Beno didn't have a lot of time to work on all of the details. She was going to need some help with this project, and the extra surprise that comes along with it.

"I for one have no questions, just eager to get things started." She didn't get up from her chair to leave yet, there might be other questions on the floor that she can address. "Commander Kurasa in an hour I would like to go over some security procedures with you, I am going to need your help in that area." Beno had some ideas to run by her, and hear how she would be able to make improvements. 

There was one other big item on her mind, but this wasn't the time or place. There was one person she needed to talk too, but the meeting with her Chief of Security had to come first. Kurasa would have a better insight on how to handle it, chances were excellent that she had effective solutions.

==Tag all==
Giving a nod to Kurasa, Talion agreed, "We have protocols in place for visitors. Given that they have not joined the Federation, yet are not exactly a First Contact, we're given quite a bit of liberty in how we handle our interactions with them. Exposure to them on their planet is relatively simple. The only worry might be if we allow them onto the ship. When a visitor comes onto a ship that we don't wish to share technology with, we limit their access. This would include windows being darkened to their highest level, so that they are virtually impenetrable to the kind of scanning technology they will have access to. Treat it as a potentially hostile exchange until we're certain it is not. That would be in keeping with some of the strictest Security requirements. We can even employ security shields at access points for sensitive areas, so that even if they could cloak, they would be stopped. Finally, even though we might not want to have drones active in their sovereign territory, they certainly can't object to one following them and constantly scanning them while on the ship...discretely, of course."

A hint of a smile crept onto his face, "Shione, you're one of the most diligent Security professionals I know. If you tell us you think we need to secure something to a higher level, then I'm sure that the Captain will have us do whatever we need to. I would like to see what we're up against before I make any other recommendations, but I'm happy to sit in on any meetings you feel we need, to be prepared for this mission."

Shione could feel that Alex was not saying everything that was on his mind right now. He was being very diplomatic, but knew when he wasn't telling people everything. Ale had gotten better about how he spoke to his CO and in official surroundings, but the small hints of thoughts that she was picking up told her he was thinking hard, as if playing a very high level game of chess. It was very rare that she felt Alex holding back. He was afraid of something.

== Tag all ==
Amidst the meeting, a comm call came in from Samira on the bridge: [Bridge to Captain Brooks. Sorry to interrupt, but you have a comm transmission that's just came in. It's a very important transmission, particularly if it's sent to you. We're transferring it to you now.]

==Tag Brooks==
==GM Input - How quickly can the transmission be sent from the Bridge to the Observation Lounge? ==
The Chief of Security interjected about the possibility of Cardassians then opened up to the Captain that there was no more questions on there was anymore questions on the Captains part he hadn't and the FO seem to be agreeing to bring the meeting to a close and get started.

Came Khasim's voice [Bridge to Captain Brooks. Sorry to interrupt, but you have a comm transmission that's just came in. It's a very important transmission, particularly if it's sent to you. We're transferring it to you now.]

Daniel turned in his chair to view the screen on the wall.

An image flashed onto the screen on the wall behind the Captain. Beneath a layer of static, Senior crew could see the face of a human, most likely in his early thirties. He had a narrow face and a ruddy patch of stubble that gave him a somewhat unkempt appearance. His hair was a bright shock of red, and appeared to be cropped short on the sides. If you looked closer, you could see a series of gold metallic bands running along the sides of his head, indicating some form of cybernetic implant underneath the skull. The implant was sleek, almost perfectly flush with the skin, indicating a high degree of skill in its design and integration.

[Brooks, I don’t mean to rush you, but I would appreciate your presence here on Riani. I would prefer to discuss the details in person, but the situation here is developing quickly.] The man’s voice was calm, though he spoke quite quickly.

[A lot of people in the government are quite on edge lately, so they’ll probably hassle you when you arrive in orbit. It will be best for everyone if you placate them as much as possible. Don’t give them a reason to do something they’ll regret.]

"Hello Ambassador, we are undocking and be with you as swiftly as we can, myself and the senior crew will take your advice on how to be diplomatic on our arrival. Keep in touch, Brooks out." he closed the channel and spun around in his chair,

"Well you all know what to do, let's get on with it, Number one with me." Brooks said getting up out of his seat and heading to the Bridge.

With little of anything to say, Beno was ready to follow Daniel. She had a little more of a sense of purpose, the call seemed to carry a level of panic. As she stood up from her chair, Beno looked at Kurasa for that meeting later. The dynamic was about to shift a little more, and she was getting a handle on things. 

It was a politically charged situation, and they were going to need a certain level of delicacy. If they were going to get resistance while possibly extracting their person, or what else might come. Either way the crew was going to have a lot of work ahead of them.

>>>>> Bridge>>>>>
Alex stood when the others left the room and turned to Kurasa and Thorn, "Well, I think we're all in agreement to engage protocols for a potentially hostile environment. I anticipate the Ambassador will come aboard, at the very least, so we need to prepare for possible efforts to compromise communications networks. These people might not have the knowledge and technology on their own, but obviously this Ambassador does and is now possibly compromised by their invasive technologies. We should proceed with it as a presumed Trojan Horse vector and remain very vigilant. Let me know if you need anything from me."

He then gave a nod, "Ladies..."

== Giving a chance for other interactions before I close out for Talion, but otherwise he will exit and prepare to move the story along. ==
== Tags to all still in the room ==
Shione half sat on the edge of the table and addressed the other DH's remaining in the room. "This is just me making sure that all classified Engineering and Science projects and systems are as encrypted and sealed off from access by our soon to be visitors.

The people from this world survive and thrive by poaching other peoples tech and ideas, and this whole thing might just be an excuse to bring some of their more capable tech poachers aboard to see what they might 'pick up'."

She paused as she slid off the side of the table and made a point of meeting their eyes. "The three of us are the most likely and expected to spot any attempts to steal that from us. I know the two of you have gone over these systems already, I am just asking you both to go back over and make sure we didn't miss anything. I cannot shake the feeling that there is something; possibly down and dirty about to go down here and I want to make whatever they intend to do be as difficult as we can possibly make it; okay?"

She shrugged, adding. "There is just something about the mission to this world that suggests that this trip is much more than meeting a diplomat and some locals.

Any questions?"

>>Bridge and then security>>

==Tag as if it's necessary==
Thorn got up and prepared to leave, "I'll make sure that Engineering is secure. You guys will know where to find me. Right now, I need to go and brief my people."

== With that, Kalli will leave the briefing and we can move to the new timeline. She will be in Engineering. ==

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