AQ/00 - Ship Status
==Gives ship alert status as well as any issues==
Stardate: 202404.25
Location: 1 Hour away from the Cardassian boarder.
Speed: All stop
Alert Status: Green
Shields: Offline
Weapons: Offline
Damage: None
Stardate: 202406.27
Location: 1 Hour and 30 mins distance away from the Cardassian boarder.
Speed: Warp 3
Alert Status: Green
Shields: Offline
Weapons: Offline
Damage: None
Stardate: 202407.11
Location: Arriving at boarder of the neutral zone
Speed: All Stop
Alert Status: Yellow Alert
Shields: Offline
Weapons: Offline
Damage: None
Stardate: 202407.30
Location: Arrived close to ship in distress
Speed: All Stop
Alert Status: Yellow Alert
Shields: Offline
Weapons: Offline
Damage: None

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