YE/L02 - Crew Logs
== Recorded on his way from the transporter room to the Bridge ==

"First Officer's log, Stardate 22407.25. We found no weapons or munitions or anything of a truly heinous nature on the Disreputable Damsel. Only confirmed cargo was medical supplies. Her Captain clearly resented our presence, but such is the way of law enforcement, I'd imagine. We could have easily spent more time searching, but were recalled and had little time in the end. For what purpose, I am on my way to the Bridge to find out.

I wonder what could be so important. End log"
Personal Log: Lt Black, M.T.
Stardate: 22408.13

It's after hours. Black is sitting slumped back on her sofa. Her hair, normally tied back is now loose, and somewhat unkempt. Her uniform jacket is open. She has a large glass of red wine in her hand, and a significantly almost empty bottle is visible behind her. She's obviously been crying.

“So, I guess I better make this damn log. Called Dad. He's okay. That's all I can do being stuck out here. Even if I left now, which I can't. It's going to be a three month trip back to shitty old Earth. Still one less reason to have to go back there now, I guess.”

She takes a large swig of the wine.

“Met with the neighbours earlier. Lovely Cardy couple. Gull Hanar-ra-ra and his... Wife. They seemed... Yeah.”

She puts down the wine and leans forward, resting her elbows on her knees.

“We found an old DY-150 today. Lots of frozen people. Captain went over there. Would have been nice to take a look at it, but those things were deathtraps back in the day. I mean, who sits there and thinks to themselves; 'I know, let's nail a submarine to a rocket?' I know Jensen wasn't happy Braggins went over there... I don't know why, but he's looking a bit more, cute recently. Hmm...”

She gave an over theatrical wink, and then picked up the glass again and sniffed what was left in it, before reaching back and refilling it with the remains of the bottle.

“This is a good one, it's a...” She squinted at the label. “Red one. Cheers.” She added before she swirled it and drained it. Her face screwing up as she took the hit from the bitter sediment in the bottom.

Blagh...” She exclaimed poking out her tongue as she looked about for another. Which there didn't seem to be. Before she looked back at the screen, and realising that it was still recording, she lent forward further slipping off the sofa onto her knees and shuffled nearer the screen so that her face filled it.

“Got to go now. This ship won't fly itself. It's been a really shitty day. And I want a wee.” Then she looked directly into the screen and said; “Bye Mum. I miss you.” Before planting a big sloppy kiss on the screen. And it went blank.

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