AQ/D10 - Ten Forward
==Bar and Restaurant area for relaxing on time off.==
== Coming from Bridge ==

In the turbolift, there was a beep from Alex and gave a tiny sigh and checked a device that was on his arm that covered from roughly his wrist to half way up his forearm. It had not appeared to be on his arm a moment ago, but as he brought up his arm and touched it, it appeared there. He read something on a screen, it was some sort of wearable PADD. He then tapped the screen and said to it, "No, she can't go shopping right now. I don't think any of those areas are functional yet. She's to stay home until I give the green light, but you can tell her that I have a surprise for her."

He then pressed it again and it disappeared once more. He glanced to Shione and clarified, "Holo-nanny..." He quickly held up a hand, "No, none of THOSE programs came with me. This is standard stuff...okay, more standard...for me anyway...oh, you know what I mean."

Thankfully the door opened then and they stepped out to head into Ten Forward. Alex headed directly to a table in a corner and sat down with his back to the wall. He said, "Ice water," as he tapped once on the table with a finger. While the others were deciding what they might do or get to drink, a glass appeared on the table in front of him, right where he had tapped, though technically it was not glass, but a special polymer that would insulate the beverage and not form condensation on the outside. He immediately took a sip and then realized his behavior might have appeared unusual. With an apologetic look to both of them he added, "Sorry, old habit. Would you ladies care for anything?"

== Tag to Mala and Shione ==
<<Bridge <<

Jez followed the Senior Officers into Ten Forward, it was a typical Start Fleet-designed recreational facility, complete with a stage, gaming area, kitchens with a bar, and on the far was was a bank of replicators with tables scattered about, it was cozy, it lacked a certain esthetic, it was the standard Star Fleet color scheme Beige and Maroon with gold trim, it was alright if one is stodgy, it was great if one is fifty years old and wants a good place to play chess; It didn’t exactly encourage or inspire one to let their hair down and enjoy themselves.

Can’t Star Fleet Design Engineers use some pastels, leather, or floral prints in their recreational center designs, this is like my grandmother's sitting room.

Jez followed Commander Talion to a corner table, he ordered ice water; which surprised Jez a little after witnessing his gadget in the turbo lift, she expected a sophisticated mind like his to order a White Wine or a Cappuccino. Ice water seems so basic, so ordinary, and Commander Talion doesn’t seem like an ordinary man.

Jez, being a practitioner of the Martial Arts, avoided alcohol, unless it was an important occasion like a wedding,  but she did enjoy iced green tea with just a touch of honey.

A waiter approached and Jez ordered. “May I please have iced green tea with just a touch of honey and some papaya if you have any?”  Jez knew that the chances of the Aquila having papaya was remote as it was a new ship and chances were that the food replicators may not have been fully programmed, yet.

Jez knew that Betazoids often employed valets, perhaps he meant valet instead of a nanny. Her Grandmother had a wonder Valet, a lovely older woman, named Henquel.

“So, Commander Talion, you have a nanny, does that mean you have your children on board?” Said Jez, with a hint of curiosity.

== Tag All. ==
As Xenara Entered Ten Forward, she had her head down in a data PADD so she could read up about the crew that was already on the ship and those that were scheduled to arrive. 

Ten Forwards on ships like the Aquila were always the best, and usually had real liquor somewhere, not that synthehol swill that Xenara's Elaysian system couldn't stomach. The trick was to get chummy with the establishment's host or hostess or whatever and try and score some. She had a few bottles of her own in her quarters for special occasions, but casual drinking was better done in bars. That's why she never really wanted her own personal bar; too much work to keep stocked, and it made her look like an alcoholic, which she wasn't. 

She briefely looked up and saw Jez and the Science DH Talion and apparently S'hiarra's clone at a table, but it looked like they were having a personal conversation and she didn't want to interfere. She just waved at sister and made her way to the bar, ordered a Sumerian Sunset, a drink which initially appeared clear, but when you tapped the rim of the glass, which she did as soon as she got it, a swirl of orange and gold slowly appeared and filled it, until the entire drink was a non-luminescent gold. It was drinks like that that made Xenara wonder if she had chosen the wrong career path, but then being a bartender would cause her to stand on her feet all day and she literally couldn't do it.

She looked around and noticed it was mostly empty as she leaned against the bar with her elbows resting on its counter. She took a drink every now and then as she read her PADD. She was mainly interested in Commander Shione as the woman seemed to be a clone of Sothrick's wife...

Then again, it's not unusual for Vulcan's to have twins. Brother, did you not know or just couldn't say anything?

She had to give Sothrick the benefit of the doubt, though. There was something going on with S'hiarra/Shione, but it wasn't her place to pry. She cared about Sothrick too much to get him into trouble like that. If indeed he was involved somehow.

But the mystery of it was too enticing. Was it something so bad that Sothrick couldn't even tell his own family? 

I'm sure I'll find out eventually. The truth always comes out.

==Tag Anyone==
Alex was relieved that his beverage materializing on the table and him not going to the replicator didn't bother anyone. He tended to do so many things that were simple convenience items that were time savers that he often took them for granted when around others these days. Many considered his programming of such subroutines for networking and automation to be compromising or hacking of local systems, but they were simply overlooked grey areas that were not exactly forbidden, but had not really been anticipated by the designers. Talion simply took advantage of those grey areas and used small person improvements, through the interface of his networked devices to accomplish tasks in a way that enhanced day to day quality of life options.

When Mala asked about the nanny and children, he grinned, "Indeed. My six year old daughter is aboard. Her name is Reyna, though she sometimes uses Rain or short, which is rather appropriate, as she can sometimes seem like a force of nature."

Alex pulled a normal PADD from a thigh pocket and brought something up, glanced at it and then placed it face down on the table after only a couple seconds of looking at it. He nodded to himself but initially said nothing as they got beverages and so forth, waiting for them to get comfortable.

== Not sure at this time if T'Kol is with them or not, so leaving that open to other posting before I say anything specific about it... ==

Once they appeared settled, he became a little more serious as he looked directly at Mala and began, "I see that your heritage is both Vulcan and Betazoid. The challenging mixture of cultures aside, I bring it up only to inquire about what might be a sensative subject. I apologize if this seems personal, but I do have a point in asking it, so I hope that you take no offense in my asking it."

He paused and took a sip of his water, then continued, "I myself am Betazoid. I wish to inquire about what my family refers to as our gifts. I am unclear about what you may or may not have inherited from your parents and I'm even more curious about what, if any, training you may or may have not received in that regard."

Although his words were a mixture of polite manners and technical sounding language, his manner and tone of voice remained soft, soothing and friendly, even to the point that unless someone were listening closely, they casual conversation would easily be missed by those seated near them. He was being very matter of fact about the subject of "gifts", which was often a term used when discussing Telepathic or empathic abilities, The discussion of mind melding was often not brought up with non-vulcans, but Betazoids were more open about it in conversation.

== Tag to those in our conversation ==
Jez was relaxing, she felt comfortable, but she had a feeling; call it woman’s intuition, but something told her Commander Talion interest in her abilities were more than just casual. She wasn’t really sure how to answer his question, as it wasn’t an easy question. Jez was after all a child of two worlds, both with a rich distinctive culture. Her mother was a proud daughter of The Sixth House of Betazed.

The Sixth House of Betazed is one of the ancient noble houses on Betazed. To be a member of such a social class in Betazoid culture is to be considered descendants of the Goddess, Karawati, herself and a part of influential ancestry. The Sixth House is considered the House of Heart and Life - tasked with promoting the hearty and vivacious enjoyment of life. Though Jez didn’t necessarily agree with that, as she knew life could be difficult and not a party.She knew life could be very disappointing and difficult.
Broadly speaking, the modern interpretation of the Sixth House's mission is one of maintaining the 'liveliness' or 'spirit' of Betazed and bolstering the relevancy of the Noble Houses - though various families and family members often vary on their personal take on the House's motivations.

A jaded Betazoid might describe the Sixth House's mission using the old Earth phrase, "bread and circuses," - vital distraction to appease and entertain the common folk into continued obedience. A member of the Sixth House, however, may feel that only stuffy ingrates believe entertainment to be frivolous.

It is perhaps, no surprise then, that the Sixth House is deeply involved in the landscape of political gossip and tabloids on Betazed and is often associated with scandal - though they are rarely at the center of it themselves.
Jez’s mother is a very gifted and powerful Telepath, her mother knew what her children were up to from a few hundred yards away, so to say the least Jez and her siblings got away with very little  if anything.

Yes, her father is a Vulcan, but unlike most Vulcans he practiced Logic only enough to advance his career. When he was around other Vulcan’s he played the traditional stoic Vulcan, but when he was with his family, he often expressed emotions, but very lightly.  Her dad holding advanced degree in Archeologist, Historian, and Geology, brought him to a unique path, he explored The Ancient Vulcan PSi abilities and developed his mind greatly, he mastered Mind Melds, often on digs he could touch and object and know what it’s function was, he is very impressive. Her father’s side of the family were all gifted in MInd Melds and other mental disciplines, like slowing their heart rates , intense meditation, much like the Yogi’s on Earth.

“Well Commander, I’m a Hybrid of two rich and distinctive cultures, Betazed and Vulcan. I spent a great deal of time on Betazed with my grandmother, I was taught to use my Telepathic abilities at an early age, as my parents often were on Archeological digs that they deemed too dangerous for us kids. So, it was either Betazed with my grandmother, or Vulcan with my other relatives, but I didn’t enjoy spending time on Vulcan, it’s a little too restrictive for my liking. I couldn’t be myself.  They wanted me to complete the Kolinahr, but my grandmother on Betazed taught me that my emotions are my strength.” Said Jez, as she took a sip of her tea.

“What Vulcan’s don’t understand is that emotions can be a force of positive change, for example you can hate an injustice and direct that hate into a peaceful and creative way to fight and correct that injustice.” Stated Jez.

“Some Papaye Commander?” Said Jez, as she held out a plate with the delicious fruit .

“My parents taught me to always be discreet with my abilities, as they could get me into trouble. When it comes to my abilities, I'm not as powerful as my mother. Yes, I can sense strong emotions, anger, sadness, those types of emotions, but I usually have to be in close proximity and know the person well. You, being a Betazoid know that there are some species like Klingons who  have an underlying anger. So, I can’t tell if an individual Klingon is angry just by being in a room with him, but maybe in a few weeks with the Klingon I could.” Said Jez.

Jez took a few sips of her tea and ate some more papaya, the taste of the Green Tea and the Papaya tasted wonderful. She shifted in her seat.

“Just between you and I, when I was with my parents on digs, our minds were always open to each other, in case of danger. You know from an unstable Tomb floor or a crumbling Palace,  so my mental shields could use some work. Being around so many non-telepaths, especially at the Academy can be and was difficult……..but… Commander Sothrick of the Geronimo was teaching myself and Lt. Xardeen how to enhance our mental shields and abilities, he’s very talented.” Said Jez, her voice an odd mix of fondness and longing.

Jez wasn’t sure exactly why Commander Talion was so interested in her abilities. Had she done something that offended him?

Gee…. I hope I didn’t say or think something improper and offend him.

“Commander, I’m more than an empath, but I’m not as powerful as my mother and father. My mother could probably read your thoughts from several blocks away and my father could probably touch an object from your childhood and know what you were doing and thinking at that particular moment, or so they tell me…..I don’t really know how talented or gifted I’m as I have never really been tested. I never really encountered non-telepaths until I attended the Academy. My parents' colleagues are all either Vulcan or Betaziods. Well except their Security Chief, he is a Human, a retired Star Fleet Chief of Security. Named Commander Michael Denton, maybe you know of him?” Stated Jez, her voice a mix of pride and concern.

== Tag All. ==
== Warning, I apologize in advance for the long post...==

Alex listened intently and attentively to Jez. He did take a small slice of the papaya and nibbled a little as she spoke. He gave a nod or two as she spoke, obviously maintaining his undivided attention to what she was saying, never once stopping her or giving any indication of displeasure to anything she was offering up about herself and her family. He was well practiced in polite conversations, though he would confess that he was no diplomat.

When she was finished, he began, "Well, thank you for sharing all of that with me. I know how some people can feel uncomfortable speaking about such things. Having grown up with Betazoid parents, I can certainly relate to much of what you spoke of. I'm glad to hear that you were given instruction from a young age, as that certainly helps, but I have concerns. Please, let me be clear, I mean this with the best intentions and intend no offense, but I'm worried about what I would best describe as possible misconceptions that you might have. In complete fairness to you, these details are often simply small gaps in training and unfortunately Star Fleet has no official means of rendering any assistance in this area other than sending people to a Counselor that is educated in mentoring people like us with specific gifts. Even then, there are far too few of those and far to many of us."

He gave another small sigh at his own frustrating lack of words, but then said, "How to begin? As an experienced officer, I feel a certain obligation to help junior officers when I see some evidence that they would benefit from some kind of mentoring or at the very least, a voice to perhaps nudge them in a direction that will help them avoid trouble in their future. You seem to be a very good officer and your record indicates you likely have a very bright future ahead of you. With Commander Kurasa as your role model, I look forward to following your career as you move up the ladder. It's because I see such potential in you that I wanted to take this moment to have an unofficial conversation about this, because it is far too often overlooked for people like us."

He ld up a finger, "For example, Klingons and Ferengi are minds that you can't read or link to, no matter how good you are. In spite of what you might have been told, their brains are not wired the same and they are incapable of it. It's a little something I learned when studying brain wave patterns for neural transmitters in some of my research. It isn't a lack of our abilities, it is a lack of the right kind of anatomy on their part. By the way, I don't suggest saying that to a Klingon, as they don't like hearing that they lack anything. However, you bring up a very strong point, that it doesn't take an empath or telepath to pick up on strong emotions or intent. As a Security Officer, you're trained to watch body language and look for all of the many small non-verbal clues that reveal what an individual might be thinking and intending, or perhaps if they're lying. Anyone can learn those skills and put them to good use. When combined with certain gifts, many people can be read like a book without even trying hard. It is a bit like saying that you don't have to use an active sensor sweep if you have really good passive sensors and know what to look for."

Taking another sip of water, he continued, "Vulcans require touch to mind meld for their more limited form of telepathy. It is also very dangerous in that it tends to be a very strong connection that goes both ways and allows the potential to give both people complete access to the other's thoughts and memories. Frankly, I find the idea frightening to even contemplate, but it does explain why Vulcans aren't eager to employ it, nor do they like discussing it much. Vulcans hate people knowing they have a lack of control over anything, especially their own minds, so that's another minefield I wouldn't recommend bringing up in casual conversation. The idea that your father could mind meld with an object that has no mind to meld with...that...I can't even really address that  in a way that sounds intelligent, I'm sorry. I can't speak to whatever else he is able to deduce from objects, but it isn't telepathic, nor is it empathic. If there is a clairvoyant aspect to your father that is unique to him, then I am certain that Star Fleet would be very interested to discuss it with him, but it isn't an ability that is typical in either of our cultures. I'm not saying I have never heard of it, but the kind of thing you're describing is quite unusual and very rare. I have known one person that might know more about that, but that is perhaps another topic for another time."

He leaned forward and grinned, "I'm sorry, I can get carried away. I just realized I was carrying on with what my wife would have called the long answer. You didn't come here for me to give you a long lecture on all of this, so I'll try to get to my point and why I'm worried for you. What I'm going on about is that I noticed something on the Bridge. It was subtle, but like most people, there were what are called tells. Although I was not picking up the specifics of your telepathic efforts, I did register broadcasts of emotions that coincided with looks, facial expressions and gestures that to any trained eye would have indicated that you were using such abilities, not only on the Bridge, among non-users, but in the presence of your Commanding Officer, who is also a non-telepath. Not only is that considered quite rude, but can and has caused all sorts of problems in any number of situations."

"The thing is, those who don't have our gifts tend to be VERY uncomfortable around those of us who have them. If they think we're using them around them, many presume we're using them ON them. Yes, there are many who have no issue at all with it, but all it takes is the one person who thinks you're crossing some line with them and it suddenly can turn into an issue on a ship about trust and privacy that spirals out of control faster than a warp core losing containment. I can't stress to you strongly enough that you need to be more careful. If you're good, and I mean very good, you can hide your use of it and avoid anyone noticing, but it takes practice. Having grown up around humans most of my life, I learned the hard way. believe me, you need to learn to play poker if you want to use gifts around others. Unfortunately, you yourself have said how much you didn't grow up around such people. That isn't your fault, but it creates a complacency that could be very dangerous. I will also tell you that using your gifts with even a willing non-telepath can open you up to problems, so avoid it more than you would drawing your phaser on someone, because you're not talking about facts, you're dealing with perceptions and paranoia. There are entire star systems that forbid our kind from being there, simply because they don't trust us not to use our gifts around them. Imagine how easy it would be to start an interstellar incident if such a person were in the room and you didn't know it until it was too late."

Setting down his water, he looked her in the eye, "Our abilities can also be dangerous in ways you can't imagine. A friend of mine, who is a very strong telepath, was used by an alien entity, because of how strong she was. They detected her making contact with the ship telepathically and then used her to destroy every person on that planet except our team, just because they could. I was on that mission and it nearly killed her in the process."

He looked down, embarrassed, "Forgive me, that was perhaps a bit out of line. I can be passionate when it comes to my friends and family." His had absently went to the small scar on his temple and ran his finger across it before he looked back at Jez and his expression, which had become more serious, once more softened and his grin returned, "Listen, I know what it can mean to make mistakes and as mistakes go, yours was pretty small. Sadly, sometimes even the smallest mistake can cost lives and I have made my share of those too. We're now part of a crew and as a crew, we have to take care of each other. I didn't sit down in this chair to talk to you as Commander Talion. I am a guy who saw something in a crewmate that I shouldn't have seen and it scared me, it scared me for you. If I saw it, then others can see it. Please, think long and hard about what I said." He chuckled, "I know there was a lot there, but try not to hold it against me. I haven't had anyone around to tell me to give the short answer for a few years now."

He looked at Shione and said, "Me without adult supervision, sounds pretty scary, right?"

== Tag Shione and Jez...not sure if anyone else is joining us...sorry for the long post. ==
Jez was a little concerned that Commander Talion was at best confused and at worst wrong. He didn’t understand that when you breed two different animals the genetic components can produce some incredible results. Terrans used to breed specific animals for certain tasks, the animal's offspring often had skills and abilities beyond those of their parents, but she didn’t want to get into a Biological debate with him. She genuinely liked him

“Commander, with all due respect. I hate to throw cold water on your Theories, but I have been able to read Klingon's minds.” Holding her hand, “Granted maybe these Klingons were also hybrids, they may have been Klingon Human Hybrids, they may have had a human grandparent; thus they may have a different neural configuration than pure-blooded Klingons.” Said Jez, her tone was filled with reflection.

“Now Commander, consider this; Klingons from Qo’noS may be biologically different than Klingons born and raised on other planets, environmental factors, such as soil nutrients, and vegetation that the animals that Klingons consume could be altered and their nutritional values change, could be nutrients, minerals and trace element in the soil that can alter and affect their basic biology. The air on those Klingon colonies may be different, it may have slightly more argon, or nitrous oxide, thus affecting their biology, even the planet's EM Field could impact the development of a Klincgons or anyone else's neural configuration. So it’s illogical to assume that all Klingons are the same and can’t be read.” Said Jez, her tone slightly matter-of-fact. “ But that's a debate for another day. “ She added.

Jez listened as Commander Talion spoke about her behavior on the Bridge, she took a sip of her tea and thought, she couldn’t recall anything that would have indicated outwardly that she was using her telepathic abilities.

“Commander, are you referring to my verbal misstep when I introduced myself to Commander Prihl? I’ll admit it wasn’t my finest hour, in all fairness I was a bit nervous, the Aquila is a lot bigger than the Gerinomo, or are you referring to my conversation with Lt. Xardeen? Yes, she and I communicated with each other telepathically.” Said Jez, she paused for a moment as she was searching for the right words. “Lt. Xardeen and I served together on the Geronimo, we are not Imzadi don’t get me wrong I love her, she is my sister, Commander Sothrick, Lt. Xardeen and I were all very close, we consider ourselves family.” Added Jez. “Sure Lt. Xardeen’s puns are terrible, but she is very talented and a very capable officer. Commander If I acted inappropriately I’m sorry, it’s just these last few weeks have been a bit overwhelming, so when I saw a person that I was close to I may have overreacted.” Stated Jez, in an attempt to explain her behavior.

“ As far as my father's abilities go. I can’t confirm or deny his abilities. If I had to guess, I would assume that as he holds advanced degrees in history, I would say that he probably knows the basic function of an artifact. You know a knife is a knife. Yes, it might be used for cooking, hunting, or ceremonies, but when you know what a culture was, a warrior culture for example one may logically assume that the knife was used for Hunting or Combat, ….. I know but again smaller knives were most certainly used for cooking. I’ll be honest I don’t know enough about Vulcan telepathy or mind melds to know if my dad was as talented as they claim, but he is my dad and I have no reason to think he would lie to me.” Said Jez, sounding a little less confident in her beliefs.

Jez sat there for a few moments to collect her thoughts and enjoy her tea and papaya before continuing. Jez knew that she had a lot to learn, but she also knew that people often fear what they don't understand. The ideas that non-telepaths had about Telepaths, were absurd. She could care less about the random stray thoughts that most non-telepaths had as non-telepaths often thought one thing but meant something else completely. It’s like saying, “Oh Lieutenant so and so thought this or that about the Captain.” When in reality Lieutenant So and So may have been thinking something about the Captain, but just underneath they could have been thinking about something else, thus clouding their true thoughts. So a responsible telepath would never share random thoughts they would ask the person what they meant... Well, at least she would.

“Commander I appreciate your advice I would be grateful if you could teach me to better control my gifts. Commander Sothrick was helping me, but he’s not her.” Replied Jez her voice filled with admiration and fondness.

Jez wasn’t sure if Commander Talion would assist her or not, but she would do the best she could to live up to his expectations. But to also make Commander Sothrick and her Teddy Bear proud of her.

== Tag All. ==
As Jez began, it was hard for Alex to restrain himself. Outwardly, he gave no indication at all, but inside, he was in near shock. This young woman was making wild speculations about how being born on another planet might somehow magically alter your DNA and augment a person's capabilities in unimaginable ways. He stopped himself from addressing these issues though, because he knew the impact that would have. In his youth, he would have countered her point for point and tried to educate her on how amazingly wrong she was about how such things worked. It wasn't her fault though. She had no education in these matters. She also had no idea that he had actually minored in Xenology and Exopsychology, for the very reason of giving him insight into the physiology and cultures of various other worlds. He did massage the bridge of his nose as Jez spoke about her and the Elaysian conversing telepathically, but still remained silent.

Jez continued to speak and Alex listened, though he did tap briefly on his Arm PADD once, causing a small platter of grapes and other assorted fruits to silently materialize on the table. He grabbed a couple of grapes as she got to her father. He did raise a finger and clarify, "I would never wish to cause you to question your father. The relationship between a child and parent is a sacred one that none but they can understand. It is like a marriage and none but those in that relationship can truly grasp the depths of it."

His eyebrows shot up at the mention of him teaching her. It was almost comical, as he looked up and stroked his well trimmed facial hair with a hand before letting out another sigh. He looked to Shione and saw her grin at him. He knew his friend well enough that he could tell she was secretly struggling not to laugh at him.

"By the Fates, what have I gotten myself into?" He then deliberately addressed Shione, "Well, you've been silent far too long. Tell me, do you think she can be saved? She's practically feral."

Alex flipped over the PADD and slid it over to Shione, "Her record indicates a good foundation to work with though."

As he slid it over to Shione and she picked it up, Jez would glimpse that he had her detailed file on it already, her image from the Academy in clear view for a brief moment. The Ensign didn't know that he not only had a long history of being a Department Head on a number of ships, but that he had also been a First Officer in his career. In fact, at one point, he had actually filled in for more than one DH position at a time while still covering his FO duties, so he had become an expert at reviewing records and managing people. It also helped that he had a very good memory, could play 5 different kinds of chess at expert level or higher, and a few people would say he had played his hand at being a god a few times too many.

As Shione glanced at the PADD, Alex stared at his glass for a moment, but it didn't take a telepath to see that he wasn't looking at the glass, he was thinking. Then, he did something that probably confused Jez, but would have been familiar to Shione. Alex said to his glass, "Give me a statistical analysis for chances of success."

Almost instantly, a female voice came from his left forearm and replied, [78 percent.]

Alex snapped out of his staring contest with his glass and looked at Shione, "That's better than I would have thought. Not bad, really. I've certainly dealt with worse odds, but then again, I've almost died against better odds. This is a tough one to call. You know, on the one hand, if I get anyone else killed, they're never going to let me come back again. But on the other hand, I have to say that retired life isn't that bad. Maybe I could open a little shop on the Promenade and become a civilian. What do you think?"

== Tag to Shione and Jez ==
== This is getting interesting, but I need to let Shione actually post before I make their head explode with too much ==
Up to this point Shione had been content to sit back and let Talion do the talking. She knew that once he started, he would be almost impossible to stop so in this case she felt that he would be able to draw the Ensign's opinions out to a far greater degree than she would; but she had heard enough to know it was time for the Bad cop to step up.

"Seventy eight percent, hmmn? Cindy has the latest upgrades, does she?" She chuckled, wanting Jez to be aware that she did have a sense of humor.

Turning her attention on the Ensign she met the young woman's gaze and for 'just' long enough; held it, before addressing her. Her tone and volume of voice would not have carried beyond the table;

"I have read your file and I am familiar with the mission to Gravesworld and what happened there. I am also aware, because I am a good investigator that the logs do not tell the full story, not that they do on any mission. For example, you may not be aware, but my twin sister is married to your former Captain and has two children by that marriage. Hearing that you have been trained by him is to some degree a good thing; however, I feel that he may have neglected a VERY important facet of the use of your abilities."

She refocused her gaze and continued. "That being the protocols which govern the time and places where you may freely employ those talents."
She paused for a moment for effect; "And the Bridge, in the presence of the Commanding officer and two of us, of Command rank, is not such a place or time.
Commander Talion and myself witnessed a short telepathic conversation between you and Lieutenant Xardeen. Fortunately, you and the Tactical Officer were discreet, but if Commander Prihl had been aware of said conversation it is within the realm of the possible that I could be drawing up charges against you, and I DO Not Want That." Each of the last four words were spoken precisely and emphatically.

"Ensign Mala...Jez I believe you have enormous potential. All of your instructors spoke well of you and also from your previous First Officer Keir77, whom I met with briefly before leaving the Titania was also positive, excepting that s/he feared that you may have become exposed to some bad habits from your previous Department head. "

She took a deep breath before continuing. "We are not here; Commander Talion and myself because we want to talk about the past. We are here meeting with you to help set you on a path to success in your career path. This is not the Geronimo, with less than a hundred crew.

The Aquila has close to a thousand Star Fleet personnel and perhaps as many as hundred civilians, some of rather high rank. How we carry out our duties here, on such a large ship is much more important because there are many eyes on us, and likely some of those may either be Telepathic or at least trained to recognize such talents in use. So, until you have convinced the Commander and I of your sincerity in the matter I am here, with Alex witnessing; to give you a Direct Order.

Going forward; unless you are in private quarters or are given specific permission to do so; you will NOT employ your Telepathy without OUR prior permission; is that clear Ensign Mala?"

She paused and turned to Talion drawing a deep breath. LCdr Kurasa was a tall powerful Security Officer, trained in all manner of combat and interactions necessary to her rank and position, but it was clear; at least to Alex that she did NOT enjoy having to speak with Jez in this fashion.

"I may come across as a hard ass Ensign, but I am a married woman with a 6-year-old daughter and a wife that I would rather be with right now; but I am also your DH and I want to do everything I can to help you succeed. "

She leaned in a bit closer. "I want to give you everything you need to succeed and in his case that includes training you in the circumstances where your talent is needed and permitted.

Do you understand me, Ensign? I AM on your side in this."

==Tag Talion and Mala==
Alex watched their exchange silently, his expression was that of a man contemplating the pros and cons of a surgical procedure. After Shione finished, He finally gave a serious nod, "I'm willing to work with that if she is. The thing that makes it easier is that she isn't in my department, so there isn't much crossover there."

He leaned back and said, "Cindy, give a full scan and give me a report."

There was a brief sound of a tricorder somewhere, then the voice again, [Medically sound with clearance for advanced training, so all cardiovascular criteria are within limits. Brain chemistry is within tolerance, though I advise caution.]

His eyebrow raised, "Caution? What aspect?"

The voice became less robotic in tone, [Alex, it isn't polite for me to be more specific. Give the girl some privacy.]

Alex blushed a tiny bit and cleared his throat, "Oh...hmmm...right, caution it is then." He took a drink of his water and then said in what felt like a decision, "Fine, I agree to teach her...or at least try."
== Sorry about the length, but you two had a lot to communicate, My reply is meant with total respect, as Jez is truly confused. ==

Jez sat watching Commander Talion, she could tell that between his silence and body language, the rubbing of the bridge of his nose, the staring into his drink that he couldn’t accept or rather maybe lacked the desire to accept new and provocative new ideas.

Maybe he has never heard the old saying that we are products of our environments

Jez smiled inwardly; it wasn’t Commander Talion's fault older people often hold to the beliefs that their teachers and mentor hold;  once they get their degrees they are locked into the rigid dogma of their education often overlooking or dismissing new ideas and theories. Being the daughter of Archeologists gave her a unique perspective, she had seen Ancient ruins that defied understanding, she read many of the ancient texts of these cultures, they described rapid technological, political and social, and even biological changes within a culture that would normally have taken millions of years, to have these changes happen in just a matter of a few thousand years. Could these cultures have been exaggerating, had  she perhaps been reading some kind of fairy tale , or mythology, some kind of morality play, a cautionary tale perhaps, but she knew that nothing was out of the realm of possibilities.  After all, Ambassador Spok was noted as saying,’ Once you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains however improbable, must be the truth.’

Jez was a little puzzled by Commander Talion when he said, "I would never wish to cause you to question your father. The relationship between a child and parent is a sacred one that none but they can understand. It is like a marriage and none but those in that relationship can truly grasp the depths of it." Jez knitted her brow in confusion. Her father and mother taught her to always question, that's how one learns.

Jez tilted her head slightly like a dog hearing a high-pitched sound. “Oh Commander you miss understood me, my parents raised me to question, as that’s how we learn, if someone puts forward a theory or a claim and you don’t question it, if you don’t let it stand some scrutiny; then how does one grow as a person?  My parents taught me to question one's perceptions, and challenge one's beliefs. Not to mention that Vulcans don’t necessarily like being thought of as less than. It’s quite possible that my father exaggerated his abilities in order to impress the youngsters, especially his children. “ Said Jez, her tone a mix of sadness and disappointment. Jez didn’t want to admit that she wasn’t particularly close with her parents.

The truth was that Jez never understood what her parents saw in each other, her mother was honest and open and spoke her mind, Her father was distant, stoic, and most of the time emotionally distant, especially with his children. Jez’s parents never hugged her or were there for her when she had a problem, the only one that she could relate to was her sensei, her beloved Teddy Bear. On one level Jez knew that her parents loved her, but they were more focused on their work. They really weren’t bad parents, but they weren’t really ideal either.

Jez would remember what happened next for the rest of her life. Commander Kurasa spoke, it startled her as she had forgotten that she was there.

"I have read your file and I am familiar with the mission to Graves World and what happened there. I am also aware because I am a good investigator, that the logs do not tell the full story, not that they do on any mission. For example, you may not be aware, but my twin sister is married to your former Captain and has two children by that marriage. Hearing that you have been trained by him is to some degree a good thing; however, I feel that he may have neglected a VERY important facet of the use of your abilities." There was a pause from Commander Kurasa as if she was searching for the right words, then she added "That being the protocols which govern the time and places where you may freely employ those talents."

Jez couldn’t believe what she just heard, Sothrick was married, and he had children, this news added even more of a mystery to the man she considered a brother or even a second father.

Jez didn’t reply, she sat there allowing the Commander’s words to mull around in her head, weighing them against what she knew and what she didn’t know. Commander Kurasa then said something that seemed to contradict what they had been telling her.

Commander Kurasa said, "And the Bridge, in the presence of the Commanding officer and two of us, of Command rank, is not such a place or time. Commander Talion and I witnessed a short telepathic conversation between you and Lieutenant Xardeen. Fortunately, you and the Tactical Officer were discreet, but if Commander Prihl had been aware of said conversation it is within the realm of the possibility that I could be drawing up charges against you, and I DO Not Want That." Each of the last four words was spoken precisely and emphatically; clearly in an attempt to drive home a point.

"Ensign Mala...Jez, I believe you have enormous potential. All of your instructors spoke well of you and also from your previous First Officer Keir77, whom I met with briefly before leaving the Titania was also positive, excepting that s/he feared that you may have become exposed to some bad habits from your previous Department head. " Said Commander Kurasa.

Jez wasn’t comfortable with where this conversation was going, Jez was loyal, especially to those whom she considered a friend, and LCdr Nira Said was a friend, Jez wasn’t sure if Commander Kurasa was attacking Nira or not.

Relax, they are looking out for your best interest, relax, don't take it personally.

“ As far as Commander Said and I are concerned, on Graves World we used our abilities in an attempt to prevent a hostile situation from turning violent. That's all. '' Said Jez, her tone was slightly defensive. She didn’t want to bring up what she considered major mistake in how the situation was left. 

Jez shifted in her chair slightly, she felt like she was being scolded. Jez let out a small sigh, she took a sip of her tea and ate some more of her papaya.  Commander Kurasa then continued, "We are not here; Commander Talion and myself because we want to talk about the past. We are here to meet with you to help set you on a path to success in your career path. This is not the Geronimo, with less than a hundred crew.

The Aquila has close to a thousand Star Fleet personnel and perhaps as many as a hundred civilians, some of rather high rank. How we carry out our duties here, on such a large ship is much more important because there are many eyes on us, and likely some of those may either be Telepathic or at least trained to recognize such talents in use. So, until you have convinced the Commander and I of your sincerity in the matter I am here, with Alex witnessing; to give you a Direct Order.

Going forward; unless you are in private quarters or are given specific permission to do so; you will NOT employ your Telepathy without OUR prior permission; is that clear Ensign Mala?"

Jez nodded her head slightly, she was outraged on one level, but sad on another level. Did Talion and Kurasa just admit to eavesdropping on a private telepathic conversion between her and Lt. Xardeen? Jez knew enough about her abilities to know that she never gave off any outward appearance that she was using her abilities. She was nothing if not discrete.

Are these two lecturing me about using my abilities responsibly, but they didn’t properly use their abilities when they eavesdropped on my conversation with Xenara. Rather hypocritical of them. Thought Jez to herself, doing her best to understand their point of view. She didn’t know if they would see their double standards, but she hoped that they would see her point of view.

Jez looked at both of them and she wasn’t sure what to say, she sat there thinking for a few moments; as Jez tried to figure this whole situation out.

So, if the Aquila was in battle and I was on the Bridge and felt or heard a shipmate struggling to remain focused and calm, I couldn’t use my abilities to give that crewmember a few comforting words of encouragement. That's insane. Thought Jez.

You may be fighting a losing battle here, Jez. Well. Commander Talion did refer to you as feral.

Jez looked at the Commander, she sighed a little. “  Yes, Commander Kurasa, I understand completely.” Said Jez she paused a moment then addressed the both of them and said, “Commanders, with all due respect, we are friends here are we not? We have been sitting here for a while with you lecturing me on the proper use of my abilities. Don’t you find it just slightly Hypocritical of you to lecture me on the proper use of my telepathic and empathic gifts; when you eavesdropped on a private conversation between Lt. Xardeen and myself? I know that I gave, nor do I ever give visible signs that I’m using my talents. Yes, I stuck out my tongue at Lt. Xardeen, but for all, anyone knew I was just moistening my tongue because I was thirsty or I was about to speak but changed my mind. Not to mention the fact that our innocent conversation was just two friends acknowledging one another, we were not in an emergency, and we were not on a mission and as far as a Higher ranking telepathic officer goes, they would also be violating the rules of telepathic use wouldn’t they? If they were listening in on conversation. I was surprised to see a familar face, a dear friend, it was innocent. So, I’ll be honest I fail to see the point of this conversation, but if you feel that I’m lacking in my telepathic skills or disciplines or even basic discretion then I fully welcome you in tutoring me in those shortcomings.” Said Jez just to show that she could joke with the best of them. “Oh, and I won't file charges against you for eavesdropping on me and Lt. Xardeen.” Chuckled Jex her tone filled with a mixture of confusion and respect.

Jez did appreciate them wanting to help her in her career. She found both Commander Talion and Kurasa to be lovely people, but she couldn’t help but feel like she was being slightly disrespected and maybe even ganged up on. Granted she wasn’t as gifted or even as experienced as the two senior officers she was sharing a casual drink with but she was confident in her abilities and her ability to grow and adapt, as well as her discretion.

“Commanders, I’m truly sorry if I've fallen short of your expectations. From this point forward, I will be more careful and discrete in my use of telepathy.” Said Jez, her voice strong and confident.

== Tag all. ==
Alex did his best to hide his reaction, but it was the same sort of struggle every parent is familiar with in trying to maintain their composure while dealing with a stubborn child who insists they know more than the parent does. The difference here was that Alex was trying not to laugh at her while Shione appeared more the parent who wanted to take her over her knee. Fortunately, Alex held up a hand to Shione and said, "Breathe...try to just breathe a moment while I give this another try. Okay?"

Alex then ran his hand slowly over his face while he quickly composed his thoughts, "Jez, you have made several presumptions that are not making this any easier. Thankfully, you're also expressing the desire to comply with what we're telling you and you're willing to work on this...issue. That is a step in the right direction. I will say again, in spite of how well you are convinced that you conducted yourself with perfect discretion on the Bridge, you did not. Take a moment to just think over how your own words tried to justify sticking your tongue out at an officer while in a conversation with the Commanding Officer you just met is suppose to be discreet. As for a mission, this ship IS on a mission and the Bridge crew is actively engaged in that mission. That's why I immediately tried to remove us all from the Bridge to have a conversation. None of that should have needed to happen on the Bridge. I've seen a Lieutenant banned from the Bridge for less, and they were performing their actual duties at the time."

He paused a moment and then continued, "My point is that you might think you're doing a great job at hiding your behavior, but that's not for you to judge. It is actually based on what others are or are not observing, not what you think they should be observing. If you have to justify it to them and explain something away, then you've failed to avoid their attention. We did not eavesdrop on your conversation. We saw the equivalent of you two leaning over and whispering into each other's ears. We saw a conversation, but not what it was. Technically, such communication is very hard to pick up on. You actually have to read the mind of the person as they are trying to send it, which is extremely difficult to do if you are trained in shielding your thoughts from the prying efforts of others. Such invasive behavior is quite forbidden and is considered a form of assault, a punishable offense."

Alex leaned back again relaxing a bit more, "I'm a bit concerned about your statement that you and another tried to use your abilities to try and prevent a hostile situation from turning violent. That insinuates something that perhaps we don't want to even discuss, because of the implications. Perhaps you simply meant to say something else in the confusion of all this talk about dangerous outcomes. How about we avoid all discussion on that matter and focus on some simple facts that I'm pretty sure we can all agree on. Does that sound good?"

He glanced at Shione and then back to Jez without really waiting for an answer from either, obviously presuming he was correct and ignoring any actual comments to the contrary. "Good, then let's say that we have established that there are things about the extent of and use of your abilities that you require remedial training on. Until such time as your supervisor is convinced that you can use them responsibly, you are being ordered to not use them other than in complete privacy. To be clear, that means we shouldn't know about any use of them at all unless as part of the training. The order you've been given is official in that it has come from a superior officer in your chain of command, though in an effort to keep this as unofficial as possible, the only record of this will be that there was a conversation about it, clarifying policies and protocols. If at any time you feel a need to speak with the Captain about it, you are always at liberty to do so, but if you feel the need to escalate it, that means the Captain will need to know...well...everything about it. We are trying to help you avoid that, so although you're always within your rights to do so, I point out that it would likely be counter productive. As per the facts thus far, this also means that you understand that we do in fact know more about this and have more experience in this field than you do. If we didn't it would be rather silly to think that we should be training you on the matter. When I say we, I'm mostly meaning me, since I am likely to be the one doing all the dirty work on this fine project I've clearly stepped in up to my thigh. This finally leads me to one final thing that I need to be clear on, because it is...delicate..."

He shifted a little in his seat, tried to say something and then stopped. He opened his mouth to try again, but stopped himself once more, making a face as if he tasted something he wasn't pleased with. Finally, he took a breath and let it out as a sigh of resignation and forced himself to carefully say the words, "At some point...should we do and I are going to encounter things about each other. I promise to minimize it as best I can, but it is a it like teaching you to swim in that I can't do it without you and I both getting wet in the process. We're dealing with our minds here. We're people and our thoughts, memories and emotions...they're messy, painful and private things. We have wonderful memories too, but even the best of us are an odd mixture of what makes us who we are and all that stuff is in there. I'm not a counselor with professional techniques that were taught as part of one of my PHDs. I may have a couple of degrees, but not in this. This is more like me teaching you how to surf. It's something I know and you want me to teach you. I'm going to swear to you that I'll keep you safe, but if you think this is going to all be simple and you're not going to swallow any water, then don't bother trying. Do you understand me?"

== Tags to Shione and Jez ==
As Xenara finished her drink, she turned her chair back to face the bar when she came across the Commander that looked like S'hiarra. The Elaysian ordered another drink, but when she tapped the glass this time, she didn't pay attention to color show. She was too intrigued with the woman, the SECOND OFFICER and Chief of Security Shione Kurasa. He eyes widened as she read the file, well, what she could anyway. There were parts of it that she didn't have clearance for, even if Xenara had been the same rank. 

She leaned over the bar counter and rested her elbows as she read what she could, and let the rest of the room pretty much disappear...

==Just not feeling it. lol Tag anyone who wants to join me==
Lt Thorn had dropped by her quarters, to make sure her things had arrived, but it would take a while for it to feel like home. It always took a small amount of time to adjust to new surroundings. The ship was so huge that she couldn't decide how she felt about that. The Geronimo had been small enough that she could have flown it herself with no problems, but maneuvering a flying city was something quite different. With so many people, especially so many civilians, that was going to feel strange. She didn't know how many civilians there would be, or how soon they might show up, but it felt like a bad idea to her.

Knowing that the festivities would be in Ten Forward, Thorn found her way there, got a glass of tranya and grabbed a seat by a window. She would alternate between people watching and looking out at the "Black Velvet" of space. The one good thing about such a big ship, it meant she would get more peace and quiet. There had been very little privacy on the Geronimo, so being left to her own thoughts was an improvement.

There was a temptation to look in on Engineering, but she decided against it. There was no rush. She would introduce herself to the ship and they would become well acquainted in their own time. She wondered who she was going to end up working for. Kalli's imagination conjured up some weathered old Commander or something along those lines. There would be a fair sized staff to care for a ship of this size, so probably someone older than dirt in charge of maintenance. It didn't matter, she would do her best to cover all of it, just like she always had.

Her eyes wandered over to where Talion and Kurasa were sitting and talking intently to Mala. She wanted to go over and talk to them, but didn't want to interrupt their conversation. Kalli was eager to talk to Talion about her field testing of the drone program and the advancements she had documented. After he had left the Titania, she was surprised to see him on another ship. His uniform told her that he was back in Science though, not Command. From the look of things, he had recovered quite well from their last mission together. She grinned at recalling her needing to carry him out over her shoulders, in a fireman's carry. He was heavier than he looked, but fortunately she had been up to the task. That reminded her that with a ship that actually had good holodecks, she could get back to some serious training again. THAT would be very nice.
Jez took a sip of her tea and processed everything the Commanders had said, in her mind, she had done nothing wrong, but much like overprotective parents they had to get their point across, but she couldn’t say that they were right and she was wrong, as they may have a point. Jez could have overestimated her skills and abilities, but she was sure that she hadn’t.

Commander Talion stated, "Jez, you have made several presumptions that are not making this any easier. Thankfully, you're also expressing the desire to comply with what we're telling you and you're willing to work on this...issue. That is a step in the right direction. I will say again, despite how well you are convinced that you conducted yourself with perfect discretion on the Bridge, you did not. Take a moment to just think over how your own words tried to justify sticking your tongue out at an officer while a conversation with the Commanding Officer you just met is supposed to be discreet. As for a mission, this ship IS on a mission and the Bridge crew is actively engaged in that mission. That's why I immediately tried to remove us all from the Bridge to have a conversation. None of that should have needed to happen on the Bridge. I've seen a Lieutenant banned from the Bridge for less, and they were performing their actual duties at the time."

Wait a second, he’s saying that I’m presumptuous, for all he knew the sticking out of one’s tongue may be the way the Elaysians greet each other, similar to the way Vulcand makes the hand gesture and say, “Live long and Prosper.” or it may have been the initiation of a mating ritual. The point is one should never assume what someone’s intention may or may not be. Thought Jez to herself.

Jez was a bit surprised by Commander Talion's attitude, but then again she wasn’t as her experience was vastly different from his and that was fine, but it didn’t mean that her experience and beliefs were less valid.

Jez nodded her head. “Yes, Commander. I understand.”

What happened next set Jez into something of a tailspin, Commander Talion then said, "I'm a bit concerned about your statement that you and another tried to use your abilities to try and prevent a hostile situation from turning violent. That insinuates something that perhaps we don't want to even discuss, because of the implications. Perhaps you simply meant to say something else in the confusion of all this talk about dangerous outcomes. How about we avoid all discussions on that matter and focus on some simple facts that I'm pretty sure we can all agree on? Does that sound good?"

Jez had been given an order by a superior officer and a friend, and even if she didn’t agree with that order she was obliged to follow orders, If it meant violating Star Fleet regulations it didn’t matter, if using her abilities prevented someone from being seriously hurt or worse killed then she would do as she had been ordered. Jez found Star Fleet’s regulations about the use of Telepathy outdated and narrow minded, to say the least. The idea of non-telepaths telling telepaths what is or isn’t appropriate was ridiculous, as telepaths knew their minds and abilities better than anyone else and especially as the Federation was encountering more species with telepathic abilities and those species had guidelines of what is considered appropriate, in some telepathic societies closing one’s mind to others is considered rude and disrespectful, especially to family and friends.

Jez had nothing but admiration and respect for Commander Said, yes she was Jez’s superior and friend, and she wasn’t going to publicly criticize or bash Commander Said, but Commander Said ordered her to use her abilities, was she supposed to disobey her superior and allow innocent people to be killed?  The incident on Graves World wasn’t something that Jez completely disagreed with, at least the result, but she was just an Ensign no one would have listened to her. BesidesJez wasn’t about to go and libel Commander Said, it would be disrespectful and disloyal.

“Commander … Alex,... I don’t want to discuss the incident on Graves World. I stand by what I did, I obeyed the orders of my superior, even if I wasn’t comfortable with those orders. When all was said and done,...... People’s lives were saved.” Said Jez as her eyes welled up slightly with tears.  “We could have done a much better job… if we only……..” Jez didn’t finish her sentence, it was just pointless; the mission was over and History would judge if they were correct or not. There was no point in rehashing the past, but Jez was conflicted on one level; she had to uphold her duty as a StarFleet Officer. Yet, she had to be loyal to her friend and be true to herself.

The mission on Graves World was personally frustrating to Jez, in her humble opinion it was handled badly. The colony was left in disarray, on that day justice wasn’t served; a murderer got away and Jez felt somewhat responsible that she should have spoken up, Captain Wilson should have been left on Graves World to face justice and answer for her crimes.

Commander Talion then said something that made Jez ponder things to a greater level, "Good, then let's say that we have established that there are things about the extent of and use of your abilities that you require remedial training on. Until your supervisor is convinced that you can use them responsibly, you are being ordered to not use them other than in complete privacy. To be clear, that means we shouldn't know about any use of them at all unless as part of the training. The order you've been given is official in that it has come from a superior officer in your chain of command, though to keep this as unofficial as possible, the only record of this will be that there was a conversation about it, clarifying policies and protocols. If at any time you feel a need to speak with the Captain about it, you are always at liberty to do so, but if you feel the need to escalate it, that means the Captain will need to know...well...everything about it. We are trying to help you avoid that, so although you're always within your rights to do so, I point out that it would likely be counterproductive. As per the facts thus far, this also means that you understand that we do know more about this and have more experience in this field than you do. If we didn't it would be rather silly to think that we should be training you on the matter. When I say we, I mostly mean me, since I am likely to be the one doing all the dirty work on this fine project I've stepped up to my thigh. This finally leads me to one final thing that I need to be clear on because it is...delicate..."

Jez was a bit insulted that Commander Talion insinuated that Jez needed remedial training on her abilities, that was nonsense, Commander Sothrick had taught  Xardeen and Jez a great deal, maybe if they had more time they would have progressed further but they didn’t. Jez knew her skills and abilities better than anyone else. She didn’t need or want anyone telling her that she was some incompetent, impetuous, spoiled child who couldn’t control her abilities. This was beyond insulting, this was an attack on her and her parents and even her grandmother, it was an unmitigated slander on her family and their parenting skills. Yes, her parents were not necessarily the best but that was beside the point.

Jez could feel her temper rising, a knot was forming in her stomach, and what was supposed to be a friendly conversation had turned into what she considered a character assassination. Maybe if the Commanders had approached it in a manner of friendly advice. Sighting examples of how non discrete use of telepathy ended badly she wouldn’t feel so attacked, so conflicted.

Jez rubbed her temples, she wasn’t sure to to think at this moment, she understood completely what Talion and Kurasa were saying to her, but she felt that she was right, she also knew that they were right, but both Jez and them can both be right.  Commander Talion said something that Jez wasn’t sure was an order or a suggestion: "At some point...should we do and I are going to encounter things about each other. I promise to minimize it as best I can, but it is a bit like teaching you to swim in that I can't do it without you and I both get wet in the process. We're dealing with our minds here. We're people and our thoughts, memories, and emotions...they're messy, painful, and private things. We have wonderful memories too, but even the best of us are an odd mixture of what makes us who we are and all that stuff is in there. I'm not a counselor with professional techniques that were taught as part of one of my Ph.D.s. I may have a couple of degrees, but not in this. This is more like me teaching you how to surf. It's something I know and you want me to teach you. I'm going to swear to you that I'll keep you safe, but if you think this is going to all be simple and you're not going to swallow any water, then don't bother trying. Do you understand me?"

What does he mean by that?

Jes let out a sigh, her thoughts were a jumble, her emotions were all mixed up, her feelings about the mission on Graves World, her friendship and loyalty to Commander Said, her friendship and relationship with Sothrick and Xardeen,  the relationship with her parents. Jez just wanted to scream at this moment.

Jez took a sip of her tea, she looked at the tea as if she was drawing strength from it. Then she began to speak.

“Commander Talion, what I'm about to say is very difficult for me and I mean it with the utmost sincerity, respect, and admiration, but I will not be submitting to any retraining in the proper use of my abilities. I have given you my word as a StarFleet officer that I will refrain from using them in public spaces or in an inappropriate manner unless otherwise ordered to do so and I’ll agree that my actions on the Bridge may have been inappropriate, but it was an isolated incident and shall not be repeated. I can assure you. “ Said Jez sounding confident.

Jez lookat at Commander Talion and added, “If you can’t or won’t accept my word as a StarFleet officer, then I don’t know how we will resolve this issue. Also, I don’t  appreciate your  veiled criticism of Commander Sothrick and Said, they are both fine officers.” Said Jex her tone respectful.

However, I would be open to the idea of the both of us training and exploring my abilities together in the absence of Commander Sothrick.” Said Jez with a warm smile on her face.

== Tag Talion. ==
Shione was concerned but managed to control her response to the rather bold accusation made by her young Ensign
“Oh, and I won't file charges against you for eavesdropping on me and Lt. Xardeen.” Chuckled Jez her tone filled with a mixture of confusion and respect.

Commander Kurasa's tone changed, and was clearly now quite official
"That is both kind AND presumptive of you ENSIGN. I was NOT employing my Telepathy, but rather using my 15 years of Security experience to read the physical and behavioral cues that I witnessed during that exchange. You claim you have nothing to learn from us. and yet here you are lecturing a full Commander on his assessment of a fellow Officer. DO you understand just how insubordinate that was?"

She paused reading the facial expressions of the young woman before continuing.

"As to the conduct of Commander Sothrick, I have known him for close to 15 years. and while he is very skilled in the use of his abilities, he unfortunately has some bad habits when it comes to where and when he chooses to use them. You claim that your actions on Gravesworld were justified and I will not dispute that, as I was not present, and your loyalty to your friends does you credit Ensign. And I am not saying that you should not defend them, however to claim that we have nothing to teach also is an assumption on your part.

Together Commander Talion and I have over 30 years of Star Fleet experience and I assure that there is plenty that you can learn from us; but you need to have an open mind, Ensign Mala. "

She paused looking for a moment at her friend before returning her gaze to the Ensign. This meeting is just about at an end. The Commander and I have some responsibilities that we need to attend to pending the arrival of the Command crew. I believe you have great potential, please don't ever assume that you have nothing to learn.

So; I will ask the Commander if he has anything to ad and then you should consider yourself Dismissed."

She paused and the added. "That means once he has spoken to you, I expect you to stand, silently nod in respect, depart and then consider yourself off duty for the remainder of the day.

So, Commander Talion, do you have anything to add, before Ensign Mala departs?"

==Tag Talion and Mala==
Alex leaned back in his chair and picked up his drink, looking more relaxed than ever. Appearing surprisingly satisfied with what Jez had just said and only raising an eyebrow slightly at Shione's reply, he looked to Shione and said, "Well, there you go. That lets ME off the hook. When the student tells the teacher what they will and won't learn, then I don't know what you call it, but it certainly isn't training. You're her boss, so I guess that makes her YOUR student. I have a degree in Xenology, but in all of the cultures and life forms I have studied, none had that sort of sanctioned training method. You might have luck with a sort of Socratic Method, but that tends to only work well if you're at least close enough in skill and knowledge to function on a peer based interaction and debate.”

Returning his attention to Jez, his demeanor much less official sounding and once more returned to more of the warm and friendly sort, “You know, even the life forms I've created didn't give me this kind of trouble.” He chuckled and shook his head slowly, “My six year old is quite enough of a handful for me. Your refusal is actually a bit of a relief, at this point." He gave a devilish grin, as Jez prepared to leave, he added, “It really was nice to meet you.” He raised his glass, "Good luck with the training!"
Jez was beyond furious but she didn’t let it show, the Commanders didn’t listen to what she said, she was shocked. Jez wasn’t a stubborn person, but if she knew she was right she would stand up for what she believed in.

They have thirty years in Star Fleet, but they don’t know how to listen. I clearly said that I didn’t want to be forced, and I clearly and succinctly stated that I would be open to the idea of the both of us training and exploring my abilities together.  Thought Jez, as a neutral expression crossed her face.

She couldn’t comment on whether or not Commander Sothrick had any bad habits or not, he was her superior and he taught her many things that she didn’t know. Jez was always open to the idea of learning new things, especially if they pertained to her telepathic abilities.

“Commander’s before I am dismissed, I just want to point out that I said that I wouldn’t submit to mandatory training, in other words, I don’t want to be forced.  However, I clearly and succinctly stated that I would be open to the idea of the both of us training and exploring my abilities together. The way you presented it made it sound like I didn’t have a choice. If I misunderstood that, I apologize. I do appreciate everything that you have been saying.” Replied Jez, her tone respectful, calm, and neutral.

Jez finished her tea, she then silently stood and gave each one a respectful nod of the head and departed for her quarters.

== Tag All. ==

>> Next post Jez's quarters. >>
LCdr Lim came for her quarters to 10 Forward to have an informal meeting with the DCMO. Lt Langston was alreading sitting alone at a table at the other end of 10 forward. The first thing LCdr Lim noticed was that there was what appeared to be a serious converstion going on between Cdr Talion, Lcdr Kurasa
<<<<Bridge <<<<< ==After the meeting ==

Walking into Ten Forward Beno and  Carley arrived at the same time, and at that moment no one in the room were people she has never spoken to before. One of them she only knew by what she has heard, but right  now she wasn't looking for anyone. She was just there to have a good time and observe, they were new to the crew and Beno wanted to see how they interacted together. 

The number one person that she wanted to see the most was in the room, and she looked busy. As both Security Chief and Second Officer this was going to be routine, especially when it comes to Away Missions. Both Luna and her had a connection that was strong giving them the ability to read each other, and with her it was going to take time. The best way to get to know someone was to know each other was to talk, and there would be lots of time for that later. Beno had no idea what they were talking about, and didn't want to interfere.

There was a  new Security Chief, but Luna could never be replaced. As she was walking through the room something didn't appear quite right. As she was close to him. "Commander Talion making friends already I see." Taking a second to look at the door and back to him. "I am having appointments set up with my new department heads, but first enjoy the ceremony." Thoes  meetings were not important right now but the ceremony was. "Commander Kurasa your appointment is going to be First on my agenda." Then it dawned on her.  "My apologies I am far too ahead of myself Beno Velaul First Officer. Right now the only important thing is this Ceremony, enjoy yourselves." Before parting ways  Beno gave the  a chance to reply.

==Tag Commander Talion and Kurasa ==
== I sneezed and bumped the keyboard and my unfinished post, posted. Rats! I shall now continue. ==

serious conversation going on between Cdr Talion, LCdr Kurasa and a the young Ens Mala.

I don't want to be involved in whatever is going on there!

Lois looked around and saw Lt Langston at the far end of 10 Forward and so made a bee line for him. Taking a seat opposite Langston, with her back to the intense conversation, she lent close and asked in a whisper, "What's going on over there?" Lois liked to keep up with the crew gossip every now and then.

"Have no idea, Chief er, Lois," Langston said with a half silly grin. "Do you mind if I just call you Chief all the time, it's just easier that way?"

"Nope, that's fine with me," Lois replied. "The first thing I want to say and I'll be saying this to all the medical team at our meeting, is that I'm not the fount of all medical wisdom on this ship. We are a team and we work as a team." Lois paused for a moment to change tack, "I've had a 'Head Nurse' and a 'Nurse Practitioner' and other medical officers under my supervision before, but never a DCMO, what do you do? This is my first time on a really big ship, with a sickbay the size of a small hospital," she exclaimed, with a bit of smile and a wink and a nod.

Lt Langston began to explain his understanding of the DCMO's role. "Obviously, if you are not on board, or incapacitated, then I would take charge of Sickbay. With that understood, it's whatever you say I do. You may give me a specific role like clinical supervision and training of the nursing staff, for example."

Lois interrupted at that point asking, "Do you have a specialty or a preference?"

"Well yes I do, the last CMO knew, but I haven't told all the staff what my specialty is, you see, it's because I'm a forensic pathologist, that's my specialty!"

"Oh good!" said Lois with some delight. "You will be in charge of the morgue, and you will review all deaths in sickbay, nay, all deaths on the ship. Sort of quality control for sickbay. But you bring the reports to me, and we decide what the next step is if any, OK?"

The conversation went on for about forty-five minutes, as they discussed various aspects of Sickbay and the medical staff. Lois was pleased with her DCMO. He seemed to be a confident and respectful medical officer. As it came to a close Lois headed for her quarters thinking that she needed to clean up the mess of all her stuff stacked on the floor and begin her career on this new ship. She was confident in her medical choices but dealing with people was difficult sometimes for Lois. She was a person that told it the way it was, and sometime her superiors and subordinates didn't like that.

It's just the way I am.
As the incoming First Officer approached, Talion casually stood from his chair. He met Velaul with a warm smile that looked genuine, not like the polite smiles people often wore at such functions, "Ah, Commander Velaul." Talion also glanced at the door and back to Velaul with a shrug, "Kids today..."

Alex then gave a chuckle and said, "Looking forward to it...the meeting, that is." He gestured at the room with the glass that was in his hand, "I've never been one much for the pomp and circumstance, but I understand the purpose and am happy to bear witness to a milestone in an officer's career."

As Velaul politely started to move on, making the obligatory circuit of the room, Alex gave a small nod of the head. The understanding was implied.
Shione was caught in an uncomfortable reverie. Despite her clear instructions to the contrary the young Ensign who had been sitting with them had chosen to speak despite being ordered not to.

She truly did not know what she wanted to do, as the actions were clearly in violation of orders, but she hated the thought of losing a talented officer. She was about to ask Alex for an opinion when the pending First officer stepped up.

I thought we were no where near where we are supposed to meet with them.

Shione rose and greeted Commander Velaul with a respectful nod as she approached and listened as the FO outlined her plans. Shione was surprised that she was to be the first, but perhaps it was simply the department that was her focus.

"Thank you, Commander, I look forward to the meeting."

At least this could take my mind off my Ensign problem

Once the FO had moved on, Alex gave Shione a sympathetic look, "Don't let the young lady get to you. I speculate that it is simply the folly and entitlement of youth. I imagine I had my own share of that at one time, but being faced with the mortality of yourself and those around you can alter your perspective over time. Do your best to give her some time. The worst that might happen is that she misbehaves again and you are forced to take issue with her using a firmer hand. Right now, she's uncomfortable and defensive. Give her a chance to cool off and she might think of it differently when she doesn't feel embarrassed and ambushed. I could be wrong, but it doesn't happen often."

He smiled at her as he said the last. He had earned the right to say that, but they both knew that he had been wrong a time or two, so it was obviously his attempt at a small jab of humor. One of his sayings was that you often want to laugh about something or cry about it, so whenever possible, pick the laugh.
As Thorn sat, staring out into the blackness of space that was punctuated only by the subtle pin pricks of stars, her eye caught the reflection i the window of someone approaching her table. They walked very softly, but she made a point to turn and face them, letting them know she was aware of their presence. There was a twitch at the corner of their mouth that gave the tell of an effort to restrain themself from grinning in return.

The man was a Klingon in a Security uniform. She didn't recognise him, but that was not surprising, since she had not yet met most of the crew. The uniform was sharp and clean. His movements were smooth and refined. He was carrying a steaming mug and very politely asked, in a deep voice that was even deeper than that of her friend Talion, "May I join you?"

He had even given a hint of a bow as he asked, which was something that was unique behavior to Thorn, especially from a Klingon. It had the desired effect though and felt slightly disarming to Kalli, so she relaxed a little as she gestured to a chair and replied, "Certainly."

There were things about this Klingon that Thorn couldn't put her finger on at first, but he seemed different than others she had met. Most Klingons were loud, aggressive, unkept and, to put it bluntly, had a certain smell to them. This man was none of those things. His deep voice was softened to the point of almost being soothing. His manners and movements were more like a cat than the stomping beast she had encountered in her past. He was very well groomed and...there was a hint of something, but it was certainly not unpleasant. She wasn't sure if it was coming from him or his beverage though.

He took the offered seat and said, "Thank you, Lieutenant Thorn." His use of her rank made her double check his own, which was Lt (JG).

"Have we met before? You strike me as someone I would remember."

This time he did smile, if briefly, revealing well kept teeth, another thing to set him apart from the other Klingons she had encountered in her past. "No, I don't believe so. As a Security Officer, I made myself familiar with the faces of the manifested crew. It's what I consider an occupational necessity, though I assure you that, as a professional officer, I took care not to invade the privacy of the crew in the process."

This impressed Kalli a little and she continued, "So, what brings you to this table then, Lieutenant..."

He quickly picked up on her drawing out his rank reference enough to hint that she didn't know his name in return, "Ah, forgive me, my name is Gath." He glanced around the room and then answered, "As an Engineer, I'm sure that you notice things about the structure and functionality of certain things before others might. As a Security Officer, I notice things as well, but from a different perspective. In my case, I notice who appears to be a threat or who might be an asset. You, for example, are one of the few people in the room who is armed, though you do well in keeping it well concealed. I'm a man of contingency planning and that makes you either a possible threat who is very cunning, or a possible ally who believes in being cautiously prepared. In either case, this is the table I would most wish to be at. Should you unexpectedly turn out to be a threat, I would be positioned to be between you and any target. Should something unpleasant happen and you are, as I highly suspect, a good choice as an ally, then you're likely someone I would feel comfortable to have supporting my flank. So as you can see, either way, this becomes the most obvious choice for me. In addition, I am not shy."

At that last, he offered his hand and a warm smile, "I'm pleased to make your acquaintance."

Now it was Kalli's turn to smile as she shook the hand that wa offered. His grip was firm, but not forceful. She also finally placed the smell, "Is that licorice I smell?"

"Ah, yes, that would be my herbal tea. It has many ingredients, but one is licorice root. There is a blend of wild cherry bark, cinnamon bark, orange peel, ginger, clove, black pepper and a few other such ingredients, but I find it flavorful and relaxing. I find that it helps me to focus."

With a smile and narrowed eyes, Kalli asked, "Are you SURE you're a Klingon?"

Gath gave a small chuckle and looked at his cup in front of him for a moment, "Yes, the ridges do tend to give it away, but I think you're referring to my lack of being the kind of Klingon who shouts his glorious victories in battle while demanding more blood wine."

Kalli returned his chuckle, "It's more than that. You're different in other ways too, but I would sum it up with the oversimplification of you not having those ragged edges of a damaged blade. Yours is a smooth and sharp edge that cuts cleanly and with purpose."

Gath looked up from his drink and his smile grew wider and warmer, "Are you SURE you're not a Klingon?"
<< Crew Quarters. <<

Jez returned to Ten Forward, it wasn’t that far from her quarters, a quick ride on the turbolift, but emotionally it felt like it was miles she tucked her tail between her legs, she needed help,that much she knew. She needed advice and she needed it now. Jez hadn’t even bothered to fix her mascara, she was so upset.

She spotted Commander Talion sitting  enjoying himself Jez stood several meters away as she didn’t want to be rude. Her nose was filled with mucus, she felt more scared than any moment in her life.

Go.. go and speak with Commander Talion… What…? Are you crazy? He’s a man!!!  He won’t understand, he’s never been pregnant; but……. then again he is a father, he has a daughter. I’m sure he has dealt with many young girls' emotional turmoils and lived to tell the tale.  I don’t know.. I can’t…. It will just be another person I’ve disappointed, my parents, my Sensi, myself……

Jez’s stomach was flip-flopping, she wanted to vomit, she was so scared. She knew that she shouldn’t be scared of a conversation, but it wasn’t just a simple conversation like one would have about the weather or a new Holodeck program. This was like telling your father or grandfather your most shameful secret. 

Jez’s face was red again, her eyes puffy from crying, she approached the table. “Excuse me, Commander, may.. may….may… I….I… That is….I.. I.. was hoping to…ppp… possibly… I was hoping to have a word with you.?” Stammered Jez as her eyes welled up with fresh tears.

== Tag Talion. ==
Talion felt Ensign Mala return to Ten Forward before he actually saw or heard her. This was not because of him being sensitive to her abilities, but rather because she was in such a strong emotional state. He had turned his head and stood to meet her before she ever said a word. He had a notorious soft spot for a damsel in distress and instinctively felt protective, moving her to a discrete corner and doing his best to shield her from view of the others as he handed her a handkerchief and said softly, "Of course. What's this about? Are you alright?"

He dabbed at a tear with one hand while using his other to take one of her hands and guide it up to the handkerchief. A quick glance around and he decided that it was best to get her some relative privacy for whatever this was about. They had already drawn enough attention earlier and the place was starting to get busy. Escorting her in a gentlemanly manner, he did his best to minimize her embarrassment and they exited to the corridor. He was still trying to figure out where his office was, so that wouldn't do. Her quarters idea where that was and it might not look appropriate for him to take her there. He decided they should get into the turbolift and perhaps his quarters were best, unless she told him they should go elsewhere. At least at his quarters, they would not be alone exactly, though he didn't know if a 6 year old qualified as being a chaperone, though there was Thor.

As they stepped into the turbolift, he selected Deck 6 and said, "Now, what's this all about?"

== Moving to Other Locations ==
Jez wasn’t sure what to do, her trust in men was shattered, but Commander Talion was no man, he was a gentleman, a kind considerate man. She practically melted when Commander Talion said, "Of course. What's this about? Are you alright?"

He dabbed her tears, his touch was gentle and considerate. Jez’s feelings were tumbling all over the place from rage and hatred for Renkarn to relief and safety because she was in the presence of a thoughtful considerant man like Commander Talion. 

Jez wanted to punch and lash out at  Renkarn Ukinix , but she was denied that pleasure as that would cause a scandal among Betazed’s Houses; not to mention that revenge served no purpose, it often created more problems that it solved.

“No….No… Commander I’m not alright. …I…I.. Am…ff..ffarr from alright. “ Sobbed Jez.

Jez’s thoughts were of her being court-martialed, of being an outcast from her family, her career gone before it began. Jez was angry with herself for allowing this to happen, for allowing herself to fall for Renkarn’s duplicity of his deviousness, she was a Star Fleet Security Officer after all she should have seen through his act.

How could I have been so foolish, so stupid, so trusting…????

Jez followed along with Commander Talion, they were leaving Ten Forward, as they stepped into the turbolift, he selected Deck 6 and said, "Now, what's this all about?"

Jez didn’t respond at first, she took a few deep breaths in an attempt to calm herself and focus. She wasn’t sure where to even begin, after all how does one even begin to say to a superior officer that one made a life altering mistake.

Gee…. Commander Talion I’m not a Trained Star Fleet Security Officer, I’m a stupid naive child, I was seduced by an arrogant selfish narcissist. Thought Jez.

Jez sniffed a bit trying to unclog her nose, it wasn’t lady like but she wasn’t feeling much like a lady at this time.  Jez tried to organize her thoughts so she could explain to Commander Talion what happened so it would make sense.

“ I made a horrible mistake.  I got myself into trouble.” Sobbed Jez. “Are you familiar with The Ninth House, the House of Wealth, The House of Ukinix. “Said Jez, as she wasn’t sure how well Talion kept up with the Political and Social agenda of Betazed.

“Www...where are we going?” Said Jez.

== Tag Talion.==
After Commander Velaul moved on Shione took some time to ponder what she was going to have to do with her rebellious Ensign. She simply could not have a security officer who was so free and almost reckless in the usage of her Telepathic talent.

Wondering if it was a failing of the Academy or simply the bad influence of her fellow Security officers; both of whom were quite cavalier in the usage of said talent.

Rising with a sigh she realized that she did still have someone or someone’s to speak with so as she headed across the lounge to speak with Lt Xenara, she paused to nod in greeting to Lieutenant Thorn, and then addressed her table companion.

"Apologies for the interruption Lieutenant I will want to borrow you companion for a short while. Ensign Gath; I am going to ask Lieutenant Xardeen a provocative question; I would like to hear your analysis of her reactions and then join us to discuss."

Without further words Shione stepped up to Xardeen's table, and addressed the Tactical officer directly

"Lieutenant Commander Shione Kurasa, Lieutenant Xardeen, before I sit, I want you to tell me if you were aware that your telepathic conversation with Ensign Mala on the bridge and in the presence of the Commanding Officer was in fact a somewhat serious breach of Star Fleet regulations?"

Shione then smiled and sat; awaiting Xenara's response before continuing the conversation.

==Sorry for the delay==

Xenara was so engrosed in her reading that she didn't notice the two officers approach until one of them spoke. She looked up and saw Commander Shione and a Klingon security officer and blinked as she took a gulp of her drink.

"Lieutenant Commander Shione Kurasa, Lieutenant Xardeen, before I sit, I want you to tell me if you were aware that your telepathic conversation with Ensign Mala on the bridge and in the presence of the Commanding Officer was in fact a somewhat serious breach of Star Fleet regulations?"

Haven't even started my first shift yet, and already in trouble? Or is this just a simple inquiry?

The truth was, Xenara hadn't even considered regulations since the only one she could truly communicate with was Sothrick, but now, apparently Ensign Mala. But Jez wasn't as powerful as Sothrick, though she could still hear Xenara if she decided to communicate that way, but the Elaysian wouldn't be able to hear Mala; not without training. Unless of course Sothrick was acting as a bridge.

"Usuallly a greeting is preempted by the word 'hello' or its equivalent," she said, obviously joking, as she put down the PADD she was reading, but the standing woman was Vulcan and Vulcans were not easily amused. If ever.

"But to answer your question, no. Though I suppose I should have acquainted myself with them since I have only recently begun to experience telepathy. Even though the message was one way since I can't hear her, well, not natively anyway, is that still considered a breech?"

I wonder if she should know about my connection with Commander Sothrick...

It was an honest question, since Xenara had no idea what the rules and regulations were for telepathy. She never needed them before as she had never experienced it. But since she had been away from her new brother, she had been unable to communicate that way, even with Mala. Xenara found telepathy quite intoxicating and had been missing it with each passing minute. And to not be able to use it, well, she wondered how some Betazoids could live without it.

"My manners," she said, "Please, Sir, have a seat," she said as she stood, rather awkardly because of her nano-exoskeleton, which was only visible between the hem of her uniform skirt and the top of her boots and of course, the back of her hands. "Looking up for extended periods isn't exactly reccomended for my condition."

No "don't understand the gravity of your situation" joke? Or is that still coming?

==Tag Shione==
==No worries RL comes first==

Shione listened with interest to the young Elaysian's response and with a nod, accepted the invitation to sit, listening silently to the remainder of what she had to say.
The Lieutenant did appear nervous, but then Shione was used to being an intimidating presence; and in truth she depended upon that in many situations, although it would appear that this might not have needed to be one of those times.
The reply to the question involved an invitation to sit, which the Security officer accepted with a gracious nod, continuing to listen to the reply to her own question. When it came; it proved to be a thoughtful, and in the Security officer's opinion , a wholly honest one.
Xenara asked: "But to answer your question, no. Though I suppose I should have acquainted myself with them since I have only recently begun to experience telepathy. Even though the message was one way since I can't hear her, well, not natively anyway, is that still considered a breech?"
And it contained a question of her own in return, which was in truth a cogent one.
She gave the woman; whom Shione knew to be a friend of her 'sister', a warm smile and answered; "Truthfully no, I do not believe it would, however as senior officers you and I know that encouraging, or condoning inappropriate behavior could be interpreted as such should it happen again."
Pausing to give the Elaysian a chance to take in what was said she then added, "We are going to be joined by a young officer of mine whom I asked to observe your reply. But I want you to know that this is not an interrogation, simply a conversation, and for my officer's benefit a small training exercise to see if he can assess an unfamiliar officer of what could be; for him an unfamiliar race's reaction and reply. But before he joins us, please know that I am aware that you are a friend of my sister and she would kick my ass should I disrespect you."
As she waited Shione contemplated what she had learned from the replies offered by Ensign Mala, which Xenara was not privy to however opted to wait.
Do I bring up Tourock's part in this now or wait? And again, she decided to wait til she had an opportunity to get to know the woman.
==Tag Gath==
== NPC Lt(JG) Gath ==

As Thorn and Gath were getting to know each other, Gath said to her politely, "Please excuse me."

Thorn had noticed LCdr Kurasa approaching, but wasn't aware that Gath had picked up on it. It turned out that he had even anticipated her specifically approaching them, standing and giving his uniform a tug before turning to meet her gaze, "Commander..."

He listened to what she had to say and then replied, "Of course, Commander."

Turning to Thorn, "It has been a pleasure. Until next time, Lieutenant."

Kalli raised her glass to him and gave a silent but cordial nod in reply.

Gath then fell in step with his Department Head, looking like a very polite body guard, keeping a couple of steps behind her. They were the same height and looked quite the pair as they made their way to Xardeen's table. As Kurasa spoke to the officer, Gath stood at parade rest and observed them without saying a word.

== Tag Kurasa and Xardeen ==
Xenara listened to the Commander's answer, and was half-surprised that the woman genuinely smiled. But remembered that Shione looked exactly like S'hiarra, so didn't think much of it. 

She certainly looks like Sothrick's wife, but are they twins or...something else...

"Truthfully no, I do not believe it would, however as senior officers you and I know that encouraging, or condoning inappropriate behavior could be interpreted as such should it happen again."

Xenara nodded. The Elaysian missed the tell-tale head-ridges, but retained the grey skin and high forehead, so to some people, her nodding might seem a bit comical. But she really did understand how it could become a problem in the future. Especially to those sensitive to telepathy. "Understood, Sir," she said. "I'll strive to be more vigilant around others. I apologize for the headache that seemingly innocent exchange seems to have caused. But I understand the potential implications."

She didn't mean to sound like a Vulcan, but she did spend a lot of time around Sothrick and his demeanor and speech seemed to have rubbed off on her. Not necessarily a bad thing, since she was always...professional when meeting new people. With most, it took her a while before she showed her true self, as she liked to push boundaries to see how much she could get away with. But with Vulcans, and Vulcan hybrids, she tended to be just professional since they rarely had any measurable sense of humor. 

Or tolerance for hijinx...

Pausing to give the Elaysian a chance to take in what was said the Commander then added, "We are going to be joined by a young officer of mine whom I asked to observe your reply. But I want you to know that this is not an interrogation, simply a conversation, and for my officer's benefit a small training exercise to see if he can assess an unfamiliar officer of what could be; for him an unfamiliar race's reaction and reply. But before he joins us, please know that I am aware that you are a friend of my sister and she would kick my ass should I disrespect you."

Xenara blinked again, and couldn't help but wonder if the exercise was merely some sort of a ruse; to what end she could only guess, but at the same time, it was an interesting experiment.

She made a face that let them know it was indeed an interesting idea. After all, how many Elaysians were in Starfleet?

"In my experience with Vulcans," she said. "There's rarely such a thing as a simple conversation. But I'm game if it will help. And your sister would kick my ass if I disrespected you, just to even the playing field I think the saying goes."


==tag Kurasa and Thorn==
== NPC Lt(JG) Gath ==

With just the smallest of glances from Kurasa, Gath took the hint and once the Elaysian Chief Tactical Officer had seemingly acknowledged his presence, He then approached and took a seat as he simply said, "Lieutenant Xardeen, I am Lieutenant Junior Grade Gath."

his voice was smooth and polite, his manners well practiced and once he took his seat, he remained quiet and practically sat at attention. Where most Klingons tended to announce themselves, his mannerisms were much more subdued. His deep voice almost had a soothing quality to it, but his face remained expressionless and unreadable.

== Oops, had Talion signed was bound to happen sooner or ==
==AHA! Oh nevermind I've done that too. lol==

The Klingon finally introduced himself and took a seat. It was nice to meet a polite Klingon, then again, he was a Starfleet officer. 

"Well, met, Mister Gath," Xenara said. "Relax, Lieutenant, I don't bite. Not on the first date, anyway." She ever so quickly flashed awry grin. 

While the Klingon was still a half a rank beneath her she couldn't help herself. While she exercised restraint with Vulcans, Klingons, however, were fair game. She always assumed Klingons had a sense of humor from stories she'd heard and read.

"I assume from Commander Shione's description of her proposed exercise, you're something of a..." she let the sentence hang as she tried to think of the proper term, "profiler?" 

==Wanted to get this out while my muse was on the clock==

==oh and tag shione and e-"Gath" (I could not stop myself...)==
== NPC Lt(JG) Gath ==

When Xardeen mentioned that she didn't bite, at least not on the first date, Gath's eyebrow gave a tiny twitch as did one corner of his mouth. She then speculated about profiling.

His hands had been on his lap, but he now placed the folded on the table as he appeared a little more relaxed and engaged, "As a Security Officer, I'm trained to be observant. People often broadcast their true intentions in battle and even in simple conversations, if you know what to look for. I'm a student of many cultures and I've found that they're not as different as most people think. As a result, the nonverbal communication they unconsciously tend to exhibit is also similar. You were uncomfortable when we approached, but my introduction to the conversation seems to intrigue and perhaps even entertain you. You hide it well enough, but your slight increase in pulse rate is interesting, though I profess no expertise in Elaysians and would never presume to know what it is that might get your pulse to quicken...Lieutenant. "

== Tag Kurasa and Xardeen ==
There were only two people in the room that really knew who Beno was on the ship, other than Carley who came with her. In order to know how to advance into the future, Beno needed to know what she was working with. Unfortunately with her rank it would be unlikely to get an response she was looking for, bu5 she did manage to stoke the fire a little. The one person she wanted to put some pressure on was Kurasa. The young Ensign that walked out returned and it was a good chance for her to watch what happens next. There were several qualities that she was looking for, by planting the idea of a meeting later, it would show where her mind goes first, meanwhile it's just a future meet and greet one on one. While reading the files, Beno was reading in an out of the way area while she was observing.

==NPC Lt(Jg) Carley Young ==

Carley was equally nervous as anyone else who was going through a change like this, she was a Science Officer who has seen many changes in the department. There were two really good department heads, and the same amount that could have been better. Her blonde hair was tied back and tight so it heilighted her blue eyes, her Science uniform went with her eyes. There were people she wanted to talk too, and one wasn't too far away. The large Klingon man she was with was large by her standards, and there was no possible way he would go un noticed by anyone.

"Hello." She said to the large Klingon first and then to Xenara. "I am Carley Young don't let the Science uniform fool you, we are not all dull." The joke was to release some tension she just caused. "Just a quick question before I leave you two alone, have either of you been to one of these before?" It was only meant as a quick in and out again conversation, but she didn't know how it would be received by them.

==Tag you two( or three lol)==
Shione was impressed by Xenara's comeback and replied slyly, "Yes my sister would likely have a similar response, but since she is retired, she worries less about such things, and enjoys the good life on Betazed."

As expected, Gath joined them and Shione sat back and both watched AND listened to their exchange and she wasn't disappointed as they discussed their opinions and just as Shione was about to speak, the conversation and the privacy at the table was interrupted by a young Science officer. Shione recognized her from her study of the roster. Talented, capable of thinking on her feet but apparently incapable of showing proper manners.
She greeted and named both Xenara and Gath and spoke only to them. Rather than immediately stand Shione looked around but did not see anyone watching, but knew how little THAT meant

Standing up she took a step towering over the young JG, her tone completely devoid of emotion and her eyes betrayed only confusion as she spoke;
"Excuse me Lieutenant Junior Grade Carley Young. Perhaps the senior officers on the Charon do not stress courtesy and protocol, but I can assure you that interrupting a private conversation and then deliberately addressing only two of three people at the table suggests to me that either your training was devoid of focus on protocol and courtesy; or that you were sent here as some kind of juvenile game."

Shione paused for only a breath but her gaze travelled down and the back up to the young woman's face, clearly taking her measure;

"You will apologize for your lack of manners and withdraw. And you may be certain that I will pass on the details of this encounter to your department head who I can assure you does stress proper protocols."

And without another word she returned to her seat and offered a smile to Xenara and Gath. "Now where were we before we were so rudely interrupted?"

== NPC Lt(JG) Gath ==

Gath turned to Kurasa and very calmly said, "Commander, if I may be so stressed protocols, yet then berated the lady on professional protocols. I must apologize if this is an uncomfortable truth, but I am duty bound to point out that I think your evaluation of the situation is in error. She did behave as you stated, however, Ten Forward is considered a sacred zone where rank is supposed to not be a factor. Many crew, especially Enlisted seek refuge here, knowing that rank is not supposed to be an issue. Thus, if any protocols were violated, they might be of a social nature, but there were certainly no professional ones that I found in violation. I also point out that my mention of this is not intended to offend socially, but from a professional perspective, it is my place to try and assist my Superior officers in any way that I can, even if this might earn me their temporary displeasure in the heat of the moment. As with all things, Commander, I may not always say what you want to hear, but I assure you that I will always say to you what I honestly judge to be what you need to hear."

He then turned and asked, as if nothing had gone wrong at all, "I for one, am interested in some refreshment. Can I interest any of you in anything? This is a social gathering and it just seems more appropriate with beverages and perhaps some snacks."

Gath waited to see how everyone reacted.

== Tags to Kurasa, Young, Xardeen and whoever else might wish to join in on this interesting moment. ==
Xenara grinned and relaxed a bit as she leaned back in her chair.

She certainly acts like S'hiarra...I like her... I must remind myself to never piss her off. Gath seems to be approchable too...

The Elaysian listened to Gath's explanation and that made her grin even wider. "Discovery is half the fun, Lieutenant." She teased as she crossed her legs. She had to admit, she had been enjoying herself after the initial worry wore off. She hadn't done anything, but when the Chief of Security knocks, it's usually wise to open the door.

And it was only then she realized that she was practically flirting in front of the Security Chief and Second Officer, and realized the woman was about to speak when a young science officer introduced herself, much to the annoyance of Commander Kurasa, which Gath again, offered his assessment. 

My he's chatty. But he did offer drinks and snacks...

"I wouldn't refuse that offer, Lieutenant," Xenara said.

But, at the risk of poisoning our newly found friendship," she added, as she turned to Shione, "I'm afraid I must agree with the Lieutenant. A tad harsh towards the young lady, but I also see merit in your point of view. As to your question, Lieutenant Carley, no, nothing so...grand anyway. Word of advice, it's never wise to anger a lion, er, lioness in this case, especially when it's accompanied by its pack." She teased. But it was only a partial joke. 

Xenara remembered when she was still green and eager to impress and intimidated by just about everyone, but given enough time, even the most timid would become comfortable and sometimes complacent. Hopefully people would not see Xenara as the latter as she hadn't gotten that comfortable yet.

==Tag Shione, Kalli, and Beno Why do I want to write GaRth all the time...==
Julia walked quietly with Surik and both animals next to her. Troy seen an empty table in a corner for them to sit and get something to drink. She had noticed a couple others that were from the ship that she was on.

Troy didn't make her presence known when she came in. Julia ordered a triple chocolate mocha frappachino along with Surik's drink and a bowl of water for Spike and Dot. She just sat observing everyone in the room to see what they were about.

She doesn't know if anyone is going to approach her while she waited for the ceremony to begin.
== NPC Lt(JG) Gath ==

Seeing someone walk in with animals, Gath watched with confusion on his face before finally commenting out loud, "Although I'm certain that regulations prohibit animals in a dining area, I am interested that someone brought their own food to cook instead of having replicated food. I might be interested in trying a bite of one of those, depending on how she prepares them."

== Tag to all...and WTF are animals doing in Ten Forward? ==
==NPC Carley Young ==

As the Commander addressed her, it was unlike anything she had experienced before. Naturally she was right, but still Carleys eyes gave away a certain level of discomfort to an all out nervous breakdown. She was about to speak when Gath spoke before her, he also had wisdom. She had to calm down a little before speaking.

"Thank you for that." She said addressing Gath. *I shouldn't be afraid of addressing supioor Officers here, and I allowed myself to do it here. In social convention I was being rude while working through a little anxiety about approaching new people, not that I am attempting to excuse or justify my actions. I am sorry that I came across as being rude, even though it wasn't my intent." She was about to leave as instructed by the supioor Officer when Julia arrived.

"I am sure you are right about animals in a dining area, same rules apply in a civilian setting. However that's Julia Troy Ships Counselor, and they are Therapy animals. Under the section of service animals they are able to enter dining areas. I am not one hundred percent certain that it applies on a Military vessel, but I wanted to give some understanding of her before she is judged like me." Taking a half step back, there was one last person to address.

"You are also correct about the Lions, Female lions being the hunter while the males being the protectors for the pack. Welcome to the Pack, I will take my leave now." Heading towards the Bar Carley left as instructed.


Seeing Julia come in with Spike and Dot, she felt the need to go and speak to her. Going to her table Beno had a smile . It wasn't exactly a long time since they spoke, but it was always nice. "Julia I am happy to see you here, I would also say the same about Spike and Dot under normal circumstances. I am just concerned that with everyone that's going to be here, I think that they might be more comfortable in their quarters." Beno was concerned more about Dot than Spike, Cats have a habit of hiding and attacking people when scared. 

"If you would do me a personal favor and bring them back to Quarters before the Ceremony, I would appreciate that and I am sure they would too." It was by no means an order, but hopefully they do eventually go to her Quarters.

== NPC Lt(JG) Gath ==

Gath observed the person with the animals and mumbled to himself, I don't see anything that looks like someone being treated for any form of therapy, unless it is treatment for the Counselor. Most confusing. I've witnessed treatment with animals, but it was in an individual setting or privately. Perhaps I simply don't understand the type of therapy we're discussing."

At the mention of lions, Gath commented, "Walk with wolves. Run with lions. Soar with eagles." He paused only a second before adding, "Males are known as protectors, but there is none so fearsome as a mother protecting her young."

Gath then used the interactive menu to request some food be brought over and ordered a drink. He requested a wait staff be dispatched to their table to inquire privately about beverage requests.

When his beverage arrived, it was actually a duplicate of the herbal tea he had earlier.

== tags to those within range. ==
Xenara smiled. It was true that mothers, especially when threatened, could be the most feared creatures in the universe. If anything happened to her cat, Murphy, there wasn't much she'd be able to do without a phaser, but the feeling was the same; Murphy was her baby and she'd do anything to protect him. But Lieutenant Carley hardly seemed threatening.

She nodded. "True. But I wouldn't have assessed Lieutenant Carley as a threat." The Elaysian thought for a moment. "I might have offered the wrong advice. But your boss seemed to justify it."

Then addressed Commander Shione. "I was attempting to flirt with your aide," she teased. "But then he isn't much of a flirt himself is he?"

She waited for the Klingon's response when Carley mentioned the animals that came in with apparently the ship's counselor. She had heard of animals being theraputic, and she could classify Murphy as such, as he had helped her cope with a lot of things. But when Gath mentioned eating one of them...

"Mister Gath," she said, "shame on you for suggesting such a thing!" Of course, she was only half teasing.

==Tag Shione and Thorn again lol==
== NPC Lt(JG) Gath ==

As Xenara continued to speak, a devilish grin slid onto Gath as he sipped his herbal tea, taking time to savor both the tea and the moment. Then, in a softer tone that made one want to listen all that much harder, he said to her, "I have learned it is unwise for any man to presume the intentions of a woman, especially when first meeting them. However, Lady Xardeen, make no mistake. Of all the things in life that might quicken one's blood, none compare to the anticipation of engaging the depths of both thoughts and emotions that dwell within another living being. Where others fear to tread, some find great exhilaration in the exploration of uncharted waters. The universe is filled with all manner of things, but it is only within the depths of the soul of another that you may find the greatest of treasure, or find reason to mark on your map, here there be monsters." His grin turned into a playful smile and a sparkle appeared in his eye as he then finished, "I have indeed been known to flirt...on occasion."

As an afterthought, he commented, "As for the creatures, who knows. Anything can be tasty if you add the right spices."

== could Gath not accept a clear invitation to the ==
"Yes commander I'll be back real quick before the ceremony starts."

Troy had made it to and back from her quarters to put Spike and Dot safely there on the recommendation of the commander before the ceremony even started. Julia could understand what she said before she sensed what one of the crew members was feeling about them. She could tell that it is to keep them safe from any harm from anyone.

Julia needs to explain to some that the two animals also help with patients to open up when others couldn't. Troy just didn't want any attention drawn to Surik, both animals and her when they entered.

She spoke to the commander after coming back in.

"They are safely back in my quarters commander."

Talion eventually returned to Ten Forward. This time he was alone and he paused at the door, cautiously scanning the room with his eyes before deciding on a course of action. With this many people, it was quickly turning from a social moment to a tactical exercise in diplomacy. That was when he caught sight of Thorn.

Unceremoniously taking a seat, he greeted her as if they had never parted ways, "I should have guessed you would be over here, trying to hide in plain sight. How have you been?"

Thorn gave him a playful mock punch in the arm, "I thought you had ridden off into the sunset. What are you doing on this ship?"

He shrugged, "Well, I could raise my daughter her entire life only surrounded by synthetics. That just didn't feel right. She needs to experience organics in their natural environment."

Thorn's eyes went wide, "Daughter! So then the stories are true. Who? I mean..."

Alex held up a hand, "Kristina, but it's a long story. Reyna is six, going on sixteen, or so it feels. I wonder if I was like that as a kid. How about you? Last I knew, you were dating that huge Mirak."

Kalli suddenly looked a bit sad and answered, "Well, first I broke his heart, thinking I was doing the right thing. Then, not long ago, I got word that he died in an accident, trying to save people. Love is just not in the cards for me, Alex."

He placed his big hand on her small shoulder and tried to soften the blow, "Hey, I'm sorry about that. Of all people, I know how that hurts when you lose them. When that happened to me, with Krinstina, I didn't even have interest in my work anymore. Give yourself time though."

Kalli nodded and pulled out an isolinear chip from a pocket and held it out to him. "I saw you on the Bridge earlier and prepared this for you." He took it and looked at is suspiciously as she explained, "It is a log of my field testing of your drone systems. In short, I have been developing a program to use with them that I originally adapted from a targeting subroutine for ship's weapons systems."

He nodded understanding, "They're designed to swift target acquisition and rapid identification with subsequent analysis."

She nodded in return, "Exactly, which is where I started and then have been expanding on the database while integrating behavioral strata within the matrix for interaction and situational application. My primary goal right now is to use if for Damage Control assessment during combat as well as possible search and rescue assistance for crew without endangering them in crisis situations. I've been working on since before you left and I have even logged one official mission application of it in operation, using stealth as well as various situations involving scanning of organic and inorganic targets. It went very well. The only snag turned out to be the limits of my database uploads to the program, which was very easily remedied. I think it has great potential."

Alex was impressed. He put the chip into his pocket, "I look forward to reading this. I'm eager to see how your program has developed." He frowned, "You're not going"

She shook her head, "No, the program is designed for interaction, but is not being programmed for sentience. It IS adaptive, but I've not altered the matrix of it from the original Star Fleet framework."

He nodded approval, "Good, that should keep you safe from it wandering into dangerous territory. You have to be very careful not to let people get confused about the nature of the program. It's alright for them to not know it isn't organic on first sight, but the program needs to know and be able to make clear about its status." He rolled his eyes, "I have lost track of how many times people insisted I set Cindy free and so on. Some people just don't understand, so please take care not to blur that line too much."

She cringed and confessed, "There is one point that I don't tell people about, but I feel you can appreciate. It wanted to have a name, so I let it pick one. It had already scanned the room and I had a book in view that I had been reading."

Alex's expression showed he was bracing himself for something that deserved this big of a lead, "Oh no."

She nodded, "It thought I respected the person, which I did, but not in how it calculated. It saw the quote in the subtitle."

"A quote? Oh this is not going to be good."

She nodded and looked down, trying not to laugh, "I am become death, destroyer of worlds."

Alex couldn't help himself, he laughed out loud. It was a genuine belly laugh. He quickly managed to get himself under control, but it had been let out. Kalli joined him, both of them getting a good laugh out of it.

In between laughs, she managed to add, "Obviously, I couldn't let that be the program designation, but I had let it choose. So, the official designation is DDOW and is known as DeeDee for short."

"Oh, that's a creative recovery! Oh my goodness, that's one that even Reyna will appreciate hearing about."

Kalli regained her composure a bit and continued, "The data is all solid. The design and my program are proof of concept that expands upon the original specifications exactly as intended. They do function with default programs, as well as being able to integrate standard EMH programs for field deployment and so on. I anticipate the use of repair programs into automated drones, especially on a ship of this size, but I will need to approach the Command Staff in a formal manner to see how they feel about such things. I currently have only been using the very small version, so I can carry it into field situations prior to deployment. The potential is very strong though."

Alex was quite impressed. He had worked with Thorn in the past and her grasp of ship systems and how to use conventional materials in unconventional ways never ceased to impress him. She reminded him of his own mechanical creative genius that turned to research and development of his prosthetics and medical equipment that were now commonly used in many environments, across countless colonies. She had practically become like a little sister to him and he was good with that.
Captain Brooks entered Ten Forward with PADD in hand, it was a couple of minutes before the change of command ceremony.

Dan had a short conversation via comms with the Commander Mezree Prihl, before he beamed over and arranged to meet her here rather than the Bridge. He wanted to have his own experience of walking onto the Aquila's Bridge.

Upon his arrival he saw a few faces he knew including Commander Velaul and Lieutenant Troy. There was another face he seemed to recognize to dressed in a Security uniform.

He secretly wanted a strong alcoholic drink to calm his nerves, it was daft in his mind to be so nervous but this was a big vessel and two crews being merged. It was a big task to merge two crew but it could be done. Dan also was hoping to help add to the Aquila's rich history of previous Captains.


==Tag GM Braggins==
Shione listened quietly to the opinions of her table mates as well as the somewhat nervous reply of the young Science Officer, and contemplated the highly unlikely coincidence that it was her table that was selected for Carley's interjection.

It all 'seemed' too contrived and very few officer of JG rank or higher would have reached the rank without being able to be comfortable around senior officers, so her 'gut' as other Security officer's described intuition, suggested to her that the scenario was planned to test her response.

Before she turned back to address Carley, she murmured quietly for Xenara and Gath's benefit "I believe this was a contrived situation, likely to test my reaction, and it was a clumsy one." The momentary look she gave them both was 'Full on' Security Chief.

But turning to look at Carly her expression was warmer and she kept her voice low enough for only the three of them to overhear,
"I apologize for the harshness of my words, as it appears that I have upset you, and I am sorry for that.

However; having reached the rank of Lieutenant I think it likely that you would have a clear enough understanding of protocols when dealing with Senior Officers, so; I believe that someone may have 'suggested' that you do, as you did, so that they could observe my reactions. And having studied the crew roster, especially the Senior ranks I have a pretty good idea who that likely was, but..."

She paused to look each of the three in the eye before finishing her thought. "As to the motivation that is irrelevant for now, but until I have had the opportunity to speak with this Officer, I consider this topic to be closed, and if needed I WILL make that a direct order. understood?"

Her tone was firm and largely devoid of emotion, but once she was sure she had made her point she returned her gaze to Carly, her voice regaining warmth; "Why don't you join us, I believe you will have a good seat for the festivities that are about to take place?"

Shione sat quietly, engaging in the conversations sparsely, until she glimpsed the arrival of the CO, and spoke up. "It looks as if things are about to get started. Xenara; if you would like to accompany me to meet the Captain, I see he has joined us?"

She stood and waited for a moment to see if Xenara would accompany her.

==Tag Carly Gath and Xenara==
== NPC Lt(JG) Gath ==

As Gath heard his new boss speculating about what may or may not have just happened and why, he became very quiet. A trained observer would have detected that instead of his pulse speeding up, it actually became more calm. His breathing was slow and measured. He was evaluating the possibilities and didn't like the idea that what Kurasa was saying might be true.

Looking at them, he said in a barely audible tone, "A Star Fleet officer that would use deception simply to evaluate officers they have not even met?" A soft low growl escaped him, but for only a second. He suddenly wanted to know more about who and why, but if it was true, it didn't set a good tone for what would follow.
The burbling din of conversation drowned out the gentle hiss of the doors opening. The sound hit Niels like a punch in the jaw. He wasn't bothered by the volume. It was the number of simultaneous conversations that had wrenched his upper back and neck muscles into tight knots. His face remained stoic, with only the slightest twitch of his left eye betraying the stress he felt. He took a deep breath to calm his nerves. He ran a hand through his dark chestnut hair attempting to bring some semblance of order to the wavy locks. He straightened his clean, pressed uniform jacket. He stepped into the fray.

Compared to the Charon, the Aquila was a behemoth, having forty-two decks to the former’s seventeen. Niels had already done some reading up on the new ship and was well aware of the size difference. He also knew about its dual warp cores and ablative armor, features the Charon did not have. He had studied the design specifications. He had even pored over the justifications for using the Yori-Moto systems over their Daystrom equivalents. Everything made sense on paper. He had felt prepared. 

Yet, when Niels finally stepped aboard the ship he was struck by all the differences. At first, it was the little things. The slightly longer time spent in the turbolift to get to his new quarters. The deeper engine hum due to the larger ship’s lower resonant frequencies. Then, other implications started to set in. A larger ship meant more systems to maintain with more complex interactions between them. It also meant more people. The crew complement on the Aquila was almost two and a half times that of the Charon’s. That significantly increased his chances of having to attend functions like this one. 

Glancing around the room, Niels spotted a relatively unoccupied area near a wall. It was an out of the way place where he could observe his surroundings. More importantly, it was a place where he could gather his thoughts before the inevitable chaos of social interaction came for him. He would have rather been in Main Engineering than Ten Forward, but his presence was required.

The command transfer ceremony was more of a tradition than an administrative necessity in Niels' eyes. That’s not to say he wasn’t happy for Captain Brooks. The man was a competent leader and well deserving of the recognition. It was just difficult for Niels to sit still and be idle. He knew that there was a lot of work he needed to do. Larger ships were more complex than their smaller counterparts. It would take some time for him to reach the same level of familiarity with the Aquila that he had with the Charon. But, he wasn't going to be making any progress in Ten Forward.

Niels tried to blend in with the background the best his tall, lanky frame would allow. With his back to the wall, he was in a good position to get a feel for the room. There were a few familiar faces, but most of the attendees he had never met. The thought of making numerous introductions sent a shiver through his body. As the captain had already arrived, the ceremony was sure to start soon. With any luck, it would be a short affair and he'd be able to sneak out and get back to work without having to talk to anyone.
Watching Julia return to the table, Beno was happy to see her again. Spike and Dot wouldn't be happy there with them,and they had the potential to get very spooked. They really need to be kept safe, they have a purpose on the ship and are valued. "Julia I have only served with one other person longer on the ship, let's keep it casual."

She took a second to observe the Captain coming into the room and smiled. "I would like to have the opportunity to get to know you better, like what you hope to achieve here in the Fleet?" Julia had come a long way since she was an Midshipman, now as a Lieutenant she had more confidence. On the next Away Mission Beno wanted her on the team again, she was great on the last one. 

"I still want to do that dinner with you, hopefully before we are sent somewhere. Spike and Dot will be invited naturally, I will have something ready for them both. As far as I am concerned they are part of the family." Beno was actually changing her mind about pets, she just needed more experience with them.

==NPC Carley Young ==

The conversation took an unexpected turn that put Carley at ease, it was also good to know where you stand with people. There were not that many strait shooting people out there, the kind that hates rude people but won't be rude back disallowing double standards. Carley had more respect for her now than going in, the only thing that would keep her wondering. The new Chief of Science, she doesn't really know him, but he had to be better than  the last. "Understood." Carley said knowing that the subject was officially closed, and she didn't want to disrupt the peace.

There was something to be said about a person who does their homework,  the remaining question was how much did it uncover? Did it go back to the Academy where they both met? The crew manifest might have changed before she started to read it. She wasn't sure about how good she was at connecting the dots, even when some are missing. 

When the Captain came in she knew it was going to start soon. "Captain Brooks is here, this should be good." Listening to what Gath had to say it made Carley want to comment, but didn't the mere hint of an order was good enough to her.

"Gath you said that your security training gave you a keen observation skills, how many people here would you say are not stressed out right now?" Carley was just shy of freaking out, it was a  change in home there were also new members of the crew. It was a bigger ship, a bigger maze. There was only one copping method Carley was going to use later, and it was going to be fun.

Lt Hoekstra heard a calm female voice come from almost within reach of him, "Breathe, Lieutenant. You look so nervous, I'm worried you might have a stroke. You should take a seat, like I did. It helps you to blend in more. They're all so busy that if you want to go without notice, you need to appear uninterested and simply blend into the surroundings. Blending in and becoming invisible is sort of one of my specialties."

There were a number of soft beeps and a subdued whistle from a device on her belt. Consulting her PADD, she cursed under her breath and said to the guy next to her, "Great, my subroutine found there's going to be a scheduled maintenance overlap that will be a spike in the system beyond manning."

The guy next to her was hunched over, nibbling some grapes and reading his own PADD, but said without emotion, "Were they two individual scheduling plans from dry dock?"

"Actually, yes."

The guy in the Science uniform nodded, "Yep, their shifts don't always talk and it isn't until about six months later that an analyst picks it up and will then force you to deal with it in the field. It happened to me once."

Kalli grumbled, "My programs aren't going to be ready and I only have field test units I brought with me. We'll be lucky to have a full crew by then, so don't even get me started on how many will be trained up by then. We are going to be seriously..."

The guy was still staring at his PADD, "Relax, I can fabricate anything you're going to need. Spin up your new chief and I can supply the programs and units. You'll be fine and none of the units will be sentient, I promise. It isn't me you'll need to worry about. You guys are more likely to have some homesick crewman trying to tinker with holograms in the holodecks so they are more like someone back home, that's the sort of stupid stuff that messes up programs these days. I can upgrade your defaults and I'll take an in-depth look at DeeDee and see how much that targeting subroutine you used improves my original designs on the units. You guys should be fine unless we get into combat within the first two weeks. Statistically possible, but not likely, so we'll be covered. Organics can cover the warp and main systems and unscheduled can be augmented by drones."

Kalli gave a sigh, "Well, I have no idea how ANYONE on this ship is going to feel about any of that. I'll see what I can come up with. I don't even know who anyone is on this ship yet, well...other than you, anyway."

The Science Officer got up and turned out to be as tall as Hoekstra and built like he belonged in Security, "Don't worry, Kalli. I've known you a while now and you've never failed yet. You got this. Make your your buddy there doesn't faint. It looks like this thing is going to kick off, so I better make it look good and pretend I'm paying attention."

It was only when the guy turned to leave that Hoekstra could tell he was a Commander. Kalli leaned her head on her hand and said, in an unconvinced tone, "Thanks, Alex. See you around."

He chuckled, "Hey, you need to come by and see the family. Try not to scare the new kids on the ship, okay."

Talion then stepped over toward the bar to make himself more visible. He knew that if it was going to be a dog and pony show, rank mattered, so he had to be prepared to play his part and been seen.

There were another couple of beeps, to which the diminutive female Engineer said to herself, "No, DeeDee, I got this one. I just hate trying to prepare briefings like this for Captains I've never even met yet. This was SO much easier when I was just a shy wrench turner, that's all. Bring up the manifest and find out who is even in the Command Staff of this floating city. If I'm going to put on the fearless face, I need to know who to talk to. Oh, and keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn't go into shock or anything. Medical should have a couple of people standing by for this, they always do. Ping them on my overlay, so I know where they are in the room."

There was a single beep.


== Tag Hoekstra ==

== Hi, Kalli Thorn...pleased to meet you...I'm shy... ==
== NPC Lt(JG) Gath ==

Young asked Gath a rather specific question, to which he gave a quick glance and reported, "About half of the people in here are relaxed and hoping the Change of Command will be over quickly, so they can get back to socializing. These are likely people who've been on more than one ship, but are in relatively low positions. A few are nervous, because this appears to be their first assignment and have no idea what their jobs will be like tomorrow or even how to find their duty stations yet. Some are nervous because of the high ranking people in the room and they find this intimidating. There are, as always, a few workaholics that are stressed, but it has nothing to do with this moment, but is likely work related or perhaps their own innate anxiety levels are just high from the change in environment. There is one young couple over in the corner that should probably take their developing relationship to one of their quarters, but they don't think anyone has noticed them yet. Other than that, I detect relatively few potential threats, though at least a couple people in here are armed."

He tilted his head and then asked her, "Does that answer your question to your satisfaction?"

== Tag Young ==
==Party on

Xenara grinned at Gath's answer as she leaned sideways towards the table, placed an elbow on it and grabbed a snack with her other hand, temporarily forgetting there were others present. "Well, I'm no stranger to adventure. The trick to monster hunting is two fold; distraction, then action." She said a tad too provacatively as she took a bite snack she snagged from his plate. 

Xenara listened to Shione's response to Lieutenant Carley, and the Elaysian regretted how she had phrased her assessment. It was not meant to be malicious, she was merely trying to put out a fire that the young woman inadvertantly started. While Xenara wasn't as much a profiler as Gath seemed to be, she could tell when something was amiss. And while she had no clues or context for Shione's...outburst, she could only fall back on her diplomatic skills.

I am out of practice. I just hope Commander Shione doesn't construe my critisism as dishonor. I just made friends with her...

"I believe this was a contrived situation, likely to test my reaction, and it was a clumsy one," Shione said to Xenara and Gath, which pulled her out of with the Klingon.

Perhaps, but it wasn't a very professional response. Especially for a Vulcan. What would your sister have said?

Xenara shrugged slightly, and kept quiet as she didn't want to poke the lioness. 

She listened intently as Garth answered Carley's question regaurding the other oficers in the room. It was an interesting assessment. But she had to blink when he mentioned there were armed officers in the room. "Armed? Here," she said.

After a brief conversation between Shione and Carley, and an invitation for the young lieutenant to join them, the Vulcan turned back to Xenara. "It looks as if things are about to get started. Xenara; if you would like to accompany me to meet the Captain, I see he has joined us?"

And I was just starting to enjoy myself...

"Gang up on the new Captain," Xenara asked. "You certainly know how to show a girl a good time," she teased as she got up. She had to use both the chair and the table to steady herself, which probably didn't look good in front of Gath but it couldn't be helped. If the Klingon, or anyone close by had good enough hearing, they could probably hear the servos in her nanoexoskeleton working. 

Probably just lost any chance I had with him. Damn gravity.

She straightend up as best she could, but she looked like a baby deer that was just learning how to walk as she moved. She looked toward the Captain, who seemed a bit lost.

"Let's get him!" She said in playful tone. 

==Tag Shione and Gath==
As Shione was waiting for Xenara to be ready; making certain that she did not stare; she overheard Gath speaking to Carley about the people in the Room. She had not yet spotted the First Officer, whom she suspected of being the one who put Carley up to the little stunt she pulled. 

She then heard Gath add "I detect relatively few potential threats, though at least a couple people in here are armed." And quietly she addressed the Duo. adding;
"You can count on that, at least every Security personnel here are; one way or another."

When Xenara was ready she accompanied her over to where the CO was standing and addressed him. "Good to see you Captain Brooks, I am Lieutenant Commander Shione Kurasa; your new Chief of Security, and my new friend here is Tactical Officer Lieutenant Xenara Xardeen; it is a pleasure to finally meet you Sir."

Looking around she spotted the First Officer speaking with the Medical officer who had brought in her service animals; an action she had no grievance with but there seemed to be no shortage of nay sayers who seemed to feel it was their prerogative to complain.

Addressing the Captain she added; "It is quite an honor Captain to land such a distinguished ship, I will be sure to pass on to my sister S'hiarra back on Betazed that there are now two family members that gave served with you, Sir."

==Tag Brooks, Xenara==
Xenara grabbed her PADD and tried to keep up with the Vulcan/Betazoid hybrid, but it was a bit difficult despite the short distance. What was a few steps for normal beings felt like a mile for the Elaysian. When she finally got upto Shione and the Captain, she had to stop and catch her breath. Luckily for her, Shione was the first to speak. That gave her time to straighten much as an Elaysian could anyway.

An honor? We'll see. 

"Greetings, Captain. I guess you can understand why I chose Tactical, Sir," she said after catching her breath. "Not much walking involved. But I also have diplomatic and administrative experience at your disposal." 

==Tag Shione and bossmang==
“Breathe, Lieutenant.”

The voice caught Niels off-guard and he whipped his head around to locate its source. At a nearby table, a young engineering lieutenant sat next to a science officer who appeared to be engrossed in some reading. The woman’s face looked familiar, but he couldn’t come up with her name. Given her apparent age, he figured that the recognition stemmed from them attending the Academy around the same time. She offered a few more words of advice.

“Um, thanks,” Niels replied in a hushed baritone.

Despite advice to the contrary, Niels remained standing, paralyzed as he analyzed the situation. He thought he hid his stress well, and yet the lieutenant had not only detected it, but called it out. Were his emotions on display more than he thought, or was she one of those people who were able to pick up on even the slightest social cues? Was she noticing the faintest sense of panic that was beginning to emerge from the depths of his brain?

Niels wasn’t sure why this event was having such an impact on him. It was reminiscent of the apprehension he had felt during his final days at the Academy, right before his first assignment. This ship was just another assignment, albeit a much bigger one with more responsibility than the one before.

Luckily, an alert from a device on the woman’s belt took attention off of Niels and pulled him out of his head. Taking advantage of the distraction, he breathed a quiet sigh of relief. His nervousness started to subside as he regained control. Standing there trying to calm his nerves, he caught bits and pieces of the conversation taking place at the table. Some of what he heard sounded intriguing, but Niels knew that he lacked the social skills to smoothly join a conversation in progress.

Eventually, the science officer rose from the table. The man was as tall as Niels, but made the engineer look like a twig in comparison. Niels instinctively took a step back, pressing against the wall to give the officer space to leave, despite it not being necessary. The two officers said their goodbyes and he finally caught both of their names. As the man turned to leave, Niels caught a glimpse of the pips on his collar.

Commander?! That’s gotta be one of the command staff then. Way to go, Niels, way to make a helluva first impression.

Niels closed his eyes and exhaled sharply. He kicked himself for not being able to remain composed under the pressure of what was basically a tame social engagement. The anger and embarrassment overrode any remaining nervousness. It seemed to be just what he needed though. Niels approached the table and sat down in the newly vacant chair, only catching the tail end of Kalli’s conversation with herself.

“Don’t worry,” Niels said softly, watching the Commander walk over to the bar, “I’m not going into shock anytime soon.”

Turning to face Kalli, Niels paused for a split second, gearing himself up for a social encounter. His whole demeanor shifted as he adopted a friendly and approachable persona, one that came from years of dealing with customers at Rosie’s. He hadn’t had to use this skill for some time, but slipped back into it naturally.

“I don’t believe we’ve officially met,” Niels said, “Lieutenant Niels Hoekstra. And you are?”

== Tag Kalli ==
Kalli looked slightly embarrassed as she replied, "Sorry, I guess I just have a bit of a protective streak in me. Some people actually pass out at these functions. I'm not very good at..." She waved her hand in a vague gesture, " things."

He introduced himself and she tried to put on her best friendly ice breaker face and countered, "Lieutenant Kalli Thorn." She set down her PADD, which had on display so much data that it looked like it was about to start a plasma fire soon. "When I was fresh out of the Academy, I didn't know what I was supposed to do, so I found things to do to improve things. I knew I would need to do certain duties, but instead of waiting, I simply did them. I didn't know how to be conventional, so I became very good at being unconventional." She glanced around and added, "I grew up working on ships since I was old enough to hand my dad tools. They weren't this big, but I just had to learn scale. There are differences, but they're essentially the same. A power system is the same, just longer strings of distribution."

Kalli blushed and looked down, "Sorry, I sometimes talk more when I'm nervous. I don't know what to do with an awkward silence."

== Tag Niels ==
Aanil had been on duty and Neils had said that he would head to the lounge and wait for her, but when a last-minute arrival in Sickbay delayed her, she was forced to hustle.

The room was very crowded, and being short was a disadvantage . She spotted the Captain speaking with a tall female Vulcan and an Elaysian, and decided not to interject. She could see that Troy had arrived and was without Spike and Dot, which, given the occasion did seem to be just about the only reason they wouldn't be with her. There were so many new faces, likely from Geronimo crew. Aanil knew that her new boss Commander Lim was likely here somewhere, but there were just so many people and then just as she was sure that Neils had chosen to stay she spotted him...talking to a redhead.

This was one of those times that Aanil wished she wasn't half Irish, as the O'Shea temper flared. She was the same height as Aanil and she had RED hair. and she could feel her temper flaring, 'Paws off lady'. she thought

Taking a moment to center herself the young Medical officer stepped up beside Neils and as was her habit linked her arm with his and standing close she then turned to face HER.

Kalli would hear a lilting accent in the tiny medical officer's voice, and other than the colour of their respective uniforms they could almost be twins, that was excepting for the bright green eyes, that almost seemed to be boring into the Engineer.

"And who might this lassie be Neils?", "She paused to look up at him, before returning her gaze. She knew he would hesitate, and not wanting to leave the Engineer waiting she turned back and offered a hand. "I be Medical Leftenant Aanil O'Shea, and who might I be havin the pleasure to be meetin?"

==Tag Neils and Kalli==
==NPC Carley Young ==

Listening to what he had to say, Carley was impressed by his observational skills. If Luna was there she would be impressed too, and probably wouldn't have noticed as much. "I believe that even Commander Sothrick would say." She attempted to make her voice like his. "Impressive indeed." Attemting that made her throat hurt a little, but it was funny.

"If there was a Workaholics Anonymous meeting not only would Beno chair the meeting, work would be on her mind while doing it. There are times I worry, more now than before." She took a glance over to her.

"I just hope the next Chief of Science is better than our last. I felt invisible at times." She watched Xenara and Kurasa approach the two Captains, one was the person Carley barely met and Brooks. *I wonder why I have an easier time at full out battle, than I am in things like this." Carley wondered if he would have a good answer.

== Perhaps it's the poor lighting in Ten Forward, but Kalli has dark brown hair. They are the same height though. Who knows, in the right light they might just be able to be mistaken for least until they speak or Kalli shows off her strength. She works out more than she needs to. ==

Kalli had barely managed to make her clumsy version of an introduction, when a redheaded Medical officer swooped in. It was quite evident that she was stating her claim on Lt Hoekstra, which Kalli found entertaining. She was careful to only smile and not say anything directly addressing it, as she did understand that on a ship, some were competitive over partners. Having no desire to try and explain that there was no interest in finding a new boyfriend, or sharing that her last was a 7 foot tall Mirak, there was no need for this display. However, given that a display had been made, the best course of action was not to deny an attempt was being made, but to grant the lady her victory.

Kalli took the offered hand and responded warmly, "Kalli Thorn. I'm relieved to see him in good hands. He looked as if he was ready to faint. I'm not much for crowds myself, so it's pretty easy to recognise someone who appears to have similar anxiety from time to time. We tend to hide on the fringes of gatherings like this."

With new people now starting to populate her table, Kalli touched a key on the top corner of her PADD that engaged "Silent Running" on DeeDee. The PADD was also actively streaming an incredible amount of data, so to remove the distraction, she tapped another key and it switched to a default menu instead. She would review the information later.

Taking a sip of her tranya, Kalli asked, "Would you care for anything to drink? With it getting so busy, I might be able to help you getting something faster than fighting for the replicator or waiting for the staff to make their way to you."

As if to demonstrate, Kalli tapped a couple of keys on her PADD again and a small bowl of mixed nuts appeared in front of her on the table. Kalli gave a devilish smile accompanied by a playful raising of an eyebrow and took a nut to pop into her mouth. "As I was telling Mister Hoekstra here, unconventional is sort of my thing."

== Tag Neils and Aanil ==
As she listened to the young officer speak, Aanil quickly realized that she had misjudged the dynamics of the moment. Neils was one of the truly good guys and back when Aanil had first met him, she had recently left, or rather escaped; as she finally had to admit to herself; a very controlling relationship.

It had taken Aanil a long time to get back to the person she had been before giving in to the need she had when she had been with that man. She never used his name anymore; not even in her thoughts; preferring to simply 'put it all behind her'. She listened to Kalli speak and allowed herself to relax. She and Neils did not normally socialize much. He was somewhat more introverted than she was, but not by a lot, and Kalli's admission that she too was uncomfortable in crowds was all it took for Aanil to drop her guard and relax.
"Have to admit, I did overreact a touch Kalli.", and she smiled wryly at that admission. "This Irish blood O' mine is a mighty thing indeed but tis one of the few things that allows me to socialize a'tal. But it has, on occasion made me sumthin of a poxy bitch; sorry."

As Aanil relaxed, Kalli noted that her ears were rather pointed; not to the degree of a full-blooded Vulcan, but the Medical officer was clearly of Vulcan descent. It was also clear that Aanil was not really comfortable in such tight quarters either, and she nodded in assent at Kalli's offer of something to drink; "Aye, if ya would; Irish whiskey, neat. What will you be havin Neils?"
The room was quite full of people, not crowded per se but more so than Aanil and Neils would normally be found in. But Kalli's offer to procure food and the materialization of a bowl of nuts on the table was clearly her showing off. "Quite impressive Miss Kalli, I 'spect that means ye be an Engineer? Then tis a good and proper thing that we be sittin together don't ya think Neils? It's a chance for you to meet one of your new officers."

==Tag again==
Captain Brooks icy blue eyes scanned the room for Commander Prihl who didn't seem to have arrived just yet.

His eyes swung over and saw Hoekstra trying to hide in the situation, Dan knew he also wanted a word with him at some point. It was quite a step up for all of these officers due to the size of the Aquila dwarfed the Charon and the Geronimo. He wanted to make sure everyone was happy in their roles especially the department heads. It was one thing he missed not being FO was the weekly meetings with the DH's and knowing how they all ticked. There were a few new department heads and he knew they would have to get use to him as well as him them.

Brooks also spotted Commander Talion was also here, he had noted when he got the details of who was department head that the officer was allocated as a 'temporary' to help mentor, Brooks also noted that Talion had served on the USS Copernicus a couple years after he had been transferred to the USS Sheridan. Brooks remembered seeing Talion on a comms meeting between senior command staff when Talion was First Officer on the Titania under command of Captain Fields.

I wonder how Jane is doing?

Dan remembered how him and Fields had gone through the Academy only a year or so apart and were both assigned to the Copernicus as their first posting. It reminded him how he felt completely out of his depth with all the highly experienced officers around him. Jane flew up through the ranks and was his CO for a bit until Command transferred him to the Sheridan. Here Dan was a CO in his own right and taking on one of the biggest ships in the fleet.

His icy blue eyes picked up on two officers heading in his direction. One in security uniform who was a little bit taller than himself at the rank of Lieutenant Commander, but he recognized the face as the two approached. The other officer was dressed in a tactical uniform with the rank of Lieutenant, with black hair and green eyes.

"Good to see you Captain Brooks, I am Lieutenant Commander Shione Kurasa; your new Chief of Security, and my new friend here is Tactical Officer Lieutenant Xenara Xardeen; it is a pleasure to finally meet you Sir." said the face he remember, he would have been confused if he hadn't served with S'hiarra a while back.

As Shione confirmed to Brooks he was right as she added; "It is quite an honor Captain to land such a distinguished ship, I will be sure to pass on to my sister S'hiarra back on Betazed that there are now two family members that gave served with you, Sir."

Daniel smiled his voice giving away his south English accent, "Yes it is very much an honor to have been given command of this ship, I'm looking forward to working with you all. Please do pass on to S'hiarra I hope she is well."

"Greetings, Captain. I guess you can understand why I chose Tactical, Sir," Xardeen said after catching her breath. "Not much walking involved. But I also have diplomatic and administrative experience at your disposal."

Brooks looked at the tactical officer and raised an eyebrow, "We all have our own unique gifts and talents Lieutenant." he said, looking at his PADD he brought with him.

"Actually, I see you were Chief Tactical Officer on the USS Geronimo, the Aquila currently doesn't have her Chief Tactical Officer at this moment in time. I see there is a recommendation here from your previous CO and it would be my pleasure to offer you the role, if you would like it? Of course the Aquila is a bigger ship then the Geronimo and all the other department heads have been allocated by Command, which are a brilliant selection of officers and it would be nice if you would join them if your up for the challenge?"

Captain Brooks smiled at Lieutenant Xardeen and added, "We can have a chat after the formalities in my ready room." before looking at Kurasa, "I will also like to catch up with you to Lieutenant Commander."

Dan could feel the excitement starting to build in the room as most of the officer had now arrived.

==Tag Xardeen and Kurasa==
Xenara blinked at Captain Brook's question. She wondered what other roles she could possibly fill other than what she had already been trained in. Her limited mobility disqualified her from practially everything, she wasn't smart enough for science and didn't care much for medicine. But that didn't mean she ever shied away from a challenge.

"I've been wanting to fly a big ship again," she said. "Thank you, Captain. I accept. I do have other talents, but they're geared more environments," she teased, while remaining somewhat relaxed.

She didn't want to test the Captain so early, but since they were in Ten Forward, she didn't see the harm.

==Tag Captain==
LCdr Lim entered Ten Forward as all the other officers where gathering for the ceremony. She was late. She immediately noticed a captain's rank aboard and assumed this was her new captain. So she straighten her uniform and walk slowly into the the large area filled with officers hoping she would be noticed coming in late, trying not to attract attention to herself.

Approaching the bar she ordered a non alcoholic drink. She could afford to over do it at this party. She began to mingle keeping a wide berth from the top brass figuring that she would eventual meet the new Captain on her turf in Sickbay.

Perhaps he is like all other captains that I have meet and he doesn't like to be in Sickbay. Oh well, we'll meet sometime, no rush.

== Sorry for the short post, late at night and I have a 6 hr drive home tomorrow. ==
With a discreet couple of taps on her PADD, Kalli finally tapped a spot on the table in front of Aanil and an appropriate looking glass with a couple fingers worth of her preferred beverage materialized exactly where the finger had tapped. It was, in fact, rather good. It also wasn't synthenol.

Looking over to Niels, Thorn explained, "I network to the replicators and run an auxiliary sensor program to instruct the annular confinement to a designated location within range. Their range is limited, but it IS quite convenient. It only requires enough of the right sensors in the area and having the ability to tie them into the networked request. Not everyone knows how to do it and the older replicators you had to modify to even make it possible, but modern ones have more refined targeting systems and can actually perform to pretty impressive resolutions. I use another special subroutine for making food that takes about an extra second or two to materialize, but it verifies the patterns with oversampling to avoid flaws and it makes the food taste SO much better."

A couple more taps caused pretzels, as well as crackers and cheese to appear. Running her finger around the rim of her nearly empty glass caused it to mysteriously refill as she continued talking.

"I understand how relationships can be on a ship. I confess that I was in a relationship while stationed on the Titania." Kalli gave a small sigh as her mind tugged at her heart, wanting to travel down memory lane, but she resisted becoming too distracted, knowing that it would only make her cry anyway. "It was wonderful while it lasted, but it's very hard when you live on a ship. Star Fleet doesn't make it easy. I would never be the kind of person to mess with the happiness of others, just for my own selfishness. I also have no respect for those who do such things."

== Tag Niels and Aanil ==
When dinner was mentioned with her along with Spike and Dot before being sent somewhere else. Julia only thought about it for a second before answering the commander. Troy was also thinking of going to the holodeck after this ceremony was over with.

"Dinner sounds great and I'll have both Spike and Dot extra clean for it. We can plan on that dinner within the next week or two. I was planning on going to the holodeck after this is over with and have one of my Betazed programs going so that both animals can stretch their legs."

Troy knew that both Spike and Dot needs to stretch out their legs and get rid of some their energy before starting work.

While talking to her friend Beno was keeping an eye on what was going on, Kurasa and Xardeen were talking to Captain Brooks. In this environment it was perfectly fine, but when it was more formal the opposite was going to be true. What was becoming most obvious to her was there was a lot of work ahead, and none of it was g9ing to be easy.

"I have a feeling both of us are going to be busy for the next few days, I have a series of meetings set up. I have a feeling your services are going to be in more demand than before, switching ships so fast isn't easy on anyone. If you use your ability, you will find everyone is apprehensive about this. It's a big move, and even I am hiding it." 

T'Kol had a list of appointments that Beno wanted set up, Kurasa was the first appointment for a big reason. As Chief of Security Beno was going to count on her most, when Beno was unavailable Kurasa was going to be her right hand. As that right hand Kurasa was going to represent her, and it was going to be a big responsibility. Beno was also planning on mentoring her for success, and hopefully one day be a First Officer. A job that was never easy, but worth it. 

"In a few days I will make time for our dinner, and get to know each other better." It wasn't often that Beno let her hair down, but when she didit was a welcome change. The second appointment was also in the room, she was most interested in her. The hardest part of all was going to be on her shoulders, the choice to let her die. If the symbiont dies so does the host, and that was going to be the hardest part. 

While listening to her about how busy both of them are going to be along with Spike and Dot. She even listened to that she would be needed more than ever and that this was a big move for everyone. Troy knew that it will be a big adjustment for everyone including her and both animals along with Surik.

"That sounds like a good idea to me. I know that it'll be a huge adjustment for everyone to get used to. I know that I will get used to it in time along with Spike and Dot even getting used to sickbay and the counselors office. I haven't even got that set up yet for me and both animals."

Julia knew that she has to find sickbay and the counselors office as soon as she can. All Troy did was find her and Surik's shared quarters with Spike and Dot before finding ten forward for the ceremony. Julia hasn't even met the new CMO yet, and she still been watching more of the crew walk in including the CMO.

T'Kol stepped into the room her dark eyes set to find the Young Security officer that she was 'assigned' to speak with.

However as she stepped in to her own surprise the smells of food in the room reminded her that it had been many hours since she had eaten. The thought to order some dinner crossed her however someone else caught her eye.

It was not her intended target but the Captain. She had not spoken with him since they transferred and she felt she was lacking in her own duties so she felt it imperative for her to also check in with him.

She made her way over towards the Captain hearing the last of the conversation with the two women he was speaking with.

She found it a bit odd as she knew both these names personally. Of all the officer and personnel in Starfleet and yet there was so much familiarity. She knew Shione fairly well as she was in sorts extended family but she was more interested in the other woman. She wanted to know more of her.

"Captain," She gave with a bit of a nod. "I Believe congratulations is in order. Thank you for requesting I join your team again." She gave

"I have set up a few meeting times for the First Officer, how mya I assist you Captain?" She asked

She used to be fully incharge of setting up events like these and she always felt as though she had, dropped the ball, as humans said with the last two times that she had nothing to do in setting up such ceremonies now.

She knew most ships did not have the luxury of a Chief of the Boat and she knew there were few post that required her services but she had enjoyed working with Brooks. Working along side the young Captain and wanted to make sure that she helped him be successful as Captain.

She knew that her former mentor had set up alot of where she was mostly in reason to keep an eye on his son at the time but Brooks extended and even helped her grow as an officer and she was appreciative for it.

== Tag All ==
Not having any pets of her own Velaul didn't have firsthand knowledge of how to handle them, but there were memories about what they need. A few things they didn't need was to be in a room full of strangers in a new place. While she was enjoying Julia's company, she was observing everyone. 

As Kurasa approached Daniel he greeted them both in the way she expected, a pleasurable greeting that didn't stand on formalities. There was a time and place for everything, and this one wasn't for Military Formalities. There would be plenty of time for thoes later, something that you learn as you get closer to Command. She was a great Chief of Security that was highly organized, detaile oriented, and had a focus that Luna would appreciate. Xardeen had a sense of humor and was incredibly intelligent, works well with the lower ranks and had technology that Velaul had only heard of. They always wanted to see the technology in action, and now they could.

Their Chief Medical Officer was also a person of interest, the way how she runs Sickbay would be helpful for Troy. Three Officer Doctors. Without a doubt Doctor Lim would see the benefits of healing the body and mind. She would have a spot for the therapy animals, and how they can be the best medicine of all. Now that T'Kol was also present, who never knew how to have a good time. Her strengths were in other areas, and without her Beno wouldn't be able to function properly. It was Benos hope to get her drunk one night, and see her loosen up and possibly smile. In theory it would hurt the next day, based on the fact thoes muscles were never used. O'Shea came from a ship that had the oddest name, the Nightingale like the nurse. Still she was a great Doctor, and Beno was lucky to have her.

What she knew of Thorn was limited, but had no doubt that Hoekstra would like her. Keeping the ship together was not an easy task, but together they would make it look that way. One new ship with two Crews there could be a big division , with key people in the right places the division could shrink. At this point it didn't matter how things were done on the Charon or the Geronimo, the future was here and now.

Julia would be able to detect that there was a lot on Benos mind, and a bit of sorrow that she hid well from everyone else. She was missing her friend, something that she didn't have many of. For close friends she had a total of four, two of them were in the same room. "Our Chief Medical Officer I haven't heard anything but good things about her, I feel comfortable putting myself in her hands. Doctor Lim knows her stuff, and runs a great department." Beno was looking forward to her meeting, and hopefully her last wishes will be observed years from now.

Niels nodded politely as Kalli gave a longer than expected introduction. Her nervousness escaped him completely. The data stream on her PADD, however, immediately caught his eye. Most of the engineers he knew were content with letting the computer give them a summary readout. A rare few, like himself, preferred to watch the raw data in realtime. Kalli appeared to be taking this to the extreme.

Kalli's introduction came to an end and a familiar shock of red hair appeared in Niels’ periphery. He stood and Aanil walked up beside him, wrapping an arm around his. The physical contact had a grounding effect and most of his nervousness disappeared. She had guided him through many social engagements in the past. Having her nearby made the event feel more manageable. 

Aanil asked for an introduction, but it looked like she wasn't about to wait for Niels to offer one. He felt a bit of tension coming from her, but it seemed to dissipate as soon as the two women spoke with each other. Niels returned to his seat and, when offered, declined the drink. However, he raised an eyebrow when the bowl of nuts materialized on their table.

“Yes,” Niels chimed in after Aanil, “impressive.”

The two words were hesitant, as if Niels was still contemplating them as they left his mouth. The warm smile and inquisitive eyebrow faded to a more serious expression. He remained quiet as Kalli offered an explanation, conjuring more food and drinks as she did so. Using the replicators in this manner was unconventional, to say the least. It brought up questions about safety and the misappropriation of ship resources. Her explanation was solid from an engineering standpoint, but glanced over the more complex details that were sure to exist. Interfering with the replicator's annular confinement beam and local sensors posed risks to system integrity and stability. There was also potential for particle destabilization and targeting errors. All to avoid a trip across the room for some snacks.

She’s going to be one to keep an eye on. If she takes reckless shortcuts here, what's her work going to be like?

Niels was torn over how to address the situation. He did not want his first act as Chief Engineer to be a reprimand for one of his new team members. Given that she seemed close to the high ranking science officer, he decided to give her the benefit of the doubt. Niels made a mental note to check into it later. 

Taking one of the newly materialized crackers, Niels examined it. Kalli had made bold claims of improving the taste of replicated food. He studied its texture, the crisp sound it made as he snapped it in half, and its subtle scent of toasted grain. Taking a bite from one half, he tasted it. It had a mild sweetness from the wheat, balanced with an appropriate level of salt. As promised, it was better than the standard replicator fare. Still, he could pick up on the signs of the replicator's involvement. 

“A definite improvement,” Niels said, placing the uneaten half of the cracker down on the table beside him, “but it still has a way to go."

Niels looked down at the cracker, then back up at Kalli. 

"I think you’re looking in the wrong direction," Niels stated, "Oversampling may get you a more accurate representation of the pattern, but that’s part of the problem. Standard replicators can't operate at a resolution necessary to achieve true replication like the transporters. The patterns are optimized to strike a balance between the capabilities of the system, storage space, and power efficiency. So, they are close, but not exactly the same as the real thing. Also, a single pattern can’t mimic the natural variability found in ingredients that comprise a real dish…”

Niels trailed off, realizing he was rambling, then quickly added, “but there are probably more appropriate times for this sort of discussion.”

== Tag Aanil and Kalli ==
On the way to the ship Cologero was thinking about his deployment party, everyone was invited to 5he family property for a great night. Everyone had 5he ability to enjoy Itilian hospitality first hand, all the food was produced right there, nothing was replicated. The staff that came were the party also graced their dinner table at times, but they were not quite ready for what they were in for. Everyone was treated like family with no exceptions, the worst thing that could have happened was weight gain.

As he entered Ten Forward he observed the Captain with two Commanders and a Lieutenant, for all he knew it was the Commanding Officer, First Officer, and possibly two dependent heads. There was room for errors because he was new, or it was because it appeared like people were nervous about something. He noticed a large Klingon a person who truly appreciates a good meal, and what they were serving was going to be more than adequate.

I have seen less brass in an orchestra than han in this room, some are pretty cute. Let's play it cool.

Crossing the room Cologero wanted to report for duty but it didn't appear to be the right time, that will come later. It was a change of Command Ceremony, a great day for the person who is getting Command. He did look incredibly busy at this second and didn't want to add to it. He reached the bar and ordered a Chinotto, a bitter drink that not everyone enjoys. He enjoyed it most with his Nonno most, that and a nice Cigar. 

The closest person he could see was a Medical Commander, probably Chief Medical Officer. "Ciao Commander." His Itilian accident stuck out. "I am Midshipman Cologero Coppola how are you?" He asked in hopes to start a conversation.

==Tag to Dr. Lim==
Contrary to the expectations of Mister Hoekstra, Thorn was intrigued by his comments on the replication process. She grinned and nodded to him, "You're quite right. A replicator can only handle fabrication on the molecular level for assembly, but does form at the atomic resolution. It can fabricate individual atoms and form them as complete molecules on demand, based on the pattern it is following. A medical grade one is capable of doing so on a subatomic level, for more precise applications that involve the creation of active neural pathways and living tissue, but it takes a complete transporter system with all the memory active to fabricate on the quantum level for conscious beings like ourselves. The key there being the active energy patterns in process at the time of disassembly and reconstruction."

Kalli took another sip and then continued, "With the replicators being so active right now, it would be impolite to slow the system down for our own selfish needs. If it were not so busy, or if it were for private use, there is an enhanced subroutine that takes as long as a minute or two, depending on the menu selection, but it is well worth the short wait. It removes all systemic imperfections normally encountered with common replication and verifies against the original reference scan. Thus, if you take the time to make a strong and detailed high resolution scan of the original item, it does in fact turn out as an exact replica. I can't claim credit for it though. I have managed to use it to create a personal menu of my own, but the actual process is one that I was introduced to by Commander Talion when we first served on the Copernicus together, a few years back."

Kalli suddenly became more quiet, her memories coming back in a flood. She took a deep breath and looked over at where Talion stood, leaning on the bar, "I knew his wife, before she was killed fighting the Borg. That was the day he got that scar on his temple. He went to try and stop the Borg at the ship's main computer core while I managed to manually switch the ship over to the Secondary Core, disconnecting the main core and getting control of our ship back."

Realizing she was staring into her drink as she had been speaking, she finally looked up and tried to smile, but it only came out as a grin, "Those were different times. I learned a great deal back then. My understanding of the difference between what we we can do, and what we should do, became much clearer as a result." Her expression became more serious, "For example, did you know that you can attach a file to your medical records as a treatment option? They don't tell people about it, because it makes people uneasy, but it is a high resolution scan of you, performed using a transporter. It obviously doesn't contain the quantum data, but it is a reference standard. It can also be used, should you ever have the misfortune of being seriously injured. Sometimes limbs or organs are damaged beyond repair or recovery and with that file, they don't need to grow you one, they can actually fabricate your own from the reference file. Naturally, it still requires a surgeon to do the real work, but I've seen it done. I imagine that in another 20 years, Sickbay will have a surgical transporter technician that will be able to do such things without even needing a single incision. Naturally, it still requires physical therapy after and because it is done manually and not automated yet, the pathways are not entirely 100%, but that's a lacking of the surgeon, not the science. So next time you get a physical, you might ask to have a file added to your records, just as an insurance policy. You never know when a mission might suddenly get dangerous."

== Tags Aanil and Niels ==
"Ciao Commander." Mid Coppola's Italian accent stuck out. "I am Midshipman Cologero Coppola, how are you?" He asked in hopes to start a conversation.

"Well, Hello, you're new? I'm Well thank you," LCdr Lois Lim answered, "I'm Dr Lim Chief Medical Officer, you can call me Lois as we are in Ten Forward. I'm pleased to make your acquaintance, Cologero. Have you served on another ship or are you straight from the Academy?"

Lois was distracted for a moment as she spotted another medical officer with two dogs nearby. I'll have to do a meet and greet with that young lady soon. Lois immediately brought her attention back to the young human who had greeted her.

== Tag Mid Coppola ==
It was a pleasure to meet Lois, she is such a delightful person. "Yes I am fresh from Earth, it's my first ship and crew. In fact I have never been this far from home before, quite the adventure out here." He said while looking over at the room. He wasn't sure who anyone else was, just who the Captain is.

"If I had to wager a guess, I would swear that the Captain is waiting with the First Officer, either Chief Engineer or of Security, either another Tactical Officer or Chief. How long have you been part of this crew?" He wasn't sure about who was new here, and who isn't. He took a sip of his drink and it was close to what he enjoyed at home, just slightly different. It was a taste of home that he would always carry with him, just like his pendant of Saint Jude.

He pulled out his pendant and gave it a small kiss. "Saint Jude Thaddeus the Saint of lost causes and desperate situations. I keep it on me at all times, and he hasn't steered me wrong yet." It was a old family tradition to get that pendant at their Christening. "I wonder if anyone has a workout circuit I can join in on, or I can start one." For him it was all routine.

==Tag Lois==
"Yes I am fresh from Earth, it's my first ship and crew. In fact, I have never been this far from home before, quite the adventure out here." Mid Coppola stated. He seemed a little distracted, looking around the room.

"If I had to wager a guess, I would swear that the captain is waiting with the First Officer, either Chief Engineer or of Security, either another Tactical Officer or Chief. How long have you been part of this crew?"

LCdr Lim raised both eyebrows at the question. "Oh, I'd say about the same amount of time as you have been part of the crew. We are all new here Midshipman, Transferring in from several ships. I was on the Geronimo before coming here and we are about to rondevu with the Charon to take on board some of its crew. And yes, the officer in the captain's uniform over there, he is our captain or will be in a few minutes, Captain Brooks. There is about to be a handing over ceremony. I'm sure you will get to know the senior officers soon enough Mid Coppola.

He pulled out a pendant and gave it a small kiss. "Saint Jude Thaddeus the Saint of lost causes and desperate situations. I keep it on me at all times, and he hasn't steered me wrong yet." It was an old family tradition to get that pendant at their Christening. "I wonder if anyone has a workout circuit I can join in on, or I can start one." For him it was all routine.

"Do you really think you are lost cause Midshipman? Sorry! I did mean to make fun of you," Lois apologised, "If you find it helps, use it. I'm not religious myself." Dr Lim replied, she wanted to argue the point between a bit of metal hung around the neck and advanced medical treatments but she held back, it wasn't the place or the time. Perhaps we could talk more about your saint's medallion sometime over coffee, perhaps. As to working out, I'm sure you will find a group, if not, as you said, start one yourself. It's important to stay fit and healthy. But then all doctors say that."

Searching the room for the young medical officer, as she spoke, whom she thought looked like Dr Troy from the staff file photos, she couldn't find her in the gathering crowd. After a moment or two her eyes focus on her. I was sure she had a couple of animals with her? But there not there now? Lois tried to attract her attention by waving at her and beckoning her over. In doing so she spotted another medical officer with red hair. She would be Dr O'Shea, I'm sure. She hoped the young medical Dr Troy had noticed her waving.

"So where do you come from Mr Coppola? Is everyone religious where you come from?"
Julia noticed the CMO waving her over that she knew that she will be meeting her. Troy could sense more emotions of everyone in the room from being nervous, confusion, and excitement.

"I know that I'll be working with her and I am going to meet her sooner than later. It looks like the CMO is beckoning me to come over to her. If you'll excuse me, I better go on over and meet her before it's to late."

Troy feels a little nervous about meeting her and knew that she would have to explain about the animals. Julia could understand the reasoning why they won't be there with everyone in the room. She knew that Spike and Dot were working animals that helps the patients open up and talk.

Julia doesn't know what to make of her yet till works with her for awhile. Troy hasn't judged anyone since the day she was born all those years ago. Even to this day she has been kind to everyone and every animal around.

"Do you really think you are lost cause Midshipman? Sorry! I did mean to make fun of you," Lois apologised, "If you find it helps, use it. I'm not religious myself."  It was a good question that he never really put into his thoughts. In practice that's an accurate description, it was the way how things were. His Brothers were a full foot taller, and sisters at least five inches taller. "I guess that's why I push so hard at every thing I do, including being here." He had a bit of a playful smile.

"With a name like Cologero you develop a sense of humor, especially when people start calling you Padrino. English version is Godfather like three historical organized crime families, and military involvement. Also being not only am I the youngest in the family, I am also the smallest. That and the time I learned how to walk for the second time."

Having an workout partner would be nice, always best to have someone with you. "I am from Cefu Sicily, the island that looks like its being kicked by Italy." He gave the religious part a bit more thought. "I am not certain about the whole population but my Family mostly, a few family members have chosen not to. All attended the same church and get Baptised the same day, since the old country." Dating back to horse power actually involved Horse, and how many were involved.  

It looked like another Doctor came to join them. "Ciao there." As a friendly gesture. "This is Doctor Lois Lim, and I am Cologero Coppola." He wanted to ask if she was new as well, but in a place where everyone was new it would be silly.

==Tag Doctors ==
Matt got the invitation for the greet and meet on the new ships Ten Forward.
Here he was a new ship and some new crew. That was the life of a starfleet officer. 
Especially one that had pissed off so many.

He somewhat expected than when he was shipped to Sothrick's ship that he may call it home for a bit. In fact it ended up being his quickest assignment.

He felt bad for his former roommate as he knew the Vulcan worked hard to become a Captain just to have to start over again.

But now it was time for him to start over again. He started to head to the Captain but he was surrounded so he took a different direction. And he started to head towards the main serving area hoping that he could get a good drink replicated. However his eye caught someone and he redirected.

His eye had caught the lovely young woman who he was informed was very talented from the Geronimo.

He started to interrupt in Phoenix fashion but it seemed that their conversation was a bit heavy and it actually made the engineer pause.

Man he wished his wife was at the party.
Beno could tell that Troy was a little nervous about something, she just didn't know what for. The room was filled with some level of appreciation, it was all normal for the circumstances. Everyone had their own comfort zones, and no one was in theirs. There were times when someone just needed to change their role, this is a time she needed to be support. She followed Troy and stopped half a step behind her to the right. "Salve, sono Beno Velaul che presto diventerà Primo Ufficiale, felice di conoscervi." Switching back to English it was rude to continue any further.

"Doctor Lois Liml this is Doctor Julia Troy, I am Beno Velaul First Officer when this is over. A previous host spent a significant amount of time around Itilians. I promise to keep the conversation in English, I just couldn't resist using it after so long. It made things easier during Carnevale, an Itilian Mardi Gras that ends with Lent." While on Earth Beno had a great time all over the world, a few days at a time.

"Cologero you are in the right place, it's hard to match the spirit of an Italian." Velaul was close to at least two itilians years ago, and they really loved their food and Drinks. Usually at the end of a mission she would arrange some sort of stress reducing stress, a giant crew party but this time was different. She was proud of Daniel and the progress he has made, and the progress she made with him. 

"Doctor Lim I have heard a lot of good things about you, Julia is in really good hands with you." The new crop of Officers had their own strengths that could add to the crew, they also have a lot to gain at the same time. Every good teacher knows there was always something to learn, some of them come from students. As an Officer of all levels, Beno has never stopped learning.

==Tag everyone ==
==Cdr Mezree Prihl, Trill Female==

A very harried-looking Commander Prihl entered Ten Forward carrying a PADD and lacking the pomp and circumstance that usually went with a formal change of command ceremony. The main reason for this was due to a sudden and entirely preventable loss of power in the starboard impulse engine. Having overseen the repair, which had involved her getting her hands dirty when she'd realised that none of the on-duty ferry crew had sufficient experience to effect the repair themselves, she'd had time for a quick shower and change before being informed that Captain Brooks had already reported aboard without her knowledge.

Breach of protocol aside, given that until she read him his new orders and he officially relieved her this was still Mezree's ship, she had managed to get herself ready in time to make the listed time for the ceremony to occur.

Taking a deep breath and smoothing back her hair, Mezree nodded to her Chief of the Boat who called immediately for attention on deck. Once the assembled guests had assumed the correct position, i.e. that of standing at attention, Mezree stepped into the middle of the room with the PADD in hand and cleared her throat.

"To Commander Mezree Prihl, Acting Commanding Officer, USS Aquila. Stardate 202404.29. You are requested and required to relinquish command of your vessel to Captain Daniel Brooks, Commanding Officer, USS Charon. Signed, Fleet Admiral Erika Benteen, Starfleet Operations."
"I've been wanting to fly a big ship again," she said. "Thank you, Captain. I accept. I do have other talents, but they're geared more environments," Xardeen teased.

Captain Brooks saw Commander Prihl entered Ten Forward,

"I think that will have to be explored another time Lieutenant. I'm sure we have plenty of time to." Dan responded as he looked at both the officers,

"If you would excuse me, I will talk to you both later. Lieutenant, Commander." he said acknowledging both Xardeen and Kurasa before heading over to Commander Prihl.

The Chief of the Boat called for attention on deck as he went to take over from the Commander.

"To Commander Mezree Prihl, Acting Commanding Officer, USS Aquila. Stardate 202404.29. You are requested and required to relinquish command of your vessel to Captain Daniel Brooks, Commanding Officer, USS Charon. Signed, Fleet Admiral Erika Benteen, Starfleet Operations."

Captain Brooks moved to the middle of the room and looked at his PADD as he read out loud,

"To Captain Daniel Brooks, Commanding Officer, USS Charon, Stardate 202404.29. You are requested and required to relinquish command of your vessel the USS Charon to Commander Prihl, Acting Commanding Officer, USS Aquila. You are hereby to assume Command of the USS Aquila on Stardate 202404.29. Signed, Fleet Admiral Erika Benteen, Starfleet Operations."

[Transfer complete. USS Aquila now under command of Captain Daniel Brooks.] confirms the ships computer

"I relieve you, Commander Prihl." responded Brooks, his icy blue eyes studied the Commander for a moment.

Once she responded Daniel smiled and said, "Look after the Charon for me, she has been through a lot, bit like the Aquila I guess."

Brooks then shook Commander Prihl hand before adding, "I hope you don't have to rush off, I know Starfleet has orders for you to take the Charon on her next mission, hopefully that isn't an immediate thing and you can relax for a little while. Hope to meet you again in the future. I guess I better go and meet some of the new crew."

Daniel stepped back away from the Commander and headed into the crowd of crew that had assembled.

==Tag anyone who wants to chat to the Captain==
Lois made a mental note to herself.

In future, don't wave a specific officer over to chat in a room full of Starfleet officers, you may get a few more officers than you have requested.

The reason she made this mental note was plain. She had waved an officer over, who she assumed was one of her medical staff, Dr Julie Troy, whom she hadn't met. And the young woman responded. But as she approached the young, new Midshipman she had been talking to, an Italian, who or whatever that was, began introducing himself and Lois to the young woman.

"Ciao there." As a friendly gesture. "This is Doctor Lois Lim, and I am Cologero Coppola," Mid Coppola said.

Before Lois, or the young woman could respond, another officer of higher rank came over and began to speak to Mid Coppola in his native tongue. She was the new First Office, Commander Beno Velaul, a joined trill with Italian experiences from a previous host. She then introduced herself and the young officer Lois waved over. The commander finished with a complement to Lois or was it a statement about Dr Troy's abilities? Lois didn't know which so she preferred to understand the former and simply said, "Thank you, Commander Velaul"

So you are who I thought you were, Dr Julie Troy. That's cleared that up.

Lois wanted to meet Dr Troy, not because she had any doubts about her abilities, but because she was interested in the animals, assuming they were either pets or possible assistant animals, as Julie Troy was a counsellor, or the animals maybe both. She was just about to begin her conversation with Julie, she had some concern about animals in various parts of Sickbay, particularly the surgical areas. But she was interrupted again as the chief of the boat calling the gathering to order and most of the officers stood to attention, except for a few, er, one, Dr Lim, who stood casually. It wasn't out of disrespect for the two Captain's exchanging ships, she just didn't go much on military formality, which was strange because she except professional formality in her Sickbay.

So, she waited for the final words of these change of command ceremonies, and in a few formal readings of orders, there it was.

"I relieve you, Commander Prihl."

FINALLY, Lois could speak. BUT, as Captain Brooks stepped away at the end of the handover ceremony, he appeared to be heading direct to the group gathered with Lois. She hesitated, then grabbed the opportunity whilst it lasted.

"It's loverly to meet you Dr Troy. I noticed that earlier you had two pets with you, you obviously like animals, have you had them long?"

== Tag, Troy, Velaul and Coppola. ==
Xenara smiled as the Captain excused himself, but before she could get a word in to Commander Shione, the Change of Command ceremony suddenly - at least it seemed sudden - was announced and the Elaysian immediately snapped to attention as she bore witness with everyone else assembled. 

She wasn't sure why they insited on everyone had to be present for it, department heads sure, but it wasn't as big a spectacle as she had expected. 

And very short. 

Afterwards, she returned to her relaxed position and wondered if she should stay and mingle or go back to her new friend, Gath. She couldn't stand gravity - quite literaly - for very long, no matter how much she had acclimated since her time on Earth, but didn't want to be rude to Commander Shione by leaving so early. Her nanoexoskeleton didn't seem to be working overtime since she wasn't moving much, so she decided to take a chance. 

"Huh," she said to the Security Chief. "Not as...grandiose as I had expected. But now I can claim I've been to one." She shrugged. "I'd better take the opportunity to mingle. But then I'd hate to make Lieutenant Gath lonely." She teased.

==Tag Shione==
Julia didn't expect the first officer to accompany her to meet the CMO. Troy knew that this is going to get interesting and she stood still when the ceremony started before she got the chance to say something.

"The two animals Spike is a Jack Russell terrier and Dot is a Savannah cat and both of them helps me with counselling patients to open up. I've had them when they were a kitten and a puppy and I've specially trained them myself. Don't worry they would be only staying in the counseling office or in my quarters."

Troy had to ease her a bit about the animals. Julia also knew that the animals won't be on the bridge either. She thought Surik would be with her to help keep her grounded.

"It is a pleasure to meet both of you Dr lim and midshipmen"

==Tags everyone==
Once the brief ceremony had concluded and the Captain was glancing around, Talion saw his opportunity. Walking up to his new CO, he smiled, gave a quick salute then offered his hand, "Congratulations, sir. This is a big ship, so you know that anything after this is going to likely feel like a step down, but she certainly is a sweet ship." Without giving him time to question who he was, Alex slid right in with the official introductions, "Alex Talion, Science."

== Tag to The Boss ==
Kalli responded to Niels’ comments on replicators. She showed a great deal of knowledge on the topic. After promising a demonstration of her improved replication technique, she mentioned Commander Talion and the Borg. The mention of the latter sent a chill down Niels’ spine. He had yet to encounter any of their kind, but the stories he had heard growing up were enough to instill a healthy fear into him. Just listening to a recounting of the Commander’s encounter with them made him feel uncomfortable.

The conversation made a natural pivot toward the use of replication technology in the medical field. That was more of Aanil’s thing than Niels, and he turned to her hoping she would offer her input. Before they could continue, however, they were all called to attention as the Aquila’s current captain entered the room. Niels rose and assumed an upright and alert stance, eyes forward, shoulders back, facing the captain. The whole process was shorter than Niels had expected. There were no long winded speeches or drawn out transfer protocols, just a simple recitation of the transfer orders. It was refreshingly brief.

After Commander Brooks had assumed command of the Aquila, Niels continued to stand at attention for a bit as the rest of the room settled back into a more relaxed atmosphere. Eventually, he took his cue from those around him and returned to his chair. With the event over, he felt a little more at ease.

“I can’t say I’m too familiar with the use of replication in the medical field,” Niels said, trying to return to the previous conversation, “Aanil, what do you think?”

== Tag Aanil and Kalli ==
Before Brooks could arrive at the gathering of officers that now included Commander Velaul and Troy among them he was approached by another officer in science uniform with the rank of Commander.

The officer gave a quick salute then offered his hand, "Congratulations, sir. This is a big ship, so you know that anything after this is going to likely feel like a step down, but she certainly is a sweet ship." Without giving him time to question who he was, Alex slid right in with the official introductions, "Alex Talion, Science."

Brooks gave Talion a strong firm handshake and said, "Thank you Talion, Yes, I quite agree, I was on a Luna Class before and well this is a big step up. I believe I seen your file and you served on the USS Copernicus after I left. I was her Chief Medical Officer for a number of years." he said with a smile.

"I saw on the orders your my DH for Science and your reputation proceeds you Commander. I very much am looking forward to working with you." Brooks added.

==Tag Talion==
The introductions went smoothly, and so did the process of changing over Command. There was some paperwork that Beno wanted to get started on, the sooner it was done the better. "Lois pleasure to meet you, and Cologero. I have some work to do." Right now Daniel was enjoying his time, and he had a lot of company.  This was going to happen to her someday, but right now she was grateful it wasn't today.

As she was getting ready to leave, Beno acknowledged the Captain with a friendly gesture and started to head out. She was heading up to her new office where it wouldn't take too long, the new crew here seemed to blend in well with the established crew. The appointments will come later, right now they could just enjoy themselves.

>>>FO Office. >>>>>
She WAS trying; really trying. Sitting at a table with two engineers threatened; no, it guaranteed that if this trend continued Aanil was going to require in depth psychiatric intervention.

Gently so as not to damage the fragile Engineering egos present Aanil cleared her throat. " I feel confident that the two of you are going to have plenty of time to discuss matters of a quantum nature but perhaps the two of you could simply remember that there is a third person who does not happen to be an engineer sitting at this table, hmmn?"

She paused, remembering that her next actions could simply tag her as the 'crazy redhead' she instead chose to change the topic.
"Kalli I am shuure tha ye likely can understand that with me sharin quarters with this gem of a man that I hear far far too much about such faraway matters as translocation transmogrification and such, but maybe, just maybe the two a' you could maybe just relax and enjoy the party like normal, non engineers, hmmn. If that isn't too much trouble?"

Turning to face Thorn, Aanil smiled warmly, "I am aware that ye were assigned to that Graveworld after we had found ourselves before being called away. I understand that ye solved that conundrum; congratulations. There were a bunch of unhappy folks about the place and it's good to hear that it's all straightened away, and the blaggard tossed in the gaol; nicely done, What happened to the rest of yer crew Kalli. This enormous ship could certainly have hosted all of ye?"

Talion returned the hand shake in equal measure. He was never one to turn such things into a contest, but had learned the value many put in such an exchange. The secret was to use what felt like a natural amount of strength while still keeping it casual. He sometimes struggled with certain cultural interactions, but the classic meet and greet he had gotten down pretty well.

Giving the impression of mock embarrassment, Alex countered, "I hope you haven't heard too many of the wild stories about me. I assure you that only the good ones are true." Glancing over his shoulder at the approach of several others, he attempted to let the CO get on with his moment, "I look forward to working with you as well, sir. I'll let you get on with your other admirers for now. We can talk more at your convenience."

Stepping to the side, Alex let things take their course, as they always did at functions like this. He briefly wondered about what version of his reputation the Captain had heard. Brooks seemed nice enough and level headed, which was a good thing. Part of his mind was always cautious though, ever since being ordered to have one of his creations pilot a shuttle loaded with warheads into a Romulan ship, obliterating it and their entire crew. Sarah still wouldn't let Alex forget about making her do that and he himself felt a bit of the guilt of those deaths on his hands, so he couldn't blame her. No, he probably didn't know about that though, or some of the other things that were best left in the dark corner, where they belonged. For just a second, he worried that coming back out of retirement had been a mistake, but then he remembered that he was doing this for his daughter. With Reyna along, he would not let such things happen again. He had learned his lessons the hard way.

Suddenly feeling the temptation was creeping up on him to get a real drink, one with some alcohol in it. Alex exhaled and began casually making his way through the crowd. It was slow going, with so many working their way to either the Captain or the bar, perhaps a little of both. He felt he should leave before he gave in to the desire for that drink.

== Tag Brooks...then slowly making his way out, unless intercepted by anyone else (open invitation)... ==
At the mention of Graveworld, Kalli took a moment to register that she had completely ignored her boyfriend's question and changed topic. Aanil went right ot the heart of the matter though.

Glancing from one to the other, Kalli tried to be polite in how she responded, "Well, yes. It turned out that their former leader had gone a bit crazy. In the interest of simply wanting off that planet, they were willing to kill as many people as it took to leave. I suppose that they didn't understand that when a person dehumanizes another, so that they can not feel bad about killing them, the first person they dehumanize is themselves. To not become a monster, you have to retain that part of yourself. The hardest part of that is letting them dehumanize themselves and revealing themselves, then letting the monster come to you. Where killing is involved, it's a subtle but important difference."

Kalli then tried to smile and lighten the mood a bit more by commenting on her other question, "As for the rest of my old crew, I have no idea. I got orders and here I am." Glancing around at the ship itself and not the people in it, she ran her hand along the table, feeling it, "This is a very different ship. Her vibrations and harmonics are different. I'm very much looking forward to getting to know her and listen to how she talks to me. I have a feeling that we're going to get to know each other very well."

== Tag Niels and Aanil ==
Giving the impression of mock embarrassment, Alex countered, "I hope you haven't heard too many of the wild stories about me. I assure you that only the good ones are true." Glancing over his shoulder at the approach of several others, he attempted to let the CO get on with his moment, "I look forward to working with you as well, sir. I'll let you get on with your other admirers for now. We can talk more at your convenience."

Dan smiled again and said, "Thank you for introducing yourself Commander and maybe we can share our wild stories sometime."

Talion moved off and a few more junior officers approached, asking him all kinds of questions. Officers were starting to depart back to their usual duties including his First Officer who he acknowledged as she then headed out. The general feel of the room was everyone seemed to be interested and getting along.

Deciding it was time to probably depart himself to get moved into his new quarters, then check out the ready room and bridge. He will tour the rest of the ship later. Dan didn't want anything formal in that regard.

He also knew there was a few other bits to carry out before any orders were to come from Command including he was due a medical at some point. Daniel knew he had gotten away with things a little too lightly with Doctor Anderson, who was one of the few that was to remain with the Charon. Life could be difficult sometimes, as he looked around the room. Thinking of the officers making new friends and knowing at some point in the future they could be all shifted around again. The good thing was this time two crews were being merged into one.

Captain Brooks didn't want to crash anyone's discussions as he would properly introduce himself to the Department Heads in a meeting in the Observation Lounge. He didn't expect to take many DH meetings there but sometimes it was good to get everyone around the table and settled into their roles.

Spotting Lieutenant Commander Kurasa, Dan walked over and he said,

"I need to have a meeting with you as their is a role I would like to discuss with you. Shall we say ready room in two hours?"

==Tag Kurasa and anyone else that wants to introduce themselves to your dashing CO==
While Shione was waiting for Xenara to get ready to move on, the Captain walked over and addressed her;

Spotting Lieutenant Commander Kurasa, Dan walked over and he said,
"I need to have a meeting with you as there is a role I would like to discuss with you. Shall we say ready room in two hours?"

Shione paused for a moment before replying; remembering a similar request from the First Officer "Of course Captain; perhaps it might prove convenient for you both if the Commander Velaul attended as she also requested a meeting with her for a similar timeline?"

Noticing that Xenara was ready she smiled for the CO's benefit; "If you could excuse me for the moment I promised to introduce Lieutenant Xardeen to Commander Talion; I believe she is looking to consult with him on a project."

When Xeanara approached she nodded respectfully for the Captain's benefit and then led the Tactical officer on an efficient route intersecting the CSO's path.

"Excuse me Alex, this is Lieutenant Xardeen, from the Tactical department she has need of a consult with you. Xenara this is Commander Talion, but as the three of us are all either Department heads already, or in your case Xenara pending notification. So, Alex this is Xenara, can you please spare her some time?"

==Tag Brooks, Talion and Xenara==
The last thing that Cologero expected was to find another person who spoke his language, especially someone who isn't human. It just goes to show Italian Hospitality doesn't exclude anyone, even if they were not Human. Cologero followed that example perfectly for a variety of reasons, one of them was to have a better understanding of different cultures. All of them had different ways to have a good time that Cologero wanted to take part in.

He was fascinated by Therapy animals and never seen them before, "Julia and Lois I hope to see you more, but not as a patient." Not that he anything anything against Sickbay, he just didn't like being hurt. "I am going to make a personal introduction before my Formal introduction. I am sure you two have a lot to talk about, I will leave you to it."

At the time of Cologeros approach there was talk about wild times, something that Cologero was no stranger too. As he approached his medallion of St. Jude was still visible on his chest. He always had it on him just under the uniform, it was against uniform code for it to be visible. "Captain, Commanders wild times sounds like an average Friday, watered down naturally." There should always be a proper good time it must be a counterbalance of hard work. 

"Cologero Coppola a pleasure to meet all of you, fresh from the Academy ready to serve." The young Italian had no idea what kind of adventure he was in for, all he knew was when it was time to hold his hat down tight.

==Tag Captain Commanders and Lieutenant ==
==NPC== Security Crewman Matthew Davis Petty Officer 1st Class ==

Davis debated on making an appearance in the big ceremony. It was not usual for NCO's to really be rubbing elbows with command staff as it were.

But in truth he was hoping for something else. He was originally very sad that he was being transfered off the Geronimo however he found out that Xenara Xardeen was also transfered to the same ship.

He came to the big event hoping to run into her. He also had a PADD delivered to him from his former CO but it was locked.

He saw Xardeen talking with a few officer so he decided to play it cool. With PADD tucked under his arm he made his way to get a drink then hung back hoping to catch her eye.

== Chief of the Boat T'Kol== 

T'Kol came to attention as the current Chief of the Boat called the room to attention announcing the current Captain of the ship.

She listened and clapped as the Change of Command was performed.

She looked about and was surprised that the one person she was looking for was not in attendance.

She stepped away towards the door and tapped her badge. "Computer locate Ensign Mala" [Ensign Mala is currently in Sick Bay] reported the disembodied voice.

"interesting" She said and decided to wait to track her down. She saw the very annoying engineer from the Sheridan arrive still wearing his Geronimo uniform. She thought that he had finally moved on but it seemed she would still be serving with him as well.

She wandered if she should 'mingle' with the rest of both ships crews.

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