Mission Archives
People have been asking about looking at old missions, and I can proudly say that they are available for viewing in our archive!

This Link will take you to our archive, where you can view recoverable/available mission archives from the past 24 years. Many are in .HMTL format so will need to be downloaded and opened in a browser to view.

Every FS mission will be uploaded to this database, and I'm looking out for anyone who has access to archives from way back when so we can fill in the gaps!

Happy reminiscing!
Oh man, how cringe I used to be...lol

But thanks!
USED TO BE? Oh, honey.....!  Tongue

I'll work on getting the HTML files converted to PDF - I'll have to do it at work though, so I don't anticipate it being a quick process.
I have started with the decommissioned ships, and will be going in alphabetical order.

* Argincourt, CA-1412 has been converted to PDF. (Sadly, the only file available was a crew manifest. This ship appears to be before the time of the wiki!)

Avenger, CA-1500 has been converted to PDFs.

* Callisto, RSV-88001 has been converted to PDFs

* If you have anything saved from the Beckett, CX-2000, please e-mail me!

* If you have anything saved from the RIS Black Dawn, please e-mail me!
I have worked out how to Zip the Copernicus archives and will send when the alphabet requests

GREAT work

As for the Beckett all I have are my own posts
(04-13-2024, 01:55 PM)Artemis d'Tor'an Wrote: USED TO BE? Oh, honey.....!  Tongue
Trust me, I've gotten...um...better?  Tongue
Note: I plugged "Argincourt" into the Google machine, and found out that there was a slight spelling error. I am pleased to report that the Agincourt is on the wiki!
(04-16-2024, 02:38 PM)Keir 77 Wrote: I have worked out how to Zip the Copernicus archives and will send when the alphabet requests

GREAT work

As for the Beckett all I have are my own posts

Please feel free to send me anything you have at any time! Smile 

And if any files are too big, please let me know and I will set up a third-party service where you can upload them instead.
If you have anything saved from the following ships, please e-mail me!

* Columbia, FF-6145

* Comet, BB-102

* Darwin, GEC-9000

* Drake, CL-2509
Hi everyone! I'm still working on archiving everything on a easily-sharable link!

I've also created a document so everyone can track the progress and see what we still need.
I still have the original After Action Reports from the first 7 missions of the Yoritomo, our first ship on the site. They aren't much, but they were what we wrote at the time. No individual logs, only the Summary by the CO at the time.


Let me know if you have these or not.
Absolutely, please send me whatever you have! Even if I end up getting duplicates, it's still one thing we've made sure we have. Big Grin

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