AQ/D08 - Security Complex
<<10 Forward<<

The Security department worked a three-shift day and as the duo approached the officer Shione was aware that she had timed things properly and they would all have time.
The Alterday and Night shifts were both present and should have finished their debriefing. The ship and crew were not is a dangerous position currently and truly there was likely no reason to maintain the patrol schedule; however, as their new Chief; Shione felt it was important for them to get inti the rhythm and besides it still afforded them access to the perks of the celebration. She wanted them to know that she appreciated their dedication.

As they entered Jez would see over a dozen officers and crew within and as they entered a tall Vulcan officer took note of their arrival, and spoke clearly enough for all to hear. "Chief on Deck." He offered;
The team didn't come to attention; they were not soldiers after all, but all conversation ceased and the Vulcan along with a female Andorian Lieutenant stepped forward to greet the duo. Shione introduced them. "This is Lieutenant Commander Senkar, he is my second, while Lieutenant Shrasso Zh’zhiaril is Senior officer on the alterday shift. "Officers this is Ensign Jez Mala; she transferred here with the others from the Geronimo.

Both stepped up and greeted Jez; then introducing her to their respective teams assuring her that she need not remember all the names; Senkar adding; "There will be plenty of time for that", and then as if there was a signal all of them took a step back as the Security Chief turned to face her speaking her name and rank clearly. "Ensign Jez Mala; in recognition of your actions and decisions while a part of the USS Geronimo away team on Gravesworld. I hereby award you the Star Fleet Achievement medal." She then pinned it to Mala's uniform, and then stood back, speaking clearly;

"Congratulations Ensign Mala; welcome to the USS Aquila Security team." And as the Chief finished all present applauded briefly and then approached to offer their own congratulations.

== We will move to Shione's office after you have a chance to say hello==
Jez followed along with Commander Kurasa to the Security Complex, upon entering She was overwhelmed by the sheer size of it, it was massive as compared to what the Geronimo had.

To her immediate left was a locker room; just beyond the locker room was a lounge, and to her right was the armory. Directly in front was a reception desk and behind that were several workstations; behind the lounge were three offices and behind that in the far left corner was a large briefing room. Directly behind the workstations was Commander Kurasa’s Office, and on the far right were the Brig and Interview rooms. It was truly impressive to see.

As they moved a little deeper inside a tall Vulcan officer took note of their arrival, and spoke loudly enough for all to hear. "Chief on Deck." Jez was surprised that no one seemed to come to attention. Jez just assumed that maybe they announced the arrival of the Chief to make the others aware that the Chief was available for consultations, or briefings; or to get her opinion on issues.

Jez then noticed the Vulcan along with a female Andorian Lieutenant stepping forward to greet them. Commander Kurasa introduced them. "This is Lieutenant Commander Senkar, he is my second, while Lieutenant Shrasso Zh’zhiaril is a Senior officer on the alter day shift. "Officers this is Ensign Jez Mala; she transferred here with the others from the Geronimo.

Jez looked at them and smiled and gave them a slight nod, Jez then held up her hand and greeted Commander Senkar with the traditional Vulcan salute, “Live long and prosper, Commander Senkar.” Her tone was emotionless to show Commander Senkar the proper respect not only as a Commander but as a Vulcan. She then gave Lieutenant Zh’zhiaril a nod, “Greetings Lieutenant.”

Jez now understood the Terran saying of being a little fish in a big pond. As she looked around she couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of people in the Security Complex. She thought that the Aquila must have a massive Security force.

Commander Kurasa then spoke, "Ensign Jez Mala; in recognition of your actions and decisions while a part of the USS Geronimo away team on Graves World. I hereby award you the Star Fleet Achievement medal." Commander Kurasa then pinned it to Jez’s uniform, and then stood back, speaking clearly;

"Congratulations Ensign Mala; welcome to the USS Aquila Security team." And as the Chief finished all present applauded briefly and then approached to offer their congratulations.

Jez was not expecting that, she wasn’t expecting a medal. She was just doing her job, she didn’t think that she had done anything beyond what was expected of her.

“Wow, I.. I…don’t know what to say. I was just doing my job, but.. but Thank you. I hope that I can live up to everyone’s expectations.” Said Jez.

The applause made Jez feel like she was truly a member of the Aquila’s Security Forces. She really felt like she was a member of the Aquila crew.

== Tag Kurasa. ==
Shione gave her new Ensign an opportunity to get herself comfortable with the room and occupants. She took note of the young officer's perusal of the department and gave her time to gather herself.

It appeared that the welcome was well received, and she then replied to Jez's statement. "You earned the medal, Ensign. Gravesworld was a problem that it took two ships to solve. You and your crew solved the mystery, and brought the criminal responsible to justice. You and the team were at risk during the mission, and as such you and your team earned recognition for the success."

Shione nodded in the direction of her office and led the young woman inside closing the door behind them. Heading over to the replicator in her office she directed a question to Mala. "I am going to have a Raktajino, what can I get you?"

Returning to her desk she indicated a chair opposite her and indicated that Jez should sit. After taking a sip of her drink; she sat the steaming mug on a coaster; sitting back, she briefly gave Mala an assessing look.

"This is going to be a complicated transition for you Ensign mainly because of the huge size of this ship, as well as the presence of civilians and crew families. Not everyone you meet will be Star Fleet and as such you will need to be willing to adapt your methods and attitudes when dealing with those aboard. There are VIP's here as well and interfacing with them will require unique approaches to the situations and problems and difficulties. You should not ever feel that you have to deal with anything on our own, and in fact you should seek counsel with the team, because that is how you will grow as an officer."

She offered the young woman a warm smile, before finishing her thoughts. "You are here with me now so that you can ask some questions and or bring up concerns. I introduced you to the senior members of the team and either would also be good role models as well as sources of advice and guidance.

So, tell me how you are feeling and ask the questions you want answers to."

==Tag Jez==
Jez followed Commander Kurasa to her office. It was a little more Spartan than she had expected, but chalked it up to the fact that she to was new to the Aquila and hadn’t had a chance to make the officer her own, yet.

"I am going to have a Raktajino, what can I get you?" Offered Commander Kurasa. Jez couldn’t stand Raktajino, she didn’t understand how anyone could drink that stuff. “Just some Green Tea, would be great, Thank you..” Said Jez.

"This is going to be a complicated transition for you Ensign mainly because of the huge size of this ship, as well as the presence of civilians and crew families. Not everyone you meet will be Star Fleet and as such you will need to be willing to adapt your methods and attitudes when dealing with those aboard. There are VIP's here as well and interfacing with them will require unique approaches to the situations and problems and difficulties. You should not ever feel that you have to deal with anything on our own, and in fact you should seek counsel with the team, because that is how you will grow as an officer."

Jez nodded her head in agreement, “Yes Commander.” Jez knew what the Commander was saying was true, the Aquila was a huge change from the Geronimo, the Geronimo was small and intimate, everyone knew everyone else. Having been raised among her parents Archeological teams, she was used to small intimate groups, close bonds. Jez wasn’t sure what to make of Commander Kurasa, she was Commander Sothrick’s sister-in-law.but the question was could she trust Kurasa.

She did make those comments about your brother, but she does seem nice and Sothrick never said anything negative about her. Maybe I should keep her at arms length, until I know for certain.

Jez took a sip of her Green Tea and reflected upon what the Commander had said. The Aquila would take some time getting used to, but she was confident that she could adapt and grow.

Kurasa offered Jez a warm smile, before finishing her thoughts. "You are here with me now so that you can ask some questions and or bring up concerns. I introduced you to the senior members of the team and either would also be good role models as well as sources of advice and guidance.

So, tell me how you are feeling and ask the questions you want answers to."

Jez sat there for a few moments processing what Kurasa had said, While what she said was straightforward and to the point. Yet, on another level it was very complex.

“Commander, I will do my best to live up to your expectations. I won’t lie, the Aquila is so different from the Geronimo; it was a small intimate atmosphere and Commander Sothrick made it more comfortable, at least I thought so, but I’m curious. What are my exact duties? What do we do when we encounter  a Civilian who has violated Regulations, do we detain them in the Brig?” Asked Jez her voice filled with curiosity. Jez had never dealt with civilians on board ship before, but she was confident that she could adapt and interact with them in a professional manner. Ih, sure there might be a few awkward moments. Jez was thankful that he parents often had to deal with high ranking Government officials to get permission to excavate ruins on many alien worlds

Jez took another sip of her tea.She felt that she had to know why Commander Kurasa seemed to have such a low opinion of her Brother-in-law. 

“Forgive me Commander, I hope I’m not prying and I mean no disrespect, but you said something to me in ten forward several days ago, about Commander Sothrick. You said,"As to the conduct of Commander Sothrick, I have known him for close to 15 years. and while he is very skilled in the use of his abilities, he unfortunately has some bad habits when it comes to where and when he chooses to use them. Stated Jez. “I’m curious to know how you came to that conclusion. I find him to be a very talented, gifted and delightful man. Don’t you like him?” Stated Jez, her tone respectful, but puzzled.

Jez sat there waiting, she was anxious to hear Commander Kurasa’s opinion of Commander Sothrick.

== Tag Kurasa. ==
==Apologies for the delay been a busy RL week==

Shione was paying close attention to all the social signals from her new Junior Officer. She was bracing herself for the comparisons between her methods and Tourock's. She had the highest respect for her brother-in-law; both as an Officer as well as a member of her family. They had never served together and she trusted S'hiarra's opinion on what he was like and in truth they did not differ in many ways; but there were some notable differences and she was bracing for Mala's responses.

Her first reply was all duty related and she paused to give Shione a chance to reply. "Good questions and appropriate concerns Ensign. You will be serving on my shift and as with all new crew to the Aquila you will be paired with a security NCO who knows the ship and they will brief you on all protocols. You and I will be doing a sweep though the Promenade after we are done here. When it comes to civilians you would escort them back here to main security and brief the Senior watch officer, who would conduct the interview, with you present. If possible, they will resolve the problem however in some cases that officer may refer the matter to the CO or the FO. You will be given every opportunity to ask questions and become familiar with the protocols after the decision has been made."

Shione drew a long sip from her mug. Mala's body language was not as relaxed as she might be and the following question filled in all the details the CoS needed.

The question was an appropriate if uncomfortable one, but she sat her mug down and leaned forward in her chair[ catching the young woman's eye.
"Of course I like him. He is the father of my niece and nephew and the Imzadi of my twin sister; he is a part of my family. But as a fellow senior officer it does not always mean that he and I see eye to eye on every issue. I have learned the hard way that playing fast and loose with Star Fleet regs can have catastrophic consequences, and because of my experience; I am a hard case when it comes to telepathic protocols."

The Security Chief toggled a switch on her desk and Mala both heard and felt the room become sealed. The door locked and a slight change in the atmosphere gave her the impression that they were to some degree closed off from the office beyond.

Shione's expression became focused. "What I am about to share with is NOT to ever be disseminated. I am sure you will understand. When I was a Junior officer like yourself, I was tagged to participate in some Special Operations missions. While I cannot share details, I can give you an example of one of the main reasons for my approach.
We had detained a person of interest involved with what we believed to be a terrorist organization. and the individual was not forthcoming with what we needed. One of the Officers present took it upon themselves to telepathically interrogate the man and reported that he 'knew' the suspect was guilty and involved in the plot.

The CO sent word for confirmation of the Intel and we detained the suspect. That night; 8 hours before we got proof of his innocence; the man committed suicide. The Officer involved believed in what he had learned, but the consequences to his career were severe and he retired soon after. The incident also caused issues with the man's home planet as well and all because he had so much faith in his abilities. He was wrong and an innocent man died because of that,"
Shione's focus returned to Jez, and her tone softened somewhat. "We have a responsibility to maintain the Telepathic protocols because they protect us, those we serve with; care about and also they protect Star Fleet and the Federation. While the Geronimo away team was on Gravesworld there was mentions from interviews with some of the civilians afterwards that they were concerned that there might; have been some usage of Telepathy by some of the team."

She paused for a breath before continuing her thoughts, "I have closed the file on that mission as regards Geronimo Officers and crew aboard the Aquila, and I am content that it remains closed. But if there had been investigations done; then those involved could have suffered the same rush to judgement that the man in my example was subjected to.
Ensign, we need to not only be above reproach, but we also have to appear to be. Telepaths in Starfleet hold to the protocols so that we don't have to face false accusations."

Shione smiled warmly. "My brother-in-law knows how I feel about his relaxed approach to the use of Telepathy and I respect his right to make that choice for himself. But I feel he sets a dangerous example for less experienced personnel.
I want you to excel in your job and attain every goal you have in Starfleet Jez. I know you respect him and so do I, but there are people I respect whom I do not agree with, and on that point we do not. I should not have made that statement to you without context and I hope you now understand my reasons for disagreeing with him.
Does that answer your concerns, Ensign or do you have further questions?" With that the Aquila Security Chief sat back in her seat, and took another sip from her mug, waiting for a reply.

==Tag Jez. Took me quite a while to figure out what I wanted to say==
== No problem, Summer is one of the worst times for me, as I’m super busy at work

“Commander, What is the policy if there is no Senior Watch Officer available? What if the civilian is violent and resists? What if it is a child, do we really bring them to the Brig, or do we take a less punitive approach, like taking them to their parents?” Said Jez.

Jez took a sip of her tea. She was starting to feel more comfortable around the Commander. Kurasa was nice, she was someone Jez could get to be comfortable with, maybe even become friends with at some point.

When the Commander mentioned Graves World, Jez tensed up a little, Graves World was a mess. She hated the way that it was left. It was truly sloppy. “Commander, I understand and can accept the Telepathic Policies, but what happened on Graves World was perfectly justified contrary to what others may think or say.  It was Commander Said, Dr. Lim, and I. We were facing a large frightened, hostile, and angry crowd. We were outnumbered ten to one, we were separated from the rest of the Away Team and we had no other option available to us. It could have turned violent; someone could have been killed. I was ordered to use my abilities. Those of us with Telepathic abilities broadcast peaceful thoughts and images to calm the crowd, that’s all; nothing else! “ Said Jez her voice sounding haunting. “Commander, I wasn't proud of what happened on Graves World. I advised Commander Said that we needed additional help, but it fell on deaf ears. Then to make matters worse instead of leaving the Murderer on Graves World to face justice, we took her with us. Granted Graves World didn’t have any law enforcement or any kind of Judicial System in place, but they should have been able to have justice.” Lamented Jez.

“Commander, I find your Brother-in-law charming, intelligent, and an excellent officer, but also a bit…” Jez paused as she searched for the right words. “ A bit perplexing. I was hoping you might be able to answer a few questions about him that I have been pondering for a while.” Said Jez, her tone hopeful.

== Tag Kurasa.==
Jez sat waiting for the Commander to reply, she was truly perplexed by Commander Sothrick, but Jez also had some questions for Commander Kurasa about being a mother and having a career in Star Fleet. Jez knew she would have her baby later on, but was curious if being a mother and a Star Fleet officer were compatible.

Jez sipped her Green Tea and waited, “Commander, I hope I haven’t put you on the spot. I’m just hoping to better understand Sothrick. He’s not like any Vulcan I have encountered in my life.” Said Jez in an attempt to clarify her reason for the inquiry.
Jex led her response off with questions regarding possible situations and contingencies regarding civilians, but there were no answers that would fit all circumstances and she responded as such, "If you have no Senior officer or NCO to ask advice of then you will need to use your own best judgement. Each situation is likely to have unique circumstances and solutions and experience will come. Use good judgement; ensure the protection and safety of all persons involved and ensure that you have as much of the circumstances that you face, under as much control as you can. With children compassion is obviously a part of the solution, but older kids do require some discipline, but whether to use that yourself or leave it to the parents is a judgement call. Whatever choices you make, so long as you can defend them; then you can be sure I am very likely to back you up fully; does that clarify things for you?"

Shione had deliberately brought up Gravesworld for just the reason that materialized. She was looking to provoke a response, not put her on trial, and the Ensign did not disappoint. Shione had assumed the actions occurred while under orders, but it was Said that gave them, not the CO.
Shione's expression remained passive, simply listening to the account given, before responding. "First off taking the person responsible off planet is proper procedure and protocol when there is no established law enforcement, and I can assure you that she will face justice. As for your response to the mob; I was aware of the circumstances; having read all the after-action reports, and in that very particular case it could have proven to be helpful, so don't trouble yourself over that, I am not judging you."

Once again Jez brought up Evan, He apparently had made a very large impression on the two Security officers assigned to him, sharing a heritage was likely a big part of that. She gave the young woman a warm smile, and addressed her question.
"First off the Commander is a Betazoid hybrid just as you, Said and myself are. Secondly, he is older and has been in Star Fleet longer and as such he is a more experienced officer, used to command. Apparently, he has gone to great lengths to make such an impression although I am at a loss as to why he felt it necessary to do so. I am not judging him Ensign but as to why he went to such lengths is perplexing."

Jez repeated her admiration for him and while she would never divulge her thinking, it did bother Shione that he appeared to be going to great lengths to impress his young female officers. "That is something I will certainly discuss with him when next we meet, but for now I would suggest you focus on your current assignment Ensign. This is a large ship and will likely have some challenging assignments for us all, and I would prefer you keep your focus on preparation for those missions than concerning yourself over a former CO.

Are there any other questions? Otherwise, I intend to go on a patrol, and you will accompany me."

Jez nodded as she listened to Commander Kurasa explain certain aspects of her responsibilities on board the Aquila, "If you have no Senior officer or NCO to ask advice, then you will need to use your own best judgment. Each situation is likely to have unique circumstances and solutions and experiences will come. Use good judgment; ensure the protection and safety of all persons involved and ensure that you have as much of the circumstances that you face, under as much control as you can. With children, compassion is obviously a part of the solution, but older kids do require some discipline, whether to use that yourself or leave it to the parents is a judgment call. Whatever choices you make, so long as you can defend them; then you can be sure I am very likely to back you up fully; does that clarify things for you?"

Jez smiled and said, “Yes, Commander I understand.

Jez was a bit surprised when the Commander brought up Graves World, "First off, taking the person responsible off the planet is proper procedure and protocol when there is no established law enforcement, and I can assure you that she will face justice. As for your response to the mob; I was aware of the circumstances; having read all the after-action reports, and in that very particular case it could have proven to be helpful, so don't trouble yourself over that, I am not judging you."

Jez had to disagree with Commander Kurasa, “ No Commander,  the person responsible will never face justice, at least not by the people who deserve it the most. She will go before a judge on another planet, or Star Base and that judge and jury will pass a sentence on her and she will not get the sentence she deserves. The people on Graves World deserve to face that monster and get the justice they deserve, a judge and jury with no vested interest will not give Captain Wilson the sentence she deserves.” Said Jez, her voice sounding distant. “ Besides, shouldn’t the people affected the most by what she did have a say in the outcome? Shouldn't they be able to express their feelings about the situation?” Added Jez.

Jez wasn’t sure if Commander Kurasa was silent for so long because she was considering her answer or was the Commander about to let Jez have it with both barrels as the Terrans say. Jez wasn’t sure what to expect.

Gee….I hope I didn’t cross a line.

Commander Kurasa then brought up her brother-in-law,

"First off the Commander is a Betazoid hybrid just as you, Said and myself are. Secondly, he is older and has been in Star Fleet longer and as such he is a more experienced officer, used to command. Apparently, he has gone to great lengths to make such an impression although I am at a loss as to why he felt it necessary to do so. I am not judging him Ensign but as to why he went to such lengths is perplexing." Said the Commander.

"That is something I will certainly discuss with him when next we meet, but for now I would suggest you focus on your current assignment, Ensign. This is a large ship and will likely have some challenging assignments for us all, and I would prefer you keep your focus on preparation for those missions rather than concerning yourself over a former CO.

Are there any other questions? Otherwise, I intend to go on a patrol, and you will accompany me."

Jez was relieved. “Oh, I know he is a Hybrid. He told me. What I mean is he has embraced his Vulcan side, but he doesn’t act like any Vulcan Hybrid who has embraced their Vulcan side. You know the practical jokes, the fear of spiders. Jokes invoke humor, joy, and fun. Spiders invoke fear, all emotions. See what I mean? “ Stated Jez.  “ I’m looking forward to those challenges.” Added Jez.

== Tag Kurasa.==
Ensign Mala had some strong opinions regarding the issues discussed and Shione made the effort to try and keep the answers short and direct.

"The crimes committed and punishment for them falls under Federation Law and the punishment will fit the offense, Gravesworld simply not have the judicial infrastructure to ensure a fair trial and it is not our role as Federation officers to decide on what should be done. She will pay for her crimes Ensign, you just need to have faith on the system we are governed by.

As for the relationship with Commander Sothrick my only issue is that his belief that open and free use of telepathic abilities is alright; however under Federation law it just is not. You and I have the self control to ensure that we are not using our gifts to our own advantage or to compromise the privacy of others. But many others would use them in those circumstances and for that reason the law is written as such."

==Quick tag. Apologies for not posting. Gonna move is both to the bridge, current time.==
Jez wasn’t sure if she agreed with Kurasa’s assessment of regard if Justice was served on Graves World, the idea that someone would poison others because they reject or use technology to a limited capacity was just monstrous. Jez truly felt that Captain Wilson should have been made to face her victims, to hear the victim impact statements. The idea that some magistrate who has no emotional investment in the outcome decides the fate of Captain Wilson, just seemed wrong somehow.

Jez took a sip of her drink, she smiled as Kurasa spoke, “As for the relationship with Commander Sothrick my only issue is that his belief that open and free use of telepathic abilities is alright; however under Federation law it just is not. You and I have the self control to ensure that we are not using our gifts to our own advantage or to compromise the privacy of others. But many others would use them in those circumstances and for that reason the law is written as such."

Oh Commander, your brother only used telepathy with me and a few others in private gatherings, or if he was teaching me a specific exercise. You know, strengthening my mental shields, filtering out the normal duality that is common in most Humanoids. Your Brother-in-law is a great man, and a wonderful teacher. You should be very proud of him.” Stated Jez, her tone very direct and matter-of-fact.

“How about that tour?” Added Jez. The two officers then departed on the tour of the Aquila.

== No problem. ==
<< Bridge.<<

Jez arrived at the Security Complex. Her emotions were in turmoil, her parents had been on many digs in Cardassian Space, and they were not people she enjoyed dealing with, their arrogance alone was brutal. Their air of superiority was beyond selfish, it was criminal, but they had a mission to complete.

“Commander Senkar, Commander Kurasa wants at least eight personnel Type 2's for Security and ones for all others She will be in touch when we have more intel or a go for the team,” Jez announced.

Jez wasn’t sure what to expect or if she would be chosen for the away team, but this wasn’t a time for grandstanding, everyone had a job to do.

== Assistant Security Chief Commander Senkar. ==

“Jez, you get the phasers ready. I’ll select the members of the away team. “ Instructed Senkar.

Jez listened carefully to Commander Senkar. “Yes Commander, right away,” replied Jez, her tone respectful.
Jez double-checked the phasers, making sure they were ready. She made sure that the Away team was ready to go.

“Excuse me, Commander Senkar. I have never dealt with Cardassians in an official capacity, any tips ?” Said Jez, her voice a little uncomfortable.

== Assistant Security Chief Commander Senkar. ==

“No specific advice, just watch your back, they can’t be trusted…..” Said Senkar.

“Listen up people, Carter, Kentaro, MacDonald, Mala prepare for Away duty mission.” Said Senkar.

Jez could tell by the look on Kentaro’s face that he was nervous, not that Andorians were scared. Jez went over and smiled. “Kentaro, don’t worry, we are preparing for the Away Mission, it doesn’t mean you will be selected.” Said Jez.

Kentaro looked at Jez. “What do you mean? They told us to prepare.” Said Kentaro. “Yes, prepare, check your equipment, record a message for your loved ones, and get in the right mindset. Once we get the intel Chief Kurasa and Captain Brooks decide how many of us they want, but Kurasa looks at our backgrounds. For example, I have training as a field medic so I Will probably be picked.” Said Jez.

“Oh, I have training in basic Engineering and small firearms.” Said Kentaro. Jez smiled and nodded. “You'll be fine…Now record a message for your family. “

Jez recorded a message to her parents and her beloved Teddy Bear, as well as leaving instructions about what to do with her daughter.
Jez double-checked the equipment making certain that the Security Detail was ready. She was a little worried about her friend Midshipman Kentaro. “Hey Kentaro, how are you doing?”

“ I’m alright. I just, I just don’t feel comfortable dealing with the Cardassians is all.” Said Kentaro, his voice sounding distant and uncertain.

Jez smiled, as she recalled those same emotions on her first Away Mission, the fear and uncertainty. “Hey, we all feel that way, Cardassians don’t bring out the best feelings in people, just relax. You will be with a whole team. “ Replied Jez.

“I’ll be back “ Said Kentaro.

== Assistant Security Chief Commander Senkar. ==

“Jez you handled that very well. You’ll make an excellent Security Chief someday.” Said Senkar.

Jez wasn’t sure how to take that. Senkar was a Vulcan and they didn’t give praise every day, so she must have made a good impression.

“Thank you Commander, I appreciate your vote of confidence. Oh and they phasers and the away team members are ready should The Chief needs us.” Said Jez, her tone confident.

“I’ll just double check everything, you can’t be too careful when it comes to Cardassians. You let the Chief know. “ Instructed Senkar.

“Aye Sir, right away.” Jez tapped her combadge, “Mala to Kurasa, the phasers are ready and I’ve selected a few Security officer for the Away Team that may be useful in this situation.” Announced, Jez.

>> Bridge.>>
Jez was getting anxious. Chief Kurasa hadn’t replied to her message. The Bridge was rather busy when she had left.

Maybe the Chief didn’t hear me or maybe my combadge is broken?

Jez tapped her combadge, “Mala to anyone on the Bridge, the phasers are ready. I’ve selected a few Security officers for the Away Team that may be useful in this situation. Per Chief Kurasa’s order. Standing by. ” Announced, Jez.

>> Bridge.>>
[Kurasa to Mala Bring your Security choices with you to Transporter along with phasers for other away team members. Apologies for keeping you waiting.]
Jez was double-checking the Away Teams gear when suddenly her combadge activated, it was Commander Kurasa requesting that she and her choices be deployed to the Transporter Room.

[Kurasa to Mala Bring your Security choices with you to Transporter along with phasers for other away team members. Apologies for keeping you waiting.]

Jez looked at the officers assembled. She knew that Kentaro was nervous, but it was a now-or-never situation. Baxter, a big burly Human male was a veteran of Border skirmishes with the Cardassians, he was an expert in hand-to-hand combat. Etnar was a Ferengi and an expert in Computer Science and Counter Espionage, she can crack any Security System.

Jez wasn’t sure who else to bring, Commander Kurasa did say prepare eight phasers’. Jez’s choices were strategic, Jackson, a sharpshooter, beyond compare, could shoot the wings of a fly at a thousand yards. Bre’kar, was a Bajoran , he was a field medi. And last but not least, was a Klingon named Keztura, a good-natured grunt, who could give and take a beating like no one else.

Let's go people, the Chief is waiting.

>>Transporter Room.>>
Returning to Security Shione looked over the choices she had for the away team ad after conferring with the CO and arranging for Security EVA suits and phasers to be sent to Transporter room 1; her mind was made up.

She then activated the ship wide hail "This is the Second officer. The following personnel are hereby ordered to report forthwith to Transporter room 1; to join an away team return to the Cardassian vessel under my command. Lieutenant Kalli Thorn, Ensign, Jez Mala Specialist Carley Young. Medical CPO SNP Wedsday Addam and mission specialist Cindy Talion.
Special Security EVA suits and phasers will be made available, gather your own gear and report immediately."

Nodding to her Second she gathered her own phaser, and tricorders and headed for the transporter.

>>Transporter room 1><>

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