AQ/D01 - Bridge
==Cdr Mezree Prihl, Trill Female==

With the repairs to the Aquila nearly complete, the Ross-class Explorer was almost entirely healed of the wounds she had sustained from her recent foray into the Gamma Quadrant. Mezree would then have the honour of welcoming aboard the new selection of officers who would be joining the crew before departing to rendezvous with the Charon. It wasn't going to be a long command assignment, and she had to admit that she sometimes wished she'd been given the job, but something the size of the Aquila was a Captain's billet and she'd only made Commander at New Year.

Still, it was command experience, and she'd assume command of the Charon for a series of systems tests when they returned to the Sol system. Not bad for an Engineer.

Running her hand through her short blonde hair, Mezree slipped into the Aquila's comfortable command chair and began to go over the service jackets of those who would be coming aboard for the journey, and those who would be staying aboard the Charon with her when they returned to Earth. It was an interesting collection, especially those coming from the Geronimo; she hoped that Captain Brooks would be able to integrate such a close-knit group into his new crew.

He was certainly going to have his work cut out...
Finally, the turbo lift stopped.

It must have taken me on a complete tour of the ship! Lois thought to herself as she stepped out of the turbo lift on the port side of the bridge. She stopped and looked around the empty bridge noticing a blond person sitting in the captain's chair so she made her way there.

Stopping on the port side of the command chair Lois introduced herself to whom she assumed was the captain, although the blond female Trill held the rank of Commander.

"Dr Lois Lim, reporting for duty," she said confidently, "and may I say, sir, it is a delight to be aboard such a magnificent ship."

== Tag Cdr Mezree Prihl ==
Jez had arrived on the Aquila, compared to the Geronimo it was huge, it was like being back at the Academy, there were so many people.  Jes rode the turbo lift to the Bridge, the doors swished open. There was a bridge at least four times the size of the Geronimo, and there was a friendly face. The warm and kind face of the good doctor, Doctor Lim. Jez felt a little more at ease. Jez took a deep breath and gave herself a quick check to make sure she was presentable.

Upon seeing Dr. Lom. Jez gave her a warm smile and a head nod as if to say; thank goodness a familiar face. Dr. Lim was addressing a lovely Blond Trill. The Trill was a Commander she was truly striking, but Jez found Trills a little unsettling, as she couldn’t be sure if you were talking to the actual host or the symbionts, but on another level, she found them fascinating the life time of memories these beings possessed, they were like living History Museums, and that appealed to the Archeologist in Jez.

She must be the first officer, and that Captain must be busy with something very important and delegated the greeting of the new officers to the First Officer. Thought Jez.

Jez was nervous, her stomach had butterflies in them the size of a shuttlecraft. She let out a small sigh and remembered what she learned from Commander Said about being strong and confident.

“Security Ensign, Mez Jala reporting for duty.” Said Jez, her tone confident then she realized her blunder and her face became flush with embarrassment. "Excuse me. that's Security Ensign, Jez Mala." Added Jez in an attempt to recover.

Mez Jala……..Mez Jala…. You idiot….You said Mez Jala. What were you thinking…. !!! Thought Jez. 

Jez stood there feeling humiliated waiting for a dressing down from the First Officer.

== Tag Dr. Lom &  Cdr Mezree Prihl. ==
As was her habit when first on a new bridge she paused just inside the door, standing stock still. As the bridge was becoming crowded Shione dampened her empathic senses, and then took a couple of steps to the side so as to not block anyone else coming off the lift.

The bridge hadn't changed since her last posting here but they were going to get a new command crew. She knew of Captain Daniel Brooks from when her sister S'hiarra served with him on the Sheridan so many years ago, the FO was new to her, but that was to be expected; Star Fleet was massive and the odds of even knowing anyone on a new posting was small

Here we go again she thought wryly

LCdr Shione Kurasa had plenty of reasons to feel that way. This would be her 10th posting and frankly she was weary of the changes. There had been plenty of good reasons for all of them, some of which resulted from the destruction or retirement of the ship, but this one frankly puzzled her. Her brother-in-law was taking her place on the Titania and Star Fleet in their so-called infinite wisdom decided to send her back here.

Perhaps it was because she had been the original CoS here before, but whatever the reason there had been an amazing surprise when she arrived to meet the ship. Her family including her parents, her wife and their daughter Aashaa were here to greet her, and they had brought their luggage hoping that Shione could finagle their transfer here as well. The reunion was just what she needed and she had taken every opportunity to be with them all and then alone with her wife. As always, she seemed to sleep better when Jelaya was with her, but approval for them staying depended on Captain Brooks.

Drawing herself forcefully out her reverie she focussed on the interactions taking place. The CMO was introducing herself, and Shione was pleased to realize that she recognized the name. Her sister S'hiarra had spoken of Lois Lim warmly and she looked forward to working with such a competent officer. However, the other situation was not going quite so smoothly. It was, she realized one of her officers. A young Hybrid female was having introduction issues, and to be honest it brought a brief but warm smile to her face, and without a pause she decided to step in to the rescue.

Her long stride brought her across the space, and stepping up beside Ensign Mala, she gave a nod of respect for the acting CO.

"Lieutenant Commander Shione Kurasa reporting as ordered. Commander Prihl. It's good to be back on the Aquila again and looking forward to getting to know the new crew."

Turning to face her, she greeted the CMO with a smile, "My sister spoke warmly of you Doctor Lim. I am looking forward to confirming all the good things she had to say,' and pausing to give a surreptitious wink to the other senior officers she gave a smile to her new officer, adding with a compassionate tone. "Don't be hard on yourself Ensign Mala. We have all had our share of embarrassing interactions, but it is rather nice to find that Star Fleet has come around to realizing that they did indeed need more women in charge, don't you think?"

Anyone with empathic abilities - or phsycological training - would feel the mixed emotions Xenara experienced as the doors opened to a massive bridge. And it was already becoming quite crowded. There was a Trill in the Captain's chair, and a few freinds from the Geronimo. 

~Hey, Jez!~ 

The Elaysian knew that Jez was telepathic, and while Xenara couldn't communicate with her the way she would with Sothrick, it was still nice to know the hybrid would be able to read the Elaysian. And maybe being able to read a willing mind would calm the woman a bit. She did seem a bit nervous.

She waited for the proper moment to introduce herself. Even though Captain Brooks wasn't there yet, her shift wouldn't wait on him. She took her time as her nano-exoskeleton didn't exactly allow for any kind of speed. While her skirt uniform did manage to mitigate the awkward fabric snag, it didn't do much for her gait. 

"Lieutenant Xenara Xardeen reporting as ordered,"  she nodded toward the others. "Ladies. I'd have been here sooner, but the commute is a bit further than on the Geronimo," she teased, hoping the Trill had a sense of humor. 

==Tag any==

Xenara thought about hugging Shione but didn't want to look unprofessional, so she just slipped her arm behind the woman.

"Miss me," she said with a smile.

==Tag Shione==
Stepping onto the Bridge, he saw that the person in the Center Chair was quite busy. Most of them were distracted as he silently approached, then waited his turn before speaking in his deep voice, "Commander Mezree Prihl...Commander Talion, reports as ordered."

He was mildly amused that he reported using the wording they were all taught at the Academy. It was a small thing that everyone overlooked, but that he thought might be a detail his new command staff would appreciate. His uniform was crisp and new, but his manner was much more relaxed than when he had last put on a uniform. He was in his science colors once again, glad to be out of a command uniform. He caught the eye of Lim and with a polite grin and a nod added, "Doctor Lim, good to see you again."

Looking over at Kurasa, his grin turned into a warm smile as he expertly hid the memories that threatened to bubble to the surface. She still looked great. "Hello Shione. This is a pleasant surprise. I have someone who will want to meet you. My daughter has heard much about you."

== Tag to all. We have quite the gathering on the ==
Jez was startled by a strong telepathic presence, on the Bridge that had contact with a mind that Jez herself had contact with. Jez tried to shake it off as random telepathic scans, but random telepathic scans were frowned upon in StarFleet, it was something that she was still trying to master not doing, but it was a restriction that she wasn’t used to fully; as Archeological digs with her parents everyone’s mind was open and reading each other's thoughts.

She tried to place the familiar mind, it was strong, masculine, and powerful.

That’s…..that’s…..The old man….. That’s Sothrick… Thought Jez. 

Jez looked around, was Sothrick here? She could have sworn that he was transferred to the Titania. Maybe there was a change of plans. Thought Jez.  After all Star Fleet often made last-minute changes and did not tell anyone, but then again Commander Sothrick was known for playing practical jokes.

~Brother…where are you? Thought Jez.  Old man, where are you..!!!??~

Suddenly a very beautiful woman approached, she had the telltale Betazoid eyes, dark straight hair, a truly beautiful woman. That’s when Jez realized that the familiar Sothrick vibes were emanating from her, but how was this possible, was she a sister, a cousin? In all the conversations they had, he had never mentioned a female relative. Jez looked at the woman's ears, but she just couldn’t tell. She didn’t appear to be a Vulcan.

The woman introduced herself, "Lieutenant Commander Shione Kurasa reporting as ordered. Commander Prihl. It's good to be back on the Aquila again and looking forward to getting to know the new crew."

Jez was a bit surprised but relieved that the crew seemed to know each other, at least some of them. Then  Commander Kurasa said, with a compassionate tone. "Don't be hard on yourself Ensign Mala. We have all had our share of embarrassing interactions, but it is rather nice to find that Star Fleet has come around to realizing that they did indeed need more women in charge, don't you think?"

Isn’t Daniel Brooks a man’s name?... Well... Daniel is a Unisex name among the Terrans. Thought Jez.

Jez was a little taken aback by what Commander Kurasa said, as Jez understood the Captain of the Aquila was a man. “Yes Commander, but I thought Captain Brooks was a….. Man, isn’t he?”

Jez wasn’t sure what to think at this point, but the Aquila’s crew seemed to be friendly enough, but only time will tell.

Then a very familiar mind reached out to her, ~ Hey Jez~ 

Jez looked around and spotted her sister. Xenara. Jez and Xenara and Sothrick were very close on the Geronimo. Jez was so happy to see another friendly face.

~ Hey there, it’s so good to see you, my sister. Let's meet for a drink later.~

Sothrick had taught Jez how to reach the Elaysian’s mind. It was a little difficult, but not impossible. Jez really liked Xenara, she was funny, often making a joke at something Sothrick would say. Though Jez didn’t want to laugh at what Xenara had said, or thought, as she didn’t want to disrespect the old man.

Just then a very distinguished Science Officer entered, and introduced himself, "Commander Mezree Prihl...Commander Talion, reports as ordered."

~ Hmmm.. he is handsome. ~

"Hello, Shione. This is a pleasant surprise. I have someone who will want to meet you. My daughter has heard much about you." Said Talion as he looked at Commander Kurasa,

Jez had to admit there seemed to be a pattern developing here; the Aquila seemed to be crewed by officers with more than a passing familiarity with one another. Did Star Fleet have a special mission in mind that would require a ship with officers with such closeness?

== Tag All. ==
Talion was still smiling at Shione and asking, "So, how is my god daughter these days? It's been a while since..."

He suddenly stopped and turned to look at Ens Mala there was a fatherly concern in his eyes as he used a hushed and kind tone to ask, "Ensign, are you alright?"

Talion glanced at Shione, then lowered his voice even more, "Perhaps this is something we should take to discuss elsewhere? This might not be appropriate conversation for the Bridge."

For what might have been the first time, Mala felt a shift in the room around her. It was not a physical thing, but she was feeling a calming sensation, like a comforting blanket as she sensed more than heard a simgle word in Talion's voice.


There was nothing invasive about it. For all his size and deep voice, he was comforting, not intimidating. There was a kindness in his eyes, but also an instant realization that those eyes had seen a great deal. There was a scar at his left temple that Mala recognized from soldiers as an untreated mark of being grazed by a thin plasma bolt.

== Tag Mala and Kurasa. Talion is full Betazoid and will be curious about why a young officer is seemingly so out of controll with their emotions on the Bridge. ==
Jez was a bit surprised when Commander Talion seemed to respond to her thoughts.

He must have read my body language, unless…..he’s a Betazoid?

Jez looked at his eyes, they weren’t the telltale Black irises that Betazoids are noted for.

Hmmm… he seems unusually perceptive???

She was even more surprised when he addressed her, "Ensign, are you alright?"

Jez smiled and said, “ Yes Commander Talion I’m quite alright, and you. I hope you are well.” Said Jez, her tone friendly and cordial. “I’m just a little overwhelmed by the size of the Aquila, it’s much bigger than the Geronimo.”, she added.

Commander Talion seemed familiar, or at least his name seemed like she had heard it before, maybe her parents knew him and she heard her parents say his name. She thought as she looked at his face if she could recall seeing him, but he just had one of those faces that just seemed to melt into the crowd, though oddly enough he did have a scar that seemed so out of place in Star Fleet. 

“Pardon me Commander, but you seem very familiar, do you perhaps know my parents. Doctors, Fet of Vulcan and Velo Mala of Betazed,  the Archeologists? Inquired Jez her tone filled with curiosity.

== Tag Talion. ==
== Allowing for a response from Cdr Prihl, I'll try to keep things simple. ==

Alex gave a glance around the Bridge. Although it appeared simple enough, to the trained eye, it was the sort of glance a high level chess player might give a chess board. His mind was always in motion on various levels, something he was known for by those who knew him well. To him, he had performed the obligatory ritual of presenting himself to the authority of the center chair after his arrival. He also understood all too well that although sitting in that chair might appear boring to those unfamiliar with it, the job was more daunting than it looked. There were so many pieces in motion and they all came to focus on that one person in that chair who was entrusted with making so many decisions that they assigned them an entire staff to help delegate a great many of them, but it all still ultimately rested on the shoulders of that one person.

His voice still friendly, but hinting at his command experience was tempered by his pleasant nonverbal communication, "The Bridge is a busy place, let's not make their jobs any harder than they need to be. Let's talk."

His gesture indicated that they could walk and talk, but he was being quite polite about it, almost to the point of being charming. His manners and demeanor were kind yet authoritative.

"Mala, you said? doesn't ring a bell. It is entirely possible that you've head my family name, if your parents are academics. My mother is a Xenobiologist and I have some published works in certain scientific fields. Although I'm Betazoid, I grew up on Sol, with only visits now and then to Betazed for family related reasons." He wrinkled his nose and made light of the subject as he mentioned, "My mother would want me to make a fuss about the First House, but I confess that I've never really paid any attention to all of that. If you've seen my name specifically, I'm going to presume it might have been in relation to security or surveillance devices, as most of my other research would be in computers and programming, which not many people have the clearance for or the interest in. Other than that, my family does do extensive philanthropic work and is associated with many charities and assisting in outreach programs on various worlds."

Looking doubtfully at Mala, he asked, "Does any of that help?"

Alex was a bit of a contradiction. He was a Betazoid, but didn't tend to look like most of his people. He looked more like he should be in Security and not Science. He was big and athletic, yet walked with a relaxed and quiet manner that was almost like a monk walking through a temple. His facial expressions and nonverbals were that of an emotional humanoid, while his mind was obviously keen and detail focused like that of a Vulcan. Lastly, he was a Department Head that was the rank of a full Commander, which seemed out of place on a ship who had a person of the same rank sitting in the Center Chair.

As if to punctuate this contradiction, he stopped and with a warm smile said, "By the way, Alex Talion, currently Chief Science Officer. When the brass isn't around, feel free to call me Alex, but for the sake of avoiding the wrath of you superiors," He glanced at Shione and gave her a wink, "I suggest that when in formal territory, you stick with Commander Talion, or Sir. I'm not personally fond of ranks and titles, but Star Fleet is obsessed with them, so we do what we must."

He went to extend a hand, then hesitated half way there, narrowed his eyes and seemed to question the gesture, "Wait, are you a hand shaker, or...hmmm. I'm never quite sure with some people. I don't want to offend, yet it always feels like the polite thing I should do. I guess that's what I get for spending so much time on Sol, yet I've never really been as good as I feel I should be around people."

== That should be enough to get us one step further down the road without creating more of a bottleneck at the Center Chair. ==
==Cdr Mezree Prihl, Trill Female==

Mezree was going over readiness reports when the replacement senior officers began to report aboard; for the most part they had come from the Geronimo and as they arrived, she realised that they were a very...chatty...bunch. Whatever ship the Geronimo was (she hadn't looked), or whoever their Captain had been (she hadn't checked that either), it was obviously a much more relaxed environment than most line vessels. Kurasa and the silver fox Talion didn't appear to have been part of the main group, but were equally vocal. 

At least they seem to be a friendly bunch, that should help them integrate with the existing crew.

Fortunately for Mezree, who much preferred her Engineering workshops to the Bridge of a starship, the banter didn't bother her. Nor was it out of place while the Aquila was still morred to Deep Space Nine. That wouldn't last long, however; their departure time was closing on them rapidly. None of the currently-present officers were on duty for the ferry flight, however, so they had time to get their own introductions out of the way before the work began.

"Welcome to the Aquila, ladies and gentlemen. You're scheduled to report to Ten Forward for the change of command ceremony, but you're all off-duty until then."

Glancing up at the chronometer above the viewscreen, Mezree rose to her feet.

"We're about to depart; feel free to explore the ship, get settled in. You're all welcome to find an empty chair for the departure, if that interests you."
==Just to move things along==

Xenara blinked as she removed her hand from the Security Commander's back. She realized a bit too late that it was not Sothrick's wife, but looked exactly like the woman.

"Forgive me, Commander, I meant no disrespect," she said. "You look - and please know this is not hyperbole - exactly like my previous CO's wife."

She let the statement hang for a bit as another member of the crew - a scientist by the look of his uniform - introduced himself as Commander Talion and mentioned S'hiarra's apparent doppleganger's name as Shione...

She started to introduce herself, but he pulled Jez away for a more private conversation. The Trill Commander brought her back to why she had been on the Bridge. It had been a while since she had the chance to witness a large ship like the Aquila depart, and wasn't really keen on ceremonies, unless there was booze. But, it was protocol, and it was mandatory, and since it would take her a bit to get to Ten Forward - and she'd probably be exhausted by then - she opted to go ahead and leave. Besides, she didn't want to be in the way. 

"As much as I'd love to bear witness," Xenara said. "I think it best if I got to Ten Forward. This nano-exoskeleton doesn't afford any speed."

~Jez, I'll meet you in Ten Forward after you're done flirting.~ She teased. It wasn't the same as with Sothrick, but maybe she and Jez could have a smiliar connection if they worked on it. Jez and her brother were basically the same in that regard after all.

==Tag all==

==Next Post Ten Forward==
Jez listened as Commander Talion  spoke, "The Bridge is a busy place, let's not make their jobs any harder than they need to be. Let's talk."

"Of course, Commander" Said Jez.

He was correct, the Bridge was very active, as new officers were checking in and performing pre launch duties and it wasn’t the place for a casual conversation, but Commander Talion was fascinating, he gave off a very exciting vibe, at least in Jez’s opinion. She always found older Brainy men, solid men very attractive and Commander Talion was very interesting. He looks like he could hold his own against a Klingon, then enjoy a rousing game of Chess while enjoying a cup of tea.

"Mala, you said? doesn't ring a bell. It is entirely possible that you've heard my family name, if your parents are academics. My mother is a Xenobiologist and I have some published works in certain scientific fields. Although I'm Betazoid, I grew up on Sol, with only visits now and then to Betazed for family related reasons." He wrinkled his nose and made light of the subject as he mentioned, "My mother would want me to make a fuss about the First House, but I confess that I've never really paid any attention to all of that. If you've seen my name specifically, I'm going to presume it might have been in relation to security or surveillance devices, as most of my other research would be in computers and programming, which not many people have the clearance for or the interest in. Other than that, my family does do extensive philanthropic work and is associated with many charities and assisting in outreach programs on various worlds."

Commander Talion looked doubtfully at Mala, he asked, "Does any of that help?"

Jez wasn’t sure  if anything he said cleared anything up, she was positive she knew the name, but she just couldn’t place it, maybe she read a paper he wrote or maybe she heard it from one of the Archeologists on her parents dig team?

Oh his mother is House Proud, a Daughter or the First House, how many times did mom say, Sith House this, or Sixth House that, it can be very annoying at times.

Jez watched as Commander Talion extended a hand, then hesitated half way there, narrowed his eyes and seemed to question the gesture, "Wait, are you a hand shaker, or...hmmm. I'm never quite sure with some people. I don't want to offend, yet it always feels like the polite thing I should do. I guess that's what I get for spending so much time on Sol, yet I've never really been as good as I feel I should be around people."

“Commander, as a daughter of Archeologists, I’ve put my hands in ancient mud and muck, so I have no problems with shaking hands especially with a Brilliant man such as yourself.” Said Jez. her tone was polite and welcoming, as if to say she wanted to continue the conversation.

Jez was enjoying speaking with Commander Talion, how could she not, he radiated Charm and seemed very gallant.

Oh he is so handsome and intelligent.

As Jez was enthralled with Commander Talion.

~Jez, I'll meet you in Ten Forward after you're done flirting.~ Xenara teased.

As Xenara passed Jez stuck out her tongue at her wise cracking , but lovely sister. Thankfully no one saw what she did. Jez couldn’t help but smile at what Xenara had said, it reminded her of the fun times that Xenara, Sothrick and Jez had. It has helped make this transfer a little less painful.

“Commander Talion, would you care to continue this conversation over a drink in Ten Forward, a cup of tea, or something?” Said Jez, hoping she didn’t sound too forward or desperate.

==Tag All==

==Next Post Ten Forward==
"Hello Shione. This is a pleasant surprise. I have someone who will want to meet you. My daughter has heard much about you." Talion added with a warm smile, and then as he seemed to take note of the ambience of the bridge his tone changed slightly.
He glanced at Shione, then lowered his voice even more, "Perhaps this is something we should take to discuss elsewhere? This might not be appropriate conversation for the Bridge."

As Shione was listening to Talion's comment and questions it brought a rare smile to her face when she realized that Aashaa might actually have a friend and then she clearly picked up on the subtext of his comment and without looking added as she allowed the two of then to get to touch range, just for a moment.

It was long enough for the Chief of Security to employ her own telepathic talent ~ That is an excellent idea. Ten forward it is. You lead I will tag along~

Shione busied herself listening to the conversations and refamiliarizing herself with her bridge station, but continued to watch as the conversation between Mala and Talion became warmer, and as they reached the lift she turned and quietly joined the duo.

Smiling warmly as she addressed them "I apologize. I overheard your invitation; I hope you two won't mind if I tag along. It sounds like a very good place to have a casual conversation and to get to know one another; so please lead on."

==Tags Talion and Mala==
Alex wasn't quite sure how to react to the kind words of the young Ensign, but he shook her hand. He took care not to use too firm of a grip.

Hearing Shione say that she wanted to tag along, warmed his heart. It had been a while since he had seen his friend. The assignment to this ship seemed all the brighter, now that he knew it was going to include old friends that were practically family. He imagined his god-daughter had grown quite a bit since he last saw her.

With a nod, he replied, "You're most welcome to join us. Perhaps you will be able to add an other perspective to what I wanted to speak with the young Security Officer about."

== Moving to Ten Forward... ==
T'Kol stepped onto the bridge. She had hopped to report in early but as soon as she stepped in she realized she was not the only one.

There were surprisingly several familiar faces. She was Familiar with Commander SHione although she never worked with the woman. She was, impressed how different the COS was from her sister despite the fact that they were identical.

She was familiar with Xardeen as well as her, former mentor and brother like, had informed her of her and another she would be working with. And the other was also here. Ensign Mala, she recognized her from the file she had pulled up.

Sothrick had reached out to T'Kol asking that she look out for the young security officer. It would seem that she was to continue the training that he had started with the young woman. 
She was not entirely sure why but she would comply.

As she looked around it seemed that Commander Kurasa was the one to report in with.
She gave Mala a look and a nod, not sure if Sothrick had told her to look for her as she was instructed to do but she wanted to report in first.

"Commander Kurasa, Chief of the Boat T'Kol reporting in sir." She gave.

Captain Brooks had asked her to join him to the new ship and she found herself a bit surprised at being asked and the want to follow him. She deeply enjoyed working with him if the truth be told. It also followed with their conversation of her desire to further her career. Despite that she was a non-commissioned officer she probably had more experience on star ships than any of the other officer on here.
Jez was a little disappointed she was hoping for an intimate conversation with Commander Talion, but Commander Kurasa and Commander Talion clearly had a history.  No doubt old friends wanting to catch up . Jez was truly surprised that Commander Kurasa had a child, she didn’t appear much older than Jez herself.

I must get her beauty secrets.

Jez picked up on Commander Kurasa’s comment, "I apologize. I overheard your invitation; I hope you two won't mind if I tag along. It sounds like a very good place to have a casual conversation and to get to know one another; so please lead on."

Jez wanted to talk with Kurasa, as she had many questions both Security and personal, as the transition from the Geronimo to the Aquila has been more difficult than she thought it was going to be.  The Geronimo was small and she was familiar with everyone, not to mention the sheer volume of random thoughts that broke through her telepathic shields was almost unbearable, hopefully with time and practice she could learn to strengthen her telepathic abilities and prevent these unwanted random thoughts punching through her defenses.

“Oh no, Commander Kurasa the merrier. Besides, I have a lot of questions for you both. It will be fun to get to know each other better. “ Said Jez, her tone welcoming.

Just as everyone was about to depart for Ten Forward, an enlisted crewman, a Vulcan female approached and introduced herself to Commander Kurasa, "Commander Kurasa, Chief of the Boat T'Kol reporting in sir."

Jez was surprised, this woman seemed… somehow familiar, had she seen this woman before,met her some place. Jez thought and thought, but she just couldn’t place the woman.

Maybe she worked on a dig with her parents or she’s a friend of her parents.Not that Jez had a bad memory, it’s just that Vulcans are very prevalent in the Federation , especially Star Fleet.

I must have confused her with someone else, but she seems so familiar ...think...think..

Jez couldn’t explain it, this T’Kol gave off a vibe, it was hard to explain; it was like when you read a book and years later you read it again, but you forgot that you had already read it. It was a sense of Déjà vu . It wasn’t like the familiarity that she thought she was familiar with Commander Talion, because  she could have read Talion’s name in a Technical paper while in school or at the Academy, maybe her parents had mentioned his name in passing, but T’Kol that’s not a name one soon forgets.

“Chief Talion, care to join us in Ten Forward for a drink, a cup of tea perhaps?” Offered Jez.

== Tag All. ==

>> Heading to Ten Forward.>>
Lt Thorn had finally managed to make her way to the Bridge, but when she did, it was surprisingly busy. As was true to her nature, she simply blended into the background, electing to move to an Engineering station and log in. Although she did give it a glance, she was actually just using it to not draw attention to herself.

To her surprise, she spotted Commander Talion and a few other familiar faces from her past. That unexpected gift from the universe picked up her spirits quite a bit. She considered approaching and speaking with them, but they were busy and were already headed off the Bridge. Having barely caught the Commander in the Center Chair making an announcement, Thorn was releived that she didn't need to bother reporting in just yet. Technically the computer knew she was on the ship and she had been confirmed on the manifest as accounted for.

Thorn decided she could relax until the Change of Command ceremony. Work was on hold for now. Her friends were busy. She could enjoy being invisible for a little while longer, so she signed out of the console, stood and disappeared into one of the turbolifts.

== Nothing special, I just wanted to make an official post on the Bridge to say that I'm here. ==
Cdr Mezree Prihl addressed all present, "Welcome to the Aquila, ladies and gentlemen. You're scheduled to report to Ten Forward for the change of command ceremony, but you're all off-duty until then."

Mezree rose to her feet. "We're about to depart; feel free to explore the ship, get settled in. You're all welcome to find an empty chair for the departure, if that interests you."

Dr Lim took that as her chance to get about her own business. She wasn't one who was excited by starship launches and so she took her leave of the crowd building on the bridge and nodding politely to each officer, giving a smile to Cdr Kurasa for her kind words, she began to move toward the turbo lift on the starboard side of the bridge. Lois passed Cdr Talion. She hadn't realised it but for the first time a stray thought crossed her mind, as she said, "Nice to see you again, Commander."

He's actually quite handsome.

The thought was immediately dismissed as soon as it passed. Lois also had a long memory which included their first encounter with Cdr Talion when she was first promoted to Chief Medical Officer on the Titania.

Lois entered the Tubo lift and gave the order for Deck 10. It was time to meet with the Deputy Chief Medical Officer for coffee.

>> 10 Forward >>
Coming onto the Bridge with Carley close by, Beno stopped to admire the view. It's been a while since she just stopped to admire anything, but this was going to change. This was the ship that she was going to be First Officer of, and the Captain had a nice chair. There were some crew changes that Beno had to get used too, but that was just how things were.  There was something that they had to do before enjoying the party.

Standing in her Command Red and Carley in her Science Blue. "Commander Velaul First Officer reporting in." She said to the Trill Commander who had the Bridge, Carley soon followed "Lieutenant Junior Grade Yonug Science Officer reporting in." It was short process but the rest of the day was going to be fun.

With mention of the others heading to Ten Forward T'Kols brow shot up and she looked towards the young security.

"Ensign Mala, Before you leave I would like a word with you." She gave with no other hint as to why. Just then the First Officer stepped onto the bridge. T'Kol attention was instantly on the FO.

She turned and awaited the First Officer to be acknowledged by the Engineer who had command of the ship currently.

Once she was acknowledged by Kurasa and the First Officer was acknowledged T'Kol stepped in to take her turn.

"Commander, pleasant seeing you again. I wanted to report in. We have many new crew joining us. I was wandering if you would be calling a department head meeting? I will begin working on duty rosters then meet with each DH to go over their requirements. Is there anything you would like for me to address?" She asked
There was no doubt that Beno was happy to see T'Kol again, it was also no surprise she was getting right to business. It was just the Vulcan way, they never really knew how to have a good time. She didn't even think about having a staff meeting, until just now. There was a change in the crew that hit hard, a new Chief of Security. On an Away team the Chief of Security was the person she counted on the most   

"Let's concentrate on enjoying the ceremony first, then a one on one with the Chief of Security. I have a lot more to go over with her." In any given situation Beno had a habit of calling an audible. The level of communication that took time to achieve. Now they were going to have to start all over again, there were also the fact that the security Chief was her righthand person.

"Let's give them time to climatize to their new surroundings, new crew and more importantly the Captain gets to enjoy this Ceremony."  This was Daniel's day to enjoy, if Beno had any involvement it's because of their design not hers. "Our Chief Medical Officer can soon follow,  I am sure that she is more than capable of handling any my medical conditions." Plus Julia knew of her physical needs more than most medical crew, being together this long you get to know a person real well.

"Very well Commander. Please let me know how I can assist." She simply gave
"I will begin working on duty assignments. May I also sit with you while meeting with the new Security Chief?" She requested. She wandered how different the twins actually were. She tolerated S'Hiarra she wandered if Shione was the same.

"If nothing else for the moment I need to speak with one of our new recruits." She asked
==Timeline One Hour and Forty Five Minutes after change of command ceremony==

Dan had enjoyed his very brief walk about the ship. He only mainly took quick glances into departments just to get a visual idea of the layouts, anything more would have to wait. He had plenty of other business to sort out before Command sent him orders.

Arriving in the aft turbolift and the doors opened, he was greeted by the main bridge of the Aquila. It seemed like a version of the Luna Class but magnified a hundred times more. Due to the ceremony the Bridge was sparse with officers, but that didn't bother him as Dan knew the ceremony would start to clear out by now and the officers would be returning to their normal duties.

An Ensign snapped to attention at the tactical station and said, "Captain on the bridge." making him jump slightly,

"At ease everyone." said Brooks giving them a smile as he moved around to the center command area. Looking at the Captain's chair he already felt this ship was going to be even more special then his previous command.

He said "Can we get a view of the Charon." one of the officers pulled her up on the main viewer. It seemed so small compared to the ship he was now stood on, but she clearly had served him and his crew well, despite it feeling a bit of a jinx. He hoped this vessel would have a more positive role within the fleet.

"Captain, just to let you know Commander Prihl has now beamed over to Charon and she will be getting underway soon. They will communicate when they are due to depart." reported a Lieutenant at comms.

"Understood, keep me informed." Brooks replied before heading over to the ready room door.

The door slid back and Daniel stepped inside.

>>>Ready Room>>>
Entering the Aquila bridge evoked a true moment of Deja vu for the Hybrid Security officer. 

 It had been a few years since she last served here under the command of her friend Serran Zan. She missed her but understood that not everyone in Star Fleet was a 'lifer'. She took in the bridge; noting a few changes, most likely to accommodate technical system upgrades; but she would take the time to explore those at a more appropriate time. 

 Checking her reflection in one of the active screens Shione took the opportunity to make sure all was in order. All Shipshape and Bristol fashion she mused silently as she ensured that hair and uniform were as they should be.

 Shione did not understand the need for this particular meeting. She had already been confirmed as Security Chief, and they were a ways off  before departure, so it was puzzling.

Just because I am good at solving them does not necessarily mean I need puzzles on a regular basis.

 Nodding to the Officer of the watch she crossed the bridge and unhesitatingly tapped the door chime for the Captain's ready room.

A response was forthcoming

"Come in Commander" she heard before stepping forward and entering.

>>Ready Room>>
==After meetings in Ready Room==

Daniel stepped back out onto the Bridge of the Aquila. It was massive compared to the Charon but it had the same layout. Brooks moved down to the Command area and checked in with the route that the ship was going to go on. Having looked at the coordinates the Aquila was taking on the patrol route of the Charon on it's way back to Starbase in a few weeks time.

Captain Brooks said to the helm officer, "You can resume the patrol pattern." the officer nodded and replied "Aye sir."

As Brooks was very conscious that they were still close to the border even if they were an hour away.

Dan decided it was time for him to go visit his quarters and get unpacked.

>>>CO & FO Quarters>>>
T'Kol stepped onto the bridge as she was not familiar with her new station. She wanted to get a feel for the new set up. When she stepped back on the bridge she took it in. She had forgotten how large the bridge was. It was the largest bridge she had been on.

She went to the left of as she rounded down past the middle chairs. If she was correct she should be able to claim the first station on the left. There were three on the left and right of the bridge, she claimed the first and sat down. She tapped out a few things to set up the communications as she needed.

She looked through signals to the ship in the past 24 hours and as she did she called out to the front helms officer.

"Helmsmen, may I inquire our course?" T'Kol called out.

She was ready for the next mission and wandered where it would lead to.

== Tag anyone who wishes ==
==GM Brooks==

==Ens Barry Stringer==

The helmsman looked at the petit Vulcan and replied, "We are currently on the usual patrol course that the Charon would have carried out if she hadn't been called away on other duties. At this point we are now an hour and a half away from the Cardassian boarder."

Barry looked back at his console and replied, "At the current rate we will be back at the starbase in three weeks."

Taking a look back at the Vulcan, "How are you settling in? I'm not use to such a large ship, lost my quarters twice." Barry said with a grin.

There was a beep on the console to show an incoming message, another ship was coming by to drop off a passenger and they were getting ready to beam over.

"Looks like another federation vessel has arrived." said Barry looking at his sensors, "T'Kol, they are hailing to say they want to beam over the new Chief Tactical Officer? Are we alright to do so?"

At first T'Kol listened to the Helmsman from her own station as she was setting it to her own preferences.

 "At the current rate we will be back at the starbase in three weeks."

Taking a look back at the Vulcan, "How are you settling in? I'm not use to such a large ship, lost my quarters twice." Barry said with a grin.

"I am ... settling in, well. It is the largest ship I have served on as well. Thank you for asking." She gave still working on being more 'pleasant' as a crewman once suggested.

She was about to try to engage in banter with the Ensign when he called back more information.

"Looks like another federation vessel has arrived." said Barry looking at his sensors, "Arrived?" Said T'Kol as she spun around...
"T'Kol, they are hailing to say they want to beam over the new Chief Tactical Officer? Are we alright to do so?"

She then stood and began to move towards the front of the bridge. It was then that she noticed their was no one in command chair.

The bridge had a few others at Security and tactical but no one was claiming the center chair.

"Yes Ensign, insure it is a Federation Transport ship. Slow to quarter impulse, respond to their hails let them know I will meet them in Transporter room one." She said leaving her station open.

She had seen that Lieutenant Commander Ch'Alev would be joining. She had prepared his quarters just earlier today.

She tapped her badge. "Chief T'Kol to Captain Brooks. The transport with Lieutenant Commander Ch'Alev has rendezvoused with us. I am currently on my way to greet him in the Transporter room One."

She then looked back at the Ensign. "Ensign who has the bridge command duty this evening?" She asked

Once he answered she continued. "It would seem you have the bridge for now call the officer and let them know of the transport ships arrival. I will let you know when the new Chief Tactical Officer is aboard." She added then moved to the back of the bridge and to the turbo lifts.

== Tag Any and All and Ensign Barry Stringer ==
==GM Brooks==

==Ens Barry Stringer, Helmsman==

T'Kol reply was the standard response to meeting up with another vessel as Barry slowed the Aquila down to match speed with the federation transport at least someone knew what was going on. Barry returned the hail and listened as T'Kol spoke to the Captain.

Captain Brooks replied, [Thank you T'Kol, keep me posted. I will meet our new officer in due course. Brooks out]

"Ensign who has the bridge command duty this evening?" T'Kol asked,

"It is Lieutenant Commander Kurasa, but they were called away to attend another matter. Being Chief of Security, I would expect they already knew of this vessels arrival and the new Chief Tact." Barry responded with a thoughtful tone to his voice.

Once he answered T'Kol continued. "It would seem you have the bridge for now call the officer and let them know of the transport ships arrival. I will let you know when the new Chief Tactical Officer is aboard." She added then moved to the back of the bridge and to the turbo lifts.

"Understood." replied Barry as he then opened a channel to the COS, "Bridge to Kurasa, we are receiving a new arrival onboard in transporter room one. T'Kol is going to meet them there. Bridge out."

Barry closed the channel, the vessel stayed in pace with them for another ten minutes before they hailed to say they were leaving...Barry was a little bit interested in who command had assigned to be a mentor for the Tact department.

==Tag T'Kol (when you return), Kurasa==
As T'Kol listened to the Ensign she gave an audible sigh.

It seems that the new COS took hir bridge duty lightly. She had looked over the new Security Officer file before joining the crew. The file she read was impressive but she had remembered a conversation with her old mentor as well.

She was pleased the Ensign called for the Commander before she left.
He still hasn't reported in for duty yet and with all of the transfers it wasn't surprising, from what he could tell the whole thing was bitter sweet. Bitter to the degree that everyone was uprooted, sweet because it added to the new adventure. He was still fresh out of the gate making new friends as he goes, there have been a few he really started to like. Even when people had problems of their own they were still accommodating, that's just how things are done.

Just like how he was on the Bridge getting a better idea of what he was working with, there were no dimensions that didn't hold any value. The best way to avoid being hit with anything is not to be there, or at very least minimize the blow. Every single blow that lands hurts the crew, as his Brothers keeper sometimes it means fighting off the wolves. With everything that he needs to know right there at his fingertips, he would learn how to handle every twist turn and Crazy Ivan he would be able to handle.
==GM Brooks==

==Ens Barry Stringer==

The Ensign heard the turbolift door open and looked in the direction thinking it might be T'Kol returning but it turned out to be the new Midshipman Coppola.

"Hello Midshipman, I'm just waiting to go off duty as I am awaiting the return of Lieutenant Commander Kurasa to come back." giving the Midshipman a smile Barry said,

"Would you like to take over the helm for me. Course is already plotted in, just keep her smooth sailing." Barry said getting out of the helm seat and moving into the command area.

==Tag Coppola==
== NPC Science Ensign B’Tor Thoz, A female- Klingon/Vulcan Hybrid. ==

B’Tor was sitting at the aft Science station running a check on the systems to make sure they could handle an experiment  she was hoping to conduct, but before she could ask Commander Talion if she could she had to make sure  the Aquila had the necessary computer capacity to handle it. She was impressed with the Aquila, it was an incredible ship, but B’Tor couldn’t help but imagine what if the Aquila was a purely Scientific Vessel and not an explorer.

B’Tor waited as the computer ran a self diagnostic, so she could confirm its capabilities to see if it would meet her needs or not. 

B’Tor noticed Chief T’Kol enter the Bridge, she found this particular Vulcan fascinating, but at the same time a little odd, it was like the Chief was trying to be more like a human, at least in B’Tor’s opinion she was, maybe it was just that the Chief was trying to be all things to all people; but either way B’or liked the Chief. She found T’Kol to be very level headed and easy to get along with.

Thoz watched as T’Kol was speaking with another Ensign, a  Human from the looks of him. "We are currently on the usual patrol course that the Charon would have carried out if she hadn't been called away on other duties. At this point we are now an hour and a half away from the Cardassian border." Said the Ensign.

B’Tor tilted her head as if she was doing her best to recall information.

I wonder what’s going on with the Cardassians, as far as I know we are neither on good relations with the Cardassians; nor are we at war. The last I heard they were still trying to rebuild from the Dominion war.

The Ensign named Stringer then said something that caught B’Tor’s attention. "At the current rate we will be back at the starbase in three weeks."

B'Tor was a little surprised at the notion of spending three weeks near the Cardassian border, a dozen questions came to mind, like what are they up to? Are we seeing the prelude to a new militaristic Cardassia, or is this just a friendly social call to the Cardassians to see how they are getting along.

Perhaps we are offering humanitarian aid. I wonder what is going on? This could be interesting.

B’Tor had to smile at the way humans engaged in small talk, "How are you settling in? I'm not used to such a large ship, lost my quarters twice." The Ensign said with a grin.

B’Tor heard a beep on the Ensign’s Console to show an incoming message, "Looks like another Federation vessel has arrived." said Barry looking at his sensors, "T'Kol, they are hailing to say they want to beam over the new Chief Tactical Officer? Are we alright to do so?"

B'Tor, listed as the Chief, replied to him, "I am ... settling in, well. It is the largest ship I have served on as well. Thank you for asking."

When Stringer said, "Looks like another Federation vessel has arrived."  The Chief didn’t seem to miss a beat. "Yes Ensign, ensure it is a Federation Transport ship. Slow to quarter impulse, respond to their hails, let them know I will meet them in Transporter room one." The Chief said leaving her station open.

B’tor recalled that her roommate Jez Mala didn’t understand why T’Kol never went to the Academy to be an officer; she is very gifted.

The Chief tapped her badge. "Chief T'Kol to Captain Brooks. The transport with Lieutenant Commander Ch'Alev has rendezvoused with us. I am currently on my way to greet him in the Transporter room One."

Ch’Alev, interesting that sounds like an Andorian name, Thought B’Tor. B’Tor found Andorians interesting, great warriors, and excellent Engineers for sure. 

B’Tor looked on as The Chief looked back at the Ensign. "Ensign who has the bridge command duty this evening?" She asked

Once he answered she continued. "It would seem you have the bridge for now, call the officer and let them know of the transport ship's arrival. I will let you know when the new Chief Tactical Officer is aboard." She then moved to the back of the bridge and to the turbo lifts.

Well B’Tor you lucked out on being assigned to the Aquila, you will be serving with Andorians, Trills, Betazoids, Humans, and other Hybrids, this should prove to be a very interesting assignment.

B’Tor gave Chief T’Kol a little nod as if to say, “I hope all is well Chief.”

The Computer finally provided her with the information she needed. She was excited as Aquila's main computer should be able to handle her experiment, the hard part was getting Commander Talion’s approval and support.

“Chief, hold the turbolift. I will ride along with you.” Said B’Tor. Hoping to get a chance to talk more with the Chief.

== TAg T'Kol, Tag All. ==
Stepping off the other turbolift, Talion glanced around and was a little surprised to see the Bridge so empty, there was only a bare minimum of people at any stations. He thought it a little odd. Having been a First Officer on the Titania, he was tempted to inquire about this, but stopped himself. He silently reminded himself to stay in his lane, so to speak. It would not look good for him to start questioning things the first time he stepped onto the Bridge in an official capacity.

Shaking it off, he stepped to a Science Station and logged in to verify a few things about his preferences for his profile when he might need them in the future. It was also one of the places where he could access everything with the fewest number of steps. The Bridge was set up for speed and efficiency, things he valued highly. He took a second to ensure that his holographic interfaces also were functioning, should consoles become damaged or compromised and he might need them as a backup plan.

Within a few seconds, he had managed to fly through the menu options and verified his information. With a silent nod to himself, he was satisfied and prepared to leave the Bridge once more.

== Chance to catch Talion on the run, if there is anything you want to engage with. If not, he gets back on a turbolift and vanishes once more into the vastness of the ship. ==
== NPC Science Ensign B’Tor Thoz, A female- Klingon/Vulcan Hybrid. ==

B’Tor was about to catch up to Chief T’Kol when, who of all people should step onto the Bridge, but Commander Talion? B’Tor called to T’Kol, “Chief, hold on a second. I’ll be right with you.”

Jez was so right Commander Talion is so handsome, he’s almost too handsome to be a Scientist. I wonder if he participates in the rite of jamaharon?

B’Tor watched as Commander Talion was adjusting the setting on the Science Station. She knew that he was like her in that he preferred his terminal interfaces to be just right, but that was one rumor about the Commander she found to be true. Everyone said Talion was fussy regarding his terminals, everything had to be just so. Some called it O.C.D., while others called it neurotic, but B’Tor just called it making the most of one’s resources to get the best results from them. .

“Excuse me, Commander, I was hoping that I might be able to run an idea by you, and get your professional opinion on something that I have been working on.” Declared the Klingon.

B’Tor handed the Commander, her Data Padd, it contained some schematics the Title was called Hyper Space Inversion “ Here Commander, I have a theory that we could create a Hyper Space Inversion Field that would allow us to jump to just about anywhere in the galaxy within seconds, think of it as being similar to the Borgs Transwarp Conduits, but without the need for a artificial support structure. It utilizes an inverted Tachyon field in an artificial quantum singularity “ Said B’Tor. “ I know we are about to undertake a new mission, but maybe after this mission, you could speak to the Captain and see if he would allow us to test my theory using one of the Aquila’s support craft?” Added the excited young Scientist.

== Tag Talion and T'Kol.==
The turbolift opened and Captain Brooks stepped out onto the Bridge, he was wearing the CO waistcoat variant of the uniform as he walked down to the Command area. He smiled at Talion who was in conversation with Mala and he also noticed Midshipman Coppola was talking to Stringer who he knew was due to go off duty.

It all seemed pretty quiet and most of the officers where off duty. Dan looked at the Command chair and decided to sit in it. Sitting down in the Command chair he felt the weight of being a CO of such a large ship really dawn on him. Seeing the vastness of the Bridge from this position compared to the Charon.

Even through he had to try and contain his little bit of excitement inside him that was wanting to burst out having been assigned the CO of such a vessel made him feel very humble. Dan had noticed that the first CO was Captain Zan who he had served under. It was nice to be able to take on the ship and hopefully keep her in service for a long time.

Brooks turned to Stringer, "You can go now Ensign Stringer. Mr Coppola will take the helm." he said looking at the Ensign with a smile. Stringer had been a fairly new assigned officer onto the Charon before they were all merged with the Geronimo crew and put on the Aquila.

Taking a look at the reports on the Command chair armrest, everything seemed good. It was nice to sit and watch the stars zipping by on the viewscreen.

==Tag all==
== Back track a bit for T'Kol ==

As she neared the exit the Kilingon / Vulcan Hybrid she had met had stepped in and then called out to the Chief

She paused looking at the Ensign just as the Chief Science Officer also joined the Bridge.

"I really can not take long Ensign." She said and continued moving towards the doors

>> Turbo Lift the Transporter Room >>

== Bto and Thalion we can carry on with turbo lift talk in ancillary locations if you would like ==

== About 40 minutes after T'Kol first left the bridge ==

>>Transporter Room 1>>

T'Kol made her way off the lift with the new Chief Tactical Officer in tow.

She noticed that the Ensign she was speaking with earlier is gone but a new midshipman was there.

"Excuse me bridge allow me to introduce the ships new Chief Tactical Officer Commander ch'Alev." She called out

== Tag any and all ==
Matt tried to shy from bridge duty but today he drew the short straw and was to take his shift.

He stepped in behind one familiar person T'Kol standing with some Andorian in red.

Matt gave him a quick look and nodded. Not hearing he was new to the ship as well Matt introduced himself.

"Commander, Engineer Phoenix reporting I will take my station unless you have need for me anywhere else." He said with a smile hoping to be sent somewhere else.

== Tag ch'Alev ==
Talion had just turned to head back to the Turbolift when his Science Ensign intercepted him. He gave a barely raised eyebrow in response to the eager inquiry of the crewman. He had to admit that being a hybrid, the cranial ridges were more subdued and he supposed that the less dramatic appearance was more attractive to him than that of a full blooded Klingon might be. She also was more polite and intelligent than most of the Klingons he had met in his past, so it was easier to speak with her.

He took the offered PADD and swiftly scanned the data while listening to the speculations. A grin threatened to to turn into a smile, but he fought to keep it to the confines of just a polite grin as he turned to her and replied in a calm tone that he tried very hard not to allow to sound condescending, "Ensign, I can certainly appreciate your idea, but there are a few tiny fundamental flaws to contend with. First of all, the energy required to contain and maintain a stable singularity would be...problematic at best. Even if we could overcome that particular holy grail, I wish to point out that then maintaining control of something within a singularity defies current known laws of physics. Were we able to overcome this second monumental hurdle, it would also then counter the effects of any kind of field we might attempt to create within such a tiny space. Should we manage to accomplish all of this, the very nature of it all would operate contrary to the desired effect of such a field. Remember that the field, to transport us with it, would require to envelope us, just as a warp field does. Thus, we would paradoxically need to be within the field that we were transporting."

His expression wrinkled a bit, giving a humorous sort of wincing appearance, "Like I said, very problematic." He highlighted part of her data and added, "You have the wrong equation here. Don't feel bad, when you're dealing with quantum elements, the math is often quite confusing. I know lots about it, but anyone who tells you they know everything about it is lying to you." His look instantly turned to that of a teacher trying to encourage a bright student, "Don't give up on your idea though. People once thought warp drive was impossible and look at us now. Given the work you've done on this, I think you're actually closer to creating controlled wormholes, so maybe you could redirect your energies to that sort of outcome. Don't give up though. It's rare that I have someone approach me with such a bold idea. I find your enthusiasm to be very encouraging."

He then did smile and held the PADD out for her to take back for review and awaited her reaction.

== Tag Ens B'Tor Thoz ==
<<<Turbolift 1<<<

Having dropped off his gear at the new quarters, Keval and T'Kol then travelled the turbolift to the Bridge. The ride was exchange with usual chat you would have having just met someone.

The doors opened and T'Kol stepped out first and Keval followed with PADD in hand.

"Excuse me bridge allow me to introduce the ships new Chief Tactical Officer Commander ch'Alev." She called out the Andorian then noticed the Captain was on the Bridge in the Command Chair. He wasn't expecting to see him here after the short call earlier said he was busy.

Moving over to the Captain he stood to attention.

"Lieutenant Commander ch'Alev, Keval. Chief Tactical Officer reporting for duty here from the USS Titania." he said passing the PADD over to his new CO.

==Captain Brooks==

Dan looked up as the Andorian approached him and reported in handing him the PADD.

Brooks stood up, "Welcome aboard Commander. I hereby authorize you in your new role as the Chief Tactical Officer of the USS Aquila. I'm pleased to have you aboard. I have recently read your file due to your transfer being so swift. You are one of a few officers I have come across who was awarded a purple heart. It will be good to have you here, even through it says your a temporary assignment."

Brooks passed the PADD back and said, "Stand at ease."


The Andorian relaxed a little,

"Yes sir. I believe I am awaiting to be transferred in the near future to a training posting in the meantime, I am very impressed to be assigned to such a vessel."

Keval then looked across at the helm, "I see we have a Midshipman flying us, I will take tactical unless I feel anything else is required or weather you have other orders?" the Andorian asked.

==Captain Brooks==

"No, you might as well take your tactical station and get accustom to it. You never know when you might be called upon." he said giving him a grin before sitting back down in the command chair.

==Commander ch'Alev==

As ch'Alev moved back round to the tactical position an Engineer appeared that he kind of remembered from somewhere, "Commander, Engineer Phoenix reporting I will take my station unless you have need for me anywhere else." He asked.

ch'Alev looked around and said, "You might as well take the Engineering station until someone else arrives if you haven't got anything pressing to do." his eyes studied the Engineer closely.

"Have we served together before?" he asked.

==Tag Phoenix and anyone else==
== DANG   I am sorry... I somehow missed your post all together that you were on the bridge now, Captain ==

After the introductions were done, which she felt she had done a bit clumsily, and seeing the new CTO take his station she moved back to the station she claimed earlier.

She checked comms again and made sure the transport ship had received their notice that the new officer was safely aboard.

"Captain the transport ship is now moving off." She reported back
Powering down the station he had all of the information needed, being at the helm would help him complete the picture. It would give him a better idea of the ships handling, it was also a good gesture. "I would love too." 

He switched his position to the helm when B'Tor came on the Bridge. He was settling in so nicely, he fit in so well. He made a few friends, and one that could be more. He had a great time with her and for the briefest of time felt normal again. "Hopefully the controls are not sluggish, it can create a problem 

Shortly the Captain came on the Bridge relieving the man he was just talking to, and Cologero sat down. He didn't want to disrupt the course already laid in, and ran a quick system analysis. He just wanted to see how they were working, being part of a crew that was in the process of rediscovery process he wanted to eliminate any problems. 'Captain everything seems to be smooth sailing so far." At this moment he wanted his favorite stetson, he would wear it every time he rode his horse. 

The only person who took his attention away from the helm was ch'Alev, a kind of person who he never met before. The only thing he knew was about his natural ability, he could smell emotions and lies with his ears. Admitting that it was an odd concept, but that's just how it was. Cologero did miss the former Chief Tactical Officer for more of a personal reason including the fact she is cute, now he just had to know the new department heads.

==Tags anyone ==
It was exciting to walk onto the Bridge for the first time on duty, it was the biggest ship she served on since being a Midshipman. The new Chief Science Officer was in place, and it was good to see him there, as well as T'Kol. Beno wasn't sure if the new Chief Tactical Officer had arrived, and was glad to see that he did.  Naturally while the Chief was at the station the other can go to the helm, it still didn't fully sink in to who it was when she was about to take her steat.

"Captain our exciting maiden voyage is." There was no hiding the fact she was excited to see him, she raised an eyebrow at Daniel. She knew that he had the juice to pull off that surprise. People have attempted to surprise her in the past, but somehow managed to find out. There were also two people who knew how much Keval means to her, and only one of them were missing.

"Apparently more exciting than I was capable of seeing coming." It wasn't everyday that Velaul was surprised, but that level of surprise was masterminded by two people. Luna has an impressive ability to make things happen, and Daniel knows her almost as much as Keval. "I see we are in great hands. Commander ch'Alev I am glad to have you with us my friend." Taking her seat she was looking forward to see how this unfolds.

== NPC Science Ensign B’Tor Thoz, A female- Klingon/Vulcan Hybrid. ==

Jez was right when she said that Commander Talion was a tough nut to crack. Thought B’Tor. But she wasn’t going to give up. She knew she was on to something.

Jez said he was stubborn, but this is an understatement.  Maybe it’s a trait among older men, this stubbornness? Oh but he is so adorable he can get away with being stubborn. I’m surprised Jez hasn’t tried to claim him as her own. I’ll have to check with her to make sure I’m not crossing any line. I wonder if he speaks Klingon…???

“jaw, qar'a', joHwI'?” 

She was confident in her theory.  “Commander, with all due respect you didn’t read the entire paper. It's fairly easy to create a Quantum singularity; we feed matter, trilithium for example, into a magnetic resonance chamber  that compresses it until it becomes a quantum singularity. Then keep feeding it matter so it doesn't evaporate, and use the radiation it emits then  direct it into our deflector dish. The deflector dish would project the singularity in front of us. We then create a tunnel with a tachyon beam. If we know the coordinates we want to go to, it should take us there. “ Said B’Tor her tone resolute.

B’Tor was confident that if Talion read the paper in its entirety he would see that she was onto something. This could revolutionize space travel, push the limits of space exploration not to mention give the Federation an incredible tactical advantage. It would enable Star Fleet to explore the far reaches of the Delta and Gamma Quadrants, even places like the Canis Major dwarf or Segue 1. The possibilities were endless.

“Commander, I know I haven’t necessarily worked out all the bugs, but I’m confident that you and I could make this work. Please, review it and maybe later we can run a few simulations on the Holodeck? Suggested B’Tor. 

B’Tor was excited to be working this close with a living Star Fleet legend.  “Commander, I have taken enough of your time. If you will excuse me. I have an experiment running in the Lab. Good day sir.” Said B’Tor as she departed the Bridge.

== Tag Talion.==
Talion heard the Ensign say something to him in Klingon and he glanced at his wrist. Cindy translated it in text, which he mumbled to himself, confused at the words, "Lady, my Lord?" He tried to think why she would say that and shrugged, moving on with the topic.

Talion chuckled, "Actually I did read it. What you're describing is more accurate to a black hole and the tunneling is the directed energy to try and initiate a wormhole. Although the terms tend to be interchangeable, a quantum singularity is much stronger and far more dangerous. I think the desired effect that you're looking for is to actually use a child universe that the singularity can create and then use it as a dimensional bridge for your trans-dimensional wormhole. You can create a singularity, but controlling it and preventing the radiation from damaging the ship or crew is incredibly dangerous. The best way to fabricate a deflector shield to handle such energy levels would need to be coated in neutronium. I understand the concept and the math involved, but there's no way this ship could handle such an effort safely."

He nodded to her though, "I would like to continue this conversation on a holodeck sometime. I'm a firm believer in running simulations to test variables. You have my permission to run some preliminary simulations and then let me know when you have something to show me. Let me know if you require any assistance in the programming of your simulations. We would have a great deal of work to do before I could take something like this to the Captain for review, but I always encourage my scientists to come to me with all of their ideas. let's see what potential your theoretical work has in the experimental arena and go from there."

As she headed off, Talion shook his head and chuckled to himself. He remembered having that kind of bold enthusiasm and he didn't want to take that away from her. If her science was solid, it would eventually bear fruit, but it would take time and hard work to go through the steps to get there. Dealing with that kind of energy was dangerous. He should know, he had a device in his quarters that used something fairly close to it, but it was for communications. He wasn't going to tell her about that though. He had learned the hard way that he needed to keep some things secret.There were many things that he had decided that people were better off not knowing.

== Tag Ens B'Tor Thoz ==
T'Kol reported in, "Captain the transport ship is now moving off."

"Very good, helm take us back up to warp two." said Brooks.

Velaul arrived and said,

"Captain our exciting maiden voyage is." There was no hiding the fact she was excited to see him, she raised an eyebrow at Daniel.

"Yes and at least it is a quiet one." he replied noting the fact they were on the usual patrol.

"Apparently more exciting than I was capable of seeing coming." said Beno then added "I see we are in great hands. Commander ch'Alev I am glad to have you with us my friend." Beno took her seat.

Commander ch'Alev gave a nod and a smile, he hoped to catch up with Commander Velaul properly soon.

Dan turned to Beno, "I knew about Commander ch'Alev's temporary transfer for a couple of weeks, I keep it quiet so you would have a little bit of a surprise." he said with a smile.

==Tag Velaul and anyone else==

There was an incoming distress signal from a vessel in the middle of the neutral zone, in middle of the Cardassian/Federation Boarder 20 minutes away from their current position at warp 8.
Shione and Ensign Mala had completed a tour of the ship and heard the alert calling them to the bridge.

Turning to her officer, "Ensign I would like you to man the bridge Security station please,"

Nodding warmly to Talion, she gave ch'Alev a grin and added privately for his benefit. "It's good to see you my friend."

Shione approached the Captain and First Officer waiting for a time to interject; "Apologies for the delay, what is the plan.?"

==Again apologies for the delay, just something to get me back in==
There seemed to be a lot good chemistry on the Bridge that gave Cologero a good feeling, two officers referred to the same man. The joy for him was a little on the short lived area, a distress call came through, they were the closest in the fleet. They were twenty feet away at Warp eight, and in what should be called no man's land. The buffer zone between two nations, and shouldn't be taken lightly. 

"Captain we are receiving a distress call coming from the Neutral Zone, at Warp eight they are twenty minutes away."  If they were to fly into the Neutral Zone that fast, even with the best intentions it will send the wrong message to anyone watching. A ship of this size charging in is a statement, even under these circumstances people will see what they want. 

Alex had been about to leave the Bridge, it was actually starting to get a bit busy, quite the change from when he had walked onto it moment earlier. His exit was interrupted by hearing that a call was coming in from the border.That was never a good sign. Nobody traveled that area casually. It was known to be dangerous.

Anticipating the need to know everything they could about a potential situation, he moved back over to his console and logged in. It was time to get to work. His first instinct was to determine where exactly the incoming signal was coming from. In the even that they were unable to give exact coordinates, he was going to do his best to determine it on their own, or verify it and the space around it. Helm would want a heading and and Tactical would want to know what other ships were in the area.

== GM Input: Bringing long range sensors to focus on the source of the signal, the area around it and the path to it. Please let me know what Talion detects with sensors, if anything. This would include not only ships, but the conditions of the area (anomalies, hazards, etc.). ==
Before Velaul could respond to Brooks comment, the new Midshipman reported in,

"Captain we are receiving a distress call coming from the Neutral Zone, at Warp eight they are twenty minutes away."

Daniel stood up from his chair and moved into the center of the Bridge,

"T'Kol, try and hail them and see if they can respond."

Dan knew that it would be risky travelling into the neutral zone but sometimes you needed to break the rules to save lives.

Brooks gave a deep breath out of his nose as he started to weigh up the situation that might be coming there way and the political ramifications of such.

"Mr Coppola, change our direction to the edge of the neutral zone once we arrive there full stop, warp four, engage." Captain Brooks ordered adjusting his uniform as he did so.

==Tag Velaul, T'Kol, Coppola and any one else==
==GM Brooks - For Talion==

The ship that was sending the distress signal was near the middle of the neutral zone. Sensors would indicate it was a patrol ship with heavy damage, with part of the of the ship showing as completely destroyed. They would have to be closer to work out how many crew were still alive.

Sensors would indicate it was on it's own and showing there was no other ships nearby to give assistance the area near it showed nothing unusual, unless on very close inspection of the sensors, they might be able to see a small faint pulsating blip on the sensor every now and again but very infrequent so would probably go unnoticed.
Setting course to the neutral zone, naturally it would take twice the time at half the speed. This wouldn't raise as much alarms if they were going Warp eight, they were ultimately going to end up parallel to the boarder. This was one of thoes times when Cologero knew he had to act like people are watching out there somewhere, thoes eyes would fabricate what truth they want to believe.
Cologero set a course using impulse power only to get to a certain point near by, the trajectory had to be soft as they approached. "Course laid in Captain." Just as the ship moved into position, Cologero engaged the Warp engines. The corse laid in would take them on a thirty degree angle on the port side before going parallel to the boarder, there was a sense of urgency to the approach but not one where they were coming in hot. Cologero loved the soft hum engaging the Warp engine, and the small amount chaos before the unity.

Talion reported in a clear voice that sounded accustomed to the environment of the Bridge under such conditions, "I have long range sensor contact. I'm unable to determine class of ship, but it is showing serious damage. We're too far for us to be able to determine life signs or exact status of systems, but with what I'm seeing, even under best case, they are in critical shape and life support is questionable. No other current ship contacts in the area, but at this range, I'm barely able to read this much and if there is anyone making even half an effort to hide, we would be hard pressed to see them. I'll maintain surveillance and am linking the sensor data to Tactical and Helm now."

== Tag to Bridge Crew ==

== Tag to GM: SOP would be that a becon should give name and registry of the ship, though that is open to GM interpretation. ==
== NPC Science Ensign B’Tor Thoz, A female- Klingon/Vulcan Hybrid. ==

B’Tor couldn’t believe that she was discussing her theory with a Star Fleet Legend, her mentor, Commander Alexander Talion. It was a dream come true. She had to admit he was brilliant. His insight, his mind was wonderful. 

B’Tor felt a little put out when the Commander seemed to trivialize her work when he said chuckling, "Actually I did read it. What you're describing is more accurate to a black hole and the tunneling is the directed energy to try and initiate a wormhole. Although the terms tend to be interchangeable, a quantum singularity is much stronger and far more dangerous. I think the desired effect that you're looking for is to actually use a child universe that the singularity can create and then use it as a dimensional bridge for your trans-dimensional wormhole. You can create a singularity, but controlling it and preventing the radiation from damaging the ship or crew is incredibly dangerous. The best way to fabricate a deflector shield to handle such energy levels would need to be coated in neutronium. I understand the concept and the math involved, but there's no way this ship could handle such an effort safely."

Is he dismissing it out of hand because I’m a woman, or a Klingon, or both. How could he had ready all three thousand pages that quickly?

B’Tor felt a little disappointed and a little dejected . Her idol just dismissed it as if to say. It’s not good enough, how dare you a lowly Klingon female Ensign dare present such an ill conceived plan to me. B’tor wasn’t sure what to say.

“Commander, I know my theory will work, I have no doubt. I would very much like it if the two of us could go over in the Holodeck, maybe if you saw it in a simulation you would get  a better idea of my theory, not to say that you don’t understand it, but a theoretical paper is very different from a simulation., but then again you know that.” Replied B’Tor.

Oh what did you just say, you just implied that the greatest Scientific mind of our age doesn’t understand something, are you daft girl!!?

“Excuse me…Commander Talion.” Said B’Tor ver voice on the verg of cracking.

B’Tor could feel a lump forming in her throat, and tears starting to well up in her eye’s. She dashed towards the turbo lift, almost knocking  her friend Jez Mala and another officer over.

== Security Officer Jez Mala. ==

Jez had to do a double take, as her friend and roommate dashed past her.

Jez looked around and saw Commander Talion and she was able to deduce that B’Tor was probably in the throws of some Heros worship criss.  The Bridge seemed a bit crowded.

I’ll talk with B’Tor later and find out what happened. 

Jez  shot Commander Talion a look as if to say, “Do I dare ask?” Jez wasn’t sure if Commander Talion realized how much B’Tor idolized him. Ever since the night of the Captain's Birthday party B’Tor could talk about nothing else except Commander Talion . It was Commander Talion this and Commander Talion that and to be honest Jez could see her point, but it was getting a little much.

Jez snapped back to the here and now when Commander Kurasa Said, "Ensign I would like you to man the bridge Security station please,"

Jez went to the Security station and tapped her access code. “Stationed manned and ready Commander.”  Jez wasn’t thrilled at the idea of dealing with the Cardassians, as they weren’t exactly the easiest people to get along with.

== Tag Talion & Kurasa and any one else.==
This whole thing seemed to be so familiar like Velaul has seen this before, fortunately this wasn't the case. They still had lots of options available where in the past they didn't, they also had a bag of tricks to pull from. Between everyone here there were several great plans that can be merged into one unstoppable plan, they just need time. 

"Commander ch'Alev I recommend you and Midshipman Coppola, we need you two to been sync if anything goes wrong.." it stood to reason that the two never worked together in the past, if things go sideways, they need to work together in solid unity. 

This was the part that Daniel has never really seen before, the proverbial construction of the Ark. "Commander Talion your presence is needed on the Bridge,  I would suggest sending Cindy in your stead. If anyone knows how you think i can think of no one better. I would also suggest sending someone to Stellar Cartography, we can get a sense of the bigger picture there. 

"Captain I would like permission to have a small talk with Commander Kurasa, about ten minutes should be sufficient." Both Beno and Shione should be on the same page, if Beno should fall Shione should rise just as fast. In an emergency situation the lose of leadership even for a second could be disastrous, a state of confusion that should be avoided at all times.

"I would suggest we send word to the Cardasian people of our intentions, a Cardasian ship on the exact same mission would make the Federation equally as nervous. Chances are they heard the same distress call, and se t a ship of their own."  If this was true they had a chance to stop a bigger problem before it starts, the goal of every mission.

For every move there is a counter move, the tricks were not only to have two more after but to be able to navigate between all six. If they successfully manage to navigate, they would be equally as unstoppable as predictable. It was also wise to never kick a bee hive before attempting to collect the honey, it generates unnecessary problems.

Ens B'Tor Thoz seemed to have a negative reaction to his honesty. As she left, obviously bothered by his words, he was confused. It had been a long time since he had such a miscommunication with people, but he would admit that he might be a little out of practice. He was fairly sure that she didn't think he had actually read the information. It was true that most people were unable to view raw data streaming and scrolling on their terminals, but he did it all the time. His ability to read extremely fast was partially because he had what was considered to be an eidetic memory. It wasn't perfect and he was rather selective about what he retained long term, but he could look at a page and read it almost instantly. Somehow his words that he thought had been encouraging and inviting her to a mentoring session with simulations on the holodeck had turned into...something else. He didn't have much time to dwell on it though, as those thoughts were interrupted by the incoming distress call.

He reported what little information they had and was doing everything he could to try and make the collective effort as easy as possible, but they were going to need to get closer before he would likely be able to get better readings. The First Officer began a sort of thinking out loud approach to directing some of the manning, which was as effective as any approach, he supposed. It was when she was speaking to him that he got quite a shock.

He turned in his seat and looked at her. When their eyes met, he repeated the critical part of her words, "Sending Cindy?" His brain was mercifully quick enough for him to immediately follow with, "If you're meaning as part of a rescue team, I have a contingency plan that can make that happen, if you authorize me temporary transporter access."

After so long of having negative reactions to his work, it was an odd feeling to have someone unexpectedly suggesting that Cindy be a functioning part of a crew again. He had to admit that when his "team" had been on a ship, they were able to do things that normal people could not. It wasn't that they were any stronger or faster than normal crew, but they didn't need food, water, air or sleep. They were able to function in dangerous environments, where it might be too risky to send a living person. The resistance to the use of them was such that he fell back on integrating the drone program, which seems to have met with much greater acceptance. The FO didn't ask him to send in a drone though. No, she specifically named Cindy.

If they were going to try and go over to the ship, they might be able to send a drone, but he didn't think that was what the FO meant. He took a second to try and question his own logic. Was he only trying to justify his own desire to activate Cindy in this situation? He didn't think so. It had not even been on his mind. If they gave him temporary authorization to access the transporter, then he would know that he had not misunderstood.

== Tag Cdr Velaul ==
"Sending Cindy?" His brain was mercifully quick enough for him to immediately follow with, "If you're meaning as part of a rescue team, I have a contingency plan that can make that happen, if you authorize me temporary transporter access." 

She started to think that he was right for the position. "You have my blessing to use the resources you need, but let's build the Ark before we set sail." ch'Alev would have heard talk about the Ark Beno was onto a working solution, she was just assembling the final pieces. 

"B’Tor if you were to follow the black hole wormhole theory, you must also include the white hole research. When the original theory was introduced on Earth their technology was nowhere near what it is today. Where the Black hole is where all energy enters, the white is where it exists."  Beno wanted to make sure that she used the strongest building material possible, and everything was just starting to fall together.

Talion was recovering from the shock of the request to deploy Cindy for the mission when the FO gave verbal authorization for him to the resources he needed. Well, that certainly seemed to confirm for him that she was quite serious about the idea.

Turning back to his console, he verified nothing had changed in their situation. Alex then gave his Arm PADD a couple of taps and a small floating holographic menu appeared in front of him. A few selections made quick work of it. He verified that Transporter Room 3 was not currently in use and had Cindy complete the process herself.

== Transporter Room 3 ==

Having entered the authorization code in his system, a series of event took place fairly rapidly. Within a minute, the door opened and then shut without any visible cause. Fortunately it was timed so that no crewman was near enough to witness it. The transporter was connected to an external memory source and then initiated to process a buffered pattern. A female figure appeared on the transporter pad. After a few more seconds, her eyes blinked and she looked around, testing that all was as it should be. She then departed and the drone she had used to accomplish the task returned to Talion's quarters in much the same way it had arrived, though this time it was being done with an automated subroutine.

== Back on the Bridge ==

Less than two minutes had passed since the FO had authorized Talion's request. A woman stepped onto the Bridge that some would recognize from the Captain's party. She stood at 5'8" (173 cm), 160 lbs (73.5 kg), short blond hair, hazel eyes and appeared to be a human in her late twenties. She was dressed in the same sort of light protective flight suit that Engineers sometimes wear for damage control in the field, but in Science colors. At first, it might be mistaken for light armor, but the protection is actually not designed for combat, only providing minor protection from sharp debris and very resistant to puncture from jagged metal. There was a symbol on one shoulder that was the Federation Emblem. The other shoulder had a winged image that had small letters under it that said, "That Others May Live". There was no rank to be seen, but her name (CINDY) was over an Aquila comm badge.

As if this was just another day at the office, Cindy calmly approached and Simply said with a nod, "Captain." Then looked at the FO and said, "Commander." She glanced at herself and inquired, "Will this be acceptable or did you have something else in mind?"

== Tag Cdr Velaul ==

== For reference, Cindy's appearance is loosely based on this image of Charlize Theron ==
Shione approached the Captain and First Officer waiting for a time to interject; "Apologies for the delay, what is the plan.?"

Captain Brooks looked at the Security Chief with a raised eyebrow before saying,

"We are currently responding to a distress call from a Cardassian vessel inside the middle of the neutral zone. How it got there no one knows. I will need you to form a security plan if we need to take on survivors and keep senative areas well guard on the ship."

"Captain I would like permission to have a small talk with Commander Kurasa, about ten minutes should be sufficient." Daniel looked at Beno with a puzzled look at what kind of talk she could be wanting with the COS.

"I need you here Commander." said Captain Brooks,

Velaul then said,

"I would suggest we send word to the Cardasian people of our intentions, a Cardasian ship on the exact same mission would make the Federation equally as nervous. Chances are they heard the same distress call, and se t a ship of their own."

Brooks looked at Beno, "I will make that assessment before we cross the boarder, if the Cardassians do have a ship on way we can leave it to them if they are close enough. If not we can hail them and discuss what they want to do, however if the shoe was on the other foot, unless there was a tactical advantage I'm sure the Cardassians would leave us to it and fend for ourselves."

==Tag Velaul and Kurasa==

==GM Brooks for Talion, it is only able to give location, other identification is currently fuzzy and not being transmitted.==
Seeing Cindy walk onto the Bridge Beno pictured herself falling over, she heard roumers about this but seeing it in person was something else. Cindy stood her best chance at success this way, and that was the point. People here needed their chance to shine, and this included Cindy.

"Cindy please accompany B'Tor to flesh out her theory, I am certain that the two of you together can come up with a solution." Even the brightest of minds need a helping hand.

The answer that she received from Daniel was the same one she gave, but what she needed was just a few feet away. What she had to say wasn't a secret, it was just a step away for a second. At the end of this she did hope it wasn't going to end up like the scorpion, it's just in their nature. 

"Cindy while you are here I am going to need to insist you wear a combadge at all times, ships policy to have them on while moving around the ship." 

The Captain was right about making the call, it could be premature. They could cause more problems than solving this way, and might cause more than they can handle. "Aye Captain, you are right on both accounts." She said before moving to her second Officer.

"Exciting isn't it? What are your thoughts on the situation?" She might have some insights that Beno wouldn't have.

Cindy's expression was a mixture of uncertainty and mild confusion, "Her theory? You mean the propulsion thing?" She turned a bit more serious before her next words, "Commander, that's something Star Fleet Engineering has been working on for a long time now and although they've had minor progress in small scale laboratory testing, the structural issues on even the smallest scale for practical applications is still beyond our capabilities. The theories are sound enough, but so far it turns out that it would take something on the scale of a dyson sphere to be able to control it all intact. I would be glad to make some of the declassified material available to the Ensign, but we would have to get clearance for her from Star Fleet for the finer details."

At the request of wearing a comm badge, Cindy nodded, "Technically, I AM a comm badge and am tracked by the ship's computer, listed under Professional Equipment under Commander Talion. However, if you wish to assign me a comm badge with a unique identifier, I'm more than happy to comply for the sake of conformity. If it helps, I have also attended the Academy and am well versed in most of the course material even for classes that Alex did not attend. I have never held a rank, as I was never commissioned, though I am qualified to function in almost any basic rle on the ship. I do have experience in the field in a number of specialties, though most of those as a crew member on a ship were in the Science and Medical fields."

With just the smallest tilt of her head, she inquired, "Commander, you appeared surprised to see me. Did you not request my assistance in potential search and rescue operations with the questionable craft we are detecting a signal from? Targeting is unable to tell who they even are. We have a pulse beacon, but no readable data beyond that. There is debris, but for all we know, this could simply be a lure. Extreme caution is advised, given our location."

Talion spoke up, "She's not wrong. I have gotten a couple of tiny blips in the immediate area, but they could also be simple sensor echoes from spinning debris. We likely won't know more until we get much closer."

Cindy then took a step back, "Forgive me. I believe you still have unfinished business with the Chief of Security."

At that point, Cindy turned to Shione and smiled, "Good to see you again, Commander Kurasa."

Alex shook his head and mumbled to himself, "This is scary. It almost feels like we're getting the old band back together again.

Cindy then turned to look at Ensign Mala. Her smile widened a little more, but instead of speaking to her directly, she just gave Jez a friendly wink.

== Tags all around, or so it would seem... ==
Brooks looked at the Security Chief with a raised eyebrow before saying,

"We are currently responding to a distress call from a Cardassian vessel inside the middle of the neutral zone. How it got there no one knows. I will need you to form a security plan if we need to take on survivors and keep sensitive areas well guard on the ship."

Shione nodded to the Captain; replying briefly. "Will do Captain; I will take a look at a couple of the larger cargo bays and have some of my team work up a floor plan."

Cdr Velaul commented about Shione resulting in a raised eyebrow but Brooks shut her down. Shione realized that she had more than enough to take care of, but added for them both.

"I will take care of that matter and will be ready if and when you decide you need an away team to check the ship out, keep me informed please Captain." And with a nod Shione moved to an empty bridge station, where she contacted 2 Officers and a team of 4 NCO;s splitting them between two largish cargo bays on Deck 17; instructing them. "Assess available space and draw up a plan to make them ready for possible refugees. Get back to ne when you have a report, Kurasa over."

After she was finished she approached Talion who was talking to Cindy; of all people. "Good to see you too Cindy, " Talion would then receive her seconds raised eyebrow during this visit to the bridge. "

T'Kol was about to call out the communication coming in but apparently the young tac officer was pulling double duty and watching her station as well.

She stopped mid word as the Ensign called out and gave him a look of inquisition.

As the Captain called out for her to hail them she quickly sent out standard hail across all channels with a quick " Aye Sir." As she typed and created the messege.

[This is the Federation Starship, USS Aquila, attempting to answer your distress call. Please respond]

She kept playing the message over and over on all know languages and channels until she could see a response.

== GM Input: Does T'Kol see or receive and response? ==
As Matt listened to the happenings on the bridge and they were heading towards a distress called he figured he should call out to see if he could help if he was going to be on the bridge.

He took a deep breath as he prefered to stay un-noticed but he had new personal goals again.

"Captain, should I call down to Lieutenant Hoekstra and prepare them for the possibility to go aboard the distressed ship?" He asked the Captain.

== Sorry simple quick post - Tag any and all==
Commander, you appeared surprised to see me. Did you not request my assistance in potential search and rescue operations with the questionable craft we are detecting a signal from? Targeting is unable to tell who they even are. We have a pulse beacon, but no readable data beyond that. There is debris, but for all we know, this could simply be a lure. Extreme caution is advised, given our location."

Beno chuckled a bit. "Velaul is older than the third great grandfather of the pioneer who made you possible, in this time Velaul seen many amazing things. Even after everything I ever heard or read, it didn't prepare me for this." There is no memory that Velaul had that would match that.

Jez knew she would have a late night with B’Tor comforting her, no doubt B’Tor realized that Commander Talion is just like everyone else, he makes mistakes. Maybe it was his approach, instead of shooting B’Tor down publicly on the Bridge he could have done it in private. The truth was Scientists did lack a certain degree of tact, at least that has been Jez’s experience, they were often too wrapped up in research to realize that they were being rude. They discover some fascinating tidbit of information and they try to figure out its ramifications to their project overall, Commander Talion was the exception, he was kind and thoughtful, and B’Tor just probably took it too personally.

Jez hated the notion that they were going to be dealing with Cardassians. Granted after the Dominion War the Cardassians are at best a third-rate power. Heck, even the Ferengi could beat them at this point, but as the Terran saying goes, “a leopard can’t change its spots.” Any more than a Cardassian can change their personality. Rumors were that the Cardassians had been secretly rearming.

Jez watched as Brooks said to Beno, "I will make that assessment before we cross the border, if the Cardassians do have a ship on the way we can leave it to them if they are close enough. If not we can hail them and discuss what they want to do, however if the shoe was on the other foot, unless there was a tactical advantage I'm sure the Cardassians would leave us to it and fend for ourselves."

Jez wasn’t sure how she felt about this. Yes, Star Fleet often helped those in distress, but the Cardassians didn’t exactly invoke trust in people, but if they ignored the Cardassians distress signal how would that reflect on the Star Fleet and by extension the Federation?

“Excuse me, Captain, but I was wondering, maybe we should launch a sensor probe just shy or cross the border in order to get the most accurate information. Cardassians have been known to send out false distress signals to lure their enemies into an ambush” Suggested Jez.

== Tag Brooks.==
Cindy chuckled in return, "Ah yes, of course. I only know the most basic information about the Trill Beno and the superficial official biography that is available to the unit. I know nothing at all about the Velaul part of you or the rich history that you refer to. That must be quite amazing. As to the various pioneers that made me possible, there are many. I was based on a number of off the shelf programs and materials that were already available, but that was back when Alex was only twelve. Since then, I evolved as he learned. When I began helping him with his research, the refinement of the neural interfaces for organics became a critical leap. When some of that technology was combined with positronic elements and then secured through programming that we designed...well...perhaps this is not the best time and place for such things. It is also for Alex to decide who should know some of those details, so it would be inappropriate for me to elaborate too deeply. I suppose that much as there are certain secrets about your symbiotic selves that are not shared, you can understand why it is perhaps best if some things remain secret."

With a glance at the Bridge, she changed the subject, "You have much to do, Commander. With your permission, perhaps I'll see if I can assist in preparations until we know more about the possible mission parameters."

She then waited to be sure that the FO or CO dismissed her before retreating to speak with Alex. She may not officially be a member of Star Fleet, but she still conducted herself as if she were an assigned member of the crew and had obviously had experience of doing so on a ship. There were some Lieutenants that less military bearing and sense for protocols, not to mention the customs and courtesies that accompany life on a starship like the one they were on. At the party and in other comments, it had been mentioned that Cindy had served with more than one crew as a functioning member on the ships that Alex had served on, yet there were almost no official records about it. There were only small mentions in evaluations about interactions with crew and that there were mostly favorable field tests of Talion's creations. The only detailed reports were from a Lt Sturnok Val, a former Chief of Security from the Chin'toka. It seemed that he actually used Cindy to help train his people in simulation on the holodeck, along with two others only listed as Sarah and Skye.

== Tag Cdr Velaul ==
Hearing the suggestion T'Kol spoke up.

"If you would like sir I can begin prepping a probe the Commanders idea is a sound one." She cosigned.

== Quicker Post -  Tag all ==
Cdr Talion heard the suggestion about the use of a probe and spoke up, "Sir, I second Ensign Mala's suggestion of deploying a probe. I can understand the caution in not wanting to appear too aggressive in our crossing into the area, but the use of a Class 8 probe would be completely understandable. It would obviously pose no danger to any craft, can move at up to warp 9 and would be able to begin sending us more accurate sensor data sooner. In my opinion, there is no down side to doing so at this time."

== Tags to all ==
Shione nodded to the Captain; replying briefly. "Will do Captain; I will take a look at a couple of the larger cargo bays and have some of my team work up a floor plan."

Dan smiled, "Yes, sounds like a good plan."

"Captain, should I call down to Lieutenant Hoekstra and prepare them for the possibility to go aboard the distressed ship?" Phoenix asked the Captain.

Brooks nodded, "Yes alert him to get a small team together to beam over if we end up attending."

Captain Brooks listened to the suggestions of sending a probe. It wasn't a bad idea but then again he couldn't help thinking the Cardassians might think it was something else.

"Prepare a probe, only launch it on my say so." said Brooks moved to the center of the Bridge.

Brooks then said to Velaul, "What ever we do might end up being a political incident so lets be on our toes. Lets see if we can track any Cardassian ships nearer to the ship then us who is making the distress call."

He then said, "Yellow alert." as the Aquila came to the edge of the boarder of the neutral zone.

==Tag all==

==GM Brooks: For T'Kol, there was no response from the vessel==
Shione heard the Captain reply to the suggestion that the Chief Engineer be ready for and away team and she was pleased to hear the suggestion. She was also pleased to hear Ensign Mala's input and nodded in assent to her suggestion.

"Captain I feel an away team; at a time when it is appropriate and warranted is an excellent idea, but perhaps we wait for any intel we receive from Commander Talion's probe before committing?"

Pausing to allow Captain Brooks to reply she added "I am going to send Ensign Mala to Security to ready any necessary phasers, and tricorders. I am not advocating haste but once we have justification we will be ready.

Perhaps Medical and Science should also have personnel ready Sir?" She nodded in Talion's direction as she spoke.

Drawing her Ensign over she spoke quietly, "Proceed to Security and prepare for as many as 8 personnel Type 2's for Security and ones for all others I will be in touch when we have more intel or a go for the team; questions, Ensign?"

==Tag Any on bridge==
While waiting for the word on the use of a probe, Alex focused his efforts on trying to get a better look at the source of the distress signal. He wanted to determine if it was in fact coming from the damaged ship. As for the damaged ship, he would do his best to find out more about it as well.

At the same time, Cindy was using the fact that the Aquila had Deep Space Sensors at their disposal. Given that it could tell much about the space around them, in great detail, she was looking for disturbances in the movement of thinly distributed atoms and molecules in the space itself. There should be motion in those particles, a bit like ripples and wakes through a pond. Based on the size and speed of those ripples, she hoped to determine the size, speed and direction of the objects that had moved through them. Something had done this and it would be helpful to know how long ago and where they went.

== GM Input on any sensor readings about the damaged ship or the surrounding space? Have the readings changed at all from earlier? ==
Beno took a seat next to Daniel again and looked out at the screen, there were a lot of things to consider. Cardassiqns were a very sneaky kind of people, and experts at sporting who is full of it. His comment about the political arena, it wasn't her experience but getting better at it. 

"What ever we do might end up being a political incident so lets be on our toes. Lets see if we can track any Cardassian ships nearer to the ship then us who is making the distress call." Daniel said to Beno.

Beno had a big smile. "Exciting isn't it? You never know what is going to happen, properly navigating between success and disaster. A show of strength and politics with a very thin line for error." The Cardasians are known to pull you in, and throw you off balance. This is when they have control, and will take you to places that you don't want to go. 

"Right now I bet Carley is in Stellar Cartography getting the information we need, like having a couple in the chamber." The trick of this was going to be an equal amount of show of strength, while keep them out of your head. If they get you into a defensive position the balance is compromised, pull you in until you do something stupid. 

Hearing Kurasa assemble the team made her chuckle a little. "That is how I sound doing the exact same thing, very eager to succeed. She has what it takes to be in the big chair, but she has a few things to learn. Normally I would also want Troy on the team, but her status makes her perfect for the Bridge. Research says that it can enhance empathetic ability, ch'Alev would be perfect on the team with his ability." There was only one person that Beno wanted on the team, the rest was up to Kurasa. Beno wanted to make sure she had everything she needed to succeed, and won't stand in her way.

==GM Brooks, for Talion, sensors would indicate the ships integrity had been greatly compromised, life support was showing very low if none existent in most areas on the ship, only parts still having any life support was the Bridge and a cargo bay area. The ship from sensors readings was showing extensive blast damage. Those alive on the vessel wouldn't live much longer==
Keval nodded to Commander Velaul when she noticed him and carried on checking a number of things on his console, from the Aquila's tactical systems he wanted to know how much of a punch the old girl could take if the Cardassians thought they were invading towards their space.

ch'Alev also had a look at the sensor scans and tactically there didn't seem to be another ship anywhere in range or as near as they were currently. His ears picked up on his name being mentioned a few times but he was too busy making up different tactical scenerios in his head.

He knew the Cardassians could be very sneaky people but on the other hand, this could just be a genuine rescue mission which could give them some political leanings. He knew the Captain would have to make the difficult call.

There was already mention of an away team and he hoped the Midshipman would be able to cope if the Cardassians did indeed have a trap for them.

"Captain, may I be bold and say that tactical risk of a Cardassian trap is very low but can not be completely ruled out."

==Tag All==
Cindy routed the new information to Alex.In turn, he reported, "What's left of that ship isn't much. The only signs of life support are the Bridge and a cargo bay. Everything else has either completely lost integrity or has no life support. If we send people in there, they'll need EVA suits and they will need to deal with extensive damage. I have no confirmed life signs at this time. On the plus side, I'm getting no dangerous energy readings either. I suspect that their warp core was either ejected or taken off line. That means they're running on battery power or might have an impulse engine that's keeping wheat little power going that they have left. Either way, whatever happened to them, they don't have much longer. I can't even confirm there's still anyone left."

Cindy added, "If it is a Cardassian ship and we board it, they aren't going to be happy about it, even if we do manage to save people. They will suspect us of having ulterior motives, much as we might if they boarded a Federation ship before we could. Have we had any luck contacting the Cardassians? in addition, given the location and risk of escalation, has an attempt been made to notify Star Fleet or Federation authorities of the situation? There may be current events that we're not aware of."

== Tags to the Bridge Crew ==
== Tag GM: I have made statements about some systems on the damaged ship that may be presumptions. If I am incorrect, please give clarifying input as needed. Thanks. ==
Jez listened to everyone’s ideas, the ideas were flowing freely, clearly indicating a free exchange of ideas among the crew indicating that the Captain valued everyone’s ideas and appreciated his officer’s input.  Jez knew that facing the Cardassians was not as straightforward as with other races. The Cardassians were known for their dubious nature. Known throughout the Alpha Quadrant for being extremely ruthless.

Jez remembered reading a  quote, "Cardassians are like… timber wolves – predators… bold in large numbers… cautious by themselves… and with an instinctive need to establish a dominant position in any social gathering."  It was by Captain Edward Jellico if she recalled correctly.

Commander Kurasa then spoke to Jez, "Proceed to Security and prepare for as many as 8 personnel Type 2's for Security and ones for all others I will be in touch when we have more intel or a go for the team; questions, Ensign?"

“Yes, Commander right away,” Replied Jez.

As Jez was departing the Bridge she addressed the Captain, “Captain, might I remind you of what Captain Jellico said about the Cardassians, Cardassians are like… timber wolves – predators… bold in large numbers… cautious by themselves… and with an instinctive need to establish a dominant position in any social gathering."

Jez then departed the Bridge, to complete her assignment.

== Tag All. ==

>> Security Complex.>>
It might have been just him but it appeared that everyone was saying the same thing in different words, they were all looking for a fight that might  not come. Cardassiqns like to be unpredictable, and that was one of the oldest plays in their book. They also had a history of working with the Federation, and turning on them. That was the natural order of things, and wasn't likely to change 

"Captain forgive me for being out of turn, but a gesture of goodwill before our arrival. A small team with a power generator that will power life support and emergency shielding. It should make it easier for the team to move about, find the survivers, I will stop there to avoid echoing what was already said." They all lack trust for them, but we're willing to help them all the same. 

==Tag Captain ==
When the Captain requested the probe be prepared but not fire yet she quickly got to work.

"Aye Captain" She retorted.

"Captain I am receiving no response on any channels." She reported.

As he finger set up the probe she called out "Commander Talion, I have the Probe nearly complete and ready is there any other specifications you would like me to add to the probe?" She called out

== Tag All ==
Things were happening pretty quick on the bridge and Matt actually liked it a bit but he felt mostly useless on bridge duty.

"Aye Captain" He gave when the Captain answered his suggestion and tapped his comm

"Lieutenant Phoenix to Lieutenant Hoekstra, The Captain has asked you prepare a team ready to go over to the distressed ship." He called out leaving the comm open if the Chief needed to give any other orders.
Captain Brooks listened to the options and ideas that were being floated around him by the Bridge crew,

Daniel knew that they were close enough to rescue and hopefully save a few lives rather than sit by and watch these Cardassians suffer, it wasn't going to be a choice that would be easy to make but sometimes you have to take the moral ground rather than a political one.

Dan pressed the button on the command chair which opened the comms throughout the Aqulia.

"Crew this is your Captain speaking, We are responding to a distress call from a Cardassian ship in the neutral zone, it is something we do not take for granted. As soon as we step over the boarder all kinds of accusations may come our way. On the other hand, their are Cardassians suffering on that vessel which is in distress. I know some of you with previous wars would think to leave them, but I think we have a moral obligation to help as many lives out here regardless of race or our history with the species. We can't suspect everyone is the same. If we were a medical ship, questions probably won't be asked but we are not. If anyone objects to us going over the boarder I will note it in my log and I will take what ever punishment comes my way if this goes wrong...however, we are going to do our dam hardest to save these people and get out of the political backlash afterwards. Captain out."

Dan stood up and walked to the center of the Bridge and looked around the crew one by one.

"I know some of you are veterans and know that this is a difficult situation for any of us to be in. I also know that in the grand scheme of things it is odd that a Cardassian vessel would be in such a position in the neutral zone and calling out a distress call. It could be to lure us over the boarder. On the other hand, time is running out for those people and we can't really wait much longer. I want back up plans for anything that might come our way once we are over the boarder. I also mean what I said, if you want to object to my decision then I will place it in my log. I will as your Captain take full responsibility for my actions here right now."

He paused to give everyone time to think.

Turning to Coppola he said, "Mr Coppola, take us to warp and locate us close enough to be in beaming range. I want to get as many people off that vessel as possible."

Tapping his commbadge he said,

"Brooks to Sickbay, prepare to take on casualties, we are going to make the cargo bays into holding areas, please send medical teams there to meet our arrivals and triage them." he closed the channel.

Turning to Mr Coppola, Brooks said, "Engage."

==Tag All==
"I know some of you are veterans and know that this is a difficult situation for any of us to be in. I also know that in the grand scheme of things it is odd that a Cardassian vessel would be in such a position in the neutral zone and calling out a distress call. It could be to lure us over the boarder. On the other hand, time is running out for those people and we can't really wait much longer. I want back up plans for anything that might come our way once we are over the boarder. I also mean what I said, if you want to object to my decision then I will place it in my log. I will as your Captain take full responsibility for my actions here right now."

Listening closely to what the Captain had to do Cologero was confident they can handle it, the Command team seemed to have things together. Nono I am counting on your guidance on this one. He thought to himself as he felt his medallion of Saint Jude, just a little tradition he did before anything big.

Turning to Coppola he said, "Mr Coppola, take us to warp and locate us close enough to be in beaming range. I want to get as many people off that vessel as possible."

Setting in the co ordinance of the ship and waited for the order. This might turn into a full on dance, let's hope she can twist as I need her to.

"Brooks to Sickbay, prepare to take on casualties, we are going to make the cargo bays into holding areas, please send medical teams there to meet our arrivals and triage them." he closed the channel.

Turning to Mr Coppola, Brooks said, "Engage."

Hitting the controls Warp engins started to hum back to life as the ship turned to match the course, the speed was good enough for a sense of urgency. "Enguaged." He said to the Captain 

Never let your left hand know what your right is doing. One of his favorite Bible verses for a situation like this, an Olive Branch of peace in one hand and a dagger in the other. Meaning that even under the terms of acts of mercy, they needed to be ready to fight.

==Tag back and GM input on when we get there==
[Understood,] came the Chief Engineer's reply to Lieutenant Phoenix's message, [Do we have an ETA for reaching the distressed ship?]
Hearing a call come from the the CO regarding an away team Shione approached the CO and spoke quietly to him and the FO;

"Captain, how many do you want for the away team and what are our objectives, in so far as we can predict at this time? I do suggest we have a tactical officer in the event the bridge crew is compromised. and I feel that Commander Talion would also be crucial, Sir."

She paused adding, "I have one Security officer with me, but I do advise additional personnel in case we need to split up or get separated Sir."

==Tag CO and FO==
Gett8ng up from the chair Beno was looking square at the screen, she didn't say anything at all but started to have an odd feeling about the whole thing. Something was out of place but didn't quite know what. "Personality if it were me putting together the teams, I would lead team one on the Bridge with Ensign Mala, Cindy, and someone from Medical. Team two lead by yourself in the Cargo Bay with Lieutenant Hoekstra, Commander Lim, and Lieutenant Thorn. 0icking teams that have natural strengths that compliment the other strengths, and you have an unstoppable force."

She stopped for a second to take one more thing into consideration. "Naturally we are going to need pattern enhancers, and thoes nifty suits. Again that's just my thoughts on the matter." She wanted ch'Alev on the team, but knew he was best left there. She had a small amount of uncertainty that as far as Beno knew, only three people on the Bridge could tell. Beno gave her the opportunity to agree, or suggest an alternative.

T'Kol listened as the Captain made his announcement. She had an idea but waited until the First Officer had her say.

She had a sound and logical idea of setting up the away team.

But to answer the Captains direct question.
"Captain, I am always willing to follow your lead. May I suggest something. In the instance of a possibility of us falling into a trap... "This ship has 4 runabouts that carry a compliment of phaser weapons as well as torpedo launchers. In short they are more maneuverable and can still deliver enough damage to perhaps help the Aquila if need." She paused

"We should have four small crews ready to launch with the runabouts ready to go to help give us a surprise." She gave she was not a tactician per-se however she has worked for and with many. She understood tactics but it was not her place and she was aware she was speaking a little out of turn.

"I apologize if I am stepping out of my place. It is a tactic and resource that Captain's of these type of ships rarely if ever have used." She gave apologetic but still confident in her idea.

She figured that was because most were not of a military style background but again she trained with many that were but there could be reasons for not. 

== Tag All ==
Not speaking to anyone specific, but glancing at the CO before looking to T'Kol, "The Chielf Enlisted Advisor is correct. According to status indicators, There is one shuttle already warmed up for launch and another standing by, ready for a pilot, It is fairly standard to have a shuttle at least standing by during dangerous EVA activity. If this turns out to be small ships, the shuttles wound give us a tactical edge in keeping our teams safer. I only point out two things. The first is that is seems odd that whoever did this doesn't appear to be taking advantage of it, nor did they finish the job."

She looked to Talion as she said this and he spun in his chair, standing as she completed her first point, and he then began, "The second point would be that the more shuttles we deploy, the longer and more complicated it is to bring them back in if a responding fleet shows up. Too strong of a show of force invites a strong response. The ideal choice might be a craft that can hold all of the teams and is equipped with transporter capability, only deploying a security team with engineers at first. The other security and Medical would stand by as backup, once we know more about what we're dealing with. I curretly have no life signs, and with that ship reading as unstable, I would hesitate to put more people in harms way than we need to while going in a bit blind."

Cindy looked down and cleared her throat before clarifying, "Unfortunately, we don't have any such craft. According to the manifest, I saw no support craft with transporter capability."

Alex looked stunned, "None?"

Cindy gave a tiny shake of her head, "No drop ships, sir. The Danube fell out of favor and was rarely used anymore."

Talion took a deep breath and acyually looked angry for a moment before looking to the CO, "Well, it appears that we are technically unable to even perform repairs on ourselves safely, so I guess having a safety craft is no longer an option, may the Fates spare us all from the beurocrats on high."

Cindy maintained her military bearing and with hands at parade rest, she restated, "We are prepared to provide light escort during the rescue, if that's what you wish, sir. I'm sure that Tactical has pilots on standby for such occasions."

== Tags to all ==
== I can't believe we no longer ave drop ship capability for a ship of our size. To support EVA repairs, you should have an emergency observer in case anything goes wrong. Hey, it's space, what could possibly go wrong. We're probably fine...right? ==
Turning her attention to T'Kol she raised an eyebrow, her logic wasn't all that bad. There were a few things that were not accounted for, one of them is where they currently are. They needed to look at the bigger picture, what does it look like to them. "T'Kol let's look at it from their perspective, a Federation ship crossed into the neutral zone. You have no communication possibly flying blind, and we just launched four shuttles that could be fighters." When people expect the worst to happen, that's all they can see.

"Mr. Talion and Cindy. Really?" She had a very confused look. "We have done alot more with less than half of what we have, T'Kol and I are still standing here because of that. The Ozaki was out classed in every way imaginable but one, brains will beat brawn every time."  She was greatful for that experience, not having what they need made her creative with what they did have.

"Commander Kurasa the objective is always to preserve life without jeopardizing your own, plans always have a way of changing as we move along." The first part of Benos plan would be send in team one to the Bridge to talk  and let them know they were just there to help. That's when team two gets sent in and the transfer of power, and helps any wounded and help stabilize the ship or help them home somehow.

The Bridge comm sounded with the voice of the CMO [We are on it, Captain]
Cindy returned the FO's look with one of almost maternal disappointment, "Regulations, protocols and using the right tools for the right job are necessary, so that creative adaptation and improvisation are used when confronted by the unexpected. Flying by the seat of one's pants as a normal way of doing business is dangerous. The safety of our people will be entirely dependent upon our ability to beam them back. The communication lag and need to jepardize the potential safety of the entire ship based on a singlular capability shows the kind of planning from Star Fleet that reflects a reduced number of combat engagements over the years. I say this, not as a reflection on you or the Captain, but as a shift in the available options you're given to work with. Without the consideration of the more dramatic emergency options that might be employed in a combat environment, there is only one real choice to work with and all it takes to strand the entire team is the abillity to jam communications. I have redundant network links, but the ship itself does not."

It was now Alex's turn to clear his throat. At first, he simply gave a tiny shake of his head to Cindy, much like the one she had given him. It was easy to tell where she had picked it up from. He then said, "Forgive my grumbling. Cindy and I have both formed old habits related to certain potentially dangerous situations. We will simply have to adapt to the new ways of doing things. I'm sure that everything will be fine. It's the Caradassians, what could possibly go wrong?"

Cindy looked back and forth between Alex and the FO, clearly struggling with wanting to say something, but Alex calmly turened back to his station and resumed his work. Cindy opened her mouth as if to speak a couple of times, then gave just a tiniest of shrugs before saying to the FO, "Very well. Please disregard.

It was quite obvious that Alex was being sarcastic, but his manner and tone was so well delivered that it was almost Vulcan. There was no hint of emotion and sounded as if he were completely conceding that it was fine. In truth, the facts of the changes in equipment and acceptable processes reflected a dramatic reduction in the redundancies that once had been in place to contend with dangerous and hostile environments. What was left unsaid was something that the Chief would be quite familiar with. During times of war and conflict, it was easy to recognize the needs for such redundancies. It was the illusion of safety in times of relative peace and availability of the time to compensate for conditions that were quite contrary to what would be faced in crisis situations, those things could set people up for failure when things hit the fan. You trained how you would do business under combat conditions, so people were prepared. Not having redundant equipment for deployment was arrived at because most such dangerous activity happened within docking facilities now. They had redundant systems and observation Worker Bee units standing by. Dock Operations monitored the active vitals of each technician on EVA in real time. Marine units were no longer necessary. There were almost no Search and Rescue teams anymore and certainly only a very few (if any) that might still be trained for combat operations. Times had changed and it was reflected in how quickly The mentality had changed over the past decades. They were not going to change things. Even if they wanted to, there was no longer the equipment, and those procedures no longer existed.

Cindy leaned over and asked in a whisper, "Patches?"

Alex replied in an equally hushed tone, "Run silent, run deep."

For Cindy, that seemed to have signaled the end of the discussion and she became very intent on her monitor. Alex was still reading scrolling raw data and looking for more information about the ship that was in distress.
When the first officer spoke up with her suggestions Shione showed no obvious response, but she could not help but feel it would leave two isolated teams separated on an alien ship,

"Science have we confirmed that we have breathable atmosphere aboard and are there any dangerous energy readings or life signs on the bridge deck?

If the bridge is safe I suggest we go there first and go strongly. Three Security, Cindy, Hoekstra, along with a medic and a Tactical officer in the event we need to stabilize the vessel. We employ environment suits in case of a non detectable toxin present in the atmosphere. I speak Cardassian and if we have crew aboard that may be of some help. Once we have a beach head the Chief Engineer can bring a team over, but before that he and Cindy can assess the computers and other systems from the bridge.

If we run into a trap have the transporter keep a loose lock on us all and bring us back if I give the recall word; lets use 'Golden'."

She turned to face the CO, "Does that work for you Captain?"

Shione paused to give the CO and FO a chance to chime in.

==Tags all round==
T'Kol listened first as Cindy then Talion and the First Officer cleared the thoughts she feared they misunderstood the exact point of her idea and at risk at stepping to far out she spoke up again.

"I must interject we do not carry the Danuebe Class Runabouts we carry the Delta Class they currently do have transporter abilities." She started.

"And if I may clarify my suggestion would to not launch until we were ambushed or in absolute need to do so."

She nodded as the First Officer called out some of the history that they had to work with. She also remembered the stories Sothrick had told her on the Ozaki as well.

She listened as this sparked a reaction with both Cindy and the Chief of Science and the First Officer. The Captain remained for the moment quiet  As T'Kol also fell silent listening. She had been around terrans enough she had gotten pretty good at reading human emotion even when they tried to hide it. She found it fascinating at some regard.

Human interaction was still an interesting thing to watch.

She listened as the Chief of Security gave her suggestions and hinted at her concerns.

"I will try to raise the ship again." She said as quickly and then turned to her console repeating the previous message on all channels attempting to boost the signal by using the deflector dish as well.

== GM Inquiry: Any chance that gets a response from the ship? ==
After hearing a better explanation of what T'Kol meant, it did make more sense. Yes they would have a solid plan if there was a trap, they should be ready for any contingency, the chance of attack was there. They were going to need pilots that were wild behind the helm, they have the people for it.

"Cindy be sure to report to Doctor Lim or Troy, they have a lot to do and little time to do it. I am sure they will love the help. While there you there I want you to think about what you said, and how I am understanding about it once." There was a teachable moment there, and the lesson was about time and place. Part of it was there was no time or place to even suggest being reckless with the crew, they always came first.

"Your plan sounds good Kurasa, there is only one change possibly two. One is to use a shorter word like pie, if we have communication problems Golden will be broken up pie won't."  There was also a lot of people who like pie. "T'Kol is there a way to find out if they are even receiving our messages, we might have to employ other measures to get a message through.

Star Fleet learned years ago Cardasians did not use secondary backup systems, when their system went wrong they had nothing. Both of their systems and weaknesses, this was a classic example of a weaknesses of a single protocol. 

"Commander ch'Alev let's establish where they were coming from, we might figure out why they are in danger. Kurasa I am positive you know Cardasians thrive in heat, everywhere we go on the ship is going to be hot." The final decision was up to the Captain about how to proceed, taking all facts they had, the answers might be right there.

==Tags all round==
Cindy tried to make sense of what the FO said to her, but there was an obvious lack of communication between them. Cindy detected that somewhere in there, the FO seemed to have taken offense with something said, though so much had been said that her statement had been too vague to know what it was that she had disapproved of. Perhaps it was that she had simply said too much and the FO was the sort that preferred shorter statements. Cindy calculated that the best course would be to reduce her information to what was being requested and not offer more unless it was absolutely necessary. She had worked with Command Staff that wanted their answers in short statements and elaboration was only to be done on request. This seemed to best fit the request of the FO. The Trill had said that she wanted Cindy to think about something, but Cindy didn't think like organics did, she processed. Her programming already included a long list of ways for her actions and gestures to imitate that of humans, so that the non-verbal aspect was more their seed and made them feel more comfortable in conversations with her. The fact that the FO thought there would be value in Cindy taking time to reflect on their words told Cindy that the FO didn't understand the time difference between them. The known processing speed of the android positronic processors of nearly 100 years ago were estimated at  approximately 60 trillion functions per second. In human terms, if one function equated to a single second, then each second of processing could equal roughly 1.9 million years. Even if reduced exponentially, the difference is staggering. Computer processing has come a very long way since then and her programming had evolved as well. Experience had taught Cindy that people didn't want to know these things though. The words of the FO did make some things clear though. One was that she was talking to her as she would a person. The other was that she wanted her to assist Medical.

Cindy stood and the station she was at logged her off automatically, she didn't have to touch a thing. As she turned and headed to the turbolift, she simply said, "As you wish, Commander."

== Cindy will seek out the CMO ==

Talion noticed the small hesitation of almost a full second, when Cindy's eyes got a certain look to them that he had learned over the years. She wasn't just thinking, she was calculating all of the variables, replaying 20 years of database building and cross referencing with countless personal interactions she had collected that went far beyond her own experiences. She had access to almost all known recorded media, including decades of classes and lectures on almost every topic she decided would help prepare her to deal with organics. 

A worried grin slid onto his face as she left. He felt almost as much a father to Cindy as he did to his own daughter. The difference was that Cindy would not become sentient, not like her original program had. That version of Cindy had come and picked him up from the Titania, they all had. This version of her program had some extra special modifications to prevent that from happening again. He had learned the hard way that those programs were too much for most people. In Alex's opinion, people weren't ready for that. They thought they were ready, but they were wrong. It turned out that it was VERY hard for organic lifeforms to really understand synthetics. Instead, he gave people what they needed and could accept.

Alex continued to monitor the sensor readings of the ship they were heading to and the area around it. He continued to hope that they might be able to determine more details about the status of the ship and crew.

== On the screen in front of T'Kol, a small message notification was blinking. When prompted, it listed the manifest of current support craft listed for the Aquila. It consisted of 16 shuttles (8 were Type 18 and 8 were Type 14). The runabouts were indeed 4 Delta Class, but they were listed as unmodified and made no mention of transporter capability. If they had been modified or reconfigured, no notes had been made yet on the manifest. If the Chief was aware of such upgrades, she would at least notice the discrepancy and understand where the incorrect information had come from. If T'Kol looked to see where the message had originated from, it had been initiated from the now vacant station next to Talion. ==

== GM Input? Still hoping for more details on the ship, but perhaps something will come to light as we get closer. ==
==GM Brooks Input==


As the Aquila dropped out of warp near the casualty vessel it became clear it was a Cardassian patrol ship, front section practically destroyed, one nacelle partly off and number of other hull breaches.


There was no response from the Cardassian ship will the Aquila was on it's way. However, when they dropped in close they could possibly pick up a signal but it was very faint and crackly

==I will post in the next couple of days==
<< Security Complex. <<

Chief Kurasa's combadge activated, [ Mala to Kurasa, the phasers are ready and I’ve selected a few Security officer for the Away Team that may be useful in this situation.]

== Tag All. ==

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