YE/D05 & 06 - Science Labs
Peter's voice came through loud and clear:

[Jensen to Turner, West and Shadowhunt. Report to transporter room 1. Customs inspection, so be prepared to do a thorough sweep when we arrive. Please bring a sidearm but have it to stun. And bring any and all carryable equipment needed for a through search for contraband. I'll meet you there shortly], he finished.
== NRC - Lt(jg) Papaver – Science ==

Technicians were technician-ing around the lab. Monitoring the range of research and experiments that had been set up to be run in the background while the main part of the mission to patrol the sector and map the local systems took place in the foreground.

There was honestly nothing for Papaver to do currently. With the exception of occasionally checking the logarithmic feeds coming from the wideband lateral sensors.

Astrometrics is fun!

On the corner of the desk, she'd set up a small flask with some acetone and a copper wire. It was a simple reaction that Xavier, her DH on the Magellan had shown her. Before he'd gone on the Borg mission. It wasn't something she spoke about. She just found the reaction comforting.

With Commander Qi on the bridge, and Shadowhunt being called away, she was somehow in charge down here for now. It felt weird she thought. Adulting at her age. She shuddered.

Deciding to walk over to the replicator, She stopped to look at the feed from the bridge stations to see what they were looking at up there. The live link helped share information quickly.

They were scanning what looked like an old Oberth class that had been through the wars somewhat. Papaver liked those old ships. They looked kind of pretty.

Putting the thought aside, she continued to the replicator and wished she'd pulled the duty in the Arboretum this shift.
Qi’s voice rang clearly over the comm system of the senior science staff:

[Qi to Science Labs, let’s send a probe to ‘update our star charts’. Keep a special eye out for signs of dilithium processing and alloys specific to Federation technology, especially anything that went missing in the mid-fifties. Feel free to throw in anything else that may be of scientific interest. If we happen to identify any possible Talarian resistance bases, please send that data to the Bridge.]
== NRC's - Lt(jg) Papaver – Human & PO Srent – Vulcan – Science ==

Chai Latte and a couple of ginger snaps in hand, Papaver returned back to her station just in time for the voice of Commander Qi to sound from above.

“Based on the Commanders requests. Might I recommend a class three probe.” Said a Vulcan stepping toward her.

A class two probe was the standard probe for astronomical phenomena, radiation, chemistry, and subspace scanning, but the class three did give them the extra planetary surveillance options.

“Sounds like a plan. Please feel free to launch one.”

“Thank you, Lieutenant.” Said the Vulcan turning to another console. “Petty Officer Srent to the Bridge. I am launching a class three probe, now.”

== GM – Does the probe launch go well, and what do we detect? ==
The probe launched perfectly, arcing around the Yeager to continue along its original course to continue its "mapping mission". Though it did not detect anything in the immediate area, it did pick up something on a low-band subspace frequency. Very faint.

[Beep Beep Beep. Beeeeeep Beeeeeep Beeeeeep. Beep Beep Beep.]

The signal was repeating on a loop. If the probes sensors were turned along the line of transmission, there was a very faint energy signature. The database worked on analysing the data, before indicating that the energy signature matched an early United Earth reactor.
== NRC's - Lt(jg) Papaver – Human & PO Srent – Vulcan – Science ==

The class three probe arced away from the Yeager and past the Greer class vessel they were stopped along side.

Its wide band sensor suit relaying its immediately unimpressive scans back to the ship. Srent reviewed the data as it came in. He made notes and was generally Vulcan about the whole thing really.

Papaver watched initially for a few minutes taking a sip of her Chai, and was about to turn away when Srent said; “Curious.”

“What?” Papaver asked.

“The probe is returning a low-band anomaly. It is very faint. One moment, I shall attempt to adjust the probe to better ascertain the signal."

That's when a [Beep Beep Beep. Beeeeeep Beeeeeep Beeeeeep. Beep Beep Beep.] sounded over the speakers.

“It sounds artificial.” Said Papaver. “A marker beacon?” She guessed.

“It is a repeating signal.” said Srent. “There does also seem to be a corresponding energy signature. Computer. Identify pulse signal and power signature.”

[Pulse signal is similar to early Earth emergency distress call know as S-O-S. of  approximately the twenty-first century]

Srent raised an eyebrow. “Oh.” Said Papaver.

[Power signature] Continued the Computer, [Matches know examples of United Earth reactor units of the late twenty-first, early twenty-second centuries.]

“Well, that certainly comes under what Commander Qi asked for, wouldn't you say?” Said Papaver.

“Indeed.” Replied Srent. “I will transfer the findings to him.”
<< Transporter Room <<

As Ktan entered the Science Labs, he was shocked by how. . . populated it was. A whole five weeks of night shifts had allowed him to grow comfortable with dimmed lights and hushed voices, quiet conversations in corners over a caffeinated beverage and silent research. The most action they ever had was the occassional tweak to the sensor array, routine tasks they often shared with engineering and that were, typically, non-critical. Any important repairs were handled as soon as problems presented themselves, which was typically during the day shift.

Now, rather than a safe haven for nocturnally inclined officers like Ktan, he found a laboratory buzzing with activity. Five weeks of travel time meant endless opportunities to press forward on pet projects. Even with the survey mission now officially underway, no one seemed to be bothered by putting extra time into the lab for whatever experiments they had running. It was a bit of a mad house, despite its small size.

There seemed to be a bit of commotion regarding their current mission, but as Ktan hadn't been briefed, he wasn't sure where he was needed.

Being the junior-most officer on the team, Ktan didn't immediately look for somewhere to take charge. His training in the Kzinti military and Starfleet Academy cautioned him against that mistake. Enlistedmen didn't like young officers who acted high and mighty.

Instead, he sought out his own senior officer, looking for orders.

In this case, that meant Lieutenant Papaver, as Commander Qi was on bridge duty.

"Lieutenant," Ktan said, doing his best not to look intimidating, despite their height disparity. "The away mission is complete. How can I be of assistance?"

== Tag ==
== NRC - Lt(jg) Papaver – Science ==

On arrival in the system, mission data began being fed from the bridge to all relevant departments and sub-stations throughout the ship.

One request that was flagged as priority was a multi departmental request for cargo bay one to be converted into a cryogenic facility.

Papaver knew that was a task and a half, but she was too busy juggling the staff currently here to go off and play, but the temptation was strong.

She was standing with her arms folded reading the screens showing the planetary data and other astronomical readings when deep familiar voice from behind startled her.

"Lieutenant, The away mission is complete. How can I be of assistance?"

Turning, she looked up at Shadowhunt. “Ah, Mister Shadowhunt.” She said taking a step back so she didn't have to crane her neck too much. “I take it your away mission went well then?” She asked.

Then she quickly introduced Petty Officer Srent, the Vulcan NCO who was still operating the class three probe. She turned back to the list of tasks on screen.

“I think I have something for you to sink your teeth into, metaphorically. if you could tie up with engineering and probably medical, by the looks of this, we need to convert cargo bay one into a cryo facility. That would be great. And feel free to take anyone you might need.”

== Tag Shadowhunt - Feel free to make up any enlisted science NRC's you want. There's potentially 14 minions out there to break utilize. ==
Peter's voice came through the comm system:

[Jensen to Science and Engineering. I need cargo bay one cleared and made suitable for the maintenence of a hundred active cryo pods. Feel free to stack if needed, just no playing Jenga if it can be avoided]
== Apologies for my continued delays - My writing motivation seems to be coming in fits and starts lately ==

“Ah, Mister Shadowhunt," Lieutenant Papaver said.. “I take it your away mission went well then?”

"As well as can be expected in these times," Ktan said. "I fear for the future of the Talarians. A sentiment I'm sure is shared by many on the crew."

Lieutenant Papaver didn't immediately respond, clearly engrossed in a flurry of activity to which Ktan had not been privy. His heart still hung long in his chest, sagging under the weight of his worry for his fellow refugees. Their troubles had been growing on his mind since beaming back aboard.

“I think I have something for you to sink your teeth into, metaphorically," Papaver finally said. "If you could tie up with engineering and probably medical, by the looks of this, we need to convert cargo bay one into a cryo facility. That would be great. And feel free to take anyone you might need.”

"A cryo facility?" the feline swished his tail in curiosity. "Not exactly a typical request for a survey activity. What exactly have we encountered?"

He listened intently as Papaver explained their situation. An old colony ship, stranded and with a weakening distress call, and a population likely still asleep after far too long.

"I will begin immediately," Ktan said, before offering a brief salute.

He cast his eyes over the remainder of the science lab, looking for a familiar face. It didn't appear that any of the enlisted personnel he'd been working with on the night shift had followed him on the schedule rotation. He'd simply have to make do with whoever was here.

Slipping out a PADD, he went over the duty roster for this shift and selected the best-fit candidate.

"Crewman Paige," Ktan said, approaching a mousey looking human technician on the opposite side of the room. "I require your assistance. Are you up to date on the mission?"

Crewman Paige turned around, looking startled for just a moment at both their height difference and shadowy countenance the hooded Kzinti bore. Her icy blue eyes softened, however, in a matter of moments.

"I'll get right on it, uh, sir," she said, baring her teeth in a human smile. "I'll bring Crewman Wallace along too, he's practically an engineer."

"Thank you," Ktan said, offering a polite bow, "Gather what you need and meet me there."

Paige and Wallace, Ktan thought, walking towards the exit. I've never so much as read their personnel files, and now I'll be giving them orders on a life saving endeavor. Is this the life of an officer?

>> Cargo Bay >>

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