YE/D08 - Cargo Bays
Art arrived at the Cargo Bay in a clear huff, internally cursing still being assigned to a small ship. With an ideal department size, she would have had four officers at the Cargo Bay, another one or two with the Away Team, and the rest manning the department under her command. As it were, three were already off-shift on their rest, one was her, one was in Sickbay thanks to another that she was definitely not assigning anything important…

That left her six people to work with, not counting herself. As three scurried off to the Cargo Bay to see what was even going on, that left four whole people in Security. Art let off a distinctly-Klingon growl. “I’ll be right back.” She said, trying not to sound too exasperated. In reality, it was just Braggins she was mad at, and knew better than to let her emotions out on her department.

She had grabbed two additional phasers on her way out, intending to hand the extras and the one on her person to the Security personnel she had just ordered out of there. Apparently the first ones there, she found her guys looking perplexed, looking how Art was feeling.

“Take these,” she said, practically shoving the hand phasers at them. “Figure out what the hell is going on, and report back. In fact, when the Captain gets back, and things here are all set up… just keep open comms.”

Art was done with being in the dark with Braggins. She was going to have the usually-passive cameras up for live feed in main Security, and she was going to surveille the heck out of the ship. As she walked her way back to HQ, she wondered just how much bulkhead space she could take up with CCTV.

==NPCs will be Enlistedmen F. Radley, T. Stripe and C. Bandit.==
>>Main Engineering>>

Alexander and his two helpers arrived in the cargo bay ready to get to work. Being in Starfleet so far was not at all what Alexander had expected, the pace was quite frenetic.

"Lieutenant d'Toran a pleasurrre to see you again. What brings you to the cargo bay?" Alexander asked curiously.

"I am here with my two companions to prepare it to receive some incoming cargo, cryo pods I believe." 

Alexander indicated towards Johnson and Thar.

"Johnson you start stacking all the large containers over by the far wall. Thar those barrels over there need to be pushed up against that far wall stacked and securrred."

Alexander pointed out the containers and barrels as he spoke and where he wanted them stacked and both the enlisted men jumped into action.

"Aye sir." They replied as they started to work.

==Tag d'Toran. GM input does Alexander or the enlisted men helping him have any trouble securing the cargo bay?==
There was no problem in securing the Cargo Bay for its new use, but there was still much work to be done. They would need to find power sources for the cryo-pods, space for emergency medical equipment, and possibly an area for the dead.
With the cargo bay mostly cleared and secured, it was time to move on to their second and more daunting task, which was to prepare it to receive the inbound cryo pods and their passengers.

"Johnson, see if you can find a nearby EPS junction we can splice off of to keep the pods powered up."

Johnson moved smartly towards the nearby wall where a Jeffries tube cover could be seen and started to remove the cover.

"Thar I need you to start replicating conduit and everything else we need to join the EPS grid with the pods themselves." 

Thar also moved with a purpose after all non of them knew just how much time they had, but it likely wasn't much.

As Johnson and Thar moved off to start their tasks Alexander started to design the lay out of where everything would be laid out to optimize the minimal space that they had available to them. The wall nearest the Jeffries tube was the logical location to start placing pods and the walls nearest the cargo they had secured was a good place to put anything else that was brought over, including unfortunately possibly bodies.

==GM input are Alexander and his team successful in their initial setup of the cargo bay so that pods can start being brought on board?==
<< Science Labs <<

Ktan entered the cargo bay flanked by crewmen Paige and Wallace. Both human, the pair couldn't have cast any more different physical presence if they tried. While Paige was short and slight, even for a human, and tended to fade into the background of any room she was in, Crewman Wallace was tall - nearly as tall as Ktan himself - a well muscled. In fact, had it not been for his blue accented uniform, any passerby would have guessed he was a security specialist.

The trio walked in to find an engineering team already had at work, having pushed relocated and reorganized as much of the cargo here as they could, and were now working on the power systems.

"Go see how you can be helpful," Ktan said gruffly, annoyed at continually being late for assignments. "I'll check in with whoever they have in command."

"Aye sir," Paige squeaked, before tugging on Wallace's sleeve and leading him over to the nearby jeffries tube.

Ktan, meanwhile, located the officer in charge almost immediately - a caitian midshipman who had also been on the away mission. Midshipman Turner.

I suppose that puts me in command, Ktan pondered, further irritated that protocol would dictate him stepping all over the midshipman's toes, despite Ktan's tardiness.

Stepping gracefully to where Turner stood, Ktan offered a short bow and let out a feline sound from his throat that other felinoid species would understand as an attempt at extreme politeness.

"Midshipman," Ktan said. "Your team is doing excellent work. Could you provide a quick report on your progress?"

== Tag Turner ==
The setup, in theory, was fairly simple, so getting the area prepared for the cryo-pods was achieved pretty quickly. Testing the setup and ensuring it worked, however, would require an actual cryopod. As it stood, they would at the very least need to create a transformer that would "step down" the amount of raw energy going into the pods' systems. The Yeager's power distribution network was not designed to operate at such low current, and would fatally overload any 22nd century tech connected to it.
The progress in the cargo bay was moving along rather smoothly and Alexander was pleased. Then just as he was finishing up his plan for how everything would all eventually be laided out his fellow feline crewmate Ktan approached with a friendly bow.

"Midshipman," Ktan said. "Your team is doing excellent work. Could you provide a quick report on your progress?"

Alexander returned the courteous bow as he replied.

"Lieutenant, I have Thar and Johnson laying out power conduit and accessing the EPS grid over there for the cryo pods." Alexander indicated the wall nearest the Jeffries tube.

"I also thought we could place anything else that is beamed aboard, over here by the secured cargo. Not at all sure what exactly might be coming other than the pods.." He shrugged.

"We still are going to need to figure out a way to adaptor power systems to the pods though. Was just starting to wonder how as you came in."

Alexander shrugged his shoulders again as he pondered what would be necessary and waited Ktan's response.
<<Previous Area: Sickbay<<

The felines in the cargo bay would notice a solitary wolf enter the room, laden with medical equipment. The former KDF officer, now a Star Fleet Lieutenant, walked into the room and began to set down his cases of medical equipment, along with a Klingon tricorder designed for his paws.

Kal-Geal then approached the felines in the cargo bay as Turner gave his report and said, "Ensign, Midshipman. I brought some medical equipment for assisting with reviving cryosleep patients, which I will upload the instructions for safe construction and operation to everyone's tricorder database here."

Despite being slightly smaller than Ktan, Kal-Geal didn't seem to be perturbed by the larger feline, nor by the presence of two other potential predators (by San-Tarah standards) in the bay. "The Klingon Empire still has a few troop ships that use cryogenic technology for storage of their ground forces. They utilize a dedicated fusion generator for their pods, so that enemy fire doesn't take out the pods with power surges from EPS conduits. Do you think there is there a way you could rig up one of the ship's auxiliary power generators through....what was it called....a power governor, and regulate the low levels of power produced from an auxiliary generator? That might be enough power to keep their pods going, and prevent any power fluctuations from the EPS grid from affecting any of the cryopods."

Kal-Geal looked between the engineer and the scientist, hoping they might have an idea as well, since relying on only one idea wasn't often the wisest choice, especially with ancient technology.

==NPCs will be Enlistedmen F. Radley, T. Stripe and C. Bandit.==

An Engineering Midshipman asked Art what brought her down to the Cargo Bay; she could only pointedly look at the three Enlistedmen who were bickering between themselves, albeit jovially. If she didn’t know better, she would have thought they were all brothers.

“Help Engineering out!” She barked at them, feeling much like how she imagined her mother must have felt, raising four children with Klingon genetics. Art wondered if being a Department Head was altogether much different than raising children. A Science Ensign came in and instructed their people much the same way she just had with hers, and so satisfied, nodded and headed back out the door.

She’d start monitoring all aspects of the ship after her short trip back to her department. If no one was going to openly tell her anything, then she was just going to have to find things out for herself.

Art just hoped that her surveillance didn’t find anyone on the toilet.


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