AQ/D02 - Transporter Room 1
==Other transporter rooms on deck 15==
<< Main Bridge <<<

Despite the size of the ship it did not take the Vulcan to long to find the Transporter room.

She stepped in to find an engineer already at the controls.

"Crewman...." She began as soon as the doors slid open and she could see the person at the controls.

"We should be receiving notification of a new crewman arrival. When you are ready bring them aboard." She ordered and stood ready to receive.

== Tag Ch'Alev ==
Within a minute of the petite Vulcans arrival in Transporter Room One a beep came up on the transporter chiefs station to say there was indeed someone waiting to beam over.

The crewman acknowledged the order and the blue shimmer of the transporter lit up the place as an Andorian in a tactical uniform beam onto the pad with a bag slung over his shoulder.

"Good evening, I'm Lieutenant Commander ch'Alev, your new chief tactical officer I believe." he gave a small smile and looked around the transporter room.

"Seems I picked the right time to beam over." Keval commented as he looked carefully at the Vulcan,

"I'm guessing your chief of the boat. I have orders here to see the Captain as soon as possible but I know it being evening time he might need his rest. This does seem a pretty big vessel and I am sure it would take a lot to be in command of such a ship, maybe you can show me to my quarters and we shall go from there?" the andorian asked with his antenna pointing forwards.

==Tag T'Kol==
T'Kol stood at rigid attention as the shimmering blue light engaged. As the new CTO arrived he was quick to introduce himself.

"Greetings Commander, Yes I am Chief T'Kol. I am, the Chief of the Boat." She answered.

"The Captain did say he will meet with you in is otherwise engaged." She gave not entirely sure of what exactly he was doing.

"I did make him aware of your arrival Commander. I can take you to your quarters and I am on duty for the next three hours if you would have need of anything else." She paused moving to help gather his luggage

"If you would like I can also take you to your new office. However, I am sure it was a long flight if you would like to just sleep I would understand." She added.

== Tag ch'Alev ==
Keval listened carefully to T'Kol's words as he wanted to make sure he wasn't breaking any protocol.

"Understood if the Captain is busy, to be fair there is probably a lot for him to take on right now. I will just wait for my place in the queue."

T'Kol then suggested about seeing his new office or weather he would like to go to his quarters and go to sleep.

"Can we dropped off my stuff at the quarters I'm assigned and then maybe show me the Bridge. I'm sure the office will have a lot of work to catch up on and that can wait until I have indeed got some sleep." said the Andorian giving her a small smile.

"Lead the way T'Kol." he then said.

T'Kol nodded. "Of course Commander, I am sure you are of high priority to meet with next. I of course can escort you to your quarters sir.

Do you require assistance with your luggage?" She added

Once he was ready T'Kol led the way out of the transporter room and towards the quarters.

>> Bridge (by way of Quarters) >>

== I figured we would skip the quarters and go right to the bridge unless you had something needed to do in quarters. ==
Keval listened to the question from T'Kol about his luggage.

"I do have another two cases coming over once they receive the signal so it would be brilliant if they can be taken to my quarters." said the Andorian with a small smile.

Then he followed the Vulcan out towards the nearest turbolift.

>>>Bridge (by way of quarters)>>>

<<<<<Bridge <<<<<

Going right to work Beno wanted to make a few adjustments to the transporter for the trip out, Cardasian ships are always different than Federation. Cardasians love their heat that make people uncomfortable, in some cases even pass out. The heat can cause problems with detecting life signs, and further filters could help out. Infrared programming won't cut it alone, the filters to sort out the surroundings.

She knew that the team will have questions, but no answers will, be given until the whole crew was present. This might prove to be a little more difficult, the usual bag of tricks won't work. They needed a different bag of tricks, fortunately Beno had several. It was also the alone time that Beno wanted with Kurasa.

"Shione there are a few things we need to cover before we go, one is Pond was my right hand since we were junior officers. It is a slip that won't happen again, she also knew all my cues something that will take time. For now on this mission when we beam over, I need you to my right Mala to the left. Also we have to be careful on what we say over there, their version of flirting is different than ours." It was funny to think about the differences, hopefully none of them will walk away with a marriage proposal.

"We need to show strength and compassion at the same time incase you were not aware." This wasn't an attempt to insult her, Velaul had a few run ins with them. A few good times, and some that became better times. Now was also the time to give her a chance to say something while the others were on their way. "Do you want to say something before the others get here?" This was going to be difficult and anything less than an A game will not do.

== Tags all around ==

Shione listened to the options proposed by the FO along with the misidentification, all of which ran contrary to her plans; suddenly the FO had scheduled herself for the mission and apparently she was take a subordinate role. Shione was not a petty person, who was in charge , who made decisions were not something that she gave any energy into worrying about, but this was in direct breach of what she had been told was chain of command and her role within that.

Leaning in she whispered for Velaul's benefit. "Commander, you are altering my plan and putting yourself in command of the away team? "

There was no acrimony in her comment, in fact it was completely devoid of any emotional content whatsoever.

Tag Velaul awaiting Mala, Lim and Cindy
Again sorry to keep peeps waiting==
The short answer to her question was no, and waited until everyone was in the room for the briefing. She hated saying the same instructions everytime someone new entered the room. They also didn't have a long time to waste, and they didn't want to waste any more than needed.

'Thank you everyone for coming so fast, we don't have a lot of time. Commander Kurasa here is in Command of the awayteam with her plan, my roll in this only sounds simple. We have been attempting to communicate our intentions, so we aren't going to get a warm welcome. I am here to deal with their Command as much as needed. Cindy I need you to be here and handle the transporter control, you can beam more people in a short amount of time than a normal person. Commander please take it from here."

Benos attention had to be in a single direction, she couldn't afford to make mistakes. Its been so long since Beno took the reigns that she forgot any other way, and taking a bit of a step back was going to be a different view. This was going to also be a good practice for when she has the big chair, hopefully the First Officer that replaces her will be up to the task.

==Tags and I slightly moved the time frame to when everyone is in the room==
Cindy was a little surprised by hearing that she was to stay behind and operate the transporter, but only raised an eyebrow as any indication of this as she replied, "As you wish."
Jez and the Security Away Team members arrived in the Transporter Room. Jez looked at the officers assembled, Commander Kurasa, Commander Velaul, and the ever-talented Commander Talion. Jez smiled when she saw him. She smiled and gave them a polite nod, “Commanders, It’s good to see you all.” Said Jez.

Jez gave Cindy a nod and noticed the look on her face, clearly, Talion did something that Cindy disapproved of. Jez, went over and whispered in Talion’s ear, “What did you do now?”

Before Talion could answer, Jez approached Chief Kurasa and briefed her on her selection of Security personnel.

“Looking at Commander Kurasa, “Chief. I assembled several Security personnel who I think would benefit the mission. Midshipman Kentaro, our forensic and Linguist expert, Lt. Baxter here is a veteran of the Border skirmishes with the Cardassians, he is an expert in hand-to-hand combat. Etnar our Ferengi expert in Computer Science and Counter Espionage, can crack any Security System.” Announced, Jez. “To finish our team, I chose Lt.Jackson, a sharpshooter, beyond comparison, she can shoot the wings of a fly at a thousand yards. Ensign Bre’kar is our field medic. And last but not least, our Klingon Tank, Lt.Keztura, is a good-natured grunt, who can give and take a beating like no one else. To be honest I think he likes it.” Said Jez.

Keztura glared at Jez and said, “ jIHeghpu', qatlho'neSpu', naQ'e' DaHar'a'? (You’re lucky I like you, you remind me of a Tribble, little one)”

Kentaro smirked at what Keztura said. Jez returned the Klingon’s glare and said, “laHlIj tlhaQ Davuvqangbogh ghot'e' tu'lu'bej.( I know what you said you stubborn son of a Targ.)” Causing Keztura to smile.

Jez loved Keztura, he acted like the hard-nosed Klingon, but he was really a sweetheart.

== Tag All ==

<<. Security Complex.<<
>> Sickbay >>

Dr Lim had slipped in to the Transporter room trying not to be noticed. She thought she was a little late.
== NPC Gath ==

When Mala had gathered her hand picked squad of Securitytroops,Gath took notice. Having heard the announcements, he understood enough of the situation and fell in behind them. He shadowed the group into the Transporter Room and then silently stepped to the side, near Cindy.

Cindy had taken position next to the transporter technician. Gath tactfully looked her over and was curious about her unique choice in attire, as well as her lack of rank.

Gath stepped to her side and while looking forward, in a polite and hushed tone said, "I noticed you wear no rank insignia."

A hint of a grin appeared on her face as she replied, "Think of me as a civilian consultant. Pleased to meet you, Gath. I'm Cindy Talion."

He raised an eyebrow and simply commented, "Indeed."

He didn't recall ever meeting this woman before, but she knew who he was. He had only anticipated that the transporter might require a Security presence. Now, he was pretty sure that the situation was more interesting than anticipated.
Velauls commbadge chirped into life,

[Captain Brooks to Commander Velaul, get the crew off and then try to work out what has gone on. We will have to make this a quick investigation as I'm sure the Cardassians will have vessels on their way here. Brooks out.]

The channel then closed.
==Going to post tomorrow to give anyone not yet here a chance to sign in But it's time we moved this on. I AM assuming we have gravity and an atmosphere, GM==
== NRC Cindy and NPC Gath ==

While they all waited, Cindy reached over and picked up two PADDs from within one of the cabinets. She tapped one and it came to life, then it quickly showed the image of the scans of the ship sections for the craft they were about to deploy to. Certain areas were color coded and there were individual tiny signals that were identified by designations that were being tracked by the computer. Gath's eyes widened and he was about to ask to see the information closer when Cindy stepped around him.

Approaching LCdr Kurasa first, she said, "Commander, since you're to be in charge, you'll want to look over this information. It is the real time scan data of the ship, or what's left of it anyway. The areas that are more illuminated still show life support. The darker it is, the less it has. Areas in grey lack any life support. The red dots are life signs that are fading swiftly. Green dots appear to have strong life signs. Yellow is the obvious transition and if the light goes out...well..."

She held it out to her and said, "Take this and so long as it maintains a network connection to the ship, it will keep feeding you data from our current scans. You can rotate it in three dimensions, if you need to try and find another access to an area. Hull breeches are outlined in yellow, in the event that you need to try and EVA to a location."

Once Kurasa took the PADD, Cindy automatically tapped the other, made sure it was active with the same information and handed it to Lim. "Doctor Lim, you'll have the same information. I'm sure that you'll want to prioritize access to your potential patients based on their status and locations. Please let me know if you have any questions."

That said, Cindy politely returned to her position at the transporter. Gath leaned closer to her and mumbled, "How did you manage to already have those linked and receiving data?"

Cindy grinned and turned to face him, answering in her own lowered tone, "I didn't. They are designed to be networked for two way data links, as are tricorders, if you tell them to do so. My conversations with such devices happen much more quickly than for most people, that's all. I'm just worried about what caused all of this in the first place. The ship looks like it ran into an asteroid, but there was a detonation. If there wasn't a mine or explosive device between them, then it means that the initial impact caused the detonation of a volatile material in that part of the ship. Thus, we have two questions. The first is, why was a ship that close to an asteroid or ran into it? The second is, what was the cause of the detonation? If it was material on the ship, then there could be more of that material still aboard or floating as debris. Cardassians are not well known for their sense of caution in such matters. Statistically, they are almost as bad as Klingons in such matters, no offense intended, sir."

Gath grinned and gave a single huff of a chuckle, "None taken. You're not wrong." He then spoke up, "Commander Kurasa, be aware that there may have been unstable materials on the ship. The cause of the damage is still undetermined at this time."

== Tag to Kurasa and Lim, but all could be aware of the contents of this post. ==
==Thank you for the update. Just so all is clear for my post later today and to prevent confusion the team includes Cdr Velaul, Cdr Kurasa, Chief Engineer Hoekstra, CMO Cdr Lim, Security Ens Mala, Sec NCO Gath and Cindy. I am posting this so if I have missed someone please let me know==
Jez was surprised at the number of people assigned to this Away Team. She knew that meant one of two things, One being that there was something on the Cardassian ship that StarFleet didn’t want falling into the wrong hands, or two. The Captain was expecting heavy resistance or a combination of both.

Jez, noticed Doctor Lim slip in, Jez didn’t want to call any undue attention to the good Doctor, so Jez carefully made her way over to the Doctor to inform her that the CryoStasis Unit was functioning properly and that she had the computer monitoring when she wasn’t there, but that Jez checked it several times a day, once during her morning break, once during her lunch break and then once during her afternoon break. She particularly liked her lunch break, as she would read to the Unit. Jez knew that was a bit odd, but she just had a feeling that somehow the fetus knew and was responding to the sound of her mother's voice. Jez knew it was probably pointless, but she couldn’t help it, it just seemed like it was something that she should be doing.

Jez reached the Doctor’s location, “Hello Dr, Lim. How are you doing? I didn’t get a chance to properly thank you for all your assistance, the Unit is working perfectly and I have the computer monitoring it and it will alert both Medical and Engineering, as well as myself of any problems. I can’t thank you enough.” Said Jez with a warm smile on her face.

However, the Away MIssion caught her attention once again. What were they going to be facing, What secret was waiting for them? Jes was feeling a knot in her stomach, this was a true mystery.

== Tag All. ==
As the Chief Engineer entered she approached the transporter officer showed exactly where she wanted them placed and then turned to face the team.

"Due to the unknowns involved here I am going to have us transport in facing out in a circle. I will be facing the center of the bridge with Mala at the 9 O'clock position, and Gath in the opposing position to my right. Cindy I want you initially at my 6 analyzing the threats that I will not see.

We will not have phasers drawn as we transport. They might only send the wrong signal to any Cardassian's present. I speak Cardassian, and if any crew are present hearing their own language without a translator may make a difference Commander Velaul, Doctor Lim and Chief Hoekstra I want you, tricorders in hand, in the center giving me a short concise report on what your scans show."

She paused to gauge everyone's expression as she completed her orders. "To start; keep chatter to an absolute minimum. We have no idea what we may face and what sort of mood they may be in. Cindy you will be the quickest of us and if we are caught flat footed I expect you to react without orders should you perceive a threat we don't see, or are not quick enough to deal with the goal to prevent possible harm to the team." She gave Cindy a nod and knew she did not need to say more.

"Commander Velaul, if one of the team is injured and or we are ambushed the call to transport us back is immediately at your discretion; being in the center gives you the perspective that I will not have.

The transporter Chief is gonna keep a loose lock on us, so if things go south he understands what we will need him to do. "

She took up the appropriate position on the pad and once all were in position, she tapped her badge "Kurasa to bridge, Away team ready and on transporter pad. At your orders Captain"
== NRC Cindy and NPC Lt(JG) Gath ==

Cindy and Gath exchanged a glance. Neither had thought they were going to be assigned to the team, but it seemed the CoS had a plan that included them. While Kurasa was speaking, Gath reached over to the gear and grabbed two phasers, handing one to Cindy. They both checked the weapons and set them for heavy stun and did it in such a synchronized manner that you would have thought they had rehearsed it. It was simply that they were both doing it in text book fashion, as taught at the Academy for advanced combat training. When they were done, the weapons went to their belts on the right side, just behind the hip, at the four o'clock position.

As Kurasa conducted her briefing, Cindy returned the nod, understanding her initial role in the team. She also grabbed some isolinear tags and put a few in a pocket. Gath grinned at this and when the briefing was done he said to Cindy, "You've done this before." Cindy simply returned his grin as they moved into position on the transporter pad.

As they were waiting for the word, Cindy handed a few of the tags to Lim and said, "If we have trouble with them getting a lock to beam out the wounded, you can use these to help them get a lock."

Cindy smiled at Ens Mala and said to her, "Since we don't know how bad it is, you might want to hold your breath as we beam in. If there is smoke, you'll feel it with your eyes first and then know to breathe carefully, avoiding fumes as much as possible. It's always hard to tell what you're going to encounter with a badly damaged ship. Be cautious and alert, but don't forget to be kind. There will be dead and injured. We're here to help."

ala had heard Alex and Cindy talking about missions and training, but this was the first time that Mala was seeing Cindy in action. She sounded like an instructor, using that same informative tone, but not talking down to her. Cindy was aware that Mala had not faced a situation like this on a mission yet, but she had been trained for it. Mala had been on missions, but this was going to be a little different. This was fresh damage and the injured or dead would be a different kind of experience. There might still be small fires, systems failing and the screams of those suffering trauma. It can be a hard environment to navigate, especially if you're struggling to keep your own emotions and thoughts in check. As she liked to tell people, you never really get rid of the butterflies, you just find ways to make them fly in formation. That often seemed to help the new students.

== Tag Lim and Mala ==
Jez listened as Commander Kurasa laid out the plan for transporting in, it seemed pretty straightforward. Jez wasn’t particularly thrilled at the idea of dealing with Cardassians, She remembered as a child the difficulties her parents had dealing with the Cardassians when they were on digs in Cardassian space, the red tape, the constant interruptions. The Cardassians liked to use the pretense that they were performing inspections of her parent's dig site and equipment to make sure they were up to Cardassian safety standards but was, in fact, an excuse for them to spy on her parents.

Jez nodded as Kurasa explained everyone's position, as the Chief did, Jez repeated them mentally.

Due to the unknowns involved here, I am going to have us transport facing out in a circle. I will be facing the center of the bridge with Mala at the 9 O'clock, and Gath in the opposing position to my right. Cindy, I want you initially at my 6 analyzing the threats that I will not see.

In Jez’s opinion, this seemed a little dangerous, all of them beaming in at once. In Jez’s opinion, it made more sense to beam the Security Team over to Secure the transporter site, and once they secured it to then beam over the rest of the team.

Jez didn’t want to disagree with her superior officer in front of the others, Not to mention she didn’t want to appear foolish,  but the idea of everyone beaming in at once seemed risky. Jez quickly typed her concerns on her Data Padd and then casually walked over to Commander Kurasa and showed her the Data Pad.

[ Commander, with all due respect;  wouldn’t it be safer if the Security Team Beamed in first and secured the transporter site and once secured beam the rest of the Away Team? ]

Jez hated to disagree with the Commander publicly, especially in front of everyone, but Jez didn’t want to appear as if she wasn’t ready; but also felt that statistically speaking it made more sense to risk a smaller number of people than a large group.

As Jez wanted Commander Kurasa to consider the option Jez had presented was a bit surprised when Cindy spoke to her, Cindy smiled at Ens Mala and said to her, "Since we don't know how bad it is, you might want to hold your breath as we beam in. If there is smoke, you'll feel it with your eyes first and then know to breathe carefully, avoiding fumes as much as possible. It's always hard to tell what you're going to encounter with a badly damaged ship. Be cautious and alert, but don't forget to be kind. There will be dead and injured. We're here to help."

Jez had heard Alex and Cindy talking about missions and training, but this was the first time that Jez had seen Cindy in action. She sounded like an instructor, using that same informative tone, but not talking down to her. Cindy was aware that Mala had not faced a situation like this on a mission yet, but she had been trained for it. Mala had been on missions, but this was going to be a little different. This was fresh damage and the injured or dead would be a different kind of experience. There might still be small fires, systems failing, and the screams of those suffering trauma. It can be a hard environment to navigate, especially if you're struggling to keep your own emotions and thoughts in check. As she liked to tell people, you never really get rid of the butterflies, you just find ways to make them fly in formation. That often seemed to help the new students.

Jez returned Cindy’s gaze and said, “ I know, my parents and I have been in many dark and even smoke-filled Temples and Tombs. You would be surprised by the amount of dust that swirls in the air of a tomb that has been sealed for Centuries, it can burn almost as bad as smoke.”

Jez was a bit concerned when Cindy mentioned that there would be dead bodies, her question was for the Senior Officers, “Excuse me, Commander’s, but as I’m sure you’re aware, Cardassian funeral rites are very strict. They considered it a dishonor to the deceased if a non-Cardassian views the remains, with that in mind are we performing any retrieving of bodies, or at least helping the Cardassians gather their deceased?” Asked Jez, her tone respectful, but factual.

== Tag All. ==
The response came over the comms

[Brooks to away team, beam over when ready and good luck. Brooks out.]
<<< Main Engineering <<<

Niels was among the last to arrive in the transporter room, not a usual behavior from the typically punctual engineer. Given his extra loadout and the further initial distance from the transporter room than the others it made sense. A serious, intense expression was on his face as he entered. He paused briefly to take stock of the others present, then moved to a spot where he could double check his kit and the transporter enhancers.

The Chief of Security took charge, laying out plans of where they were to transport in and how each person was to act. Niels listened to the plan as he made the final checks on his equipment and got it prepared for transport. Patting his pocket, he confirmed that the isolinear chip Kalli had given him with the translation program was still in his pocket. He pulled out his tricorder and, as requested, powered it on and prepped it to scan.

There seemed to be some questions about Cardassian burial rites, specifically the viewing of corpses by non-Cardassians. If what the ensign said was true, and there were in fact fatalities in the area of the ship where they were beaming into, then the away team could be starting off on the wrong foot in an already tense situation. Given his lack of knowledge on Cardassian culture, he couldn’t give an opinion on the matter one way or the other, but he assumed that with Lieutenant Commander Kurasa’s knowledge of the Cardassian language also came a basic understanding of their culture. So, he had to trust that the landing site picked was the best option for a successful mission.
Being the person who usually organizes these, Beno real8zed while watching how much effort it really takes. The plan itself was solid, and the equipment needed was already there. While grabbing what she needed, Beno was going to take a bit to appreciate what was going on. Her team really needed to come together. While she got into posBeno had a smile.

>>>>Away Mission >>>
<<Security Office<<

Entering the transporter room she was pleased to see the mission specialists ready to assist the Away team into the slightly more cumbersome, but more than a little more protective Security EVA suits.
Helmet still off she was already dressed and armed when the first team member arrived.

==One post here for all and then we transport over==
Kurasa commbadge chirped into life,

[Brooks to Kurasa, you have ten minutes and no longer, if that weapon looks like it will explode again we will beam you out, no arguments. Brooks out.]
Lt Thorn and Cindy Talion arrived at almost the same time. Kalli was in her gear and protective suit designed for Damage Control, which was quite similar in appearance to Kurasa's upgraded EVA gear. Kalli and Thorn traded glances that they were both wearing similar gear, though Cindy's was now looking a bit more scraped up, while Kalli's looked brand new. Her tools looked seasoned though.

Kalli said to Cindy, "Don't forget your helmet, so you blend in." She then gave a sassy wink.

Cindy chuckled and held up her helmet in reply.

Kalli held out a PADD to Kurasa and said, "The trouble seems to be here." She indicated a highlighted area. "It's at the back of the torpedo section of their ship. Whatever we're going to do, I think it needs to start there."

== Tag Kurasa and anyone else that has arrived. ==
== Temp NRC - CPO SNP Wedsday Addams ==

Weddy, as she was known to most on board, came into the transport room in a band new security survival suit supplied by the security department. She moved very awkwardly and was obviously very uncomfortable in the suit. She was average height, with shoulder length jet black hair that no one could see because of her helmet.

How do they expect me to do my job in this suit? I'm a... I'm an EFM (Emergency Field Medic), no a walking, talking space monkey!

Weddy, without speaking, took her place on the transport platform, waiting for the order to go.
==NPC Lt (JG) Carley Young==

Joining the team in the transporter room Carley first noticed Wednesday, a person that she  hasn't met yet. The other two she remembered were Security. She came in wearing the suit provided by Security, and inside the helmet Carley was wearing a pair of clear glasses. Her Blue eyes were stunning as ever, and just like Wednesday her hair was hidden. She had tied back her blonde hair in the back, it was just how she prefer it while wearing a helmet.

On her left hand was a small black case, inside was a small drone that was programed like a probe. It was the same hip that she kept her sidearm, with a knife that was strapped to her right thigh. Finally she had aqsuanted herself with who was there, and wasn't.

"Commander Kurasa, Lieutenant Young reporting in." She had a little uneasy nature to her voice, it wasn't because of where they were going, it was who wasn't. Everyone was new to eachother still, and were still in the get to know you phase. As she took a place on the transporter padd, Carley knew there wasn't much time.

==This post assumes that Ensign Mala is present and prefaces a return to the Away team thread==

Shione greeted Cindy and Lt Thorn's arrival just as a message from the Captain came over her comm. badge,

[Brooks to away team, you will need to close the experiment down by the console which is connected to it, the fail safe has failed but apparently it can be bypassed. From now on keep an open channel with the Bridge. Brooks out]

Shione waved off their questions and happily within minutes the entire away team had arrived and waved off any questions and gestured them to focus on her.

"This is an extremely dangerous assignment and we are being given exactly 10 minutes aboard to complete it. Each and every one of you are a part of this . There is a potential catastrophic overload in the Cardassian torpedo bay and the consequences of that could be considerable and you all have an equal in it's success; so...."

Shione paused catching and keeping the focus of each of the team before she began the briefing. "We will be working in fairly confined quarters and I will insist that any and ALL conversations be entirely mission focused; as the lives of all of us could depend on you all.'

She turned first to the Doctor. "Doctor Addams your role is integral to the safety of the team while we go about our roles. You will monitor the vitals of all present and use your tricorder to keep alert to any possible threat to the physical well being of the team.
Ensign Mala; we cannot be absolutely positive that there are no Cardassians hiding on the vessel who may then present a threat to the team; and so, if you do discover one in our proximity you are to stun them and.." Shione handed her Officer a few Isolinear tags. "If a Cardassian does attempt to interrupt our mission, you stun them and use the tag to signal the Aquila to transport them over. We cannot afford to be surprised or interrupted while we work to defuse the threat."

Shione then moved her focus to the Science officer present; "Lieutenant Young, the protection that you will primarily be providing is to guard us from what we cannot see or feel and if you do detect such you will alert the Doctor and Me. It is also possible that your science Tricorder and your own skills could be helpful."

Pausing to ensure she had the attention of everyone. "This information is Highly classified and as such you will be expected to treat it as such. The Cardassians are using this vessel to attempt to develop a working Plasma torpedo system, but something went terribly wrong and the fail safe on the Plasma has failed. It will be the task and responsibility of Lieutenant Thorn, Specialist Cindy Talion and myself to reengage that failsafe and you are there to ensure we are not interrupted or distracted."

She paused and the team could see; the weight of this team's mission; momentarily in her eyes before she finished her train of thought.

"Kalli, Cindy and myself need to reengage that failsafe and as such; to maintain our concentration any and all unnecessary conversations are NOT to occur. I believe that you are all professionals and the Captain is depending on this team to succeed.

So Wedsday, Jez and Carley, you are watching our backs, and if all goes well we should be completed before the ten minutes that the CO is giving us ends. The three of you should engage your tricorders now and be ready for when we arrive.'

Shione tapped her badge. "Commander Kurasa to Captain Brooks. The transporter Chief has assured me that they will maintain a lock on our signals and we are getting on the transporter pad as I speak. I will leave my comm open to you and the bridge as ordered, Kurasa Over"

Once ready she gave a nod to Transporter Chief, "Ready when you are."

As the CoS was giving the briefing and tasks were being handed out, Kalli turned to Cindy and made a face that seemed to agree with part of the briefing that was speculating about the possible cause of the problem. Cindy considered it and silently nodded agreement in return.

Cindy produced a small PADD and held it out to Lt(JG) Carley Young, "Lieutenant, this is the unidentified energy signal we have. If you can find out anything about it, this might be important. We have no idea what kind of radiation might be associated with it and how dangerous that radiation might be. It's the best I can offer, but be ready for anything."

Kalli agreed as they all stepped onto the transporter pads and were putting their helmets on, "An uncontained plasma charge of some kind would fit, but the power source is independent of the rest of the ship. If we can't contain it or shut it down, we might need to eject it."

With helmets on, kalli and Cindy both gave the same thumbs up gesture to the Transporter Chief.

== Tag Young and Kurasa ==
Jez was glad to be out of sickbay, it’s not that she didn’t appreciate the people in sickbay the Doctors and nurses were truly amazing, but laying in sickbay made Jez feel caged. Jez listened as Commander Kurasa outlined the mission.

She turned first to the Doctor. "Doctor Addams, your role is integral to the safety of the team while we go about our roles. You will monitor the vitals of all present and use your tricorder to keep alert to any possible threat to the physical well being of the team.Ensign Mala; we cannot be absolutely positive that there are no Cardassians hiding on the vessel who may then present a threat to the team; and so, if you do discover one in our proximity you are to stun them and.." Shione handed her Officer a few Isolinear tags. "If a Cardassian does attempt to interrupt our mission, you stun them and use the tag to signal the Aquila to transport them over. We cannot afford to be surprised or interrupted while we work to defuse the threat."

Jez was relieved that Doctor Adams would be monitoring vital statistics , it’s not that she didn’t think the Aquila wasn’t able to monitor the Away Team, it was just that if a ship like the Cardassian ship is experiencing system failures, fluctuations in ship systems, distorted E.M. Fields, it could block the vital statistics or make it impossible to monitor the outright,

Jez knew what she was about to say might be considered controversial, but clearly something odd was happening on the Cardassian ship. Jez took the Isolinear tags and placed them in her pocket, “Excuse me Commander, should we be gathering any intel that we find, including accessing any computer files we might come across in our search?” Said Jez.

== Tag Kurasa. ==
[Thank you Kurasa and good luck.] came back from the Captain over the COS commbadge
In the brief seconds that they waited for the transporter to be engaged, Kurasa and her superior hearing could pick up something not over the comm, but from next to her. It was coming from Kallli and she couldn't make out most of it, until just as the transporter initiated, she made out the words, "...everybody's looking for something..."

Shione recalled an obscure song she had heard Kalli sing before, when working intently and it was that song she was using again to get into her zone. They were both about to be in their element now. Danger high, totally focused on the mission and no turning back.

They then vanished from the transporter pad...
==NPC Carley Young ==

So Wedsday, Jez and Carley, you are watching our backs, and if all goes well we should be completed before the ten minutes that the CO is giving us ends. The three of you should engage your tricorders now and be ready for when we arrive.'

Carley was paying close attention to what her assignment was, and who she was going to work with. She had never worked with either of the women before. Then Cindy approached after. "Lieutenant, this is the unidentified energy signal we have. If you can find out anything about it, this might be important. We have no idea what kind of radiation might be associated with it and how dangerous that radiation might be. It's the best I can offer, but be ready for anything."

Carley had a giant smile while accepting the padd. "Exciting isn't it?" Carley was always excited about the possibility of what can happen "Don't forget that we are guests on what is left of their ship." Carley waited for the transport to happen, and knew their window was small.

>>>>Awayteam >>>>
Jez wasn’t certain how she felt about this new mission, about going back to that ship. She knew that Historically the Cardassians would sabotage their ship and issue a distress call and then blow up their own ship. Granted that was pre Dominion War, maybe they have changed since their defeat.

Jez watched as Cindy approached and spoke with Young, "Lieutenant, this is the unidentified energy signal we have. If you can find out anything about it, this might be important. We have no idea what kind of radiation might be associated with it and how dangerous that radiation might be. It's the best I can offer, but be ready for anything."

Carley had a giant smile while accepting the padd. "Exciting isn't it?" Carley was always excited about the possibility of what could happen. "Don't forget that we are guests on what is left of their ship." Carley waited for the transport to happen, and knew their window was small.

Guests on a ship that should be hauled away as salvage. Thought Jez.

Jez set her tricorder and double checked her other equipment. “Ready for transport.” Said Jez.

>> Away Mission. >>

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