AO2 - Academy Lounge / Cafeteria / Gardens
The lounge / cafeteria is a large complex where meals are served and where cadets can come between assignments to relax and interact with others.

The gardens provide a peaceful environment for study and conversations.

No alcohol is served in the lounge / cafeteria, and it is strictly forbidden for cadets to consume the same on campus.
== This area is an open posting area for use by Star Fleet Academy (SFA) cadets, faculty, and administrators. Cadets may post outside of their training holodecks here and interact with each other and SFA staff in an informal environment.

All standard posting format rules apply here; posting here is a good chance to practice these skills.

To post in this thread a cadet must be current in their training. There should not be an academy post in your holodeck waiting for your reply while you are posting here. Same goes for Academy Instructors (AI) please. No posting done in this location will be taken into consideration when evaluating final exams or opt-out exam status.

Individuals found in violation of these simple rules will be reminded politely to make training their priority. Subsequent violations may result in loss of posting privileges in this thread.

This can really be a fun environment for you to practice posting skills that will be invaluable once you’ve graduated and entered the ‘real game’ so use this thread wisely and to your advantage. Any questions, please contact me.

This thread will be pruned monthly. ==
==The Academy Gardens==

Amethyst sat on an old fashioned wooden bench, waiting for her twin brother, Ian, to meet her and discuss their upcoming exams. The sun was shining brightly, dancing through the blonde highlights of her copper hair. The warmth felt heavenly on her pale skin.

She was deep in her Xenobiology reading, when a bee caught her eye. She smiled as she watched nature's dance of collecting pollen from flower to flower. It was tulips the bee was tasting this day, and she wondered if they tasted as sweet as they smelled. Tulips are her favorite flower, and she admired their stoic shape.

She felt the sun find an exposed peice of skin on the back of her neck. It reminded her of gardening with her grandmother. As a smile spread across her face, she looked around and seemed to be alone, so she laid on her back, and let the sun kiss her face. Placing her padd on her stomach, she closed her eyes, and fell into a twilight state, hearing the calming sounds of nature all around her.

== Academy Gardens ==

It wasn't uncommon to find Amelina walking through the gardens or around the campus itself whenever she wasn't teaching cadets, taking part in meetings, or putting people through their final examinations. The instructor enjoyed being surrounded by what was familiar to her, and if she came across anyone to strike up a conversation with, then it wasn't out of character either. Despite her short stature and reputation for being strict but fair, the brunette was far from being introverted, as she remembered the friendships that she had made since switching careers.

One such friendship had led her to something she hadn't thought possible, and since this was her break, Amelina intended to record a message for Miles on the PADD that she always carried with her. Her bondmate never ceased to bring out a smile or get her through a tough day, until they could be together again.

At least they still had ways to communicate as Amelina approached her favourite spot underneath one of the shadier trees. However, it seemed that she wasn't alone when she spotted an auburn-haired cadet taking advantage of the weather and the quiet.

== Tag Amethyst if you'd like to talk to Amelina :-) ==
As she laid in this tranquil state, Amethyst heard footsteps approaching, and the familiar beeps of a PADD. She knew it wasn't her brother as she couldn't hear his thoughts. She lazily opened her eyes and looked towards the noise. There she saw an Academy Lieutenant.

In a state of twilight panic, and forgetting her own PADD being on her stomach, she jumped up quickly, PADD falling into a near by flower bed, stood at attention.

"Lieutenant," she addressed her superior.

==Tag Amelina==
It appeared as though her presence had startled the woman she had seen, something that couldn't always be avoided given her stature, or when she was in the presence of cadets who weren't expecting to see her. Then again, it wasn't as if Amelina could hide the uniform or her rank. However, what she could do was to try and put her at ease.

" At ease Cadet, apologies if I startled you. I know how tranquil these grounds can be, and how easy it is to forget that other things exist".

The instructor was talking from experience, and she hoped it would reduce any potential embarrassment. After all, Lina was very approachable, and her message could wait if it meant getting to talk to someone new.

== Tag Amethyst ==
Hearing the order to be at ease, Amethyst relaxed and started looking for her PADD in the flower bed. While she was looking, she decided to babble to the officer.

"Sorry, Lieutenant. I was sitting out here waiting for my brother, so I decided to start studying, then there was a bee, it reminded me of my grandmother, and the sun was so warm....," she finally took a breath, "...and I am babbling. I am Cadet Amethyst Bremner, medical. "

She saw her PADD, and a message from her brother stating he went to take a nap. She was disappointed, she wanted lunch with her brother.

==Tag Amelina==
It was good to see the Cadet start to relax, at least for a little while, before she began to babble while searching for something on the ground. Rather than become impatient and disinterested because she wasn't like that, Amelina chose to listen, wondering if she should render the Cadet aid in her search until she located what she was looking for.

" No apology is needed, Cadet. I've done something similar many times when I've been out here, and am pleased to meet you, Cadet Bremner. I'm Lieutenant Amelina Whittaker, one of the Security Instructors".

Amethyst then looked at her PADD, seemingly disappointed by what was on it, which prompted Amelina to continue the conversation, putting aside her immediate plans for the time being. " I was about to grab some lunch, and sit outside to enjoy it if you would like to join me?".

== Tag Amethyst ==
Amethyst's face lit up at the introduction, a security instructor.  Her father just sent her a communication  playfully scolding her that she never took any security electives, and that even the sickbay can be a dangerous place.  Just then her stomach let out an audible rumbling, as well. She felt as if fortune was smiling on her, she even was willing to forgive her twin brother for standing her up.

"Well, since my lazy brother stood me up for lunch, I will gladly accept your invitation.  May I ask Lieutenant, as a security instructor, what are some great classes for a medical student to take for self defense in the sickbay, or as a productive member of an away team, you know, just in case?" she queried as her eyes lit up.

Can't hurt to start making friends and connections other than family and the holodeck, she thought to herself.  She was going to ask that young red headed security cadet who found himself in her sickbay on her rotation, but she kept forgetting.  He seemed to be a compassionate man, and he reminded her of her father in a way. 

==Tag Amelina and Leo (If he wants to join in)==
It didn't take an empath to see the change in the Cadet's demeanor once the introductions had been completed. Which, in Amelina's opinion, could only be a good thing as Bremner accepted her lunch invitation. That wasn't the end of the redhead's response as she asked some questions relevant to Amelina's forte and her chosen department.

" That's great, and I'm sorry that you got stood up, but fate has a way of intervening at the right moment", Amelina began, thinking of times gone by. " As for your questions, I would say make sure you're phaser proficient. A weapon never comes in wrong when faced with a difficult situation or if you're on an away mission. There are also combat classes you can take if you don't have a weapon to hand".

All of these were recommendations, but Amelina knew what she was talking about. Even now, she still believes in giving everyone the best chance for survival, especially when serving aboard a ship.

== Tag Amethyst ==
When the two women arrived to the cafeteria and walked up to an available food replicator. Amethyst ordered comfort food for herself, "Chicken Rogan Josh with jasmine rice, samosa aloo, and old fashioned cola with ice."

Turning to Amelina, she waited for her to order. Looking at the lunch tray, Amethyst smiled remembering watching her grandfather and father making curry dinners for holidays on Earth. Even smelling the food, she felt a warm energy radiate throughout her body from her heart.

"This brings back so many memories," she spoke outloud with a smile spreading on her face, and a tear forming in her eyes. She missed her grandparents even still, two years after their passing.

"After lunch I think I am going to the phaser range for practice," she announced.

==Tag Amelina==
The journey to the cafeteria, while a short one, was very informative for Amelina as the two women continued their conversation until they reached the bank of food replicators. Listening as Amethyst made her selection, the AI thought it was a good choice, the pleasant aromas reminding her of the curry house that she liked to frequent in the bay. Once Amethyst picked up her tray, Amelina moved forward, taking a moment to decide what she fancied.

Her stomach, aided by the brunette's decision, growled happily in appreciation as she settled on. " A double club sandwich, with a fried egg on top, a side of fries, and a glass of raspberry lemonade".

" Food has a great way of reminding us of special times and people," Amelina remarked fondly as she picked up her tray.

When the Cadet then announced what she intended to do after lunch, Amelina smiled. " That's a great idea, I might join you".

Some extra practice never hurt, as Amelina indicated to an available table, overlooking the gardens.

== Tag Amethyst ==
As Amethyst and Amelina moved to the open table the Lieutenant pointed out. Amethyst decided to open up to her.

"Curries are my favorite foods as my grandfather and father would cook them when we were all together back in Scotland as a family. My Earth grandparents both passed 2 years ago. Someday are harder than others. My grandparents were both doctors in Scotland. I used to go on house calls with them. They inspired my decision to become a Starfleet doctor, like my father," she offered with a warm smile laced with the memories of her grandparents.

She took a bite of her food, and felt her grandparents love wash over her. She felt nervous that the Amelina would ask her why she said Earth grandparents. She didn't like divulging her mixed race, but felt comfortable with her new friend.
Amethyst followed her to the indicated table, and Amelina knew she had chosen the right spot for them both to enjoy their lunch. Once seated, the AI took hold of her cutlery, knowing how messy the sandwich could get, while the other woman opened up to her a little more. It was always interesting to hear about people's families, especially from cadets who were sometimes light years away from home. However, Amethyst was talking specifically about her paternal side, with a fondness that Amelina could understand.

The fact that she had called them her Earth grandparents didn't faze the brunette. After all, it didn't matter to her if anyone had mixed parentage or obvious signs that they weren't necessarily born on the planet. Family was family regardless, and Amelina also understood the loss, even if it hadn't been recent.

" My condolences. It's never easy when you lose someone close, but it sounds like they were wonderful people, and I can see why you would want to follow in their footsteps".

== Tag Amethyst ==
Amethyst nodded her thank you to the caring Lieutenant. She saw the understanding in her eyes.  Amethyst was finally feeling like she is making her first friend, outside of her family. 

Just as the women were enjoying their lunch and conversation getting to know each other, Amethyst heard her PADD beep an alert at her. She excused her interruption to read the message thinking her brother woke up and was looking for her. She was wrong,  it was from the Academy administration. A huge smile beamed on her face reading the message, as tears of joy fell down her cheeks. She knew her grandparents are proud.

Taking a deep breath she looked at the Lieutenant, "I am no longer Cadet Bremner. I am Dr. Bremner, Midshipman in Starfleet. I am now awaiting my first ship assignment!" She squealed while almost shouting the news. "I am so proud of myself, I am officially a Starfleet doctor, like my father. Wow, Dr. Amethyst Bremner, daughter of Dr. Rory Bremner, and Dwanna Bremner, Mistress of the 3rd House of Betazed. Granddaughter of Drs. Owen and Maggie Bremner of Wick, Scotland. And I am babbling......again, sorry"

She looked at her lunch date's face for irritation.

==Tag Amelina==
The silent thanks Amethyst gave her earned her new friend a warm smile, which Amelina often used around people she was getting to know, those who were already friends, and more. A small part of her personality which the cadet got to see, the longer they spoke and enjoyed their lunch. By the time Amethyst's padd beeped, the Instructor had moved on to her fries, alternating bites with drinking her lemonade, before Amethyst excitedly revealed the news she had received.

Rather than be irritated or annoyed by the interruption, Amelina beamed with happiness about what she had heard. Liking how Amethyst was moving forward with her career, now that her time at the Academy was ending. It was the natural way of things, especially as the stars were waiting for the new Doctor to explore them.

" That's fantastic news, congratulations Midshipman", Amelina began sincerely, as Amethyst then apologised again for babbling. " Don't worry about it, it's only natural to be excited about what awaits you in the stars".

== Tag Amethyst ==

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