08-05-2023, 03:12 PM
TI/L99 - Crew Logs
08-05-2023, 03:12 PM
04-10-2024, 12:37 AM
Ensign Amila Ra'an, Science Officer's Log, Stardate 202404.07
I'm not even sure that everything I am about to describe all happened in one day, much less one shift. Right place at the right time I guess? No pun intended. The action started within after my scheduled Bridge duty rotation began. We had just arrived at 99 Herculis when our initial probe into a spacial anomaly started showing chroniton particles in the area that were increasing steadily. within what seemed like seconds the anomaly had turned into a temporal rift and we were facing an alien vessel unlike anything I've ever seen. Made of a metal alloy with an unknown composition. This is where I should have been more pulled together. Why did I focus on temporal anomalies if I was just going to freeze on the Bridge under pressure like that. The Captain and Commander Ameen were composed the entire time. Even as all of the other ships started spilling out through the rift. I think I am the one who initially suggested that we harness the chroniton particles, but it's such a blur, I don't even remember. Either way, Lieutenant Powl had to carry a lot of the weight until I finally snapped back into it. I did though. Under the Captain's direction, he and I worked together to lure the ships back in and close the rift. When the shockwave hit the Bridge it was like being in a shuttle crash. People were down. The ship was... well, but I was one of the people left on the Bridge who was ok, and I think I did alright running point for engineering and even medical while we shut down portions of the ship to conserve power. Maybe I should have majored in operations instead. Laughs. Or not.
02-04-2025, 04:11 AM
Medical Log Star date 242502.04
Lt Jon Jolly CMO USS Titania The Titania travelling at warp came across a distress call that had little information and the message was breaking up due to some sort of interference. The interference was cleaned up. The Ship was called The Ceryneian Hind. My understanding is that when Titania arrived on scene it appeared as though the ion trail of the ship in distress lead straight through a planet, which is impossible. The Titania also experienced small pieces of space rock floating in various parts of the ship, one being in the CMO office in sickbay, which I was using at the time. I was having a cup-a-tea and some chocolate cake. I scanned the anomaly with a medical tricorder which indicated that there was absolutely nothing there! That was strange to start with. I reported this to the bridge. So, I decided to try touching the rock that was not there. Immediate, the first officer warned me sternly over the comms not to touch it, but to isolate it and to clear the CMO’s office and seal the office with none aloud in. That wasn’t any fun, but I carried out the order. When the First Officer arrived in Sickbay he revealed that the rocks appearing all over the ship had traces of chronotrons – that means that the space rock was very dangerous to touch. Fortunately, the rock situation was quickly abated and the rocks returned to space. This is when I became aware that there where two ships involved in the rescue mission. A Ferengi ship badly damaged and the Titania detected a Nausicaan ship approaching claiming that a Ferengi vessel had stolen some valuable equipment, and they wanted it back. This is when I was call to the cargo bay to attend NPC Kevin Reynolds who had one of the rocks fused into his hand. I came up with a solution by tricording the hand and isolating the chemical composition of the rock, I sent the information to the Transporter room and ask them to transport Kevin to Sickbay and filter out the rock by it chemical composition. It mostly worked. The Titania crew found the Ferengi ship who had sent the distress call, badly damaged and transported its four crew to Sickbay who where suffering burns and laceration and some broken bones consistent with an explosion. Sickbay got on with dealing with the injuries. Soon after I was called to the Bridge. The bridge crew wanted to bring part of the Ferengi Ship aboard presumed to be a tetryon devise. When I heard a tetryon reactor was going to be brought aboard I objected strongly because of the very dangerous tetryon radiation and Epsilon radiation as a by-product. '''Epsilon radiation''' is a rare form of radiation. A tertiary type of radiation, it is composed mostly of electrons. It is also produced by quantum reactions. Which could explain the space rocks. In the meantime, the Nausicaans were also brought aboard and held in a cargo bay but they escaped and need to be tracked down by security. I was ordered to find a way to protect those who would work on the device, but my efforts failed miserably. But with all the precautions imaginable in place the device was brought aboard and thankfully it turned out to be lass dangerous than at first thought. I was more like a molecular phase inverter and was damaged severely. It was of not use to investigate further I’m not sure what happened to the inverter. The Titania headed back to a Star base where our guests where unloaded. Lt Jon Jolly CMO USS Titania
02-09-2025, 03:38 PM
Science Officer Lieutenant J.G. Amila Ra’an
Em… Personal Log. I. Am. Exhausted. But Starfleet likes its reports, so I better do it now before I forget anything. Today we just dealt with our first real incident since the Geronimo crew joined us that really forced us to work together in a high pressure situation. I could tell just from meeting them during our reception that the Geronimo seemed to have a different work culture than ours, and it really stood out on the Bridge today, especially at first. What stood out to me, because it was really bothersome, was the lack of order. Commander Sothrick is not the captain of this vessel. He’s not even the first officer, and he was never left at the conn while I was on the Bridge for this mission, yet his former crew kept addressing him, rather than Captain Fields, when she was the one in command. I understand that old habits die hard, but when one officer kept doing it even after being reprimanded, it almost seemed deliberate. But, that would be speculation on my part, so I won’t name names, and will try not to judge. The mission as it were started when we picked up an intermittent, urgent distress call that ended up being from a Ferengi vessel. When we tracked the signal down, we found the vessel to be phasing in and out our physical plane. Tachyon particles made me suspect possible time travel, but eventually we would find out this was most likely an interphasal cloaking device - an experimental one at that. Though, that knowledge wouldn’t come until after the Ferengi ship was later destroyed, and the components of a molecular phase inverter was found among the wreckage. The Ferengi vessel was not in control of its trajectory, and was heading toward a planet, while we still couldn’t predict what was causing it to phase in and out. I had suggested that we deploy Class 3 probes to gather as much data as possible, and this proved useful in a number of ways. We were prepared to use temporal shielding, and while this ended up not likely a time-travel device, modulating our shields to the differential did seem to offer the Titania protection during the explosion of the Ferengi vessel that happened later when the Nausicaans rammed into it. This is definitely a research project I will be pursuing with command’s approval - whether or not temporal shielding would be effective in protecting a ship against interphasal ballistics. Since the Nausicaans appeared and seemed to obviously want what was on the Ferengi vessel, it seems that we should be prepared for more interphasal weaponry from our adversaries in the future. I suppose it remains to be seen how well the Geronimo and Titania crews will mesh in the future. Hopefully things smoothe over in the next few days and we can get into a better routine. And, learn to trust each other. |
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