228 posts
First Officer
USS Aquila, NCC-76853
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Sitting down and watching the transaction between the two, she knew it was time to just allow things to happen. The other Cardassian had the usual charm associated with his people, but they just didn't have the smile of a Romulan. Equally as treacherous but lacked the tactical skills, they would have a hard time beating the Ferengi. She knew when this was going to be a time to talk to the Captain in private, there were a few things they needed to talk about.
It was still a strange feeling to her that she didn't lead the Away Team, something she will have to get used to in the future. Kurasa was a good leader on the away mission and deserved the chance. Being First Officer and leader of the away mission was fun, but there was no real room for advancement. Still right now in the present, she was just going to enjoy the time.
"After you Captain." She said after the mention of the debrief, the only part of the whole thing she didn't like. Still it didn't really matter about what people do or how much they love it, there was always something about it people didn't like. It was like looking up at the tallest building in the world, its beautiful almost majestic. Looking down from the top floor of the same building can scare people, to Beno it was exciting.
>>>Ready Room>>>
277 posts
Commanding Officer
USS Aquila, NCC-76853
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As the Aquila warpped out of the neutral zone and back into Federation Space everyone would feel the wave of relaxation.
Captain Brooks stood up and said, "You have the Bridge Commander Talion. Commander Velaul come with me."
They headed over to the Ready Room door and stepped inside.
==Tag Talion and Velaul==
>>>Ready Room>>>
141 posts
Chief Science Officer
USS Aquila, NCC-76853
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Talion casually replied, "Aye, Captain. I have the Bridge."
He then waited for the Captain and First Officer to leave the Bridge and enter the Ready Room before he slowly walked over and sat down in the Center Chair. Things were calm again and there were no longer any signs they had actually had a very busy time of it. That was how it was though. On a Starship, you could never be sure what would be happening from one minute to the next. It made him wonder if he was doing the right thing by bringing his daughter back to this kind of life.
277 posts
Commanding Officer
USS Aquila, NCC-76853
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==A few minutes after the Captain went into the Ready Room==
Captain Brooks voice came over the comms, [Brooks to Bridge, readjust course to DS9. Brooks out]
==Tag all==
107 posts
Chief Of Security
USS Titania, NCC-88002
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11-30-2024, 04:42 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-30-2024, 04:54 AM by Sothrick.)
==Wrong Account But for somereason I can not get into TKol so imagine this from a cute petite lil Vulcan Female and not this big ugly dude! I'll fix in morn==
==T'Kol Chief of the Boat==
A lot happened in a short time but the crew was able to complete the mission as it were.
When the Captain asked for a comm channel she of course did as requested then listened to the Captain and the Gul go back and forth.
While the others found the Gul to be typical T'Kol felt something different.
She was no empath but a big part of her job through the years,
has always been reading people.
She felt as though this was not over yet.
And her thought seemed to be confirmed as shortly after the Command staff left the Captain requested course for DS9.
Yes it was the closest but she bet they may still get more answers there. If she were the betting type.
She looked towards the center chair and the CSO sitting in it.
"Sir, should I call ahead and let them know of our impending arrival?" She questioned.
141 posts
Chief Science Officer
USS Aquila, NCC-76853
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When the Captain's voice came across for the course change, Talion spoke in a simple but firm voice that fit the moment, "Helm, please adjust heading to bring us on course for DS9." T'Kol then asked if she should contact DS9, to which he responded, "Yes, I suppose it would only be polite to contact them and inform them that they need to reserve an appropriate spot for us in their docking schedule."
== Tag to Coppola and T'Kol ==
277 posts
Commanding Officer
USS Aquila, NCC-76853
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USS Aquila arrives at DS9, all the crew needed to do was to dock and there shore leave can begin
42 posts
Tactical Officer
USS Aquila, NCC-76853
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==Before time jump==
The course was set in for Deep Space Nine, a place he hasn't been Before. It never really thought about going there either, but they were heading there. "Course plotted sir Deep Space Nine." He did appreciate the historical value of the place, it was just far away. "By the sounds of things we were invited." It stood to reason because no one suddenly goes there for no reason that they were invited or ordered, the real question was why?
==After ==
The instructions for docking was followed to the latter, it was a large ship that needed to go to the upper levels. The speed of the ship was to regulation standards, with the manuvers being textbook. The scenery of the station was less than spectacular, seeing how it was an old design that wasn't surprising.
"Docking procedures have started." It was short work considering most of it was automatic, the only upside was the fact Bajor was beautiful. Everything he has ever seen has never properly done it justice, why they didn't build something that wasn't an eyesore was the mystery. "Enguaging the external inertial dampener." Basically a fancy pants way of saying parking break.
"Docking procedure complete, and locking down station." He was locking down the station, he was ready to complete the process and leave the Bridge. He had no idea what was going to happen next, he just knew there was someone who he wanted to talk too.
62 posts
Chief of the Boat
USS Aquila, NCC-76853
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T'Kol nodded as the Chief Science Officer suggested she go ahead and send her request to dock at the station.
She quickly received and answer and directions which the Aquila crew followed and the docking of the ship was pretty normal.
As the ship made its final approach and dock T'Kol was entertaining the idea of getting off ship and exploring DS9.
It had been a long time since she had been on the infamous base.
She wondered if they would be here for any real length of time.
"Commander, am I to understand we are taking shore leave here at DS?" She asked.