Site Communications Policy
Our new message board system that we installed last fall offers two great features which encourage the social aspect of our community. I find these to be great features, and I use both regularly.

That said, there has been some question of late as to what counts as ‘official’ means of communication on Federation Space, and I want to clarify the site’s communication policy.

Official means of communication indicates things that are to be used for any rules, personnel, and other ‘official’ guidelines. This includes anything where you are looking for an official answer from someone up your chain of command, all the way from where you are up to the President; and to issue answers or instructions to those down the chain of command from yourself down to Cadets. Communications done by Official means of communication are the only kind accepted by the site administration for site official matters, and the only kind which will be used by site administrators when addressing official matters. The same should apply for all personnel at all levels.

Unofficial means of communications indicates things which we use daily to ‘stay in touch’, to have informal discussion, share ideas/brainstorm, post statuses, and keep our community friendly and alive. Please note that in the case of any sort of disciplinary action, site admins may, at their discretion, utilise Unofficial communications in adjudicating whether or not rules were violated.

Below is a list of each of our types of communications and their Official or Unofficial status on Federation Space:

Email: Official
Forum Post (non-HF): Official
Discord Chat: Official 
Forum Private Message (PM): Official
Instant Messenger (Google Talk, Skype, AIM, Yahoo IM, etc): Unofficial
Voice/Video (telephone, Skype, Google Hangouts, etc): Unofficial
In-person: Unofficial
Telepathy or imaginary communications: Unofficial

The bottom line on this is if you want a private, official interaction with another member of the site, especially someone in your chain of command, Email is your best bet. If you want to ask a public question, there is a FAQ section in Red Alert which you can use.

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