03-02-2024, 02:39 AM
AQ/D99 - Other Locations
03-02-2024, 02:39 AM
01-29-2025, 06:30 PM
== The Office of the First Officer==
Entering the room people will see her desk closer to the back of the room, and a sofa that was directly to the right. There were pictures on the wall of Beno and people that meant a lot to her. People on the list that people would know Carley, and from the look of the pictures they were taken on multiple ships. there were a few pictures of ch'Alev, and her rank wasn't always the same. As she was getting ready for the arrival of her people, Beno wasn't sure how to proceed. Part of her wanted to have some fun with it, the other knew not to over do it. These were awards that they were receiving, and they might be nervous enough as is. ==Tag==
01-29-2025, 06:47 PM
Feeling a bit like she was being called to the principle's office for a school grade scolding, Kalli gave a tug at her uniform before ringing the chime. When directed to enter, she followed text book procedure, as taught at the Academy, positioning herself front and center to the desk. She managed a passable form of coming to attention as she stated the mantra, "Lieutenant Thorn reports as ordered."
== Tag FO ==
01-30-2025, 03:18 AM
When Kalli reported as ordered, she had forgotten that her request sounded very formal. Beno told her to stand easy while taking a black box out of her desk. This one was a little on the long side so it wouldn’t be confused for the box that carried an extra pip, and had a bit more of a shine to it. When Beno walked around the desk, it was planted firmly in the plan of her left hand.
“I would like to start by stating your hard work and dedication to the crew hasn’t been unnoticed, as his last report Hoekstra gave you high praise. With this report the Captain put you in for a commendation.” Beno opened the box showing both medal and ribbon that goes with it. The small gold plaque with her name on it, and Star Fleet Commendation Medal with the date. Beno took the medal out of the box carefully placing it on her uniform. “It is my pleasure and privilege to award this to you, I have enjoyed watching you develop your skills as an Officer and see great things in your future,” Beno took a step back to see her reaction and time to respond, something like this gives people a bit of a pleasurable shock, and definitely better than a punishment. ==Tag ==
01-30-2025, 03:35 AM
When the FO told her she could be at ease, she shifted to Parade rest, still thinking something negative might be coming and she was bracing for it. However, when the award was presented, Kalli's stoic composure dropped and her eyes went wide, a grin forming on her face.
Unsure of how to react at first, she fumbled, "Oh...um...Thank you, Commander! This...I...hmmm...didn't see that one coming." She then giggled briefly, releasing a little nervous tension as she recalled to at least attempt the complete the Take-Shake-Salute routine when receiving such an award. Her brow then furrowed and she stopped to speak again, "Wait...you didn't say that as 'in his latest report', you stated 'as his last report'. Her eyes narrowed in an intensely questioning way, "Commander?" == Tag FO ==
01-30-2025, 07:42 PM
The reaction was understandable considering she had no idea what was going on, normally when someone is called like this it was punishment. Naturally that would mean they did something that might warrant such action, figuring out what was going to be fun. There was another matter on the floor right now, and that was the Chief Engineer, he was on another assignment. In Star Fleet this was more common than people would think, most of the time it was best for all involved.
"Yes it was his last report for us, he has been put onto another assignment. There isn't much I can talk about on the subject, other than to say he will be missed. We will get another Chief Engineer but we can never replace him, the crew who receives him are getting a quality Officer." She didn't work with him directly a lot, but when she did Beno will never forget. "Captain Brooks and I are looking to fix the situation as fast as possible, we are going to talk about who the would be a suitable replacement." Even though the ship was pretty big, people will notice he was missing. Keeping it a secret will cause more of a problem than it would solve, full transparency would be best. "We are currently working on some more changes in the ship, some of them more noticeable than others, but that's just part of the life we chose." Changes like that were as common as they come, but its how they deal with it that makes the difference. "How are things in Engineering right now?" Sometimes when they go to the Star Base the repairs not as smooth as possible, and sometimes leaves the Chief Engineer annoyed. ==Tag ==
01-31-2025, 01:04 AM
The FO expertly managed to turn the conversation. For just a moment, Kalli felt bad that she had not gotten a chance to say goodbye to her supervisor. Quickly it was replaced by the idea that she was now going to need to learn how to work with someone new. Fortunately the FO then asked a magical question that caused Kalli to refocus in on the conversation with the precision of a dual phaser plasma injector.
"Well, because the Dock Chief seems to have gotten word about how I tend to go behind dock crews, I had DeeDee going through the ship and making complete scans of any and all work they've been doing. I haven't finished reviewing all of the figures yet, but so far most of their work is within the margins. I think the guy who was carrying their parts around was a little creepy, but I think that might have been because one of his things on the top of his head was shorter than the other. Don't worry though, I'll be sure to have a full report ready to in-brief whoever I need to tr...um..." She caught herself thinking out loud and blushed. She had stripped over a fine line of saying too much of a personal thought to a superior officer. She quickly tried to recover. "...Train to assist the new Department Head with settling in." She looked to the side and was obviously thinking hard now, "Hmmm...I need to get ahead of this." She suddenly looked at Beno and her expression was all business, "Thank you for this, Commander, but if we're done here, I suddenly have lots of work to do. Did you have any other questions?" == Tag FO ==
02-02-2025, 11:54 PM
Beno couldn't help but to giggle a little. "Rookie mistakes." She started with while thinking back at her mistakes, she didn't have a tutor at her disposal. "In the future when we are docking in a new port find out what the Dock Chief likes, and send a case of time. Then again after you leave, after this you don't have to monitor them. He will monitor them to make sure your specs are correct, they want that case." It also makes them feel respected. and they want to keep that up.
"Just remember they have to live with their Crew Chief, and they don't want to let him or her down. Us on the other hand we are here today gone tomorrow, the day after we are gone the Crew has put us behind them without a second thought." Beno knew that she had to get going, there was a lot to do before they got going again. "By all means, you have a busy schedule and I don't want to keep you." She still had another award to give, it was just waiting for her to get there. ==Tag==
02-05-2025, 06:43 PM
<<The Bridge.<<
Jez’s stomach had butterflies in her stomach. She stood outside Velaul’s Office, she checked her uniform to make sure she was presentable. Relax Jez, relax, Jez pressed the Door Chime and waited for the Commander to respond. Her nerves were jumping, she couldn’t imagine what the meeting was about. == Tag ==
02-05-2025, 07:08 PM
== As this was happening prior to the meeting in the Observation Lounge, I'm going to ignore that confusing other posts...lol... ==
Kalli thanked the FO for the advice and would try to remember it in the future. She heard the door chime and took it as her chance to escape. As the door swished open, Kalli smiled and said, "Hey Jez!" Then quickly made her exit, leaving Mala to conduct her own business she might have with the FO. == Tags and I'm out for this timeline... ==
02-06-2025, 03:04 AM
Happy to see Jez Beno had a smile of delight, it was a cheerful event that was about to happen. If it was some kind of punishment, the Chief of Security would be there. As she was the Second Officer it would just be standard operating procedure.
“Good to see you Lieutenant.” Beno started with. “Your hard work to make our ship a safer place hasn’t gone unnoticed. Neither has the way you conducted yourself on our Away missions, you have been a great representative of our crew and the Federation as a whole.” Pulling out another black box opening it up, and when it was open Jez would notice the medal and a plaque. The plaque had her name on it and the date. It was the Star Fleet Commendation medal. “Captain Brooks put you in for this award, and Star Fleet agreed you deserve this.” Beno took the medal from the case and pinned it on her carefully. “Congratulations Lieutenant you deserve this.” Beno said as she took a step back. “I am very proud to have you on our crew.” Beno gave her the opportunity to reply, and see how she reacted. ==Tag==
02-06-2025, 06:34 PM
Jez was happy to see the Commander smiling,
Okay she’s smiling this is good, unless she is smiling because she is happy to see me go. Jez lived her life by the theory of preparing for the worst, but hoping for the best. That way one could better manage one's expectations. She watched as the Commander pulled out a black box, opened it up, and when it was open Jez noticed the medal and a plaque. The plaque had her name on it and the date. It was the Star Fleet Commendation medal. “Captain Brooks put you in for this award, and Star Fleet agreed you deserve this.” Said Beno as the Commander took the medal from the case and pinned it on Jez carefully. “Congratulations Lieutenant you deserve this.” Beno said as she took a step back. “I am very proud to have you on our crew.” Beno gave her the opportunity to reply, and see how she reacted. Jez suddenly felt relaxed, her fears of a reprimand or punishment was laid to rest She looked at the Plaque and the Medal, she was amazed, she didn’t know that just doing what you had been trained to do would get special recognition, after all Star Fleet trained it’s people to go above and beyond in everything they do on a daily basis. “Oh ….oh…. Thank You , Commander, I wasn’t expecting this.” Said Jez, her voice filled with a mixture of pride and humility. “ I don’t know what to say.” Added Jez. Jez was excited, she couldn’t wait to write to Teddy Bear and let him know of her medal. == Tag ==
02-12-2025, 05:53 PM
Beno enjoyed times like this, the genuine shock that turns into surprise. People are first going to think they are being punished for something, and not being awarded for their hard work. Both Jez and Kali thought they were in trouble, it made Beno rethink the location of future awards. People work hard on their duties without really thinking about it, blowing off some steam afterwards is normally what comes to the front of their mind.
"No one really knows what to say during this time, we do our duties without really thinking about it. Then we blow off some steam to balance ourselves out, and when we get called into a meeting like this its all we can think about. You have been a great asset to our Security team, this award is a reflection on how proud the Command staff has been of you." Beno knew at times that everyone needed recognition for the work they did, and the personal touches that they add. "Again congratulations on your well deserved award, this is your day that you should be proud of." Times like this were enjoyable for everyone who was part of it, and no one really wants it to end. ==Tag ==
02-12-2025, 08:26 PM
Jez was a bit overwhelmed by getting a medal, she didn’t understand what she had done that warranted her getting a medal, but who was she to second guess the higher ups. Suddenly The Commander's voice broke through Jez’s thoughts.
"Again congratulations on your well deserved award, this is your day that you should be proud of." Said Velaul. “Oh Commander Thank you, this is just unexpected. What do you say we go to Ten Forward for a drink to celebrate.? “ Said Jez == Tag ==
02-13-2025, 05:06 PM
Having a drink to celebrate the award was the best idea she had heard, and if this kind of circumstances happen again she knows a better place to go. In her career it was extremely rare not to have a big celebration, but now the idea of having a smaller scale celebration would be more appropriate. If they were to be called to Ten Forward, no one would think about being in trouble. At first they might think it was a little strange, until they notice a trend.
"I think that's a great idea Jez, from now on if this comes up again it will start there." Jez had a great idea about going to Ten Forward, it was their time to celebrate and have their time. "Your tab is on me today." Beno said while getting ready to leave as well, this was the last thing she needed to do before other ships business. ==Tag - This should end this time line, separate from the current mission timeline ==
6 hours ago
Jez was excited to spend some quality time with the Commander. Jez had heard that the Commander had built her career on her terms, rumors said that Commander Velaul was a brilliant officer, honest, hardworking, down to earth, level-headed, in other words, the perfect officer. Jez hoped that the Commander could be a mentor, if not a total friend, but Jez wasn’t sure if drinking with the First Officer would send the wrong message to the rest of the crew, would they think of her as a suck-up?
Do you care what others think? What would Teddy Bear do? He would have a drink and enjoy himself. “How about we play a round of darts to see who pays?” Suggested Jez. == Tag we can pick this up later if you wish. == |
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