AQ/D02 - Transporter Room 1
==Other transporter rooms on deck 15==
<< Main Bridge <<<

Despite the size of the ship it did not take the Vulcan to long to find the Transporter room.

She stepped in to find an engineer already at the controls.

"Crewman...." She began as soon as the doors slid open and she could see the person at the controls.

"We should be receiving notification of a new crewman arrival. When you are ready bring them aboard." She ordered and stood ready to receive.

== Tag Ch'Alev ==
Within a minute of the petite Vulcans arrival in Transporter Room One a beep came up on the transporter chiefs station to say there was indeed someone waiting to beam over.

The crewman acknowledged the order and the blue shimmer of the transporter lit up the place as an Andorian in a tactical uniform beam onto the pad with a bag slung over his shoulder.

"Good evening, I'm Lieutenant Commander ch'Alev, your new chief tactical officer I believe." he gave a small smile and looked around the transporter room.

"Seems I picked the right time to beam over." Keval commented as he looked carefully at the Vulcan,

"I'm guessing your chief of the boat. I have orders here to see the Captain as soon as possible but I know it being evening time he might need his rest. This does seem a pretty big vessel and I am sure it would take a lot to be in command of such a ship, maybe you can show me to my quarters and we shall go from there?" the andorian asked with his antenna pointing forwards.

==Tag T'Kol==
T'Kol stood at rigid attention as the shimmering blue light engaged. As the new CTO arrived he was quick to introduce himself.

"Greetings Commander, Yes I am Chief T'Kol. I am, the Chief of the Boat." She answered.

"The Captain did say he will meet with you in is otherwise engaged." She gave not entirely sure of what exactly he was doing.

"I did make him aware of your arrival Commander. I can take you to your quarters and I am on duty for the next three hours if you would have need of anything else." She paused moving to help gather his luggage

"If you would like I can also take you to your new office. However, I am sure it was a long flight if you would like to just sleep I would understand." She added.

== Tag ch'Alev ==
Keval listened carefully to T'Kol's words as he wanted to make sure he wasn't breaking any protocol.

"Understood if the Captain is busy, to be fair there is probably a lot for him to take on right now. I will just wait for my place in the queue."

T'Kol then suggested about seeing his new office or weather he would like to go to his quarters and go to sleep.

"Can we dropped off my stuff at the quarters I'm assigned and then maybe show me the Bridge. I'm sure the office will have a lot of work to catch up on and that can wait until I have indeed got some sleep." said the Andorian giving her a small smile.

"Lead the way T'Kol." he then said.

T'Kol nodded. "Of course Commander, I am sure you are of high priority to meet with next. I of course can escort you to your quarters sir.

Do you require assistance with your luggage?" She added

Once he was ready T'Kol led the way out of the transporter room and towards the quarters.

>> Bridge (by way of Quarters) >>

== I figured we would skip the quarters and go right to the bridge unless you had something needed to do in quarters. ==
Keval listened to the question from T'Kol about his luggage.

"I do have another two cases coming over once they receive the signal so it would be brilliant if they can be taken to my quarters." said the Andorian with a small smile.

Then he followed the Vulcan out towards the nearest turbolift.

>>>Bridge (by way of quarters)>>>


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