TI/D01 - Bridge
Sothrick paused and looked at the science team. Both had asked the Captain questions that seemed more important than his at the moment.

He paused and nodded to the Captain and took a step to the side to allow her to address the Young Orion and Bajoran Science officers first. They could get back to the Ferengi issues once they can control the device. However as he understood the idea to bring the device aboard he paused and spoke up.

"At risk of sounding like a typical security I would urge caution on brining the device aboard. The Ferengi had stated it was malfunctioning." He added but still stood so she could answer the other two.
"Try to get any further information out of him that may be useful. You can always bluff about what we have found - in fact i recommend it." She added to the CoS, not sure how Sothrick would take this.

The Captain listened to the input and instructed Ra'an to go ahead with the plan. "We will proceed as planned with the supervision of Keir and monitoring by Jolly and Science. Ameen can be another pair of eyes. Please go ahead, Ra'an."

She nodded to Ameen also.

== Tag all ==
"We will proceed as planned with the supervision of Keir and monitoring by Jolly and Science. Ameen can be another pair of eyes. Please go ahead, Ra'an." The Captain said as she nodded at him.

"Aye Captain. I will monitor the progress from outside the bubble in the cargo bay then. It will cut down any reaction time in case we need to act." He said as he stood up from his chair. "We should have emergency crews on standby nearby too as precaution. Also, I'd like a couple of security details to be stations there to keep away any curious onlookers or if any of our guests decide to crash the party..." He then paused and looked around. "Everyone ready?"

He asked as he nodded toward the turbo lift. He was excited to get this done.

== Next post: Cargo Bay. ==
"Bluff." Sothrick repeated and took a deep breath. He was familiar with the idea of bluffing even understood it but he was admittedly not comfortable with doing it.

"I will try to bluff, sir. I am not as skilled in such tactics though." He added

He then, hearing the first officer, turned to Ameen. "Yes sir, I will have Security posted down there for you as well. I will be back in the ready room." The tall Vulcan added as he took his leave and headed towards the ready room.

He then paused and turned. "Captain How about I request the Ferengi Daimon to go down and assist in repairing the device. With threat of being closer or having it aboard he may well be more inclined to talk more." He suggested.

== Tag Captain ==
This mission was coming to a close, and Keti couldn't wait to put it behind him. Ra'an had a great idea about how to keep them safe. It was an extra layer of security, and that was something. People always wanted that peace in mind, the ships security was always top priority. He still had work to do with the crew, to be more approachable and get to know them. He was still a little too stand offish, but really wanted to change that. 

Some of the lessons that he learned on his old ship would still apply, this time he wasn't going to wait too long to put them into practice. One of them was working better with others, this included validating their ideas. "Lieutenant, I am sure that your idea will work well. If we keep it void of power it should be safe, and that would add the extra layer of protection." He was putting himself out there, and hopefully he came across in the right way.

"I think I'd prefer not to reactivate that technology, to be frank. Whatever it is was responsible for the phasing, it looks likely this is some sort of interphase cloak or weapon. That might be enough to get more information out of him and surely he will want to incriminate the Nausicaans."

Ameen, Ra'an and Keir departed to supervise the examination of the technology in the cargo bay.

"Signal to the nearest starbase to expect us to drop off our guests."

== Tag all and anyone for comms. Powl? ==
"Signal to the nearest starbase to expect us to drop off our guests."

Powl heard the command from Captain Fields to communicate with the Starbase.

Time to return home. 

While Powl remained emotionally neutral about the feeling of home, and did not truly understand whether the Starbase was home or to consider the Titania home, it was yet another conclusion.  

"Titania, to Starbase, we are en route.  I am sending you our itinerary I made based on my programmed flight plan so you may expect our arrival."  

While there was certainly nothing special about the return, there was something to be said for the mission.  Though a great deal had occured, it had seemed but a short time and it flew by.  Torock could precisely indicate how much time had passed, but for some reason, in this instance, the time seemed to have "slipped away."
< < < Cargo Bays < < <

Once the science officer was satisfied with her second inspection of the wreckage, Amila made her way back to the Bridge as ordered by Commander Ameen. She nodded to the Captain and the First Officer as she stepped off the turbolift. She instinctively started to walk to her station, but unsure of whether she should go to her station immediately, or stay near the well to give her report, she paused for a moment before walking any further, waiting for direction from the Captain.

==Tag Captain Fields==
Keri was looking forward to seeing the device off the ship, the extra guests as well. For him this was more confusing than anything, he never spent any time on other bridges before. Now that he has, it was an experience he wasn’t in a hurry to repeat. The next mission won’t be so confusing hopefully, the one thing for certain was he was going to try and be more assertive. His Colleague was a great example of that, something he did admire but never said. He couldn’t get an accurate reading from the Captain, and that was unusual for him. Keti wasn’t Betazoid but could see things that most would miss, it was all he knew at one point. As time went on, he educated himself more. 

“Let’s go home.” He said quietly to himself while listening to what was going on around him. He was also thinking about going to the temple for clarity, they always had great insights. There was also the possibility of having an orb experience, this was something that made him sweat a little without him noticing.
>> Cargo Bay >>

The team arrived back from the Cargo Bay and Ameen made his way to the center of the bridge.

"We are done Captain. Lieutenant Ra'an has the report for you. At least now we know what was causing all this trouble." The first officer started before turning to Ra'an. "Go ahead Amila."

He said as he took his seat next to the CO. He then noticed their current heading and destination.

We are heading to a Starbase... I'm sure the Captain wants to unload our guests at the nearest possible convenience... I can't say I blame her though.

== Tag ==
"Captain," Lt. Ra'an said acknowledging the commanding officer's seniority before beginning.

"We were able to recognize the device as a molecular phase inverter. Lt. Commander Keir's theory is that it may have been used in an experimental interphasal cloaking device," Amila reported. "I took several scans of the device and did a manual look over it as well for any additional clues. The phase inverter barely survived the explosions. It's pretty mangled and charred, and the wreckage itself is inert. The only radiation we're picking up is typical from what you'd see from space debris after an explosion like this," she explained.

"It's possible that if we dissect the wreckage we might be able to pull some additional data from the internal layers, but with the way it's been mangled - melted and charred, the likelihood of finding anything is minimal," she reported.

Amila stayed at attention waiting to see if the Captain or First Officer needed anything else from her before she returned to her station.

Sothrick nodded and stepped out of the room to go back to the Daimon and encourage him to help.

>>Ready Room>>
Jane listened to the report from Ra'an and nodded silently. It was something like she had expected. At least they had some proof now.

"Good work everyone. Make a further sweep of the wreckage and we'll head for starbase. The sooner our guests are someone else's responsibility the better. Number 1, you have the bridge."

The Captain headed off in the direction of the Ready Room.

>> Ready Room >>
Mora listened to Amalia's report and nodded in agreement. There was not much else left to do here.

"Good work everyone. Make a further sweep of the wreckage and we'll head for Star base. The sooner our guests are someone else's responsibility the better. Number 1, you have the bridge." The Captain ordered before heading to the ready room.

"Science, begin our final sensor sweep of the wreckage." Ameen ordered as he settled into the center chair. "Helm, set a course to Star base and have engineering prepare for warp."

That was an old habit he had kept from his days the Chief Engineer. He had always appreciated a little warning before the ship goes to warp so he could get his house in order. That was particularly true for an old horse like the Copernicus, a bit less so for the Titania.

This one practically flies itself...

= Tag =
Uncertain about what kind of information would come out of it Keti followed orders, extra scans couldn’t hurt. He just wanted the whole thing behind him, hopefully he will understand this crew faster than the old crew. He also intended to be more proactive. 

“Scans have started Captain.” Keti wasn’t sure what they were looking for, other than something dangerous to eliminate. He was just waiting for the minute that he could walk off the Bridge and think about how this mission went as a whole. The main reason for this was a self assessment, and how he can improve in the future. 

==Tag and GM input if needed==
Amila smiled at the first officer one last time before returning to her station and taking a seat next to Keti.

"You didn't miss much. Everything was so charred, we won't be able to get it working again," Amila told him as she started scanning as ordered. "I guess we know what they were likely up to though."

==Tag Keti==
They were able to beam aboard other parts of the wreckage that were of interest or potentially dangerous to leave behind.

Titania then towed the damaged Nausicaan freighter out of the system and headed for star base.

Security was able keep their guests subdued for the journey, until they were handed over and some one else's responsibility.

== End of mission ==

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