VS/A01 - Operations Tower
==The Operations Tower of Vanguard Station is the brain and heart of Starfleet operations in the Taurus Reach. Containing not only the Command Center, but also Administrative Offices, Spacedock Control, and Vanguard Station's primary Hangar Bays.==
==Commander's Office==

Claudius sighed heavily as he regarded the information on the PADD his Yeoman had just handed to him, and not for the first time wondered what he had done to offend the gods and get him dispatched to the furthest reaches of space, to a half-finished station, soon to be supported by some of the greatest mavericks in modern Starfleet history. He quickly quashed the thought, he knew exactly why he had been sent to the Taurus Reach to oversee operations beyond Federation space and into the regions formerly occupied by the long-defunct Tkon Empire; he was an administrator who, above all else, understood the importance of the rule of law and civilian oversight of military expeditions.

It would be nice if the Council had approved the necessary funding to get operational on time, however.

Like any good Magna Roman, and there had been a few less-than-good Magna Romans in the past, Claudius firmly believed that democracy was a fundamentally effective method of governance, yet at times wondered whether the Federation had almost become too large to be a truly effective democracy; with every member world vying to get its own needs met, politicians trying to further their own agendas, the bureaucracy was stifling. His own home of Magna Roma had its fair share of bureaucratic issues when the Senate could not agree, which for the average Magna Roman ranged from inconvenient to annoying, but on a galactic scale, it was baffling.

And yet, despite the bureaucrats, the Federation has stood for nearly three hundred years.

Placing the PADD down on his desk, Claudius reached for the carafe of water his Yeoman had also brought, pouring himself a glass and lamenting the glitch that had caused the station's few functioning Replicators to fail. He had just placed the carafe back down on the desk when a loud buzzing filled the room, which turned into a crackling, which disappeared mere moments before every light in the room went out. With yet another heavy sigh, Claudius reclined in his chair and tapped his commbadge, preparing to deliver yet more bad news to his overworked Chief Engineer, who seemed to spend as much time chasing down technical glitches as they did supervising the final construction of the station.

I wonder if every promotion to Fleet Captain comes with as many headaches...

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