Holosuite 2: Risa for Christmas
As you enter Holosuite 2, you'll be greeted with the Risian hospitality that's famous across the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. This program is perfect for those looking for a getaway from the cold darkness of Space. Centered on the picturesque Bay of Suraya, you'll be able to bask in the warmth of the simulated sunlight. Go for a swim at the beach, which is famous for warm waters, and superb service which will allow all who take part to enjoy everything Risa has to offer: mud baths, steam pools and the renowned Subterranean Gardens with their luminescent exotic plants. 

For an extra, very reasonable fee, Quarks will cater this program with a menu of your choosing.
Samira entered Holosuite Two dressed both for dancing and the beach. Samira always enjoyed going by the seaside in the past, when her bedouin clan had dropped by. For the most part, they were desert dwellers, so Samira was just as fascinated with the water as she was the stars.

Naturally, one of the first things she did when she left her her tribe was to learn to swim. She also enjoyed belly dancing, so she enjoyed having to dress exotically, and she liked how the water felt on her skin. She soon had an outfit that doubled as dancewear and swimwear, and she wore it whenever she was at the beach to relax, and she was exceptionally beautiful, so she had no problems attracting men, but nonetheless, she was cautious.

Samira had heard of Risa. In fact, she had been to it in actuality along with another jungle world: Betazed. The differences lay in weather. Samira was fascinated with the jungle biomes of each world, though it took her a while to get used to the humidity, a desert girl as she was.

Now she had the opportunity to see Risa again, albeit on a holiday aspect. It was a good way to spend her first shoreleave on the Aquila. Finally, she had a chance to enjoy herself and get to know new friends.

==Tag anyone, ready to mingle ==
At one end of the beach, the program was set up for some minor surfing. There was just the right arrangement of artificial reef that it created some waves that weren't very challenging, but were enough to have some fun with. This turned out to be the perfect setting for new learners as well. Alex Talion had been instructing a Klingon Security Officer on how to best improve his technique. Both of them had taken a number of runs and The Klingon had been a fast learner, but was discovering that there was more to it that it looked. Both men were in very good physical shape. When they were in uniform, one would not have guessed it, but in only their swim trunks, it was obvious that Talion was actually bigger and more solidly built than the Klingon. They were often pointing at the waves as they repeatedly formed and broke, eventually washing up on shore at their feet. The talking was quite animated, using various hand gestures as they discussed the topic at hand.

Near them, playing at the edge of the surf, a small girl and a big dog played. They ran in and out of the water. The dog didn't bark, but would growl in a playful sort of way and sometimes issue a half bark sort of "Wuh" sound, not letting the girl quite catch him. The dog sometimes stopped to glance around the beach in a watchful sort of way, but then quickly went back to playing. The girl, on the other hand, was talking to the dog as if she were having a one sided conversation with a friend.

At one point, the dog appeared to let the girl catch it, but then artfully rolled over with the tackle and she ended up on the bottom, where the dog then gave her a number of quick slurps with his giant tongue. The girl made a disgusted face but laughed as she pushed the dog away, "Ew! That's gross! Sloppy doggy kisses!" She obviously didn't dislike it as much as she made t sound though, as their play and her laughter continued. The dog was bigger than she was. He appeared to be a breed of Mastiff and easily weighed two to three times what the girl did, maybe more. The girl appeared about six and had on a one piece bathing suit.

This continued for a bit until the girl tired and she said something to the dog. The dog then dutifully walked over to where some things were piled under an umbrella. He picked up a bag by the handles, with his mouth, then carried it over to the girl, who thanked the dog as she then began making a sand castle near the water's edge. The dog then simply sat and took up a sort of sentry position as the girl began to make a very elaborate piece of sand sculpture.

Samira Khasim saw them and whenever she looked at the girl, the dog seemed to look at Samira. Sometimes there was a curious tilt of the head, but as she was the closest other person, the dog seemed to keep coming back to looking at her.

== Tag to Samira and anyone else that might happen along ==
Alex decided to take another run and was quickly back in the water, his strong arms propelling him back out into the surf to catch another wave. His Klingon companion turned and began walking back up the beach toward Samira.

Alex's daughter continued building her elaborate sand castle. At one point the dog approached and gave a sniff at the corner tower. The girl wagged a finger at him, "Don't you dare! That's area is load bearing and you'll bring half the thing down if you dig there. Why don't you work on either the moat or the sea wall, both of those require digging." Amazingly, the dog seemed to understand and began a slow and deliberate digging process with one huge paw, right where the girl had pointed.

Samira' attention was then drawn back to the Klingon as he approached her. He wasn't as muscular and bulky as Talion was, but was clearly quite fit and had the physique of a well trained warrior. He was finely groomed, much more so than the typical Klingon and his attire much more practical. Even more surprising, as he came to a stop, he appeared to be smiling.

having stopped a polite distance away, he spoke in a clear deep tone, "Greetings, Miss Khasim. I don't mean to disturb your relaxation, but it would feel rude of me not to acknowledge you. I am Lieutenant Junior Grade Gath. I'm a Security Officer on the Aquila and I am at your service, should you find need of me."

As he said this, he gave just a hint of a bow of his head, but only in a minimalistic way. He was obviously trying very hard to accommodate a number of cultural possibilities. His behavior was almost diplomatic in nature. When uncertain of the depth of cultural prohibitions on behavior, you tried to err to the side of caution. His distance he stopped from her, so as not to invade her space, should anyone observe them. It might be inappropriate for him to approach closer without chaperone, as it might compromise a lady's honor and cause rumors. He remained very polite and spoke in a conversational tone, yet loud enough that people would not be able to presume they were speaking too privately. he wasn't at attention, yet stood with good posture and kept his hands in view at all times. In short, he was behaving as much as a perfect gentleman as could be expected. Unlike most Klingon males, he had not included in his introduction his long and often boring list of family lineage to try and impress anyone. The only thing that stood out and seemed unusual was a type of tattoo that was on his shoulder. It wasn't large, but did have the symbol of the Klingon empire and Klingon writing around it.

== Tag Samira ==
Samira was intrigued by the dog that kept coming back to her. Definitely a different breed she knew from the sheepdogs her tribe used. Well, most Bedouin tribes used. She had seen from a distance that Commander Talion was in attendance.

Still, she couldn't help but be disappointed. She managed to look up the crew roster recently, memorize the faces of the other officers, senior officers especially, so that she would recognize them, so that she would identify them by name when she met them. At this party, it was especially vital, to meet new people and get to know them.

Unfortunately, there was nobody in sight. Nobody she recognized from the ship she would get to know. She had seen all too plenty of Commander Talion, department head as he is. She sighed. Maybe she should attire herself and try one of the other parties, either on the other holosuite or just at the Promenade. Otherwise, she felt her time would be better spent back on the ship.

She was thus surprised to meet Lieutenant Gath from Security as she was walking about. "Salaam and pleasure is all mine, Gath," Samira said in reply. "I'm glad to see somebody besides a fellow officer in my department acknowledges me," she said with a sigh. "A lot of officers still have yet to acknowledge me. As much as it's to be expected in a big ship like the Aquila, unfortunately, I've been aboard long enough that I'm surprised more people, aside from those in my department, are aware of me. I've tried one or two bridge shifts but...not a whole lot much, not a lot of notice. I feel...invisible. Just only my rank mentioned in greeting, in passing, and not much else aside from that. I still haven't even seen the other senior officers yet."

==Tag Talion...And to any and everybody who wants to come join us in this holo-party, it's still just us two players==
It was interesting for Cologero to try out, part of the reason he joined Star Fleet in the first place. There were old traditions and new ones, both were equally as important. Normally he would arrive in a four piece suit and dress shoes with a high mirror shine, this time was different. He wore a purple short sleeved dress shirt wi5h matching tie, black trousers with dress shoes that had a nice shine.  Normally he wouldn't wear sun glasses but this time was different, he had purple glasses that matched his shirt. Last he had Saint Jude on display, it was appropriate for more than one reason. 

The first person he noticed was Commander Talion, he had a gift for seeing all the angels. Something that Cologero had a gift for as well, both of them can work well together if they don't repell each other. That feat can be accomplished by turning it into a battle of ego, if he didn't give it fuel the whole thing would be moot.

The second person he noticed was Khasim, she must be new. Naturally he would take more interest in her than him, again for more than one reason. "Commander." He said while approaching the duo. "It is good to see you, and I see you have a new friend. Cologero Coppola Tactical Officer, pleasure to make your acquaintance." This place wasn't known for snow, just heat like he was  climatized to.

Keti walked in with Aja under his arm, he always felt a little more peaceful when she was around. It took him too long to realize what was obvious to everyone else, both had feelings for the other. Now they were together for this Holiday thing. He took a look around and noticed it was a tropical environment, there were some that preferred the tropical over the cold. To make sand castles over snow men, it was all so odd to him either way. There was still a few things about this Christmas that was a mystery to him, as he would imagine some of his ways were a mystery to them. 

There were a few other people present there, and they looked like they were in a conversation. One that he was reluctant to get close too, this time he went against every instinct. He approached with Aja standing back at first. He heard what Gath said, and he was right. It was something that he felt as well, the difference was possibly figuring out how to fix it. He probably battles the same kind of Daemons. he needed to learn how to tame those daemons.

"Hello." He said as approaching the group. "We are a little late to the party, the name is Keti, and this is Aja." He didn't hear many names from before, just two of them. He just didn't want to impose his presence. "We are still learning about these Human traditions, its still a bit of a mystery to me." There was a lot more to it than what was on the surface. The gift giving, wrapping and being together for different reasons. To eat drink and be merry amongst other things, it also meant at the end of it new beginnings. this was something that was similar to what he believed. 

He wasn't sure how he would be received, if he was going to be at all. He knew too well how it was to be invisible, he also knew how to change that. It was just putting it into practice, and a little more courage. The one person looked older, possibly the most wise there. A young man who was attempting to be well rounded, a Klingon who second guessed himself at times and another young women there. He had to improve himself, first he needed to put more work in that department. 

Talion had gone out for another quick run. One of the nice things about it being a holo-program was that there were lots of good waves. They weren't awesome, but predictable and more frequent made is simpler and fun. He rode the wave almost to shore before stepping off in the shallows. A simple hand gesture caused the surfboard to vanish. Another hand gesture made a towel appear in his hand and he dried himself as he slowly walked up the shore.

Just before he reached his friends, Alex made a colorful shirt appear and managed to button it up most of the way before coming to a stop next to them. He ran a hand through his hair and simply said, "Hey everyone! "

== NPC Lt(JG) Gath ==

Gath gave a nod to Keti, "Greetings! I'm Gath, pleased to meet you." He managed to give a passable smile while trying to not show his teeth too much. Unlike most Klingons, his teeth were not nearly as intimidating looking other than slightly more pronounced canines. His smile still gave a mild impression of a werewolf trying to blend in, but he was quite polite.

Following Talion's clue, Gath quickly had the holodeck produce a similar shirt in an appropriate size. As he buttoned it, he commented, "I am relatively unfamiliar with the cultural celebration of the day. I tried to learn about it, but the information was a confusing amalgamation of a wide variety of ancient tribal practices that were somehow all combined. It was then that I realized it was not that they were conflicting events, but that these many cultures turned out to have enough commonalities that they joined in some kind of complimentary celebration. Quite encouraging, actually."

== Tag all ==
Samira looked up at the new person who caught her eye. She had seen him in passing on the Aquila before - Coppola, she recalled, a crewman mentioned his name to her - and she nodded in greeting. Maybe she wasn't as invisible as she once felt.

Then a new person came to greet her, though he started with Gath. Samira took note of the spots on the man. A Trill. Probably not from the same ship, but on the other hand, a friend was a friend. "My deepest salaams as well," Samira said in greeting. "Always nice to meet a new friend. I don't think I've seen you from my ship before...I'm assigned to the Starship Aquila, by the way," she added.

==Tag Gath and Keti==
As the others talked, Talion turned to greet his daughter as she walked up beside him. The dog was by her side and instantly sat when the girl stopped. With a disappointed look on her face and hands on her tiny hips, the girl said to him, "The structural integrity of my rendering was substandard. It would seem that this variation of silica is insufficient to the task."

Alex chuckled and tilted his head, "Ah, so you've given up on your sand castle then? You know, you could have had Thor toss some drier sand on it to help compensate for the surface tension of the water."

The little girl seemed to think hard for a second, "Hmmm...I may have to consider that variable next time. I'm disappointed that I didn't think of that before."

Alex scooped her up and almost tossed her up onto his shoulders, where the girl landed gracefully. She had obviously ridden there many times before. Alex said to her, "Don't be too hard on yourself about it. You can't know everything all the time. Besides, this is a holo-program and you have no idea what variables they have factored into it. To most people sand is sand."

The girl gave a sigh, "Very true. I sometimes forget how little some people take into consideration when making a good simulation."

Alex countered, "Well, to be fair, you've been very spoiled with the quality of such things. You must always remember that ours is a rather unique perspective."

The girl kissed the top of Alex's head and replied in a very loving tone, "So true, Daddy...so true..."

Alex had turned from the group and was looking around, "I smell food. We should get something to eat. Reyna, do you see food around here? You have the better view, guide me in."

Reyna giggled and pointed, "Over there!"


Reyna leaned forward so he could see her pointing, "There, silly!"

"Oh, they have Kiwi!"

Meanwhile, the dog remained sitting for the moment. He looked up at Samira for a moment, tilting his large head one way, then the other, as if deciding something. For just a moment, it looked like the dog might have actually smiled. Then, it simply turned and was dutifully trotting along side Talion.

== Tag to all ==
Samira acknowledged the dog and tried to talk some more...but people seemed less interested in talking and more in enjoying the program. Samira suddenly felt alone...she sighed, shook her head, and wrapped a robe around her, and then made her way out of the holosuite. There was no further fun to get out of it the program.


==Tags, but Samira will be taking things to outside the holosuites, and outside the holiday thread.=

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