AQ/D99 - Other Locations
<<< Ten Forward <<<

== In the turbolift ==

Talion listened patiently, letting the young woman work through her moment without interrupting her. When she asked about one of the Houses of Betazed, he was a little unsure how it fit into her story, but he replied, "Well, I know of the House, in general terms, but I really don't pay them much attention. My mother is more interested in such things, but I really couldn't be much help, if you're looking for information there. You likely know more about them than I do."

He was picking up on her emotions, but most of which didn't require any empathic abilities, as she was certainly not hiding it well. He simply did what he could to make her feel safe and help her to calm down.

When she asked where they were going, he replied, "I'm taking you to the safest place on the ship that I know of right now. You need to be able to calm down, feel safe and be able to think clearly enough to help me understand how it is that I can help."

Just then, the lift stopped and the doors swished open. Talion ushered her out of the lift and onto Deck 6. He barely touched her, but used his arm to more or less nudge her in a subtle way to exit the lift. He then took the lead by a step or two and they quickly found themselves approaching a door that swished open automatically, picking up his biometrics.

== Next post in Crew Quarters ==
<<< Ten Forward <<<

After only a short walk, they arrived at one of the Science Labs. He quickly had the door signify that it was IN USE and to contact the CSO if access was required.

"There, that should give a degree of privacy. Cindy, interface and give me my standard display setup for holographics with replication remote targeting to highest resolution. I want freeform with diagnostic as well, please."

[Initiating...please stand by...]

A moment later, there was a beep and Alex made a motion in the air with one hand and a holographic display appeared in front of him, hovering and awaiting his input. He quickly tapped out selections and the he said, "Xenara, if you would please step into the open area, we can begin."

As soon as she did, a display appeared in front of her, asking various questions, like a sort of survey. It wanted to know favorite colors and fabrics, but had a button that aso would allow her to skip to fitting options or structural phase.

Alex commented, "As you can tell, this is something that I've had a bit of practice with, just not your specific style of materials. The interface is quite user friendly though."

== Tags Xenara and Shione ==
Xenara did as instructed and when the holographic menu showed itself, she went to work asnwering the questions. She didn't realise there would be so many preliminary and qualifying questions, but trusted Alex to know what he was doing. 

She wasn't worried about the type of fabric, as long as she didn't have to wear pants. She would mostly be in a Starfleet skirt uniform even if she opted for the invisibility option, which she wasn't sure she needed. She didn't want anything that would draw unecessary power. Although the nanites in her frame were basically under their own power supply, they were still linked, so if one or more got damaged and shorted out, the others could compensate. Unless of course, something hit just the right section or combination of sections like building debris falling on top of her like what happened on Elteban 3. 

She flew through of the questionaire, which really was extensive, but with something this important, individual choices mattered. The only thing she took time on was the more technical aspects which she asked Alex for advice. The interface was indeed user friendly and intuitve, skipping sections when she answered a certain way, especially when it came to her medical history, which was an aspect she hadn't really considered outside of catastrophic malfunction.

"This is actually kind of fun," she said as she continued to experience the holographic questionaire, which shifted its size based on the section she was in. "Almost like a video game."

After she finished, she took several minutes to review her responses to make sure she didn't omit or input anything she didn't mean to. 

"Alright," she said as she placed her hands on her hips. "What's next?"

==Tag Alex (And Shione and Coppola if you're coming)==
== Relocating to the new thread AQ/D06 - Science Labs ==
==NPC Carley Young ==
==Deck 8 Stellar Cartography Upper Level ==

There was a tome that Beno would be right there beside her playing with her favorite toy, Stellar Cartography was always fun to them. She also that Beno didn't like to leave anything to chance, and this meant using every tool at her disposal. This one has never been available before, and Carley was in her delight.

"Let's see what is out there." She made the station hum to life, the view was just stunning. Even if they were too close to Cardasian space, still there was time for simple pleasures. "Show me what I am looking for." What she was looking for is what this area was charted as, if there were hazards out there, and any areas for something to hide a ship.

==GM input please ==
==GM Input==

Information on the area showed a large amount of clear space, nothing to hide a ship in. However, there was a large asteroid that seemed to have been destroyed into bits, the dust and rocks were travelling away from the ship that was in distress.
==NPC Carley Young ==

Knowing that it takes a lot of force to change the direction of an asteroid and destroy it, Carley started to scan for the original trajectory of the  asteroid. With the depth of the damage and how far the trajectory changed would give her a good idea how fast they were going. There even had to be a reason that a ship would fly into it, most answers suggest something not watching where they were going. 

"Lieutenant Young to bridge it appears like our Cardasian friends flew directly into an asteroid, I am starting an investigation as to why they didn't see it. I would like permission to beam a sample aboard for testing, one the size of a grapefruit would suffice." 

The list of reasons that Carley had about why the ship wouldn't see it, started with the fact they couldn't see it. Every ship had a pilot to reduce the risk of that from happening, they would see the threat from a distance and avoid hitting it. They had to have some problems that could cause blind spots, or they were going too fast to safely navigate.

==GM input please==
==NPC Carley Young ==

The answer she received wasn't one that she wanted, there was nothing about a sample. The answer that she did get caused more questions than answers. 

While the channel was still open to the Bridge, Talion replied for all to hear, [Actually, I don't think that the damage is from an impact. My scans indicate that they may have been extremely close, but I'm detecting that there was an explosion that caused damage to both. The damage to the ship is not crushing damage, but was from some sort of detonation. I also have readings on life signs and am forwarding that data to Tactical and it is available for all Operations functions. I've highlighted locations for easy access. I'm still trying to determine what the cause of the detonation might have been.]

She had a bit of confusion about what happened. "Captain I need an answer on that sample, we can  determine what happened with some certainly  it could also give us an idea about potential dangers out there."  Sharpening the sensors a little, she was looking for debris from the ship. If they could retrieve a sample that was close to the blast, it would have residu from the explosion. If it was a bomb the residu would have evidence, if it was an internal blast or external. 

"Captain when their friends get here it will behoove us if we have something to tell them about what happened." She didn't want to say much more than that over the communication. There could a number of reasons that could have happened, it would be great to determine if it was something accidental or on purpose. If it was intentional having the answer of who did it or what, chances were still good that Cardasians still won't fire on their own.

==GM input on the debris ==
Talion could be heard over the comm: [Captain, Lieutenant Young has a point. We could launch a probe to retrieve samples of both the asteroid and small debris from the ship, especially some the computer determines were likely nearest the initial blast. We might find out what we're dealing with and if there could still be more of the material on what remains of the ship.]
==GM Brooks Input==

The debris field was large, there was bits of the Cardassian vessel a long way away from their current location. The Asteroid showed now ship contact, more like fragments of the ship had hit it as well as propelling it out of it's current course.

==Captain Brooks==

[Brooks to Young, yes, we need to check all areas. Go ahead. Brooks out.] came the order over Young's commbadge.

==NPC Carley Young ==

Authorization was granted, and what was left was just picking a probe. She wanted to gain a better idea about what happened, and how it can be avoided for further incidents. There wasn't much for time, so answers needed to come faster. The class three probe for all intentions was the best choice, they can collect samples without being on a planet.

"If we can get Tactical to launch a class three probe or two, we can bring back small pieces of the hull and part of the inhabitanted part of the ship.* if they can get a bigger part of the picture, the answer will be easier to come too. It was possible that this was an accident, but she wanted to eliminate any chances of intent.
Talion could be heard over the comm: [Sir, I concur. A standard Class 3 probe has the capacity to gather and even do preliminary analysis and is designed for this range. We wouldn't need to modify anything, it already has stealth capability and if needed, it can assist in analysis of any other ship if they arrive while we're gathering samples.]
== Apologies for me being slack and not posting, been very busy with family things. ==

== Temp NRC Dr Langston, 2IC- Sick Bay
== Cargo Bay 1 ==

Dr Langston was in Cargo Bay 1 when 12 (5 female and 7 male) Cardassian injured were beamed in. The injuries ranged from 5 broken bones, 4 crush injuries, 2 non critical head injuries, and 2 server burns. A triage team began the task of identifying the most critical that would need immediate intensive care or surgery. Two burns patients were placed on the surgical list as their wounds would need restorative surgery and one severely shattered leg that would need surgical intervention. Everything was done to set bones or clean wounds and make the sometimes-disagreeable patients more comfortable whilst they waited for further medical treatment.

== Temp NRC Dr Stoovok, Medical officer ==
== Cargo Bay 2 ==
At a similar time to Cargo Bay 1 Cardassian patients were beamed into Cargo Bay 2, 8 from the cargo bay on the Cardassian ship and 3 from the bridge totalling 11 patients.

These patients had various injuries similar to the 12 that were beamed into Cargo Bay 1. A triage team started immediately under the supervision of Dr Stoovok a Vulcan medical officer, as directed by Dr Aanil O'Shae as she had headed to Sickbay where she was needed, being the Chief Surgeon on board the USS Aquila.

Dr Stoovok thought it a most unusual error on behalf of the CMO Dr Lim to assign the Chief Surgeon to a Cargo Bay instead of Sickbay where surgery would take place. But of course, he would not mention this, unless asked by a superior office to give his opinion.

One of the patients from the Cardassian ship's bridge, the highest-ranking officer, a Gul, was transferred immediately to the Main Sickbay for his medical needs which servere but not life threatening at this time.

== Deck 14 Sickbay Morgue ==
== Temp NRC Forensic Pathologist Dr Thadius Cidsgrove (pronounced Kids -Grove, known as TC) ==

The dead were transported to the morgue where TC began examining each corps to try and determine the cause of death. An autopsy was not performed as these where Cardassian and someone with authority from the Cardassian ship would need to give permission for an autopsy to be performed or Captain Brooks would need to order such a procedure.

Although, TC did perform thorough examinations noting the visual damage to each body, and full body scans to determine or postulate the causes of death for each individual.

== GM input, please?
1 Cargo Bay 1 and 2 - Anything to be aware of? Patients causing problems? or needing immediate surgeries, problems with their medical condition, anything you would like to tell me? Does anyone on the medical team overhear and understand any information that the Aquila's Command should be told?

Morgue - can TC determine causes of death and what was the causes of death? anything unusual about the deaths that needs to be noted? Anything you what me (TC) to know? ==
A hail came over the cargo bay comm.

[Lieutenant Dr. O'Shea for Commander Lim. Just completed reading through the report on your injuries, and I am clearing you you for active duty forthwith.

I am headed to surgery to patch up Ensign Mala; Please inform Dr. Langston that I will be down to relieve him once I finish surgery, O'Shea out.]
== Temp NRC Dr Langston, 2IC- Sick Bay ==
== Cargo Bay 1 ==

Dr Langston was a little confused with Dr O'Shea's message. He hadn't heard anything about Dr Lim being injured. But, then, he had been preoccupied with his 12 Cardassian patients who were progressing well with their various injuries and the staff attending them. So, Dr Langston decided he was needed in the Main Sickbay to sort out any problems. He immediately ordered Dr Wren, his junior assistant, to manage the situation in the Cargo Bay whilst he went to the Main Sickbay to attend to Dr Lim. Advising security in Cargo Bay 1, as he left, to keep a sharp eye on Dr Wren as she was not used to dealing with Cardassian, he took the Tubo lift up to deck 12.

>> Sickbay >>

Aanil stepped off the turbolift and headed inti the cargo bay where the Cardassian wounded were being cared for by a good percentage of the Aquila's medical team.

Passing through the security stationed outside and within the makeshift medical area she was surprised when a Security NCO broke off from the group and was shadowing her. When she asked Aanil was informed that all Medical officers were being escorted in case there were threats of violence from the Cardassians.

Moving around the makeshift infirmary Aanil made herself familiar with all of the active cases looking to see if there was anything to be resolved.

==Gm Input if you please==

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